const colorThemes = document.querySelectorAll('[name="theme"]'); const message_box = document.getElementById(`messages`); const messageInput = document.getElementById(`message-input`); const box_conversations = document.querySelector(`.top`); const stop_generating = document.querySelector(`.stop_generating`); const regenerate = document.querySelector(`.regenerate`); const sidebar = document.querySelector(".conversations"); const sidebar_button = document.querySelector(".mobile-sidebar"); const sendButton = document.getElementById("send-button"); const imageInput = document.getElementById("image"); const cameraInput = document.getElementById("camera"); const fileInput = document.getElementById("file"); const microLabel = document.querySelector(".micro-label"); const inputCount = document.getElementById("input-count"); const providerSelect = document.getElementById("provider"); const modelSelect = document.getElementById("model"); const modelProvider = document.getElementById("model2"); const systemPrompt = document.getElementById("systemPrompt"); const settings = document.querySelector(".settings"); const album = document.querySelector(".images"); let prompt_lock = false; let content, content_inner, content_count = null; const optionElements = document.querySelectorAll(".settings input, .settings textarea, #model, #model2, #provider") messageInput.addEventListener("blur", () => { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }); messageInput.addEventListener("focus", () => { document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; }); appStorage = window.localStorage || { setItem: (key, value) => self[key] = value, getItem: (key) => self[key], removeItem: (key) => delete self[key], length: 0 } const markdown = window.markdownit(); const markdown_render = (content) => { return markdown.render(content .replaceAll(/|/gm, "") .replaceAll(//gm, "") ) .replaceAll("', '') } function filter_message(text) { return text.replaceAll( /[\s\S]+/gm, "" ) } hljs.addPlugin(new CopyButtonPlugin()); let typesetPromise = Promise.resolve(); const highlight = (container) => { container.querySelectorAll('code:not(.hljs').forEach((el) => { if (el.className != "hljs") { hljs.highlightElement(el); } }); if (window.MathJax) { typesetPromise = typesetPromise.then( () => MathJax.typesetPromise([container]) ).catch( (err) => console.log('Typeset failed: ' + err.message) ); } } const register_message_buttons = async () => { document.querySelectorAll(".message .fa-xmark").forEach(async (el) => { if (!("click" in el.dataset)) { = "true"; el.addEventListener("click", async () => { if (prompt_lock) { return; } const message_el = el.parentElement.parentElement; await remove_message(window.conversation_id, message_el.dataset.index); await load_conversation(window.conversation_id, false); }) } }); document.querySelectorAll(".message .fa-clipboard").forEach(async (el) => { if (!("click" in el.dataset)) { = "true"; el.addEventListener("click", async () => { const message_el = el.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; const copyText = await get_message(window.conversation_id, message_el.dataset.index); navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText); el.classList.add("clicked"); setTimeout(() => el.classList.remove("clicked"), 1000); }) } }); document.querySelectorAll(".message .fa-volume-high").forEach(async (el) => { if (!("click" in el.dataset)) { = "true"; el.addEventListener("click", async () => { let playlist = []; function play_next() { const next = playlist.shift(); if (next); } if (el.dataset.stopped) { el.classList.remove("blink") delete el.dataset.stopped; return; } if (el.dataset.running) { el.dataset.stopped = true; el.classList.add("blink") playlist = []; return; } el.dataset.running = true; el.classList.add("blink") el.classList.add("active") const content_el = el.parentElement.parentElement; const message_el = content_el.parentElement; let speechText = await get_message(window.conversation_id, message_el.dataset.index); speechText = speechText.replaceAll(/([^0-9])\./gm, "$1.;"); speechText = speechText.replaceAll("?", "?;"); speechText = speechText.replaceAll(/\[(.+)\]\(.