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Written by @xtekky

> [!IMPORTANT] > By using this repository or any code related to it, you agree to the [legal notice](LEGAL_NOTICE.md). The author is **not responsible for the usage of this repository nor endorses it**, nor is the author responsible for any copies, forks, re-uploads made by other users, or anything else related to GPT4Free. This is the author's only account and repository. To prevent impersonation or irresponsible actions, please comply with the GNU GPL license this Repository uses. > [!WARNING] > _"gpt4free"_ serves as a **PoC** (proof of concept), demonstrating the development of an API package with multi-provider requests, with features like timeouts, load balance and flow control. > [!NOTE] > Latest version: [![PyPI version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/g4f?color=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/g4f) [![Docker version](https://img.shields.io/docker/v/hlohaus789/g4f?label=docker&color=blue)](https://hub.docker.com/r/hlohaus789/g4f) > Stats: [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/g4f)](https://pepy.tech/project/g4f) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/g4f/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/g4f) ```sh pip install -U g4f[all] ``` ```sh docker pull hlohaus789/g4f ``` ## 🆕 What's New - **For comprehensive details on new features and updates, please refer to our** [Releases](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/releases) **page** - **Installation Guide for Windows (.exe):** đŸ’ģ [Installation Guide for Windows (.exe)](#installation-guide-for-windows-exe) - **Join our Telegram Channel:** 📨 [telegram.me/g4f_channel](https://telegram.me/g4f_channel) - **Join our Discord Group:** đŸ’Ŧ🆕ī¸ [discord.gg/vE7gCvss](https://discord.gg/vE7gCvss) ## đŸ”ģ Site Takedown Is your site on this repository and you want to take it down? Send an email to takedown@g4f.ai with proof it is yours and it will be removed as fast as possible. To prevent reproduction please secure your API. 😉 ## 🚀 Preview **Take a look at our GUI on the mobile device. We connect to ChatGPT and generate an image.** [![Preview image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9da24a87-a591-4da4-a80f-8fc7c222c92f)](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/56c02389-61b1-4849-be7d-50b173b84ce6) ## 📚 Table of Contents - [🆕 What's New](#-whats-new) - [📚 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [🛠ī¸ Getting Started](#-getting-started) - [Docker Container Guide](#docker-container-guide) - [Installation Guide for Windows (.exe)](#installation-guide-for-windows-exe) - [Use python](#use-python) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Install using PyPI package](#install-using-pypi-package) - [Install from source](#install-from-source) - [Install using Docker](#install-using-docker) - [💡 Usage](#-usage) - [Text Generation](#text-generation) - [Image Generation](#image-generation) - [Web UI](#web-ui) - [Interference API](#interference-api) - [Local Inference](docs/local.md) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Full Documentation for Python API](#full-documentation-for-python-api) - [Requests API from G4F](docs/requests.md) - [Client API from G4F](docs/client.md) - [AsyncClient API from G4F](docs/async_client.md) - [🚀 Providers and Models](docs/providers-and-models.md) - [🔗 Powered by gpt4free](#-powered-by-gpt4free) - [🤝 Contribute](#-contribute) - [How do i create a new Provider?](#guide-how-do-i-create-a-new-provider) - [How can AI help me with writing code?](#guide-how-can-ai-help-me-with-writing-code) - [🙌 Contributors](#-contributors) - [Šī¸ Copyright](#-copyright) - [⭐ Star History](#-star-history) - [📄 License](#-license) ## 🛠ī¸ Getting Started #### Docker Container Guide ##### Getting Started Quickly: 1. **Install Docker:** Begin by [downloading and installing Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/). 2. **Set Up the Container:** Use the following commands to pull the latest image and start the container: ```sh docker pull hlohaus789/g4f docker run \ -p 8080:8080 -p 1337:1337 -p 7900:7900 \ --shm-size="2g" \ -v ${PWD}/har_and_cookies:/app/har_and_cookies \ -v ${PWD}/generated_images:/app/generated_images \ hlohaus789/g4f:latest ``` To run the slim docker image. Use this command: ```bash docker run \ -p 1337:1337 \ -v ${PWD}/har_and_cookies:/app/har_and_cookies \ -v ${PWD}/generated_images:/app/generated_images \ hlohaus789/g4f:latest-slim \ rm -r -f /app/g4f/ \ && pip install -U g4f[slim] \ && python -m g4f.cli api --gui --debug ``` It also updates the `g4f` package at startup and installs any new required dependencies. 3. **Access the Client:** - To use the included client, navigate to: [http://localhost:8080/chat/](http://localhost:8080/chat/) or [http://localhost:1337/chat/](http://localhost:1337/chat/) - Or set the API base for your client to: [http://localhost:1337/v1](http://localhost:1337/v1) 4. **(Optional) Provider Login:** If required, you can access the container's desktop here: http://localhost:7900/?autoconnect=1&resize=scale&password=secret for provider login purposes. #### Installation Guide for Windows (.exe) To ensure the seamless operation of our application, please follow the instructions below. These steps are designed to guide you through the installation process on Windows operating systems. ### Installation Steps 1. **Download the Application**: Visit our [releases page](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/releases/tag/ and download the most recent version of the application, named `g4f.exe.zip`. 