Add recursive glob support.

This commit is contained in:
Brian Clymer 2019-08-28 13:39:05 -05:00
parent 62d39306ae
commit bcdbad4a10
4 changed files with 530 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
// Created by Eric Firestone on 3/22/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Square, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Released under the Apache v2 License.
// Adapted from
// Adapted from
import Foundation
public let GlobBehaviorBashV3 = Glob.Behavior(
supportsGlobstar: false,
includesFilesFromRootOfGlobstar: false,
includesDirectoriesInResults: true,
includesFilesInResultsIfTrailingSlash: false
public let GlobBehaviorBashV4 = Glob.Behavior(
supportsGlobstar: true, // Matches Bash v4 with "shopt -s globstar" option
includesFilesFromRootOfGlobstar: true,
includesDirectoriesInResults: true,
includesFilesInResultsIfTrailingSlash: false
public let GlobBehaviorGradle = Glob.Behavior(
supportsGlobstar: true,
includesFilesFromRootOfGlobstar: true,
includesDirectoriesInResults: false,
includesFilesInResultsIfTrailingSlash: true
Finds files on the file system using pattern matching.
public class Glob: Collection {
* Different glob implementations have different behaviors, so the behavior of this
* implementation is customizable.
public struct Behavior {
// If true then a globstar ("**") causes matching to be done recursively in subdirectories.
// If false then "**" is treated the same as "*"
let supportsGlobstar: Bool
// If true the results from the directory where the globstar is declared will be included as well.
// For example, with the pattern "dir/**/*.ext" the fie "dir/file.ext" would be included if this
// property is true, and would be omitted if it's false.
let includesFilesFromRootOfGlobstar: Bool
// If false then the results will not include directory entries. This does not affect recursion depth.
let includesDirectoriesInResults: Bool
// If false and the last characters of the pattern are "**/" then only directories are returned in the results.
let includesFilesInResultsIfTrailingSlash: Bool
public static var defaultBehavior = GlobBehaviorBashV4
public static let defaultBlacklistedDirectories = ["node_modules", "Pods"]
private var isDirectoryCache = [String: Bool]()
public let behavior: Behavior
public let blacklistedDirectories: [String]
var paths = [String]()
public var startIndex: Int { return paths.startIndex }
public var endIndex: Int { return paths.endIndex }
/// Initialize a glob
/// - Parameters:
/// - pattern: The pattern to use when building the list of matching directories.
/// - behavior: See individual descriptions on `Glob.Behavior` values.
/// - blacklistedDirectories: An array of directories to ignore at the root level of the project.
public init(pattern: String, behavior: Behavior = Glob.defaultBehavior, blacklistedDirectories: [String] = defaultBlacklistedDirectories) {
self.behavior = behavior
self.blacklistedDirectories = blacklistedDirectories
var adjustedPattern = pattern
let hasTrailingGlobstarSlash = pattern.hasSuffix("**/")
var includeFiles = !hasTrailingGlobstarSlash
if behavior.includesFilesInResultsIfTrailingSlash {
includeFiles = true
if hasTrailingGlobstarSlash {
// Grab the files too.
adjustedPattern += "*"
let patterns = behavior.supportsGlobstar ? expandGlobstar(pattern: adjustedPattern) : [adjustedPattern]
for pattern in patterns {
var gt = glob_t()
if executeGlob(pattern: pattern, gt: &gt) {
populateFiles(gt: gt, includeFiles: includeFiles)
paths = Array(Set(paths)).sorted { lhs, rhs in != ComparisonResult.orderedDescending
// MARK: Subscript Support
public subscript(i: Int) -> String {
return paths[i]
// MARK: Protocol of IndexableBase
public func index(after i: Glob.Index) -> Glob.Index {
return i + 1
// MARK: Private
private var globalFlags = GLOB_TILDE | GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_MARK
private func executeGlob(pattern: UnsafePointer<CChar>, gt: UnsafeMutablePointer<glob_t>) -> Bool {
return 0 == glob(pattern, globalFlags, nil, gt)
private func expandGlobstar(pattern: String) -> [String] {
guard pattern.contains("**") else {
return [pattern]
var results = [String]()
var parts = pattern.components(separatedBy: "**")
let firstPart = parts.removeFirst()
var lastPart = parts.joined(separator: "**")
let fileManager = FileManager.default
var directories: [String]
do {
directories = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: firstPart).compactMap { subpath -> [String]? in
if blacklistedDirectories.contains(subpath) {
return nil
let firstLevelPath = NSString(string: firstPart).appendingPathComponent(subpath)
if isDirectory(path: firstLevelPath) {
var subDirs: [String] = try fileManager.subpathsOfDirectory(atPath: firstLevelPath).compactMap { subpath -> String? in
let fullPath = NSString(string: firstLevelPath).appendingPathComponent(subpath)
return isDirectory(path: fullPath) ? fullPath : nil
return subDirs
} else {
return nil
} catch {
directories = []
print("Error parsing file system item: \(error)")
if behavior.includesFilesFromRootOfGlobstar {
// Check the base directory for the glob star as well.
directories.insert(firstPart, at: 0)
// Include the globstar root directory ("dir/") in a pattern like "dir/**" or "dir/**/"
if lastPart.isEmpty {
if lastPart.isEmpty {
lastPart = "*"
for directory in directories {
let partiallyResolvedPattern = NSString(string: directory).appendingPathComponent(lastPart)
results.append(contentsOf: expandGlobstar(pattern: partiallyResolvedPattern))
return results
private func isDirectory(path: String) -> Bool {
if let isDirectory = isDirectoryCache[path] {
return isDirectory
var isDirectoryBool = ObjCBool(false)
let isDirectory = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path, isDirectory: &isDirectoryBool) && isDirectoryBool.boolValue
isDirectoryCache[path] = isDirectory
return isDirectory
private func clearCaches() {
private func populateFiles(gt: glob_t, includeFiles: Bool) {
let includeDirectories = behavior.includesDirectoriesInResults
for i in 0..<Int(gt.gl_matchc) {
if let path = String(validatingUTF8: gt.gl_pathv[i]!) {
if !includeFiles || !includeDirectories {
let isDirectory = self.isDirectory(path: path)
if (!includeFiles && !isDirectory) || (!includeDirectories && isDirectory) {
private extension Sequence {
func array() -> [Element] {
return Array(self)

