2019-09-01 15:23:24 -05:00

285 lines
9.1 KiB

import Foundation
import JSONUtilities
import PathKit
import enum XcodeProj.BuildPhase
import class XcodeProj.PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase
public struct TargetSource: Equatable {
public static let optionalDefault = false
public var path: String
public var name: String?
public var compilerFlags: [String]
public var excludes: [String]
public var includes: [String]
public var type: SourceType?
public var optional: Bool
public var buildPhase: BuildPhase?
public var headerVisibility: HeaderVisibility?
public var createIntermediateGroups: Bool?
public var attributes: [String]
public enum HeaderVisibility: String {
case `public`
case `private`
case project
public var settingName: String {
switch self {
case .public: return "Public"
case .private: return "Private"
case .project: return "Project"
public enum BuildPhase: Equatable {
case sources
case headers
case resources
case copyFiles(CopyFilesSettings)
case none
// Not currently exposed as selectable options, but used internally
case frameworks
case runScript
case carbonResources
public struct CopyFilesSettings: Equatable, Hashable {
public static let xpcServices = CopyFilesSettings(
destination: .productsDirectory,
subpath: "$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/XPCServices",
phaseOrder: .postCompile
public enum Destination: String {
case absolutePath
case productsDirectory
case wrapper
case executables
case resources
case javaResources
case frameworks
case sharedFrameworks
case sharedSupport
case plugins
public var destination: PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase.SubFolder? {
switch self {
case .absolutePath: return .absolutePath
case .productsDirectory: return .productsDirectory
case .wrapper: return .wrapper
case .executables: return .executables
case .resources: return .resources
case .javaResources: return .javaResources
case .frameworks: return .frameworks
case .sharedFrameworks: return .sharedFrameworks
case .sharedSupport: return .sharedSupport
case .plugins: return .plugins
public enum PhaseOrder: String {
/// Run before the Compile Sources phase
case preCompile
/// Run after the Compile Sources and post-compile Run Script phases
case postCompile
public var destination: Destination
public var subpath: String
public var phaseOrder: PhaseOrder
public init(
destination: Destination,
subpath: String,
phaseOrder: PhaseOrder
) {
self.destination = destination
self.subpath = subpath
self.phaseOrder = phaseOrder
public var buildPhase: XcodeProj.BuildPhase? {
switch self {
case .sources: return .sources
case .headers: return .headers
case .resources: return .resources
case .copyFiles: return .copyFiles
case .frameworks: return .frameworks
case .runScript: return .runScript
case .carbonResources: return .carbonResources
case .none: return nil
public enum SourceType: String {
case group
case file
case folder
public init(
path: String,
name: String? = nil,
compilerFlags: [String] = [],
excludes: [String] = [],
includes: [String] = [],
type: SourceType? = nil,
optional: Bool = optionalDefault,
buildPhase: BuildPhase? = nil,
headerVisibility: HeaderVisibility? = nil,
createIntermediateGroups: Bool? = nil,
attributes: [String] = []
) {
self.path = path
self.name = name
self.compilerFlags = compilerFlags
self.excludes = excludes
self.includes = includes
self.type = type
self.optional = optional
self.buildPhase = buildPhase
self.headerVisibility = headerVisibility
self.createIntermediateGroups = createIntermediateGroups
self.attributes = attributes
extension TargetSource: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self = TargetSource(path: value)
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self = TargetSource(path: value)
public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
self = TargetSource(path: value)
extension TargetSource: JSONObjectConvertible {
public init(jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary) throws {
path = try jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "path")
name = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "name")
let maybeCompilerFlagsString: String? = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "compilerFlags")
let maybeCompilerFlagsArray: [String]? = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "compilerFlags")
compilerFlags = maybeCompilerFlagsArray ??
maybeCompilerFlagsString.map { $0.split(separator: " ").map { String($0) } } ?? []
headerVisibility = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "headerVisibility")
excludes = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "excludes") ?? []
includes = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "includes") ?? []
type = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "type")
optional = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "optional") ?? TargetSource.optionalDefault
if let string: String = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "buildPhase") {
buildPhase = try BuildPhase(string: string)
} else if let dict: JSONDictionary = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "buildPhase") {
buildPhase = try BuildPhase(jsonDictionary: dict)
createIntermediateGroups = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "createIntermediateGroups")
attributes = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "attributes") ?? []
extension TargetSource: JSONEncodable {
public func toJSONValue() -> Any {
var dict: [String: Any?] = [
"compilerFlags": compilerFlags,
"excludes": excludes,
"includes": includes,
"name": name,
"headerVisibility": headerVisibility?.rawValue,
"type": type?.rawValue,
"buildPhase": buildPhase?.toJSONValue(),
"createIntermediateGroups": createIntermediateGroups,
if optional != TargetSource.optionalDefault {
dict["optional"] = optional
if dict.count == 0 {
return path
dict["path"] = path
return dict
extension TargetSource.BuildPhase {
public init(string: String) throws {
switch string {
case "sources": self = .sources
case "headers": self = .headers
case "resources": self = .resources
case "copyFiles":
throw SpecParsingError.invalidSourceBuildPhase("copyFiles must specify a \"destination\" and optional \"subpath\"")
case "none": self = .none
throw SpecParsingError.invalidSourceBuildPhase(string.quoted)
extension TargetSource.BuildPhase: JSONObjectConvertible {
public init(jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary) throws {
self = .copyFiles(try jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "copyFiles"))
extension TargetSource.BuildPhase: JSONEncodable {
public func toJSONValue() -> Any {
switch self {
case .sources: return "sources"
case .headers: return "headers"
case .resources: return "resources"
case .copyFiles(let files): return ["copyFiles": files.toJSONValue()]
case .none: return "none"
case .frameworks: fatalError("invalid build phase")
case .runScript: fatalError("invalid build phase")
case .carbonResources: fatalError("invalid build phase")
extension TargetSource.BuildPhase.CopyFilesSettings: JSONObjectConvertible {
public init(jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary) throws {
destination = try jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "destination")
subpath = jsonDictionary.json(atKeyPath: "subpath") ?? ""
phaseOrder = .postCompile
extension TargetSource.BuildPhase.CopyFilesSettings: JSONEncodable {
public func toJSONValue() -> Any {
return [
"destination": destination.rawValue,
"subpath": subpath,
extension TargetSource: PathContainer {
static var pathProperties: [PathProperty] {
return [