Elliott Williams 35212a6154
Rename Core to avoid collisions with other packages (i.e. GraphViz) (#1057)
* Rename 'Core' to 'XcodeGenCore'

* Update CHANGELOG.md

* Update CHANGELOG.md
2021-05-01 13:39:34 +10:00

770 lines
32 KiB

import Foundation
import PathKit
import ProjectSpec
import XcodeProj
import XcodeGenCore
struct SourceFile {
let path: Path
let fileReference: PBXFileElement
let buildFile: PBXBuildFile
let buildPhase: BuildPhaseSpec?
class SourceGenerator {
var rootGroups: Set<PBXFileElement> = []
private let projectDirectory: Path?
private var fileReferencesByPath: [String: PBXFileElement] = [:]
private var groupsByPath: [Path: PBXGroup] = [:]
private var variantGroupsByPath: [Path: PBXVariantGroup] = [:]
private var localPackageGroup: PBXGroup?
private let project: Project
let pbxProj: PBXProj
private var defaultExcludedFiles = [
private let defaultExcludedExtensions = [
private(set) var knownRegions: Set<String> = []
init(project: Project, pbxProj: PBXProj, projectDirectory: Path?) {
self.project = project
self.pbxProj = pbxProj
self.projectDirectory = projectDirectory
private func resolveGroupPath(_ path: Path, isTopLevelGroup: Bool) -> String {
if isTopLevelGroup, let relativePath = try? path.relativePath(from: projectDirectory ?? project.basePath).string {
return relativePath
} else {
return path.lastComponent
func addObject<T: PBXObject>(_ object: T, context: String? = nil) -> T {
pbxProj.add(object: object)
object.context = context
return object
func createLocalPackage(path: Path) throws {
if localPackageGroup == nil {
let groupName = project.options.localPackagesGroup ?? "Packages"
localPackageGroup = addObject(PBXGroup(sourceTree: .sourceRoot, name: groupName))
let absolutePath = project.basePath + path.normalize()
// Get the local package's relative path from the project root
let fileReferencePath = try? absolutePath.relativePath(from: projectDirectory ?? project.basePath).string
let fileReference = addObject(
sourceTree: .sourceRoot,
name: absolutePath.lastComponent,
lastKnownFileType: "folder",
path: fileReferencePath
/// Collects an array complete of all `SourceFile` objects that make up the target based on the provided `TargetSource` definitions.
/// - Parameters:
/// - targetType: The type of target that the source files should belong to.
/// - sources: The array of sources defined as part of the targets spec.
/// - buildPhases: A dictionary containing any build phases that should be applied to source files at specific paths in the event that the associated `TargetSource` didn't already define a `buildPhase`. Values from this dictionary are used in cases where the project generator knows more about a file than the spec/filesystem does (i.e if the file should be treated as the targets Info.plist and so on).
func getAllSourceFiles(targetType: PBXProductType, sources: [TargetSource], buildPhases: [Path : BuildPhaseSpec]) throws -> [SourceFile] {
try sources.flatMap { try getSourceFiles(targetType: targetType, targetSource: $0, buildPhases: buildPhases) }
// get groups without build files. Use for Project.fileGroups
func getFileGroups(path: String) throws {
_ = try getSourceFiles(targetType: .none, targetSource: TargetSource(path: path), buildPhases: [:])
func getFileType(path: Path) -> FileType? {
if let fileExtension = path.extension {
return project.options.fileTypes[fileExtension] ?? FileType.defaultFileTypes[fileExtension]
} else {
return nil
func generateSourceFile(targetType: PBXProductType, targetSource: TargetSource, path: Path, fileReference: PBXFileElement? = nil, buildPhases: [Path: BuildPhaseSpec]) -> SourceFile {
let fileReference = fileReference ?? fileReferencesByPath[path.string.lowercased()]!
var settings: [String: Any] = [:]
let fileType = getFileType(path: path)
var attributes: [String] = targetSource.attributes + (fileType?.attributes ?? [])
var chosenBuildPhase: BuildPhaseSpec?