+\)/gm, "($1)"); speechText = speechText.replaceAll(/```[a-z]+/gm, ""); speechText = filter_message(speechText.replaceAll("`", "").replaceAll("#", "")) const lines = speechText.trim().split(/\n|;/).filter(v => v.trim()); window.onSpeechResponse = (url) => { if (!el.dataset.stopped) { el.classList.remove("blink") } if (url) { var sound = document.createElement('audio'); sound.controls = 'controls'; sound.src = url; sound.type = 'audio/wav'; sound.onended = function() { el.dataset.do_play = true; setTimeout(play_next, 1000); }; sound.onplay = function() { delete el.dataset.do_play; }; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add("audio"); container.appendChild(sound); content_el.appendChild(container); if (!el.dataset.stopped) { playlist.push(sound); if (el.dataset.do_play) { play_next(); } } } let line = lines.length > 0 ? lines.shift() : null; if (line && !el.dataset.stopped) { handleGenerateSpeech(line); } else { el.classList.remove("active"); el.classList.remove("blink"); delete el.dataset.running; } } el.dataset.do_play = true; let line = lines.shift(); handleGenerateSpeech(line); }); } }); } const delete_conversations = async () => { const remove_keys = []; for (let i = 0; i < appStorage.length; i++){ let key = appStorage.key(i); if (key.startsWith("conversation:")) { remove_keys.push(key); } } remove_keys.forEach((key)=>appStorage.removeItem(key)); hide_sidebar(); await new_conversation(); }; const handle_ask = async () => { = "82px"; messageInput.focus(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); message = messageInput.value if (message.length <= 0) { return; } messageInput.value = ""; prompt_lock = true; count_input() await add_conversation(window.conversation_id, message); if ("text" in fileInput.dataset) { message += '\n```' + fileInput.dataset.type + '\n'; message += fileInput.dataset.text; message += '\n```' } let message_index = await add_message(window.conversation_id, "user", message); window.token = message_id(); if (imageInput.dataset.src) URL.revokeObjectURL(imageInput.dataset.src); const input = imageInput && imageInput.files.length > 0 ? imageInput : cameraInput if (input.files.length > 0) imageInput.dataset.src = URL.createObjectURL(input.files[0]); else delete imageInput.dataset.src message_box.innerHTML += `
${markdown_render(message)} ${imageInput.dataset.src ? 'Image upload' : '' }
${count_words_and_tokens(message, get_selected_model())}
`; highlight(message_box); await ask_gpt(); }; const remove_cancel_button = async () => { stop_generating.classList.add(`stop_generating-hiding`); setTimeout(() => { stop_generating.classList.remove(`stop_generating-hiding`); stop_generating.classList.add(`stop_generating-hidden`); }, 300); }; const prepare_messages = (messages, filter_last_message=true) => { // Removes none user messages at end if (filter_last_message) { let last_message; while (last_message = messages.pop()) { if (last_message["role"] == "user") { messages.push(last_message); break; } } } // Remove history, if it's selected if (document.getElementById('history')?.checked) { if (filter_last_message) { messages = [messages.pop()]; } else { messages = [messages.pop(), messages.pop()]; } } let new_messages = []; if (systemPrompt?.value) { new_messages.push({ "role": "system", "content": systemPrompt.value }); } messages.forEach((new_message) => { // Include only not regenerated messages if (!new_message.regenerate) { // Remove generated images from history new_message.content = filter_message(new_message.content); delete new_message.provider; new_messages.push(new_message) } }); return new_messages; } async function add_message_chunk(message) { if (message.type == "conversation") {"Conversation used:", message.conversation) } else if (message.type == "provider") { window.provider_result = message.provider; content.querySelector('.provider').innerHTML = `
${} ${message.provider.model ? ' with ' + message.provider.model : ''} ` } else if (message.type == "message") { console.error(message.message) } else if (message.type == "error") { window.error = message.error console.error(message.error); content_inner.innerHTML += `

An error occured: ${message.error}

`; } else if (message.type == "content") { window.text += message.content; html = markdown_render(window.text); let lastElement, lastIndex = null; for (element of ['

', '
', '

\n\n', '\n', '\n']) { const index = html.lastIndexOf(element) if (index - element.length > lastIndex) { lastElement = element; lastIndex = index; } } if (lastIndex) { html = html.substring(0, lastIndex) + '' + lastElement; } content_inner.innerHTML = html; content_count.innerText = count_words_and_tokens(text, window.provider_result?.model); highlight(content_inner); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); if (message_box.scrollTop >= message_box.scrollHeight - message_box.clientHeight - 100) { message_box.scrollTo({ top: message_box.scrollHeight, behavior: "auto" }); } } // fileInput?.addEventListener("click", (e) => { // if (window?.pywebview) { // e.preventDefault(); // pywebview.api.choose_file(); // } // }); cameraInput?.addEventListener("click", (e) => { if (window?.pywebview) { e.preventDefault(); pywebview.api.take_picture(); } }); imageInput?.addEventListener("click", (e) => { if (window?.pywebview) { e.preventDefault(); pywebview.api.choose_image(); } }); const ask_gpt = async () => { regenerate.classList.add(`regenerate-hidden`); messages = await get_messages(window.conversation_id); total_messages = messages.length; messages = prepare_messages(messages); stop_generating.classList.remove(`stop_generating-hidden`); message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; window.scrollTo(0, 0); el = message_box.querySelector('.count_total'); el ? el.parentElement.removeChild(el) : null; message_box.innerHTML += `
