2018-02-26 22:22:07 +01:00

322 lines
15 KiB

import PathKit
import ProjectSpec
import Spectre
import XcodeGenKit
import xcproj
func specLoadingTests() {
func getProjectSpec(_ spec: [String: Any]) throws -> ProjectSpec {
var specDictionary: [String: Any] = ["name": "test"]
for (key, value) in spec {
specDictionary[key] = value
return try ProjectSpec(basePath: "", jsonDictionary: specDictionary)
func expectProjectSpecError(_ spec: [String: Any], _ expectedError: SpecParsingError) throws {
try expectError(expectedError) {
try getProjectSpec(spec)
func expectTargetError(_ target: [String: Any], _ expectedError: SpecParsingError) throws {
try expectError(expectedError) {
_ = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: target)
let validTarget: [String: Any] = ["type": "application", "platform": "iOS"]
let invalid = "invalid"
describe("Spec Loader") {
$0.it("merges includes") {
let path = fixturePath + "include_test.yml"
let spec = try ProjectSpec(path: path)
try expect(spec.name) == "NewName"
try expect(spec.settingGroups) == [
"test": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING1": "NEW VALUE", "MY_SETTING2": "VALUE2", "MY_SETTING3": "VALUE3"]),
"new": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING": "VALUE"]),
"toReplace": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING2": "VALUE2"]),
try expect(spec.targets) == [
Target(name: "IncludedTargetNew", type: .application, platform: .tvOS, sources: ["NewSource"]),
Target(name: "NewTarget", type: .application, platform: .iOS),
describe("Spec Loader JSON") {
$0.it("merges includes") {
let path = fixturePath + "include_test.json"
let spec = try ProjectSpec(path: path)
try expect(spec.name) == "NewName"
try expect(spec.settingGroups) == [
"test": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING1": "NEW VALUE", "MY_SETTING2": "VALUE2", "MY_SETTING3": "VALUE3"]),
"new": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING": "VALUE"]),
"toReplace": Settings(dictionary: ["MY_SETTING2": "VALUE2"]),
try expect(spec.targets) == [
Target(name: "IncludedTargetNew", type: .application, platform: .tvOS, sources: ["NewSource"]),
Target(name: "NewTarget", type: .application, platform: .iOS),
describe("Project Spec Parser") {
$0.it("fails with incorrect platform") {
var target = validTarget
target["platform"] = invalid
try expectTargetError(target, .unknownTargetPlatform(invalid))
$0.it("fails with incorrect product type") {
var target = validTarget
target["type"] = invalid
try expectTargetError(target, .unknownTargetType(invalid))
$0.it("fails with invalid dependency") {
var target = validTarget
target["dependencies"] = [[invalid: "name"]]
try expectTargetError(target, .invalidDependency([invalid: "name"]))
$0.it("parses sources") {
var targetDictionary1 = validTarget
targetDictionary1["sources"] = [
["path": "sourceObject"],
["path": "sourceWithFlagsArray", "compilerFlags": ["-Werror"]],
["path": "sourceWithFlagsString", "compilerFlags": "-Werror -Wextra"],
["path": "sourceWithExcludes", "excludes": ["Foo.swift"]],
["path": "sourceWithFileType", "type": "file"],
["path": "sourceWithGroupType", "type": "group"],
["path": "sourceWithFolderType", "type": "folder"],
var targetDictionary2 = validTarget
targetDictionary2["sources"] = "source3"
let target1 = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: targetDictionary1)
let target2 = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: targetDictionary2)
let target1SourcesExpect = [
TargetSource(path: "sourceString"),
TargetSource(path: "sourceObject"),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithFlagsArray", compilerFlags: ["-Werror"]),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithFlagsString", compilerFlags: ["-Werror", "-Wextra"]),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithExcludes", excludes: ["Foo.swift"]),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithFileType", type: .file),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithGroupType", type: .group),
TargetSource(path: "sourceWithFolderType", type: .folder),
try expect(target1.sources) == target1SourcesExpect
try expect(target2.sources) == ["source3"]
$0.it("parses target dependencies") {
var targetDictionary = validTarget
targetDictionary["dependencies"] = [
["target": "name", "embed": false],
["carthage": "name"],
["framework": "path"],
let target = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: targetDictionary)
try expect(target.dependencies.count) == 3
try expect(target.dependencies[0]) == Dependency(type: .target, reference: "name", embed: false)
try expect(target.dependencies[1]) == Dependency(type: .carthage, reference: "name")
try expect(target.dependencies[2]) == Dependency(type: .framework, reference: "path")
$0.it("parses cross platform targets") {
let targetDictionary: [String: Any] = [
"platform": ["iOS", "tvOS"],
"type": "framework",
"sources": ["Framework", "Framework $platform"],
"settings": ["SETTING": "value_$platform"],
let spec = try getProjectSpec(["targets": ["Framework": targetDictionary]])
var target_iOS = Target(name: "Framework_iOS", type: .framework, platform: .iOS)
var target_tvOS = Target(name: "Framework_tvOS", type: .framework, platform: .tvOS)
target_iOS.sources = ["Framework", "Framework iOS"]
target_tvOS.sources = ["Framework", "Framework tvOS"]
target_iOS.settings = ["PRODUCT_NAME": "Framework", "SETTING": "value_iOS"]
target_tvOS.settings = ["PRODUCT_NAME": "Framework", "SETTING": "value_tvOS"]
try expect(spec.targets.count) == 2
try expect(spec.targets) == [target_iOS, target_tvOS]
$0.it("parses target schemes") {
var targetDictionary = validTarget
targetDictionary["scheme"] = [
"environmentVariables": [
let target = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: targetDictionary)
let expectedVariables = [XCScheme.EnvironmentVariable(variable: "TEST_VAR", value: "TEST_VAL", enabled: true)]