View File

@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class SourceGenerator {
return Set( {
return expandPattern("\(rootSourcePath)/\($0)")
.map {
guard $0.isDirectory else {
return [$0]
@ -317,6 +317,21 @@ class SourceGenerator {
private func expandPattern(_ pattern: String) -> [Path] {
let filePaths = listFilePaths(pattern: pattern)
let urls = { Path($0) }
return urls
private func listFilePaths(pattern: String) -> [String] {
guard !pattern.isEmpty else {
return []
return Glob(pattern: pattern).paths
/// Checks whether the path is not in any default or TargetSource excludes
func isIncludedPath(_ path: Path) -> Bool {
return !defaultExcludedFiles.contains(where: { path.lastComponent.contains($0) })

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
// Created by Eric Firestone on 3/22/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Square, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Released under the Apache v2 License.
// Adapted from
// Adapted from
import XCTest
@testable import XcodeGenKit
class GlobTests : XCTestCase {
let tmpFiles = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "dir1/file1.ext", "dir1/dir2/dir3/file2.ext", "dir1/file1.extfoo"]
var tmpDir = ""
override func setUp() {
self.tmpDir = newTmpDir()
let flags = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH
mkdir("\(tmpDir)/dir1/", flags)
mkdir("\(tmpDir)/dir1/dir2", flags)
mkdir("\(tmpDir)/dir1/dir2/dir3", flags)
for file in tmpFiles {
close(open("\(tmpDir)/\(file)", O_CREAT))
override func tearDown() {
for file in tmpFiles {
private func newTmpDir() -> String {
var tmpDirTmpl = "/tmp/glob-test.XXXXX".cString(using: .utf8)!
return String(validatingUTF8: mkdtemp(&tmpDirTmpl))!
func testBraces() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/ba{r,y,z}"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern)
var contents = [String]()
for file in glob {
XCTAssertEqual(contents, ["\(tmpDir)/bar", "\(tmpDir)/baz"], "matching with braces failed")
func testNothingMatches() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/nothing"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern)
var contents = [String]()
for file in glob {
XCTAssertEqual(contents, [], "expected empty list of files")
func testDirectAccess() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/ba{r,y,z}"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, ["\(tmpDir)/bar", "\(tmpDir)/baz"], "matching with braces failed")
func testIterateTwice() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/ba{r,y,z}"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern)
var contents1 = [String]()
var contents2 = [String]()
for file in glob {
let filesAfterOnce = glob.paths
for file in glob {
XCTAssertEqual(contents1, contents2, "results for calling for-in twice are the same")
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, filesAfterOnce, "calling for-in twice doesn't only memoizes once")
func testIndexing() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/ba{r,y,z}"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern)
XCTAssertEqual(glob[0], "\(tmpDir)/bar", "indexing")
// MARK: - Globstar - Bash v3
func testGlobstarBashV3NoSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV3)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, ["\(tmpDir)/bar", "\(tmpDir)/baz", "\(tmpDir)/dir1/", "\(tmpDir)/foo"])
func testGlobstarBashV3WithSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**/"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV3)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, ["\(tmpDir)/dir1/"])
func testGlobstarBashV3WithSlashAndWildcard() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**/*"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV3)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, ["\(tmpDir)/dir1/dir2/", "\(tmpDir)/dir1/file1.ext", "\(tmpDir)/dir1/file1.extfoo"])
func testDoubleGlobstarBashV3() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/dir2/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV3)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, ["\(tmpDir)/dir1/dir2/dir3/file2.ext"])
// MARK: - Globstar - Bash v4