var compilerFlags: String = ""
let assetTags: [String] = targetSource.resourceTags + (fileType?.resourceTags ?? [])
let headerVisibility = targetSource.headerVisibility ?? .public
if let buildPhase = targetSource.buildPhase {
chosenBuildPhase = buildPhase
} else if resolvedTargetSourceType(for: targetSource, at: path) == .folder {
chosenBuildPhase = .resources
} else if let buildPhase = buildPhases[path] {
chosenBuildPhase = buildPhase
} else {
chosenBuildPhase = getDefaultBuildPhase(for: path, targetType: targetType)
if chosenBuildPhase == .headers && targetType == .staticLibrary {
// Static libraries don't support the header build phase
// For public headers they need to be copied
if headerVisibility == .public {
chosenBuildPhase = .copyFiles(BuildPhaseSpec.CopyFilesSettings(
destination: .productsDirectory,
subpath: "include/$(PRODUCT_NAME)",
phaseOrder: .preCompile
} else {
chosenBuildPhase = nil
if chosenBuildPhase == .headers {
if headerVisibility != .project {
// Xcode doesn't write the default of project
if let flags = fileType?.compilerFlags {
compilerFlags += flags.joined(separator: " ")
if !targetSource.compilerFlags.isEmpty {
if !compilerFlags.isEmpty {
compilerFlags += " "
compilerFlags += targetSource.compilerFlags.joined(separator: " ")
if chosenBuildPhase == .sources && !compilerFlags.isEmpty {
settings["COMPILER_FLAGS"] = compilerFlags
if !attributes.isEmpty {
settings["ATTRIBUTES"] = attributes
if chosenBuildPhase == .resources && !assetTags.isEmpty {
settings["ASSET_TAGS"] = assetTags
let buildFile = PBXBuildFile(file: fileReference, settings: settings.isEmpty ? nil : settings)
return SourceFile(
path: path,
fileReference: fileReference,
buildFile: buildFile,
buildPhase: chosenBuildPhase
func getContainedFileReference(path: Path) -> PBXFileElement {
let createIntermediateGroups = project.options.createIntermediateGroups
let parentPath = path.parent()
let fileReference = getFileReference(path: path, inPath: parentPath)
let parentGroup = getGroup(
path: parentPath,
mergingChildren: [fileReference],
createIntermediateGroups: createIntermediateGroups,
hasCustomParent: false,
isBaseGroup: true
if createIntermediateGroups {
createIntermediaGroups(for: parentGroup, at: parentPath)
return fileReference
func getFileReference(path: Path, inPath: Path, name: String? = nil, sourceTree: PBXSourceTree = .group, lastKnownFileType: String? = nil) -> PBXFileElement {
let fileReferenceKey = path.string.lowercased()
if let fileReference = fileReferencesByPath[fileReferenceKey] {
return fileReference
} else {
let fileReferencePath = (try? path.relativePath(from: inPath)) ?? path
var fileReferenceName: String? = name ?? fileReferencePath.lastComponent
if fileReferencePath.string == fileReferenceName {
fileReferenceName = nil
let lastKnownFileType = lastKnownFileType ?? Xcode.fileType(path: path)
if path.extension == "xcdatamodeld" {
let versionedModels = (try? path.children()) ?? []
// Sort the versions alphabetically
let sortedPaths = versionedModels
.filter { $0.extension == "xcdatamodel" }
.sorted { $0.string.localizedStandardCompare($1.string) == .orderedAscending }
let modelFileReferences =
sortedPaths.map { path in
sourceTree: .group,
lastKnownFileType: "wrapper.xcdatamodel",
path: path.lastComponent
// If no current version path is found we fall back to alphabetical
// order by taking the last item in the sortedPaths array
let currentVersionPath = findCurrentCoreDataModelVersionPath(using: versionedModels) ?? sortedPaths.last
let currentVersion: PBXFileReference? = {
guard let indexOf = sortedPaths.firstIndex(where: { $0 == currentVersionPath }) else { return nil }
return modelFileReferences[indexOf]
let versionGroup = addObject(XCVersionGroup(
currentVersion: currentVersion,
path: fileReferencePath.string,
sourceTree: sourceTree,
versionGroupType: "wrapper.xcdatamodel",
children: modelFileReferences
fileReferencesByPath[fileReferenceKey] = versionGroup
return versionGroup
} else {
// For all extensions other than `xcdatamodeld`
let fileReference = addObject(
sourceTree: sourceTree,
name: fileReferenceName,
lastKnownFileType: lastKnownFileType,
path: fileReferencePath.string
fileReferencesByPath[fileReferenceKey] = fileReference
return fileReference
/// returns a default build phase for a given path. This is based off the filename
private func getDefaultBuildPhase(for path: Path, targetType: PBXProductType) -> BuildPhaseSpec? {
if let buildPhase = getFileType(path: path)?.buildPhase {
return buildPhase
if let fileExtension = path.extension {
switch fileExtension {
case "modulemap":
guard targetType == .staticLibrary else { return nil }
return .copyFiles(BuildPhaseSpec.CopyFilesSettings(
destination: .productsDirectory,
subpath: "include/$(PRODUCT_NAME)",
phaseOrder: .preCompile
return .resources
return nil
/// Create a group or return an existing one at the path.
