2018-11-22 21:55:53 +11:00

641 lines
28 KiB

import PathKit
import ProjectSpec
import Spectre
import XcodeGenKit
import xcodeproj
import XCTest
import Yams
class SourceGeneratorTests: XCTestCase {
func testSourceGenerator() {
describe {
let directoryPath = Path("TestDirectory")
let outOfRootPath = Path("OtherDirectory")
func createDirectories(_ directories: String) throws {
let yaml = try Yams.load(yaml: directories)!
func getFiles(_ file: Any, path: Path) -> [Path] {
if let array = file as? [Any] {
return array.flatMap { getFiles($0, path: path) }
} else if let string = file as? String {
return [path + string]
} else if let dictionary = file as? [String: Any] {
var array: [Path] = []
for (key, value) in dictionary {
array += getFiles(value, path: path + key)
return array
} else {
return []
let files = getFiles(yaml, path: directoryPath).filter { $0.extension != nil }
for file in files {
try file.parent().mkpath()
try file.write("")
func removeDirectories() {
try? directoryPath.delete()
try? outOfRootPath.delete()
$0.before {
$0.after {
$0.it("generates source groups") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
- B:
- b.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "B", "b.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
$0.it("supports frameworks in sources") {
let directories = """
- Foo.framework
- Bar.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "Bar.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
let buildPhase = pbxProj.copyFilesBuildPhases.first
try expect(buildPhase?.dstSubfolderSpec) == .frameworks
let fileReference = pbxProj.getFileReference(
paths: ["Sources", "Foo.framework"],
names: ["Sources", "Foo.framework"]
guard let buildFile = pbxProj.buildFiles
.first(where: { $0.file == fileReference }) else {
throw failure("Cant find build file")
try expect(buildPhase?.files.count) == 1
try expect(buildPhase?.files.contains(buildFile)) == true
$0.it("generates core data models") {
let directories = """
- .xccurrentversion
- model.xcdatamodel
- model1.xcdatamodel
- model2.xcdatamodel
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
guard let fileReference = pbxProj.fileReferences.first(where: { $0.nameOrPath == "model2.xcdatamodel" }) else {
throw failure("Couldn't find model file reference")
guard let versionGroup = pbxProj.versionGroups.first else {
throw failure("Couldn't find version group")
try expect(versionGroup.currentVersion) == fileReference
try expect(versionGroup.children.count) == 3
try expect(versionGroup.path) == "model.xcdatamodeld"
try expect(fileReference.path) == "model2.xcdatamodel"
$0.it("generates variant groups") {
let directories = """
- LocalizedStoryboard.storyboard
- LocalizedStoryboard.strings
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
func getFileReferences(_ path: String) -> [PBXFileReference] {
return pbxProj.fileReferences.filter { $0.path == path }
func getVariableGroups(_ name: String?) -> [PBXVariantGroup] {
return pbxProj.variantGroups.filter { $0.name == name }
let resourceName = "LocalizedStoryboard.storyboard"
let baseResource = "Base.lproj/LocalizedStoryboard.storyboard"
let localizedResource = "en.lproj/LocalizedStoryboard.strings"
guard let variableGroup = getVariableGroups(resourceName).first else { throw failure("Couldn't find the variable group") }
do {
let refs = getFileReferences(baseResource)
try expect(refs.count) == 1
try expect(variableGroup.children.filter { $0 == refs.first }.count) == 1
do {
let refs = getFileReferences(localizedResource)
try expect(refs.count) == 1
try expect(variableGroup.children.filter { $0 == refs.first }.count) == 1
$0.it("handles duplicate names") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
- a:
- a.swift
- a:
- a.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(
basePath: directoryPath,
name: "Test",
targets: [target],
fileGroups: ["Sources"]
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "a", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "a", "a", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
$0.it("renames sources") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
- b.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [
TargetSource(path: "Sources", name: "NewSource"),
TargetSource(path: "OtherSource/b.swift", name: "c.swift"),
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "a.swift"], names: ["NewSource", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["OtherSource", "b.swift"], names: ["OtherSource", "c.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
$0.it("excludes sources") {
let directories = """
- A:
- a.swift
- B:
- b.swift
- b.ignored
- a.ignored
- B:
- b.swift
- D:
- d.h
- d.m
- E:
- e.jpg
- e.h
- e.m
- F:
- f.swift
- G:
- H:
- h.swift
- types:
- a.swift
- a.m
- a.h
- a.x
- numbers:
- file1.a
- file2.a
- file3.a
- file4.a
- partial:
- file_part
- ignore.file
- a.ignored
- project.xcodeproj:
- project.pbxproj
- a.playground:
- Sources:
- a.swift
- Resources
try createDirectories(directories)
let excludes = [
// not supported
// "**/*.ignored",
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [TargetSource(path: "Sources", excludes: excludes)])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "D", "d.h"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "D", "d.m"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "E", "e.jpg"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "E", "e.m"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "E", "e.h"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "types", "a.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "numbers", "file1.a"])