`; window.controller = new AbortController(); window.text = ""; window.error = null; window.abort = false; window.provider_result = null; content = document.getElementById(`gpt_${window.token}`); content_inner = content.querySelector('.content_inner'); content_count = content.querySelector('.count'); message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; window.scrollTo(0, 0); try { const input = imageInput && imageInput.files.length > 0 ? imageInput : cameraInput; const file = input && input.files.length > 0 ? input.files[0] : null; const provider = providerSelect.options[providerSelect.selectedIndex].value; const auto_continue = document.getElementById("auto_continue")?.checked; if (file && !provider) provider = "Bing"; let api_key = null; if (provider) { api_key = document.getElementById(`${provider}-api_key`)?.value || null; if (api_key == null) api_key = document.querySelector(`.${provider}-api_key`)?.value || null; } await api("conversation", { id: window.token, conversation_id: window.conversation_id, model: get_selected_model(), web_search: document.getElementById("switch").checked, provider: provider, messages: messages, auto_continue: auto_continue, api_key: api_key }, file); if (!error) { html = markdown_render(text); content_inner.innerHTML = html; highlight(content_inner); if (imageInput) imageInput.value = ""; if (cameraInput) cameraInput.value = ""; if (fileInput) fileInput.value = ""; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); if ( != "AbortError") { error = true; content_inner.innerHTML += `

An error occured: ${e}

`; } } if (!error && text) { await add_message(window.conversation_id, "assistant", text, provider_result); await load_conversation(window.conversation_id); } else { let cursorDiv = document.getElementById("cursor"); if (cursorDiv) cursorDiv.parentNode.removeChild(cursorDiv); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; await remove_cancel_button(); await register_message_buttons(); prompt_lock = false; await load_conversations(); regenerate.classList.remove("regenerate-hidden"); }; const clear_conversations = async () => { const elements = box_conversations.childNodes; let index = elements.length; if (index > 0) { while (index--) { const element = elements[index]; if ( element.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && element.tagName.toLowerCase() !== `button` ) { box_conversations.removeChild(element); } } } }; const clear_conversation = async () => { let messages = message_box.getElementsByTagName(`div`); while (messages.length > 0) { message_box.removeChild(messages[0]); } }; const show_option = async (conversation_id) => { const conv = document.getElementById(`conv-${conversation_id}`); const choi = document.getElementById(`cho-${conversation_id}`); = "none"; = "block"; }; const hide_option = async (conversation_id) => { const conv = document.getElementById(`conv-${conversation_id}`); const choi = document.getElementById(`cho-${conversation_id}`); = "block"; = "none"; }; const delete_conversation = async (conversation_id) => { appStorage.removeItem(`conversation:${conversation_id}`); const conversation = document.getElementById(`convo-${conversation_id}`); conversation.remove(); if (window.conversation_id == conversation_id) { await new_conversation(); } await load_conversations(); }; const set_conversation = async (conversation_id) => { history.pushState({}, null, `/chat/${conversation_id}`); window.conversation_id = conversation_id; await clear_conversation(); await load_conversation(conversation_id); load_conversations(); hide_sidebar(); }; const new_conversation = async () => { history.pushState({}, null, `/chat/`); window.conversation_id = uuid(); await clear_conversation(); if (systemPrompt) { systemPrompt.value = ""; } load_conversations(); hide_sidebar(); say_hello(); }; const load_conversation = async (conversation_id, scroll=true) => { let conversation = await get_conversation(conversation_id); let messages = conversation?.items || []; if (systemPrompt) { systemPrompt.value = conversation.system || ""; } let elements = ""; let last_model = null; for (i in messages) { let item = messages[i]; last_model = item.provider?.model; let next_i = parseInt(i) + 1; let next_provider = item.provider ? item.provider : (messages.length > next_i ? messages[next_i].provider : null); let provider_link = item.provider?.name ? `${}` : ""; let provider = provider_link ? `