/// Any merged children are added to a new group or merged into an existing one.
private func getGroup(path: Path, name: String? = nil, mergingChildren children: [PBXFileElement], createIntermediateGroups: Bool, hasCustomParent: Bool, isBaseGroup: Bool) -> PBXGroup {
let groupReference: PBXGroup
if let cachedGroup = groupsByPath[path] {
var cachedGroupChildren = cachedGroup.children
for child in children {
// only add the children that aren't already in the cachedGroup
// Check equality by path and sourceTree because XcodeProj.PBXObject.== is very slow.
if !cachedGroupChildren.contains(where: { $0.name == child.name && $0.path == child.path && $0.sourceTree == child.sourceTree }) {
child.parent = cachedGroup
cachedGroup.children = cachedGroupChildren
groupReference = cachedGroup
} else {
// lives outside the project base path
let isOutOfBasePath = !path.absolute().string.contains(project.basePath.absolute().string)
// whether the given path is a strict parent of the project base path
// e.g. foo/bar is a parent of foo/bar/baz, but not foo/baz
let isParentOfBasePath = isOutOfBasePath && ((try? path.isParent(of: project.basePath)) == true)
// has no valid parent paths
let isRootPath = (isBaseGroup && isOutOfBasePath && isParentOfBasePath) || path.parent() == project.basePath
// is a top level group in the project
let isTopLevelGroup = !hasCustomParent && ((isBaseGroup && !createIntermediateGroups) || isRootPath || isParentOfBasePath)
let groupName = name ?? path.lastComponent
let groupPath = resolveGroupPath(path, isTopLevelGroup: hasCustomParent || isTopLevelGroup)
let group = PBXGroup(
children: children,
sourceTree: .group,
name: groupName != groupPath ? groupName : nil,
path: groupPath
groupReference = addObject(group)
groupsByPath[path] = groupReference
if isTopLevelGroup {
return groupReference
/// Creates a variant group or returns an existing one at the path
private func getVariantGroup(path: Path, inPath: Path) -> PBXVariantGroup {
let variantGroup: PBXVariantGroup
if let cachedGroup = variantGroupsByPath[path] {
variantGroup = cachedGroup
} else {
let group = PBXVariantGroup(
sourceTree: .group,
name: path.lastComponent
variantGroup = addObject(group)
variantGroupsByPath[path] = variantGroup
return variantGroup
/// Collects all the excluded paths within the targetSource
private func getSourceMatches(targetSource: TargetSource, patterns: [String]) -> Set<Path> {
let rootSourcePath = project.basePath + targetSource.path
return Set(
patterns.map { pattern in
guard !pattern.isEmpty else { return [] }
return Glob(pattern: "\(rootSourcePath)/\(pattern)")
.map { Path($0) }
.map {
guard $0.isDirectory else {
return [$0]
return (try? $0.recursiveChildren()) ?? []
.reduce([], +)
.reduce([], +)
/// Checks whether the path is not in any default or TargetSource excludes
func isIncludedPath(_ path: Path, excludePaths: Set<Path>, includePaths: Set<Path>) -> Bool {
!defaultExcludedFiles.contains(where: { path.lastComponent.contains($0) })
&& !(path.extension.map(defaultExcludedExtensions.contains) ?? false)
&& !excludePaths.contains(path)
// If includes is empty, it's included. If it's not empty, the path either needs to match exactly, or it needs to be a direct parent of an included path.
