Ian Leitch 4ae08453c3
Fix handling of SWIFT_INSTALL_OBJC_HEADER when its value is YES/NO. (#827)
* Fix handling of SWIFT_INSTALL_OBJC_HEADER when its value is YES/NO.

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* Address PR feedback.
2020-04-15 10:55:56 +10:00

223 lines
8.2 KiB

import Foundation
import JSONUtilities
import PathKit
import ProjectSpec
import XcodeProj
import Yams
extension Project {
public func getProjectBuildSettings(config: Config) -> BuildSettings {
var buildSettings: BuildSettings = [:]
// set project SDKROOT is a single platform
if targets.count > 0 {
let platforms = Dictionary(grouping: targets) { $0.platform }
if platforms.count == 1 {
let platform = platforms.first!.key
buildSettings["SDKROOT"] = platform.sdkRoot
if let type = config.type, options.settingPresets.applyProject {
buildSettings += SettingsPresetFile.base.getBuildSettings()
buildSettings += SettingsPresetFile.config(type).getBuildSettings()
// apply custom platform version
for platform in Platform.allCases {
if let version = options.deploymentTarget.version(for: platform) {
buildSettings[platform.deploymentTargetSetting] = version.deploymentTarget
// Prevent setting presets from overrwriting settings in project xcconfig files
if let configPath = configFiles[config.name] {
buildSettings = removeConfigFileSettings(from: buildSettings, configPath: configPath)
buildSettings += getBuildSettings(settings: settings, config: config)
return buildSettings
public func getTargetBuildSettings(target: Target, config: Config) -> BuildSettings {
var buildSettings = BuildSettings()
if options.settingPresets.applyTarget {
buildSettings += SettingsPresetFile.platform(target.platform).getBuildSettings()
buildSettings += SettingsPresetFile.product(target.type).getBuildSettings()
buildSettings += SettingsPresetFile.productPlatform(target.type, target.platform).getBuildSettings()
// apply custom platform version
if let version = target.deploymentTarget {
buildSettings[target.platform.deploymentTargetSetting] = version.deploymentTarget
// Prevent setting presets from overrwriting settings in target xcconfig files
if let configPath = target.configFiles[config.name] {
buildSettings = removeConfigFileSettings(from: buildSettings, configPath: configPath)
// Prevent setting presets from overrwriting settings in project xcconfig files
if let configPath = configFiles[config.name] {
buildSettings = removeConfigFileSettings(from: buildSettings, configPath: configPath)
buildSettings += getBuildSettings(settings: target.settings, config: config)
return buildSettings
public func getBuildSettings(settings: Settings, config: Config) -> BuildSettings {
var buildSettings: BuildSettings = [:]
for group in settings.groups {
if let settings = settingGroups[group] {
buildSettings += getBuildSettings(settings: settings, config: config)
buildSettings += settings.buildSettings
for (configVariant, settings) in settings.configSettings {
let isPartialMatch = config.name.lowercased().contains(configVariant.lowercased())
if isPartialMatch {
let exactConfig = getConfig(configVariant)
let matchesExactlyToOtherConfig = exactConfig != nil && exactConfig?.name != config.name
if !matchesExactlyToOtherConfig {
buildSettings += getBuildSettings(settings: settings, config: config)
return buildSettings
// combines all levels of a target's settings: target, target config, project, project config
public func getCombinedBuildSetting(_ setting: String, target: ProjectTarget, config: Config) -> Any? {
if let target = target as? Target,
let value = getTargetBuildSettings(target: target, config: config)[setting] {
return value
if let configFilePath = target.configFiles[config.name],
let value = loadConfigFileBuildSettings(path: configFilePath)?[setting] {
return value
if let value = getProjectBuildSettings(config: config)[setting] {
return value
if let configFilePath = configFiles[config.name],
let value = loadConfigFileBuildSettings(path: configFilePath)?[setting] {
return value
return nil
public func getBoolBuildSetting(_ setting: String, target: ProjectTarget, config: Config) -> Bool? {
guard let value = getCombinedBuildSetting(setting, target: target, config: config) else { return nil }
if let boolValue = value as? Bool {
return boolValue
} else if let stringValue = value as? String {
return stringValue == "YES"
return nil
public func targetHasBuildSetting(_ setting: String, target: Target, config: Config) -> Bool {
getCombinedBuildSetting(setting, target: target, config: config) != nil
/// Removes values from build settings if they are defined in an xcconfig file
private func removeConfigFileSettings(from buildSettings: BuildSettings, configPath: String) -> BuildSettings {
var buildSettings = buildSettings
if let configSettings = loadConfigFileBuildSettings(path: configPath) {
for key in configSettings.keys {
// FIXME: Catch platform specifier. e.g. LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS[sdk=iphone*]
buildSettings.removeValue(forKey: key)
buildSettings.removeValue(forKey: key.quoted)
return buildSettings
/// Returns cached build settings from a config file
private func loadConfigFileBuildSettings(path: String) -> BuildSettings? {
let configFilePath = basePath + path
if let cached = configFileSettings[configFilePath.string] {
return cached.value
} else {
guard let configFile = try? XCConfig(path: configFilePath) else {
configFileSettings[configFilePath.string] = .nothing
return nil
let settings = configFile.flattenedBuildSettings()
configFileSettings[configFilePath.string] = .cached(settings)
return settings
private enum Cached<T> {
case cached(T)
case nothing
var value: T? {
switch self {
case let .cached(value): return value
case .nothing: return nil
// cached flattened xcconfig file settings
private var configFileSettings: [String: Cached<BuildSettings>] = [:]
// cached setting preset settings
private var settingPresetSettings: [String: Cached<BuildSettings>] = [:]
extension SettingsPresetFile {
public func getBuildSettings() -> BuildSettings? {
if let cached = settingPresetSettings[path] {
return cached.value
let bundlePath = Path(Bundle.main.bundlePath)
let relativePath = Path("SettingPresets/\(path).yml")
var possibleSettingsPaths: [Path] = [
bundlePath + relativePath,
bundlePath + "../share/xcodegen/\(relativePath)",
Path(#file).parent().parent().parent() + relativePath,
if let symlink = try? (bundlePath + "xcodegen").symlinkDestination() {
possibleSettingsPaths = [
symlink.parent() + relativePath,
] + possibleSettingsPaths
guard let settingsPath = possibleSettingsPaths.first(where: { $0.exists }) else {
switch self {
case .base, .config, .platform:
print("No \"\(name)\" settings found")
case .product, .productPlatform:
settingPresetSettings[path] = .nothing
return nil
guard let buildSettings = try? loadYamlDictionary(path: settingsPath) else {
print("Error parsing \"\(name)\" settings")
return nil
settingPresetSettings[path] = .cached(buildSettings)
return buildSettings