2023-08-27 18:37:44 +03:00
import asyncio , aiohttp , json , os , random
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
2023-08-27 18:37:44 +03:00
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from . . typing import Any , AsyncGenerator , CreateResult , Union
2023-08-25 07:41:32 +03:00
from . base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider , get_cookies
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
2023-08-25 07:41:32 +03:00
class Bing ( AsyncGeneratorProvider ) :
2023-08-27 18:37:44 +03:00
url = " https://bing.com/chat "
needs_auth = True
working = True
supports_gpt_4 = True
supports_stream = True
2023-08-23 03:16:35 +03:00
def create_async_generator (
model : str ,
messages : list [ dict [ str , str ] ] ,
2023-08-28 02:43:45 +03:00
cookies : dict = None ,
* * kwargs
) - > AsyncGenerator :
if not cookies :
cookies = get_cookies ( " .bing.com " )
2023-08-23 03:16:35 +03:00
if len ( messages ) < 2 :
prompt = messages [ 0 ] [ " content " ]
context = None
else :
prompt = messages [ - 1 ] [ " content " ]
2023-08-25 07:41:32 +03:00
context = create_context ( messages [ : - 1 ] )
2023-08-28 17:41:59 +03:00
if cookies :
2023-08-28 17:31:18 +03:00
#TODO: Will implement proper cookie retrieval later and use a try-except mechanism in 'stream_generate' instead of defaulting the cookie value like this
2023-08-28 17:41:59 +03:00
cookies_dict = {
2023-08-28 17:31:18 +03:00
' MUID ' : ' ' ,
' BCP ' : ' ' ,
' MUIDB ' : ' ' ,
' USRLOC ' : ' ' ,
' SRCHD ' : ' AF=hpcodx ' ,
' MMCASM ' : ' ' ,
' _UR ' : ' ' ,
' ANON ' : ' ' ,
' NAP ' : ' ' ,
' ABDEF ' : ' ' ,
' PPLState ' : ' 1 ' ,
' KievRPSSecAuth ' : ' ' ,
' _U ' : ' ' ,
' SUID ' : ' ' ,
' _EDGE_S ' : ' ' ,
' WLS ' : ' ' ,
' _HPVN ' : ' ' ,
' _SS ' : ' ' ,
' _clck ' : ' ' ,
' SRCHUSR ' : ' ' ,
' _RwBf ' : ' ' ,
' SRCHHPGUSR ' : ' ' ,
' ipv6 ' : ' ' ,
2023-08-28 17:41:59 +03:00
return stream_generate ( prompt , context , cookies_dict )
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
2023-08-25 07:41:32 +03:00
def create_context ( messages : list [ dict [ str , str ] ] ) :
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
context = " "
for message in messages :
context + = " [ %s ](#message) \n %s \n \n " % ( message [ " role " ] , message [ " content " ] )
return context
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
class Conversation ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , conversationId : str , clientId : str , conversationSignature : str ) - > None :
self . conversationId = conversationId
self . clientId = clientId
self . conversationSignature = conversationSignature
async def create_conversation ( session : ClientSession ) - > Conversation :
url = ' https://www.bing.com/turing/conversation/create '
async with await session . get ( url ) as response :
response = await response . json ( )
conversationId = response . get ( ' conversationId ' )
clientId = response . get ( ' clientId ' )
conversationSignature = response . get ( ' conversationSignature ' )
if not conversationId or not clientId or not conversationSignature :
raise Exception ( ' Failed to create conversation. ' )
return Conversation ( conversationId , clientId , conversationSignature )
async def list_conversations ( session : ClientSession ) - > list :
url = " https://www.bing.com/turing/conversation/chats "
async with session . get ( url ) as response :
response = await response . json ( )
return response [ " chats " ]
async def delete_conversation ( session : ClientSession , conversation : Conversation ) - > list :
url = " https://sydney.bing.com/sydney/DeleteSingleConversation "
json = {
" conversationId " : conversation . conversationId ,
" conversationSignature " : conversation . conversationSignature ,
" participant " : { " id " : conversation . clientId } ,
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
" source " : " cib " ,
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
" optionsSets " : [ " autosave " ]
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
async with session . post ( url , json = json ) as response :
response = await response . json ( )
return response [ " result " ] [ " value " ] == " Success "
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
class Defaults :
delimiter = " \x1e "
ip_address = f " 13. { random . randint ( 104 , 107 ) } . { random . randint ( 0 , 255 ) } . { random . randint ( 0 , 255 ) } "
allowedMessageTypes = [
" Chat " ,
" Disengaged " ,
" AdsQuery " ,
" SemanticSerp " ,
" GenerateContentQuery " ,
" SearchQuery " ,
" ActionRequest " ,
" Context " ,
" Progress " ,
" AdsQuery " ,
" SemanticSerp " ,
sliceIds = [
" winmuid3tf " ,
" osbsdusgreccf " ,
" ttstmout " ,
" crchatrev " ,
" winlongmsgtf " ,
" ctrlworkpay " ,
" norespwtf " ,
" tempcacheread " ,
" temptacache " ,
" 505scss0 " ,
" 508jbcars0 " ,
" 515enbotdets0 " ,
" 5082tsports " ,
" 515vaoprvs " ,
" 424dagslnv1s0 " ,
" kcimgattcf " ,
" 427startpms0 " ,
location = {
" locale " : " en-US " ,
" market " : " en-US " ,
" region " : " US " ,
" locationHints " : [
" country " : " United States " ,
" state " : " California " ,
" city " : " Los Angeles " ,
" timezoneoffset " : 8 ,
" countryConfidence " : 8 ,
" Center " : { " Latitude " : 34.0536909 , " Longitude " : - 118.242766 } ,
" RegionType " : 2 ,
" SourceType " : 1 ,
] ,
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
headers = {