&& (includePaths.isEmpty || includePaths.contains(where: { includedFile in
if path == includedFile { return true }
return includedFile.description.contains(path.description)
/// Gets all the children paths that aren't excluded
private func getSourceChildren(targetSource: TargetSource, dirPath: Path, excludePaths: Set<Path>, includePaths: Set<Path>) throws -> [Path] {
try dirPath.children()
.filter {
if $0.isDirectory {
let children = try $0.children()
if children.isEmpty {
return project.options.generateEmptyDirectories
return !children
.filter { self.isIncludedPath($0, excludePaths: excludePaths, includePaths: includePaths) }
} else if $0.isFile {
return self.isIncludedPath($0, excludePaths: excludePaths, includePaths: includePaths)
} else {
return false
/// creates all the source files and groups they belong to for a given targetSource
private func getGroupSources(
targetType: PBXProductType,
targetSource: TargetSource,
path: Path,
isBaseGroup: Bool,
hasCustomParent: Bool,
excludePaths: Set<Path>,
includePaths: Set<Path>,
buildPhases: [Path: BuildPhaseSpec]
) throws -> (sourceFiles: [SourceFile], groups: [PBXGroup]) {
let children = try getSourceChildren(targetSource: targetSource, dirPath: path, excludePaths: excludePaths, includePaths: includePaths)
let createIntermediateGroups = targetSource.createIntermediateGroups ?? project.options.createIntermediateGroups
let nonLocalizedChildren = children.filter { $0.extension != "lproj" }
let directories = nonLocalizedChildren
.filter {
if let fileType = getFileType(path: $0) {
return !fileType.file
} else {
return $0.isDirectory && !Xcode.isDirectoryFileWrapper(path: $0)
let filePaths = nonLocalizedChildren
.filter {
if let fileType = getFileType(path: $0) {
return fileType.file
} else {
return $0.isFile || $0.isDirectory && Xcode.isDirectoryFileWrapper(path: $0)
let localisedDirectories = children
.filter { $0.extension == "lproj" }
var groupChildren: [PBXFileElement] = filePaths.map { getFileReference(path: $0, inPath: path) }
var allSourceFiles: [SourceFile] = filePaths.map {
generateSourceFile(targetType: targetType, targetSource: targetSource, path: $0, buildPhases: buildPhases)
var groups: [PBXGroup] = []
for path in directories {
let subGroups = try getGroupSources(
targetType: targetType,
targetSource: targetSource,
path: path,
isBaseGroup: false,
hasCustomParent: false,
excludePaths: excludePaths,
includePaths: includePaths,
buildPhases: buildPhases
guard !subGroups.sourceFiles.isEmpty || project.options.generateEmptyDirectories else {
allSourceFiles += subGroups.sourceFiles
if let firstGroup = subGroups.groups.first {
groups += subGroups.groups
} else if project.options.generateEmptyDirectories {
groups += subGroups.groups
// find the base localised directory
let baseLocalisedDirectory: Path? = {
func findLocalisedDirectory(by languageId: String) -> Path? {
localisedDirectories.first { $0.lastComponent == "\(languageId).lproj" }
return findLocalisedDirectory(by: "Base") ??