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "numbers", "file4.a"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "B", "b.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "E", "F", "f.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "G", "H", "h.swift"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "types", "a.h"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "types", "a.x"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "numbers", "file2.a"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "numbers", "file3.a"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "partial", "file_part"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "a.ignored"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "ignore.file"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "project.xcodeproj"])
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "a.playground"])
// not supported: "**/*.ignored"
// try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.ignored"])
// try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "B", "b.ignored"])
$0.it("generates file sources") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
- Assets.xcassets
- B:
- b.swift
- c.jpg
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A", "a.swift"], names: ["A", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A/B", "b.swift"], names: ["B", "b.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A/B", "c.jpg"], names: ["B", "c.jpg"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A", "Assets.xcassets"], names: ["A", "Assets.xcassets"], buildPhase: .resources)
$0.it("generates shared sources") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
- B:
- b.swift
- c.jpg
try createDirectories(directories)
let target1 = Target(name: "Test1", type: .framework, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let target2 = Target(name: "Test2", type: .framework, platform: .tvOS, sources: ["Sources"])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target1, target2])
_ = try project.generatePbxProj()
// TODO: check there are build files for both targets
$0.it("generates intermediate groups") {
let directories = """
- b.swift
- G:
- h.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let outOfSourceFile = outOfRootPath + "C/D/e.swift"
try outOfSourceFile.parent().mkpath()
try outOfSourceFile.write("")
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [
let options = SpecOptions(createIntermediateGroups: true)
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target], options: options)
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "A", "b.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources", "F", "G", "h.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: [(outOfRootPath + "C/D").string, "e.swift"], names: ["D", "e.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
$0.it("generates folder references") {
let directories = """
- a.resource
- b.resource
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [
TargetSource(path: "Sources/A", type: .folder),
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A"], names: ["A"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFileMissing(paths: ["Sources", "A", "a.swift"])
$0.it("adds files to correct build phase") {
let directories = """
- file.swift
- file.xcassets
- file.h
- Info.plist
- file.xcconfig
- file.swift
- file.xcassets
- file.h
- Info.plist
- file.xcconfig
- file.swift
- file.m
- file.mm
- file.cpp
- file.c
- file.S
- file.h
- file.hh
- file.hpp
- file.ipp
- file.tpp
- file.hxx
- file.def
- file.xcconfig
- file.entitlements
- file.gpx
- file.apns
- file.123
- file.xcassets
- file.metal
- Info.plist
- Intent.intentdefinition
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .framework, platform: .iOS, sources: [
TargetSource(path: "A", buildPhase: .resources),
TargetSource(path: "B", buildPhase: .none),
TargetSource(path: "C", buildPhase: nil),
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["A", "file.swift"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["A", "file.xcassets"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["A", "file.h"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["A", "Info.plist"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["A", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["B", "file.swift"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["B", "file.xcassets"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["B", "file.h"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["B", "Info.plist"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["B", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.m"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.mm"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.cpp"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.c"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.S"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.h"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.hh"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.hpp"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.ipp"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.tpp"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.hxx"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.def"], buildPhase: .headers)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.entitlements"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.gpx"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.apns"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.xcconfig"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.xcassets"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.123"], buildPhase: .resources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "Info.plist"], buildPhase: .none)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "file.metal"], buildPhase: .sources)
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["C", "Intent.intentdefinition"], buildPhase: .sources)
$0.it("duplicate TargetSource is included once in sources build phase") {
let directories = """
- a.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: [
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
try pbxProj.expectFile(paths: ["Sources/A", "a.swift"], names: ["A", "a.swift"], buildPhase: .sources)
let sourcesBuildPhase = pbxProj.buildPhases.first(where: { $0.buildPhase == BuildPhase.sources })!
