# Tox (http://tox.testrun.org/) is a tool for running tests # in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the # test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox" # and then run "tox" from this directory. [tox] envlist = py27, py311, flake8, pylint, yapf [testenv:py27] whitelist_externals = rm commands = rm -rf htmlcov coverage erase coverage run -p --include=pgmigrate.py {envbindir}/behave -q coverage combine coverage html pgmigrate.py coverage report --fail-under=100 pgmigrate.py deps = behave importlib coverage func_timeout [testenv:py311] whitelist_externals = rm commands = rm -rf htmlcov coverage erase coverage run -p --include=pgmigrate.py {envbindir}/behave -q coverage combine coverage html pgmigrate.py coverage report --fail-under=100 pgmigrate.py deps = behave coverage func_timeout [testenv:flake8] commands = flake8 pgmigrate.py setup.py deps = flake8==5.0.4 flake8-string-format flake8-isort==5.0.0 flake8-commas flake8-quotes flake8-copyright flake8-pep3101 [testenv:pylint] commands = pylint pgmigrate.py deps = pylint [testenv:yapf] commands = yapf -pd pgmigrate.py deps = yapf==0.32.0 [flake8] copyright-check = True select = E,F,W,C copyright-regexp = Copyright\s+(\(C\)\s+)?(\d{4}-)?2016-2022\s+%(author)s copyright-author = Yandex LLC