findLocalisedDirectory(by: NSLocale.canonicalLanguageIdentifier(from: project.options.developmentLanguage ?? "en"))
knownRegions.formUnion(localisedDirectories.map { $0.lastComponentWithoutExtension })
// create variant groups of the base localisation first
var baseLocalisationVariantGroups: [PBXVariantGroup] = []
if let baseLocalisedDirectory = baseLocalisedDirectory {
let filePaths = try baseLocalisedDirectory.children()
.filter { self.isIncludedPath($0, excludePaths: excludePaths, includePaths: includePaths) }
for filePath in filePaths {
let variantGroup = getVariantGroup(path: filePath, inPath: path)
let sourceFile = generateSourceFile(targetType: targetType,
targetSource: targetSource,
path: filePath,
fileReference: variantGroup,
buildPhases: buildPhases)
// add references to localised resources into base localisation variant groups
for localisedDirectory in localisedDirectories {
let localisationName = localisedDirectory.lastComponentWithoutExtension
let filePaths = try localisedDirectory.children()
.filter { self.isIncludedPath($0, excludePaths: excludePaths, includePaths: includePaths) }
.sorted { $0.lastComponent < $1.lastComponent }
for filePath in filePaths {
// find base localisation variant group
// ex: Foo.strings will be added to Foo.strings or Foo.storyboard variant group
let variantGroup = baseLocalisationVariantGroups
.first {
Path($0.name!).lastComponent == filePath.lastComponent
} ?? baseLocalisationVariantGroups.first {
Path($0.name!).lastComponentWithoutExtension == filePath.lastComponentWithoutExtension
let fileReference = getFileReference(
path: filePath,
inPath: path,
name: variantGroup != nil ? localisationName : filePath.lastComponent
if let variantGroup = variantGroup {
if !variantGroup.children.contains(fileReference) {
} else {
// add SourceFile to group if there is no Base.lproj directory
let sourceFile = generateSourceFile(targetType: targetType,
targetSource: targetSource,
path: filePath,
fileReference: fileReference,
buildPhases: buildPhases)
let group = getGroup(
path: path,
mergingChildren: groupChildren,
createIntermediateGroups: createIntermediateGroups,
hasCustomParent: hasCustomParent,
isBaseGroup: isBaseGroup
if createIntermediateGroups {
createIntermediaGroups(for: group, at: path)
groups.insert(group, at: 0)
return (allSourceFiles, groups)
/// creates source files
private func getSourceFiles(targetType: PBXProductType, targetSource: TargetSource, buildPhases: [Path: BuildPhaseSpec]) throws -> [SourceFile] {
// generate excluded paths
let path = project.basePath + targetSource.path
let excludePaths = getSourceMatches(targetSource: targetSource, patterns: targetSource.excludes)
// generate included paths. Excluded paths will override this.
let includePaths = getSourceMatches(targetSource: targetSource, patterns: targetSource.includes)
let type = resolvedTargetSourceType(for: targetSource, at: path)
let customParentGroups = (targetSource.group ?? "").split(separator: "/").map { String($0) }
let hasCustomParent = !customParentGroups.isEmpty
let createIntermediateGroups = targetSource.createIntermediateGroups ?? project.options.createIntermediateGroups
var sourceFiles: [SourceFile] = []
let sourceReference: PBXFileElement
var sourcePath = path
switch type {
case .folder:
let fileReference = getFileReference(
path: path,
inPath: project.basePath,
name: targetSource.name ?? path.lastComponent,
sourceTree: .sourceRoot,
lastKnownFileType: "folder"
if !(createIntermediateGroups || hasCustomParent) || path.parent() == project.basePath {
let sourceFile = generateSourceFile(targetType: targetType, targetSource: targetSource, path: path, buildPhases: buildPhases)
sourceReference = fileReference
case .file:
let parentPath = path.parent()
let fileReference = getFileReference(path: path, inPath: parentPath, name: targetSource.name)
let sourceFile = generateSourceFile(targetType: targetType, targetSource: targetSource, path: path, buildPhases: buildPhases)
if hasCustomParent {
sourcePath = path
sourceReference = fileReference
} else if parentPath == project.basePath {
sourcePath = path
sourceReference = fileReference
} else {
let parentGroup = getGroup(
path: parentPath,
mergingChildren: [fileReference],
createIntermediateGroups: createIntermediateGroups,
hasCustomParent: hasCustomParent,
isBaseGroup: true
sourcePath = parentPath
sourceReference = parentGroup
case .group:
if targetSource.optional && !Path(targetSource.path).exists {
// This group is missing, so if's optional just return an empty array
return []
let (groupSourceFiles, groups) = try getGroupSources(
targetType: targetType,
targetSource: targetSource,
path: path,
isBaseGroup: true,
hasCustomParent: hasCustomParent,
excludePaths: excludePaths,
includePaths: includePaths,
buildPhases: buildPhases
let group = groups.first!
