2019-03-25 21:11:29 +11:00

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import Foundation
import PathKit
extension Path {
/// Returns a Path without any inner parent directory references.
/// Similar to `NSString.standardizingPath`, but works with relative paths.
/// ### Examples
/// - `a/b/../c` simplifies to `a/c`
/// - `../a/b` simplifies to `../a/b`
/// - `a/../../c` simplifies to `../c`
public func simplifyingParentDirectoryReferences() -> Path {
return normalize().components.reduce(Path(), +)
/// Returns the relative path necessary to go from `base` to `self`.
/// Both paths must be absolute or relative paths.
/// - throws: Throws an error when the path types do not match, or when `base` has so many parent path components
/// that it refers to an unknown parent directory.
public func relativePath(from base: Path) throws -> Path {
enum PathArgumentError: Error {
/// Can't back out of an unknown parent directory
case unknownParentDirectory
/// It's impossible to determine the path between an absolute and a relative path
case unmatchedAbsolutePath
func pathComponents(for path: ArraySlice<String>, relativeTo base: ArraySlice<String>, memo: [String]) throws -> [String] {
switch (base.first, path.first) {
// Base case: Paths are equivalent
case (.none, .none):
return memo
// No path to backtrack from
case (.none, .some(let rhs)):
guard rhs != "." else {
// Skip . instead of appending it
return try pathComponents(for: path.dropFirst(), relativeTo: base, memo: memo)
return try pathComponents(for: path.dropFirst(), relativeTo: base, memo: memo + [rhs])
// Both sides have a common parent
case (.some(let lhs), .some(let rhs)) where lhs == rhs:
return try pathComponents(for: path.dropFirst(), relativeTo: base.dropFirst(), memo: memo)
// `base` has a path to back out of
case (.some(let lhs), _):
guard lhs != ".." else {
throw PathArgumentError.unknownParentDirectory
guard lhs != "." else {
// Skip . instead of resolving it to ..
return try pathComponents(for: path, relativeTo: base.dropFirst(), memo: memo)
return try pathComponents(for: path, relativeTo: base.dropFirst(), memo: memo + [".."])
guard isAbsolute && base.isAbsolute || !isAbsolute && !base.isAbsolute else {
throw PathArgumentError.unmatchedAbsolutePath
return Path(components: try pathComponents(for: ArraySlice(simplifyingParentDirectoryReferences().components),
relativeTo: ArraySlice(base.simplifyingParentDirectoryReferences().components),
memo: []))