Andrew Farries 4f0a715613
Support setting table and column comments to NULL (#345)
Build on #344 to allow removing column comments by setting them to

Make use of and use
the [nullable]( package so that
it's possible to distingush between a missing `comment` field and one
that is explicitly set to `null`.

With not being part of
a release yet, use a custom build of `go-jsonschema`. It should be
possible to switch back to the official release images once is part of a release.

Without this change it becomes impossible to remove a comment from a
column using the 'set comment' 'alter column' sub-operation
2024-04-29 13:23:29 +01:00

15 lines
913 B

.PHONY: generate
# Format JSON schema
docker run --rm -v $$PWD/schema.json:/mnt/schema.json node:alpine npx prettier /mnt/schema.json --parser json --tab-width 2 --single-quote --trailing-comma all --no-semi --arrow-parens always --print-width 120 > schema.json.tmp
mv schema.json.tmp schema.json
# Generate the types from the JSON schema
# Temporarily use the `surjection/go-jsonschema` image because we need
# Use the official `omissis/gojsonschema` image once 0.17.0 is released.
docker run --rm -v $$PWD/schema.json:/mnt/schema.json surjection/go-jsonschema:0.16.1 --only-models -p migrations --tags json /mnt/schema.json > pkg/migrations/types.go
# Add the license header
echo "// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0" | cat - pkg/migrations/types.go > pkg/migrations/types.go.tmp
mv pkg/migrations/types.go.tmp pkg/migrations/types.go