if let name = targetSource.name {
group.name = name
sourceFiles += groupSourceFiles
sourceReference = group
if hasCustomParent {
createParentGroups(customParentGroups, for: sourceReference)
try makePathRelative(for: sourceReference, at: path)
} else if createIntermediateGroups {
createIntermediaGroups(for: sourceReference, at: sourcePath)
return sourceFiles
/// Returns the resolved `SourceType` for a given `TargetSource`.
/// While `TargetSource` declares `type`, its optional and in the event that the value is not defined then we must resolve a sensible default based on the path of the source.
private func resolvedTargetSourceType(for targetSource: TargetSource, at path: Path) -> SourceType {
return targetSource.type ?? (path.isFile || path.extension != nil ? .file : .group)
private func createParentGroups(_ parentGroups: [String], for fileElement: PBXFileElement) {
guard let parentName = parentGroups.last else {
let parentPath = project.basePath + Path(parentGroups.joined(separator: "/"))
let parentPathExists = parentPath.exists
let parentGroupAlreadyExists = groupsByPath[parentPath] != nil
let parentGroup = getGroup(
path: parentPath,
mergingChildren: [fileElement],
createIntermediateGroups: false,
hasCustomParent: false,
isBaseGroup: parentGroups.count == 1
// As this path is a custom group, remove the path reference
if !parentPathExists {
parentGroup.name = String(parentName)
parentGroup.path = nil
if !parentGroupAlreadyExists {
createParentGroups(parentGroups.dropLast(), for: parentGroup)
// Add groups for all parents recursively
private func createIntermediaGroups(for fileElement: PBXFileElement, at path: Path) {
let parentPath = path.parent()
guard parentPath != project.basePath else {
// we've reached the top
let hasParentGroup = groupsByPath[parentPath] != nil
if !hasParentGroup {
do {
// if the path is a parent of the project base path (or if calculating that fails)
// do not create a parent group
// e.g. for project path foo/bar/baz
// - create foo/baz
// - create baz/
// - do not create foo
let pathIsParentOfProject = try path.isParent(of: project.basePath)
if pathIsParentOfProject { return }
} catch {
let parentGroup = getGroup(
path: parentPath,
mergingChildren: [fileElement],
createIntermediateGroups: true,
hasCustomParent: false,
isBaseGroup: false
if !hasParentGroup {
createIntermediaGroups(for: parentGroup, at: parentPath)
// Make the fileElement path and name relative to its parents aggregated paths
private func makePathRelative(for fileElement: PBXFileElement, at path: Path) throws {
// This makes the fileElement path relative to its parent and not to the project. Xcode then rebuilds the actual
// path for the file based on the hierarchy this fileElement lives in.
var paths: [String] = []
var element: PBXFileElement = fileElement
while true {
guard let parent = element.parent else { break }
if let path = parent.path {
paths.insert(path, at: 0)
element = parent
let completePath = project.basePath + Path(paths.joined(separator: "/"))
let relativePath = try path.relativePath(from: completePath)
let relativePathString = relativePath.string
if relativePathString != fileElement.path {
fileElement.path = relativePathString
fileElement.name = relativePath.lastComponent
private func findCurrentCoreDataModelVersionPath(using versionedModels: [Path]) -> Path? {
// Find and parse the current version model stored in the .xccurrentversion file
let versionPath = versionedModels.first(where: { $0.lastComponent == ".xccurrentversion" }),
let data = try? versionPath.read(),
let plist = try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [], format: nil) as? [String: Any],
let versionString = plist["_XCCurrentVersionName"] as? String else {
return nil
return versionedModels.first(where: { $0.lastComponent == versionString })