${provider_link} ${item.provider.model ? ' with ' + item.provider.model : ''}
` : ""; elements += `
${item.role == "assistant" ? gpt_image : user_image} ${item.role == "assistant" ? `` : `` }
${count_words_and_tokens(item.content, next_provider?.model)}
`; } if (window.GPTTokenizer_cl100k_base) { const filtered = prepare_messages(messages, false); if (filtered.length > 0) { last_model = last_model?.startsWith("gpt-4") ? "gpt-4" : "gpt-3.5-turbo" let count_total = GPTTokenizer_cl100k_base?.encodeChat(filtered, last_model).length if (count_total > 0) { elements += `
(${count_total} tokens used)
`; } } } message_box.innerHTML = elements; register_message_buttons(); highlight(message_box); regenerate.classList.remove("regenerate-hidden"); if (scroll) { message_box.scrollTo({ top: message_box.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" }); setTimeout(() => { message_box.scrollTop = message_box.scrollHeight; }, 500); } }; async function get_conversation(conversation_id) { let conversation = await JSON.parse( appStorage.getItem(`conversation:${conversation_id}`) ); return conversation; } async function save_conversation(conversation_id, conversation) { conversation.updated =; appStorage.setItem( `conversation:${conversation_id}`, JSON.stringify(conversation) ); } async function get_messages(conversation_id) { const conversation = await get_conversation(conversation_id); return conversation?.items || []; } async function add_conversation(conversation_id, content) { if (appStorage.getItem(`conversation:${conversation_id}`) == null) { await save_conversation(conversation_id, { id: conversation_id, title: "", added:, system: systemPrompt?.value, items: [], }); } history.pushState({}, null, `/chat/${conversation_id}`); } async function save_system_message() { if (!window.conversation_id) { return; } const conversation = await get_conversation(window.conversation_id); if (conversation) { conversation.system = systemPrompt?.value; await save_conversation(window.conversation_id, conversation); } } const hide_last_message = async (conversation_id) => { const conversation = await get_conversation(conversation_id) const last_message = conversation.items.pop(); if (last_message !== null) { if (last_message["role"] == "assistant") { last_message["regenerate"] = true; } conversation.items.push(last_message); } await save_conversation(conversation_id, conversation); }; const remove_message = async (conversation_id, index) => { const conversation = await get_conversation(conversation_id); let new_items = []; for (i in conversation.items) { if (i == index - 1) { if (!conversation.items[index]?.regenerate) { delete conversation.items[i]["regenerate"]; } } if (i != index) { new_items.push(conversation.items[i]) } } conversation.items = new_items; await save_conversation(conversation_id, conversation); }; const get_message = async (conversation_id, index) => { const messages = await get_messages(conversation_id); if (index in messages) return messages[index]["content"]; }; const add_message = async (conversation_id, role, content, provider) => { const conversation = await get_conversation(conversation_id); conversation.items.push({ role: role, content: content, provider: provider }); await save_conversation(conversation_id, conversation); return conversation.items.length - 1; }; const load_conversations = async () => { let conversations = []; for (let i = 0; i < appStorage.length; i++) { if (appStorage.key(i).startsWith("conversation:")) { let conversation = appStorage.getItem(appStorage.key(i)); conversations.push(JSON.parse(conversation)); } } conversations.sort((a, b) => (b.updated||0)-(a.updated||0)); await clear_conversations(); let html = ""; conversations.forEach((conversation) => { if (conversation?.items.length > 0) { let old_value = conversation.title; let new_value = (conversation.items[0]["content"]).trim(); let new_lenght = new_value.indexOf("\n"); new_lenght = new_lenght > 200 || new_lenght < 0 ? 200 : new_lenght; conversation.title = new_value.substring(0, new_lenght); if (conversation.title != old_value) { appStorage.setItem( `conversation:${}`, JSON.stringify(conversation) ); } } let updated = ""; if (conversation.updated) { const date = new Date(conversation.updated); updated = date.toLocaleString('en-GB', {dateStyle: 'short', timeStyle: 'short', monthStyle: 'short'}); updated = updated.replace("/" + date.getFullYear(), "") } html += `
