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from __future__ import annotations
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from ..typing import Messages
from .base_provider import AsyncProvider, format_prompt
from .helper import get_cookies
from ..requests import StreamSession
class Aichat(AsyncProvider):
url = "https://chat-gpt.org/chat"
working = False
supports_gpt_35_turbo = True
async def create_async(
model: str,
messages: Messages,
proxy: str = None, **kwargs) -> str:
cookies = get_cookies('chat-gpt.org') if not kwargs.get('cookies') else kwargs.get('cookies')
if not cookies:
raise RuntimeError(
"g4f.provider.Aichat requires cookies, [refresh https://chat-gpt.org on chrome]"
headers = {
'authority': 'chat-gpt.org',
'accept': '*/*',
'accept-language': 'en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'origin': 'https://chat-gpt.org',
'referer': 'https://chat-gpt.org/chat',
'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="118", "Google Chrome";v="118", "Not=A?Brand";v="99"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
async with StreamSession(headers=headers,
proxies={"https": proxy} if proxy else None,
impersonate="chrome110", verify=False) as session:
json_data = {
"message": format_prompt(messages),
"temperature": kwargs.get('temperature', 0.5),
"presence_penalty": 0,
"top_p": kwargs.get('top_p', 1),
"frequency_penalty": 0,
async with session.post("https://chat-gpt.org/api/text",
json=json_data) as response:
result = await response.json()
if not result['response']:
raise Exception(f"Error Response: {result}")
return result["message"]