try expect(sourcesBuildPhase.files.count) == 1
$0.it("derived directories are sorted last") {
let directories = """
- file.swift
- file.swift
- file.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["A", "P", "S"], dependencies: [Dependency(type: .carthage, reference: "Alamofire")])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
let groups = try pbxProj.getMainGroup().children.map { $0.nameOrPath }
try expect(groups) == ["A", "P", "S", "Frameworks", "Products"]
$0.it("sorts files") {
let directories = """
- file3.swift
- file.swift
- 10file.a
- 1file.a
- file2.swift
- group2:
- file.swift
- group:
- file.swift
try createDirectories(directories)
let target = Target(name: "Test", type: .application, platform: .iOS, sources: ["Sources"], dependencies: [Dependency(type: .carthage, reference: "Alamofire")])
let project = Project(basePath: directoryPath, name: "Test", targets: [target])
let pbxProj = try project.generatePbxProj()
let mainGroup = try pbxProj.getMainGroup()
let group = mainGroup.children.compactMap { $0 as? PBXGroup }.first { $0.nameOrPath == "Sources" }!
let names = group.children.compactMap { $0.nameOrPath }
try expect(names) == [
extension PBXProj {
/// expect a file within groups of the paths, using optional different names
func expectFile(paths: [String], names: [String]? = nil, buildPhase: TargetSource.BuildPhase? = nil, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) throws {
guard let fileReference = getFileReference(paths: paths, names: names ?? paths) else {
var error = "Could not find file at path \(paths.joined(separator: "/").quoted)"
if let names = names, names != paths {
error += " and name \(names.joined(separator: "/").quoted)"
throw failure(error, file: file, line: line)
if let buildPhase = buildPhase {
let buildFile = buildFiles
.first(where: { $0.file === fileReference })
let actualBuildPhase = buildFile
.flatMap { buildFile in buildPhases.first { $0.files.contains(buildFile) } }?.buildPhase
var error: String?
if let buildPhase = buildPhase.buildPhase {
if actualBuildPhase != buildPhase {
if let actualBuildPhase = actualBuildPhase {
error = "is in the \(actualBuildPhase.rawValue) build phase instead of the expected \(buildPhase.rawValue.quoted)"
} else {
error = "isn't in a build phase when it's expected to be in \(buildPhase.rawValue.quoted)"
} else if let actualBuildPhase = actualBuildPhase {
error = "is in the \(actualBuildPhase.rawValue.quoted) build phase when it's expected to not be in any"
if let error = error {
throw failure("File \(paths.joined(separator: "/").quoted) \(error)", file: file, line: line)
/// expect a missing file within groups of the paths, using optional different names
func expectFileMissing(paths: [String], names: [String]? = nil, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) throws {
let names = names ?? paths
if getFileReference(paths: paths, names: names) != nil {
throw failure("Found unexpected file at path \(paths.joined(separator: "/").quoted) and name \(paths.joined(separator: "/").quoted)", file: file, line: line)
func getFileReference(paths: [String], names: [String], file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) -> PBXFileReference? {
guard let mainGroup = projects.first?.mainGroup else { return nil }
return getFileReference(group: mainGroup, paths: paths, names: names)
func getMainGroup(function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) throws -> PBXGroup {
guard let mainGroup = projects.first?.mainGroup else {
throw failure("Couldn't find main group", file: file, line: line)
return mainGroup
private func getFileReference(group: PBXGroup, paths: [String], names: [String]) -> PBXFileReference? {
guard !paths.isEmpty else { return nil }
let path = paths.first!
let name = names.first!
let restOfPath = Array(paths.dropFirst())
let restOfName = Array(names.dropFirst())
if restOfPath.isEmpty {
let fileReferences: [PBXFileReference] = group.children.compactMap { $0 as? PBXFileReference }
return fileReferences.first { $0.path == path && $0.nameOrPath == name }
} else {
let groups = group.children.compactMap { $0 as? PBXGroup }
guard let group = groups.first(where: { $0.path == path && $0.nameOrPath == name }) else { return nil }
return getFileReference(group: group, paths: restOfPath, names: restOfName)