2. **File Placement**: After downloading, locate the `.zip` file in your Downloads folder. Unpack it to a directory of your choice on your system, then execute the `g4f.exe` file to run the app. 3. **Open GUI**: The app starts a web server with the GUI. Open your favorite browser and navigate to `http://localhost:8080/chat/` to access the application interface. 4. **Firewall Configuration (Hotfix)**: Upon installation, it may be necessary to adjust your Windows Firewall settings to allow the application to operate correctly. To do this, access your Windows Firewall settings and allow the application. By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install and run the application on your Windows system. If you encounter any issues during the installation process, please refer to our Issue Tracker or try to get contact over Discord for assistance. Run the **Webview UI** on other Platforms: - [/docs/guides/webview](docs/webview.md) ##### Use your smartphone: Run the Web UI on Your Smartphone: - [/docs/guides/phone](docs/guides/phone.md) #### Use python ##### Prerequisites: 1. [Download and install Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) (Version 3.10+ is recommended). 2. [Install Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/) for providers with webdriver ##### Install using PyPI package: ``` pip install -U g4f[all] ``` How do I install only parts or do disable parts? Use partial requirements: [/docs/requirements](docs/requirements.md) ##### Install from source: How do I load the project using git and installing the project requirements? Read this tutorial and follow it step by step: [/docs/git](docs/git.md) ##### Install using Docker: How do I build and run composer image from source? Use docker-compose: [/docs/docker](docs/docker.md) ## 💡 Usage #### Text Generation ```python from g4f.client import Client client = Client() response = client.chat.completions.create( model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hello"}], # Add any other necessary parameters ) print(response.choices[0].message.content) ``` ``` Hello! How can I assist you today? ``` #### Image Generation ```python from g4f.client import Client client = Client() response = client.images.generate( model="flux", prompt="a white siamese cat", response_format="url" # Add any other necessary parameters ) image_url = response.data[0].url print(f"Generated image URL: {image_url}") ``` [![Image with cat](/docs/cat.jpeg)](docs/client.md) #### **Full Documentation for Python API** - **New:** - **Requests API from G4F:** [/docs/requests](docs/requests.md) - **Client API from G4F:** [/docs/client](docs/client.md) - **AsyncClient API from G4F:** [/docs/async_client](docs/async_client.md) - **Legacy:** - **Legacy API with python modules:** [/docs/legacy](docs/legacy.md) #### Web UI **To start the web interface, type the following codes in python:** ```python from g4f.gui import run_gui run_gui() ``` or execute the following command: ```bash python -m g4f.cli gui -port 8080 -debug ``` ### Interference API The **Interference API** enables seamless integration with OpenAI's services through G4F, allowing you to deploy efficient AI solutions. - **Documentation**: [Interference API Docs](docs/interference-api.md) - **Endpoint**: `http://localhost:1337/v1` - **Swagger UI**: Explore the OpenAPI documentation via Swagger UI at `http://localhost:1337/docs` This API is designed for straightforward implementation and enhanced compatibility with other OpenAI integrations. ### Configuration #### Cookies Cookies are essential for using Meta AI and Microsoft Designer to create images. Additionally, cookies are required for the Google Gemini and WhiteRabbitNeo Provider. From Bing, ensure you have the "\_U" cookie, and from Google, all cookies starting with "\_\_Secure-1PSID" are needed. You can pass these cookies directly to the create function or set them using the `set_cookies` method before running G4F: ```python from g4f.cookies import set_cookies set_cookies(".bing.com", { "_U": "cookie value" }) set_cookies(".google.com", { "__Secure-1PSID": "cookie value" }) ``` #### Using .har and Cookie Files You can place `.har` and cookie files `.json` in the default `./har_and_cookies` directory. To export a cookie file, use the [EditThisCookie Extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/editthiscookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg) available on the Chrome Web Store. #### Creating .har Files to Capture Cookies To capture cookies, you can also create `.har` files. For more details, refer to the next section. #### Changing the Cookies Directory and Loading Cookie Files in Python You can change the cookies directory and load cookie files in your Python environment. To set the cookies directory relative to your Python file, use the following code: ```python import os.path from g4f.cookies import set_cookies_dir, read_cookie_files import g4f.debug g4f.debug.logging = True cookies_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "har_and_cookies") set_cookies_dir(cookies_dir) read_cookie_files(cookies_dir) ``` ### Debug Mode If you enable debug mode, you will see logs similar to the following: ``` Read .har file: ./har_and_cookies/you.com.har Cookies added: 10 from .you.com Read cookie file: ./har_and_cookies/google.json Cookies added: 16 from .google.com ``` #### .HAR File for OpenaiChat Provider ##### Generating a .HAR File To utilize the OpenaiChat provider, a .har file is required from https://chatgpt.com/. Follow the steps below to create a valid .har file: 1. Navigate to https://chatgpt.com/ using your preferred web browser and log in with your credentials. 