' accept ' : ' */* ' ,
' accept-language ' : ' en-US,en;q=0.9 ' ,
' cache-control ' : ' max-age=0 ' ,
' sec-ch-ua ' : ' " Chromium " ;v= " 110 " , " Not A(Brand " ;v= " 24 " , " Microsoft Edge " ;v= " 110 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-arch ' : ' " x86 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-bitness ' : ' " 64 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-full-version ' : ' " 110.0.1587.69 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-full-version-list ' : ' " Chromium " ;v= " 110.0.5481.192 " , " Not A(Brand " ;v= " " , " Microsoft Edge " ;v= " 110.0.1587.69 " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-mobile ' : ' ?0 ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-model ' : ' " " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-platform ' : ' " Windows " ' ,
' sec-ch-ua-platform-version ' : ' " 15.0.0 " ' ,
' sec-fetch-dest ' : ' document ' ,
' sec-fetch-mode ' : ' navigate ' ,
' sec-fetch-site ' : ' none ' ,
' sec-fetch-user ' : ' ?1 ' ,
' upgrade-insecure-requests ' : ' 1 ' ,
' user-agent ' : ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.69 ' ,
' x-edge-shopping-flag ' : ' 1 ' ,
' x-forwarded-for ' : ip_address ,
2023-08-27 19:58:36 +03:00
optionsSets = {
" optionsSets " : [
' saharasugg ' ,
' enablenewsfc ' ,
' clgalileo ' ,
' gencontentv3 ' ,
" nlu_direct_response_filter " ,
" deepleo " ,
" disable_emoji_spoken_text " ,
" responsible_ai_policy_235 " ,
" enablemm " ,
" h3precise "
" dtappid " ,
" cricinfo " ,
" cricinfov2 " ,
" dv3sugg " ,
" nojbfedge "
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
2023-08-27 19:58:36 +03:00
def format_message ( msg : dict ) - > str :
return json . dumps ( msg , ensure_ascii = False ) + Defaults . delimiter
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
def create_message ( conversation : Conversation , prompt : str , context : str = None ) - > str :
struct = {
' arguments ' : [
2023-08-27 19:58:36 +03:00
* * Defaults . optionsSets ,
2023-08-21 23:39:57 +03:00
' source ' : ' cib ' ,
' allowedMessageTypes ' : Defaults . allowedMessageTypes ,
' sliceIds ' : Defaults . sliceIds ,
' traceId ' : os . urandom ( 16 ) . hex ( ) ,
' isStartOfSession ' : True ,
' message ' : Defaults . location | {
' author ' : ' user ' ,
' inputMethod ' : ' Keyboard ' ,
' text ' : prompt ,
' messageType ' : ' Chat '
} ,
' conversationSignature ' : conversation . conversationSignature ,
' participant ' : {
' id ' : conversation . clientId
} ,
' conversationId ' : conversation . conversationId
] ,
' invocationId ' : ' 0 ' ,
' target ' : ' chat ' ,
' type ' : 4
if context :
struct [ ' arguments ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' previousMessages ' ] = [ {
" author " : " user " ,
" description " : context ,
" contextType " : " WebPage " ,
" messageType " : " Context " ,
" messageId " : " discover-web--page-ping-mriduna----- "
} ]
return format_message ( struct )
async def stream_generate (
prompt : str ,
context : str = None ,
cookies : dict = None
) :
async with ClientSession (
timeout = aiohttp . ClientTimeout ( total = 900 ) ,
cookies = cookies ,
headers = Defaults . headers ,
) as session :
conversation = await create_conversation ( session )
try :
async with session . ws_connect (
' wss://sydney.bing.com/sydney/ChatHub ' ,
autoping = False ,
) as wss :
await wss . send_str ( format_message ( { ' protocol ' : ' json ' , ' version ' : 1 } ) )
msg = await wss . receive ( timeout = 900 )
await wss . send_str ( create_message ( conversation , prompt , context ) )
response_txt = ' '
result_text = ' '
returned_text = ' '
final = False
while not final :
msg = await wss . receive ( timeout = 900 )
objects = msg . data . split ( Defaults . delimiter )
for obj in objects :
if obj is None or not obj :
response = json . loads ( obj )
if response . get ( ' type ' ) == 1 and response [ ' arguments ' ] [ 0 ] . get ( ' messages ' ) :
message = response [ ' arguments ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' messages ' ] [ 0 ]
if ( message [ ' contentOrigin ' ] != ' Apology ' ) :
response_txt = result_text + \
message [ ' adaptiveCards ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' body ' ] [ 0 ] . get ( ' text ' , ' ' )
if message . get ( ' messageType ' ) :
inline_txt = message [ ' adaptiveCards ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' body ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' inlines ' ] [ 0 ] . get ( ' text ' )
response_txt + = inline_txt + ' \n '
result_text + = inline_txt + ' \n '
if response_txt . startswith ( returned_text ) :
new = response_txt [ len ( returned_text ) : ]
if new != " \n " :
yield new
returned_text = response_txt
elif response . get ( ' type ' ) == 2 :
result = response [ ' item ' ] [ ' result ' ]
if result . get ( ' error ' ) :
raise Exception ( f " { result [ ' value ' ] } : { result [ ' message ' ] } " )
final = True
finally :
await delete_conversation ( session , conversation )
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
2023-08-17 15:57:37 +03:00
def run ( generator : AsyncGenerator [ Union [ Any , str ] , Any ] ) :
2023-07-28 13:07:17 +03:00
loop = asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
gen = generator . __aiter__ ( )
while True :
try :
yield loop . run_until_complete ( gen . __anext__ ( ) )
except StopAsyncIteration :
2023-08-28 23:08:09 +03:00