${updated} ${conversation.title}
`; }); box_conversations.innerHTML += html; }; document.getElementById("cancelButton").addEventListener("click", async () => { window.controller.abort(); if (!window.abort) { window.abort = true; content_inner.innerHTML += " [aborted]"; if (window.text) window.text += " [aborted]"; } console.log(`aborted ${window.conversation_id}`); }); document.getElementById("regenerateButton").addEventListener("click", async () => { prompt_lock = true; await hide_last_message(window.conversation_id); window.token = message_id(); await ask_gpt(); }); const uuid = () => { return `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-${}`.replace( /[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); } ); }; const message_id = () => { random_bytes = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 1338377565) + 2956589730).toString( 2 ); unix = Math.floor( / 1000).toString(2); return BigInt(`0b${unix}${random_bytes}`).toString(); }; async function hide_sidebar() { sidebar.classList.remove("shown"); sidebar_button.classList.remove("rotated"); settings.classList.add("hidden"); if (window.location.pathname == "/menu/" || window.location.pathname == "/settings/") { history.back(); } } window.addEventListener('popstate', hide_sidebar, false); sidebar_button.addEventListener("click", (event) => { settings.classList.add("hidden"); if (sidebar.classList.contains("shown")) { hide_sidebar(); } else { sidebar.classList.add("shown"); sidebar_button.classList.add("rotated"); history.pushState({}, null, "/menu/"); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); }); function open_settings() { if (settings.classList.contains("hidden")) { sidebar.classList.remove("shown"); settings.classList.remove("hidden"); history.pushState({}, null, "/settings/"); } else { settings.classList.add("hidden"); } } function open_album() { if (album.classList.contains("hidden")) { sidebar.classList.remove("shown"); settings.classList.add("hidden"); album.classList.remove("hidden"); history.pushState({}, null, "/images/"); } else { album.classList.add("hidden"); } } const register_settings_storage = async () => { optionElements.forEach((element) => { if (element.type == "textarea") { element.addEventListener('input', async (event) => { appStorage.setItem(, element.value); }); } else { element.addEventListener('change', async (event) => { switch (element.type) { case "checkbox": appStorage.setItem(, element.checked); break; case "select-one": appStorage.setItem(, element.selectedIndex); break; case "text": case "number": appStorage.setItem(, element.value); break; default: console.warn("Unresolved element type"); } }); } }); } const load_settings_storage = async () => { optionElements.forEach((element) => { if (!(value = appStorage.getItem( { return; } if (value) { switch (element.type) { case "checkbox": element.checked = value === "true"; break; case "select-one": element.selectedIndex = parseInt(value); break; case "text": case "number": case "textarea": element.value = value; break; default: console.warn("Unresolved element type"); } } }); } const say_hello = async () => { tokens = [`Hello`, `!`, ` How`,` can`, ` I`,` assist`,` you`,` today`,`?`] message_box.innerHTML += `

`; to_modify = document.querySelector(`.welcome-message`); for (token of tokens) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, (Math.random() * (100 - 200) + 100))) to_modify.textContent += token; } } // Theme storage for recurring viewers const storeTheme = function (theme) { appStorage.setItem("theme", theme); }; // set theme when visitor returns const setTheme = function () { const activeTheme = appStorage.getItem("theme"); colorThemes.forEach((themeOption) => { if ( === activeTheme) { themeOption.checked = true; } }); // fallback for no :has() support document.documentElement.className = activeTheme; }; colorThemes.forEach((themeOption) => { themeOption.addEventListener("click", () => { storeTheme(; // fallback for no :has() support document.documentElement.className =; }); }); function count_tokens(model, text) { if (model) { if (window.llamaTokenizer) if (model.startsWith("llama2") || model.startsWith("codellama")) { return llamaTokenizer.encode(text).length; } if (window.mistralTokenizer) if (model.startsWith("mistral") || model.startsWith("mixtral")) { return mistralTokenizer.encode(text).length; } } if (window.GPTTokenizer_cl100k_base) { return GPTTokenizer_cl100k_base.encode(text).length; } } function count_words(text) { return text.trim().match(/[\w\u4E00-\u9FA5]+/gu)?.length || 0; } function count_chars(text) { return text.match(/[^\s\p{P}]/gu)?.length || 