try expect(target.scheme?.environmentVariables) == expectedVariables
$0.it("parses schemes") {
let schemeDictionary: [String: Any] = [
"build": [
"parallelizeBuild": false,
"buildImplicitDependencies": false,
"targets": [
"Target1": "all",
"Target2": "testing",
"Target3": "none",
"Target4": ["testing": true],
"Target5": ["testing": false],
"Target6": ["test", "analyze"],
"preActions": [
"script": "echo Before Build",
"name": "Before Build",
"settingsTarget": "Target1",
let scheme = try Scheme(name: "Scheme", jsonDictionary: schemeDictionary)
let expectedTargets: [Scheme.BuildTarget] = [
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target1", buildTypes: BuildType.all),
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target2", buildTypes: [.testing, .analyzing]),
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target3", buildTypes: []),
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target4", buildTypes: [.testing]),
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target5", buildTypes: []),
Scheme.BuildTarget(target: "Target6", buildTypes: [.testing, .analyzing]),
try expect(scheme.name) == "Scheme"
try expect(scheme.build.targets) == expectedTargets
try expect(scheme.build.preActions.first?.script) == "echo Before Build"
try expect(scheme.build.preActions.first?.name) == "Before Build"
try expect(scheme.build.preActions.first?.settingsTarget) == "Target1"
try expect(scheme.build.parallelizeBuild) == false
try expect(scheme.build.buildImplicitDependencies) == false
$0.it("parses schemes variables") {
let schemeDictionary: [String: Any] = [
"build": [
"targets": ["Target1": "all"],
"run": [
"environmentVariables": [
["variable": "ENVIRONMENT", "value": "VARIABLE"],
["variable": "OTHER_ENV_VAR", "value": "VAL", "isEnabled": false],
"test": [
"environmentVariables": [
"profile": [
"config": "Release"
let scheme = try Scheme(name: "Scheme", jsonDictionary: schemeDictionary)
let expectedRunVariables = [
XCScheme.EnvironmentVariable(variable: "ENVIRONMENT", value: "VARIABLE", enabled: true),
XCScheme.EnvironmentVariable(variable: "OTHER_ENV_VAR", value: "VAL", enabled: false)
let expectedTestVariables = [XCScheme.EnvironmentVariable(variable: "TEST", value: "VARIABLE", enabled: true)]
try expect(scheme.run?.environmentVariables) == expectedRunVariables
try expect(scheme.test?.environmentVariables) == expectedTestVariables
try expect(scheme.profile?.config) == "Release"
try expect(scheme.profile?.environmentVariables.isEmpty) == true
$0.it("parses settings") {
let spec = try ProjectSpec(path: fixturePath + "settings_test.yml")
let buildSettings: BuildSettings = ["SETTING": "value"]
let configSettings: [String: Settings] = ["config1": Settings(buildSettings: ["SETTING1": "value"])]
let groups = ["preset1"]
let preset1 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: [:], groups: [])
let preset2 = Settings(buildSettings: [:], configSettings: configSettings, groups: [])
let preset3 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: configSettings, groups: [])
let preset4 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: [:], groups: [])
let preset5 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: [:], groups: groups)
let preset6 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: configSettings, groups: groups)
let preset7 = Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, configSettings: ["config1": Settings(buildSettings: buildSettings, groups: groups)])
let preset8 = Settings(buildSettings: [:], configSettings: ["config1": Settings(configSettings: configSettings)])
try expect(spec.settingGroups.count) == 8
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset1"]) == preset1
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset2"]) == preset2
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset3"]) == preset3
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset4"]) == preset4
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset5"]) == preset5
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset6"]) == preset6
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset7"]) == preset7
try expect(spec.settingGroups["preset8"]) == preset8
$0.it("parses run scripts") {
var target = validTarget
let scripts: [[String: Any]] = [
["path": "script.sh"],
["script": "shell script\ndo thing", "name": "myscript", "inputFiles": ["file", "file2"], "outputFiles": ["file", "file2"], "shell": "bin/customshell", "runOnlyWhenInstalling": true],
target["prebuildScripts"] = scripts
target["postbuildScripts"] = scripts
let expectedScripts = [
BuildScript(script: .path("script.sh")),
BuildScript(script: .script("shell script\ndo thing"), name: "myscript", inputFiles: ["file", "file2"], outputFiles: ["file", "file2"], shell: "bin/customshell", runOnlyWhenInstalling: true),
let parsedTarget = try Target(name: "test", jsonDictionary: target)
try expect(parsedTarget.prebuildScripts) == expectedScripts
try expect(parsedTarget.postbuildScripts) == expectedScripts
$0.it("parses options") {
let options = ProjectSpec.Options(
carthageBuildPath: "../Carthage/Build",
carthageExecutablePath: "../bin/carthage",
createIntermediateGroups: true,
bundleIdPrefix: "com.test",
developmentLanguage: "ja",
deploymentTarget: DeploymentTarget(
iOS: "11.1",
tvOS: "10.0",
watchOS: "3.0",
macOS: "10.12.1"
let expected = ProjectSpec(basePath: "", name: "test", options: options)
let dictionary: [String: Any] = ["options": [
"carthageBuildPath": "../Carthage/Build",
"carthageExecutablePath": "../bin/carthage",
"bundleIdPrefix": "com.test",
"createIntermediateGroups": true,
"developmentLanguage": "ja",
"deploymentTarget": ["iOS": 11.1, "tvOS": 10.0, "watchOS": "3", "macOS": "10.12.1"],
let parsedSpec = try getProjectSpec(dictionary)
try expect(parsedSpec) == expected