2. Access the Developer Tools in your browser. This can typically be done by right-clicking the page and selecting "Inspect," or by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Option+I on a Mac). 3. With the Developer Tools open, switch to the "Network" tab. 4. Reload the website to capture the loading process within the Network tab. 5. Initiate an action in the chat which can be captured in the .har file. 6. Right-click any of the network activities listed and select "Save all as HAR with content" to export the .har file. ##### Storing the .HAR File - Place the exported .har file in the `./har_and_cookies` directory if you are using Docker. Alternatively, if you are using Python from a terminal, you can store it in a `./har_and_cookies` directory within your current working directory. > **Note:** Ensure that your .har file is stored securely, as it may contain sensitive information. #### Using Proxy If you want to hide or change your IP address for the providers, you can set a proxy globally via an environment variable: **- On macOS and Linux:** ```bash export G4F_PROXY="http://host:port" ``` **- On Windows:** ```bash set G4F_PROXY=http://host:port ``` ## 🔗 Powered by gpt4free
🎁 Projects ⭐ Stars 📚 Forks 🛎 Issues đŸ“Ŧ Pull requests
gpt4free Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
gpt4free-ts Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
Free AI API's & Potential Providers List Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
ChatGPT-Clone Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
Ai agent Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
ChatGpt Discord Bot Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
chatGPT-discord-bot Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
Nyx-Bot (Discord) Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
LangChain gpt4free Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
ChatGpt Telegram Bot Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
ChatGpt Line Bot Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
Action Translate Readme Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
Langchain Document GPT Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
python-tgpt Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
GPT4js Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
VividNode (pyqt-openai) Stars Forks Issues Pull Requests
## 🤝 Contribute We welcome contributions from the community. Whether you're adding new providers or features, or simply fixing typos and making small improvements, your input is valued. Creating a pull request is all it takes – our co-pilot will handle the code review process. Once all changes have been addressed, we'll merge the pull request into the main branch and release the updates at a later time. ###### Guide: How do i create a new Provider? - **Read:** [Create Provider Guide](docs/guides/create_provider.md) ###### Guide: How can AI help me with writing code? - **Read:** [AI Assistance Guide](docs/guides/help_me.md) ## 🙌 Contributors A list of all contributors is available [here](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/graphs/contributors) - The [`Vercel.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/Vercel.py) file contains code from [vercel-llm-api](https://github.com/ading2210/vercel-llm-api) by [@ading2210](https://github.com/ading2210) - The [`har_file.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/openai/har_file.py) has input from [xqdoo00o/ChatGPT-to-API](https://github.com/xqdoo00o/ChatGPT-to-API) - The [`PerplexityLabs.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/PerplexityLabs.py) has input from [nathanrchn/perplexityai](https://github.com/nathanrchn/perplexityai) - The [`Gemini.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/needs_auth/Gemini.py) has input from [dsdanielpark/Gemini-API](https://github.com/dsdanielpark/Gemini-API) - The [`MetaAI.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/MetaAI.py) file contains code from [meta-ai-api](https://github.com/Strvm/meta-ai-api) by [@Strvm](https://github.com/Strvm) - The [`proofofwork.py`](https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free/blob/main/g4f/Provider/openai/proofofwork.py) has input from [missuo/FreeGPT35](https://github.com/missuo/FreeGPT35) _Having input implies that the AI's code generation utilized it as one of many sources._ ## Šī¸ Copyright This program is licensed under the [GNU GPL v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ``` xtekky/gpt4free: Copyright (C) 2023 xtekky This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ``` ## ⭐ Star History Star History Chart ## 📄 License

This project is licensed under GNU_GPL_v3.0.

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