0; } function count_words_and_tokens(text, model) { text = filter_message(text); return `(${count_words(text)} words, ${count_chars(text)} chars, ${count_tokens(model, text)} tokens)`; } let countFocus = messageInput; let timeoutId; const count_input = async () => { if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { if (countFocus.value) { inputCount.innerText = count_words_and_tokens(countFocus.value, get_selected_model()); } else { inputCount.innerHTML = " " } }, 100); }; messageInput.addEventListener("keyup", count_input); systemPrompt.addEventListener("keyup", count_input); systemPrompt.addEventListener("focus", function() { countFocus = systemPrompt; count_input(); }); systemPrompt.addEventListener("input", function() { countFocus = messageInput; count_input(); }); window.addEventListener('load', async function() { await on_load(); if (window.conversation_id == "{{chat_id}}") { window.conversation_id = uuid(); } else { await on_api(); } }); window.addEventListener('pywebviewready', async function() { await on_api(); }); async function on_load() { setTheme(); count_input(); if (/\/chat\/.+/.test(window.location.href)) { load_conversation(window.conversation_id); } else { say_hello() } load_conversations(); } async function on_api() { messageInput.addEventListener("keydown", async (evt) => { if (prompt_lock) return; if (evt.keyCode === 13 && !evt.shiftKey) { evt.preventDefault(); console.log("pressed enter"); await handle_ask(); } else {"height"); = messageInput.scrollHeight + "px"; } }); sendButton.addEventListener(`click`, async () => { console.log("clicked send"); if (prompt_lock) return; await handle_ask(); }); messageInput.focus(); register_settings_storage(); models = await api("models"); models.forEach((model) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = option.text = model; modelSelect.appendChild(option); }); providers = await api("providers") Object.entries(providers).forEach(([provider, label]) => { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = provider; option.text = label; providerSelect.appendChild(option); }) await load_provider_models(appStorage.getItem("provider")); await load_settings_storage() const hide_systemPrompt = document.getElementById("hide-systemPrompt") if (hide_systemPrompt.checked) { systemPrompt.classList.add("hidden"); } hide_systemPrompt.addEventListener('change', async (event) => { if ( { systemPrompt.classList.add("hidden"); } else { systemPrompt.classList.remove("hidden"); } }); const messageInputHeight = document.getElementById("message-input-height"); if (messageInputHeight) { if (messageInputHeight.value) { = `${messageInputHeight.value}px`; } messageInputHeight.addEventListener('change', async () => { = `${messageInputHeight.value}px`; }); } } async function load_version() { const versions = await api("version"); document.title = 'g4f - ' + versions["version"]; let text = "version ~ " if (versions["version"] != versions["latest_version"]) { let release_url = '' + versions["latest_version"]; let title = `New version: ${versions["latest_version"]}`; text += `${versions["version"]} `; text += `` } else { text += versions["version"]; } document.getElementById("version_text").innerHTML = text } setTimeout(load_version, 2000); [imageInput, cameraInput].forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener('click', async () => { el.value = ''; if (imageInput.dataset.src) { URL.revokeObjectURL(imageInput.dataset.src); delete imageInput.dataset.src } }); }); fileInput.addEventListener('click', async (event) => { fileInput.value = ''; delete fileInput.dataset.text; }); fileInput.addEventListener('change', async (event) => { if (fileInput.files.length) { type = fileInput.files[0].type; if (type && type.indexOf('/')) { type = type.split('/').pop().replace('x-', '') type = type.replace('plain', 'plaintext') .replace('shellscript', 'sh') .replace('svg+xml', 'svg') .replace('vnd.trolltech.linguist', 'ts') } else { type = fileInput.files[0].name.split('.').pop() } fileInput.dataset.type = type const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('load', async (event) => { fileInput.dataset.text =; if (type == "json") { const data = JSON.parse(fileInput.dataset.text); if ("g4f" in data.options) { Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { if (key != "options" && !localStorage.getItem(key)) { appStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(data[key])); } }); delete fileInput.dataset.text; await load_conversations(); fileInput.value = ""; } } }); reader.readAsText(fileInput.files[0]); } else { delete fileInput.dataset.text; } }); systemPrompt?.addEventListener("input", async () => { await save_system_message(); }); function get_selected_model() { if (modelProvider.selectedIndex >= 0) { return modelProvider.options[modelProvider.selectedIndex].value; } else if (modelSelect.selectedIndex >= 0) { return modelSelect.options[modelSelect.selectedIndex].value; } } async function api(ressource, args=null, file=null) { if (window?.pywebview) { if (args !