.PHONY: docs tox: pip install tox tox --recreate test: pytest -v -s tests/ flake8: black --check src tests flake8 src tests publish: pip install 'twine>=1.5.0' python setup.py sdist twine upload dist/* rm -fr build dist publish-dev: pip install 'twine>=1.5.0' python setup.py sdist twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/* rm -fr build dist docs: pip install -e ".[docs]" cd docs && make html coverage: coverage report --skip-covered --include "*python3.8/site-packages/wfuzz*" -m install: install-dev pip install -r requirements.txt install-dev: pip install -e ".[dev]" freeze: pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt setup.py help: @echo "make help Show this help message" @echo "make test Run local tests with tox" @echo "make flake8 Run the code linter(s) and print any warnings" @echo "make publish Publish pip lib to pypi" @echo "make publish-dev Publish pip lib to pypi test" @echo "make docs Create html docs" @echo "make install Install requirements" @echo "make install-dev Install dev requirements"