class CopyButtonPlugin { constructor(options = {}) { self.hook = options.hook; self.callback = options.callback } "after:highlightElement"({ el, text }) { let button = Object.assign(document.createElement("button"), { innerHTML: "Copy", className: "hljs-copy-button" }); button.dataset.copied = false; el.parentElement.classList.add("hljs-copy-wrapper"); el.parentElement.appendChild(button);"--hljs-theme-background", window.getComputedStyle(el).backgroundColor); button.onclick = async () => { let newText = text; if (hook && typeof hook === "function") { newText = hook(text, el) || text } try { if (!navigator.clipboard) { throw new Error("navigator.clipboard: Clipboard API unavailable."); } await navigator.clipboard.writeText(newText); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error("Clipboard API writeText() failed! Fallback to document.exec(\"copy\")..."); fallback_clipboard(newText); } button.innerHTML = "Copied!"; button.dataset.copied = true; let alert = Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), { role: "status", className: "hljs-copy-alert", innerHTML: "Copied to clipboard" }); el.parentElement.appendChild(alert); setTimeout(() => { button.innerHTML = "Copy"; button.dataset.copied = false; el.parentElement.removeChild(alert); alert = null }, 2e3) } if (typeof callback === "function") return callback(newText, el); } }