== null) { if (ressource == "models") { ressource = "provider_models"; } return pywebview.api[`get_${ressource}`](args); } return pywebview.api[`get_${ressource}`](); } if (ressource == "models" && args) { ressource = `${ressource}/${args}`; } const url = `/backend-api/v2/${ressource}`; if (ressource == "conversation") { let body = JSON.stringify(args); const headers = { accept: 'text/event-stream' } if (file !== null) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('file', file); formData.append('json', body); body = formData; } else { headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'; } response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', signal: window.controller.signal, headers: headers, body: body }); return read_response(response); } response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } async function read_response(response) { const reader = response.body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).getReader(); let buffer = "" while (true) { const { value, done } = await; if (done) { break; } for (const line of value.split("\n")) { if (!line) { continue; } try { add_message_chunk(JSON.parse(buffer + line)) buffer = ""; } catch { buffer += line } } } } async function load_provider_models(providerIndex=null) { if (!providerIndex) { providerIndex = providerSelect.selectedIndex; } const provider = providerSelect.options[providerIndex].value; if (!provider) { return; } const models = await api('models', provider); modelProvider.innerHTML = ''; if (models.length > 0) { modelSelect.classList.add("hidden"); modelProvider.classList.remove("hidden"); models.forEach((model) => { let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = option.text = model.model; option.selected = model.default; modelProvider.appendChild(option); }); } else { modelProvider.classList.add("hidden"); modelSelect.classList.remove("hidden"); } }; providerSelect.addEventListener("change", () => load_provider_models()); function save_storage() { let filename = `chat ${new Date().toLocaleString()}.json`.replaceAll(":", "-"); let data = {"options": {"g4f": ""}}; for (let i = 0; i < appStorage.length; i++){ let key = appStorage.key(i); let item = appStorage.getItem(key); if (key.startsWith("conversation:")) { data[key] = JSON.parse(item); } else if (!key.includes("api_key")) { data["options"][key] = item; } } data = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4); const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/json'}); if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); } else{ const elem = window.document.createElement('a'); elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = filename; document.body.appendChild(elem);; document.body.removeChild(elem); } } const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; if (SpeechRecognition) { const mircoIcon = microLabel.querySelector("i"); mircoIcon.classList.add("fa-microphone"); mircoIcon.classList.remove("fa-microphone-slash"); const recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); recognition.continuous = true; recognition.interimResults = true; recognition.maxAlternatives = 1; let startValue; let shouldStop; let lastDebounceTranscript; recognition.onstart = function() { microLabel.classList.add("recognition"); startValue = messageInput.value; shouldStop = false; lastDebounceTranscript = ""; }; recognition.onend = function() { if (shouldStop) { messageInput.focus(); } else { recognition.start(); } }; recognition.onresult = function(event) { if (!event.results) { return; } let result = event.results[event.resultIndex]; let isFinal = result.isFinal && (result[0].confidence > 0); let transcript = result[0].transcript; if (isFinal) { if(transcript == lastDebounceTranscript) { return; } lastDebounceTranscript = transcript; } if (transcript) { messageInput.value = `${startValue ? startValue+"\n" : ""}${transcript.trim()}`; if (isFinal) { startValue = messageInput.value; } = messageInput.scrollHeight + "px"; messageInput.scrollTop = messageInput.scrollHeight; } }; microLabel.addEventListener("click", () => { if (microLabel.classList.contains("recognition")) { shouldStop = true; recognition.stop(); microLabel.classList.remove("recognition"); } else { const lang = document.getElementById("recognition-language")?.value; recognition.lang = lang || navigator.language; recognition.start(); } }); }