func testGlobstarBashV4NoSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV4)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testGlobstarBashV4WithSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**/"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV4)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testGlobstarBashV4WithSlashAndWildcard() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**/*"
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV4)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testDoubleGlobstarBashV4() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/dir2/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV4)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testDoubleGlobstarBashV4WithFileExtension() {
// Should be the equivalent of "ls -d -1 /(tmpdir)/**/*.ext"
// Should not find "\(tmpDir)/dir1/file1.extfoo" which the file extension prefix is .ext
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/*.ext"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorBashV4)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
// MARK: - Globstar - Gradle
func testGlobstarGradleNoSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of
// FileTree tree = project.fileTree((Object)'/tmp') {
// include 'glob-test.7m0Lp/**'
// }
// Note that the sort order currently matches Bash and not Gradle
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorGradle)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testGlobstarGradleWithSlash() {
// Should be the equivalent of
// FileTree tree = project.fileTree((Object)'/tmp') {
// include 'glob-test.7m0Lp/**/'
// }
// Note that the sort order currently matches Bash and not Gradle
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorGradle)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testGlobstarGradleWithSlashAndWildcard() {
// Should be the equivalent of
// FileTree tree = project.fileTree((Object)'/tmp') {
// include 'glob-test.7m0Lp/**/*'
// }
// Note that the sort order currently matches Bash and not Gradle
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorGradle)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testDoubleGlobstarGradle() {
// Should be the equivalent of
// FileTree tree = project.fileTree((Object)'/tmp') {
// include 'glob-test.7m0Lp/**/dir2/**/*'
// }
// Note that the sort order currently matches Bash and not Gradle
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/dir2/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorGradle)
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [
func testBlacklistedDirectories() {
let pattern = "\(tmpDir)/**/*"
let glob = Glob(pattern: pattern, behavior: GlobBehaviorGradle, blacklistedDirectories: ["dir1"])
XCTAssertEqual(glob.paths, [

View File

@ -222,7 +222,9 @@ class SourceGeneratorTests: XCTestCase {
- B:
- b.swift
- b.ignored
- b.alsoIgnored
- a.ignored
- a.alsoIgnored
- B:
- b.swift
- D:
@ -272,8 +274,8 @@ class SourceGeneratorTests: XCTestCase {
// not supported
// "**/*.ignored",
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [TargetSource(path: "Sources", excludes: excludes)])
@ -283,6 +285,7 @@ class SourceGeneratorTests: XCTestCase {
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target], options: options)
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.alsoIgnored"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "D", "d.h"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "D", "d.m"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "E", "e.jpg"])
@ -303,9 +306,9 @@ class SourceGeneratorTests: XCTestCase {
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "ignore.file"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "project.xcodeproj"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "a.playground"])
// not supported: "**/*.ignored"
// try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.ignored"])
// try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "B", "b.ignored"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.ignored"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "B", "b.ignored"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "B", "b.alsoIgnored"])
try test(generateEmptyDirectories: false)