2019-10-06 15:33:27 -05:00

187 lines
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import Foundation
import JSONUtilities
import PathKit
public struct SpecFile {
public let basePath: Path
public let relativePath: Path
public let jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary
public let subSpecs: [SpecFile]
private let filename: String
fileprivate struct Include {
let path: Path
let relativePaths: Bool
static let defaultRelativePaths = true
init?(any: Any) {
if let string = any as? String {
path = Path(string)
relativePaths = Include.defaultRelativePaths
} else if let dictionary = any as? JSONDictionary,
let path = dictionary["path"] as? String {
self.path = Path(path)
relativePaths = dictionary["relativePaths"] as? Bool ?? Include.defaultRelativePaths
} else {
return nil
static func parse(json: Any?) -> [Include] {
if let array = json as? [Any] {
return array.compactMap(Include.init)
} else if let object = json, let include = Include(any: object) {
return [include]
} else {
return []
public init(path: Path) throws {
try self.init(filename: path.lastComponent, basePath: path.parent())
public init(filename: String, jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary, basePath: Path = "", relativePath: Path = "", subSpecs: [SpecFile] = []) {
self.basePath = basePath
self.relativePath = relativePath
self.jsonDictionary = jsonDictionary
self.subSpecs = subSpecs
self.filename = filename
fileprivate init(include: Include, basePath: Path, relativePath: Path) throws {
let basePath = include.relativePaths ? (basePath + relativePath) : (basePath + relativePath + include.path.parent())
let relativePath = include.relativePaths ? include.path.parent() : Path()
try self.init(filename: include.path.lastComponent, basePath: basePath, relativePath: relativePath)
fileprivate init(filename: String, basePath: Path, relativePath: Path = "") throws {
let path = basePath + relativePath + filename
let jsonDictionary = try SpecFile.loadDictionary(path: path)
let includes = Include.parse(json: jsonDictionary["include"])
let subSpecs: [SpecFile] = try includes.map { include in
try SpecFile(include: include, basePath: basePath, relativePath: relativePath)
self.init(filename: filename, jsonDictionary: jsonDictionary, basePath: basePath, relativePath: relativePath, subSpecs: subSpecs)
static func loadDictionary(path: Path) throws -> JSONDictionary {
// Depending on the extension we will either load the file as YAML or JSON
if path.extension?.lowercased() == "json" {
let data: Data = try path.read()
let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments)
guard let jsonDictionary = jsonData as? [String: Any] else {
fatalError("Invalid JSON at path \(path)")
return jsonDictionary
} else {
return try loadYamlDictionary(path: path)
public func resolvedDictionary(variables: [String: String] = [:]) -> JSONDictionary {
let resolvedDictionary = resolvedDictionaryWithUniqueTargets()
return substitute(variables: variables, in: resolvedDictionary)
private func resolvedDictionaryWithUniqueTargets() -> JSONDictionary {
let resolvedSpec = resolvingPaths()
var value = Set<String>()
return resolvedSpec.mergedDictionary(set: &value)
private func substitute(variables: [String: String], in mergedDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> JSONDictionary {
var resolvedSpec = mergedDictionary
for (key, value) in variables {
resolvedSpec = resolvedSpec.replaceString("${\(key)}", with: value)
return resolvedSpec
func mergedDictionary(set mergedTargets: inout Set<String>) -> JSONDictionary {
let name = (basePath + relativePath + Path(filename)).description
guard !mergedTargets.contains(name) else { return [:] }
return jsonDictionary.merged(onto:
.map { $0.mergedDictionary(set: &mergedTargets) }
.reduce([:]) { $1.merged(onto: $0) })
func resolvingPaths(relativeTo basePath: Path = Path()) -> SpecFile {
let relativePath = (basePath + self.relativePath).normalize()
guard relativePath != Path() else {
return self
let jsonDictionary = Project.pathProperties.resolvingPaths(in: self.jsonDictionary, relativeTo: relativePath)
return SpecFile(
filename: filename,
jsonDictionary: jsonDictionary,
relativePath: self.relativePath,
subSpecs: subSpecs.map { $0.resolvingPaths(relativeTo: relativePath) }
extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value: Any {
func merged(onto other: [Key: Value]) -> [Key: Value] {
var merged = other
for (key, value) in self {
if key.hasSuffix(":REPLACE") {
let newKey = key[key.startIndex..<key.index(key.endIndex, offsetBy: -8)]
merged[Key(newKey)] = value
} else if let dictionary = value as? [Key: Value], let base = merged[key] as? [Key: Value] {
merged[key] = dictionary.merged(onto: base) as? Value
} else if let array = value as? [Any], let base = merged[key] as? [Any] {
merged[key] = (base + array) as? Value
} else {
merged[key] = value
return merged
func replaceString(_ template: String, with replacement: String) -> JSONDictionary {
var replaced: JSONDictionary = self
for (key, value) in self {
let newKey = key.replacingOccurrences(of: template, with: replacement)
if newKey != key {
replaced.removeValue(forKey: key)
replaced[newKey] = replace(value: value, template, with: replacement)
return replaced
func replace(value: Any, _ template: String, with replacement: String) -> Any {
switch value {
case let dictionary as JSONDictionary:
return dictionary.replaceString(template, with: replacement)
case let string as String:
return string.replacingOccurrences(of: template, with: replacement)
case let array as [JSONDictionary]:
return array.map { $0.replaceString(template, with: replacement) }
case let array as [String]:
return array.map { $0.replacingOccurrences(of: template, with: replacement) }
case let anyArray as [Any]:
return anyArray.map { self.replace(value: $0, template, with: replacement) }
return value