mirror of https://github.com/z0w0/helm.git synced 2024-09-11 04:15:32 +03:00

Further rework on the engine.

Moved away from forkIO'ing commands, instead there'll be an actor user
function that is forkIO'd once. Additionally, start work on all of the
new event sinking, esp. keyboard & mouse.
This commit is contained in:
Zack Corr 2016-09-04 01:20:18 +10:00
parent 844f551e90
commit 2e05198eda
22 changed files with 826 additions and 379 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ dist

View File

@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import Helm
import Helm.Color
import Helm.Engine.SDL (SDLEngine)
import Helm.Graphics2D
import Helm.Render.Cairo (render)
import qualified Helm.Cmd as Cmd
import qualified Helm.Mouse as Mouse
import qualified Helm.Sub as Sub
import qualified Helm.Engine.SDL as SDL
data Action = Idle | ChangeDirection (Double, Double)
data Action = Idle | ChangePosition (Double, Double)
data Model = Model (Double, Double)
initial :: (Model, Cmd Action)
initial :: (Model, Cmd SDLEngine Action)
initial = (Model (0, 0), Cmd.none)
update :: Model -> Action -> (Model, Cmd Action)
update model _ = (model, Cmd.none)
update :: Model -> Action -> (Model, Cmd SDLEngine Action)
update model Idle = (model, Cmd.none)
update model (ChangePosition pos) = (Model pos, Cmd.none)
subscriptions :: Sub Action
subscriptions = Sub.none
subscriptions :: Sub SDLEngine Action
subscriptions = Mouse.moves (\(V2 x y) -> ChangePosition (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y))
view :: Model -> Render ()
view model = render $ collage 800 600 []
view :: Model -> Graphics
view (Model pos) = Graphics2D $ collage 800 600 [move pos $ filled (rgb 1 0 0) $ rect 10 10]
main = do
engine <- startup
engine <- SDL.startup
run engine $ GameConfig {
initialFn = initial,
updateFn = update,
subscriptionsFn = subscriptions,
viewFn = view
run engine GameConfig
{ initialFn = initial
, updateFn = update
, subscriptionsFn = subscriptions
, viewFn = view

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ homepage: http://github.com/switchface/helm
bug-reports: http://github.com/switchface/helm/issues
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE
tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3
tested-with: GHC == 8.0.1
extra-source-files: LICENSE, README.md
author: Zack Corr
maintainer: Zack Corr <zack@z0w0.me>
@ -24,21 +24,24 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
ghc-options: -Wall
@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ library
cairo >= 0.13 && < 0.14,
pango >= 0.13 && < 0.14,
containers >= 0.5 && < 1,
elerea >= 2.7 && < 3,
elerea >= 2.8 && < 3,
sdl2 >= 2 && < 3,
linear >= 1 && < 2,
text >= && < 2,
@ -60,12 +63,14 @@ library
build-depends: ghc-prim
executable helm-example-hello
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: examples/hello
base >= 4 && < 5,
helm >= 1 && < 2
helm >= 1 && < 2,
linear >= 1 && < 2
test-suite helm-tests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ test-suite helm-tests
base >= 4 && < 5,
containers >= 0.5 && < 1,
elerea >= 2.7 && < 3,
elerea >= 2.8 && < 3,
sdl2 >= 2 && < 3,
HUnit >= 1.2 && < 2,
test-framework >= 0.8 && < 1,

View File

@ -1,129 +1,17 @@
{-| Contains the main functions for interfacing with the engine. -}
module Helm (
-- * Types
-- * Engine
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, void)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT)
import FRP.Elerea.Param
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import SDL.Event
import SDL.Video (WindowConfig(..))
import qualified SDL.Init as Init
import qualified SDL.Video as Video
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Helm.Cmd (Cmd(..))
import Helm.Engine
import Helm.Game
import Helm.Render (Render(..))
import Helm.Sub (Sub(..))
{-| Initialises a new engine with default configuration.
The engine can then be run later using 'run'. -}
startup :: IO Engine
startup = startupWith defaultConfig
{-| Initializes a new engine with some configration. -}
startupWith :: EngineConfig -> IO Engine
startupWith config@(EngineConfig { .. }) = do
window <- Video.createWindow (T.pack windowTitle) windowConfig
renderer <- Video.createRenderer window (-1) rendererConfig
Video.showWindow window
return Engine {
window = window,
renderer = renderer,
engineConfig = config
module Helm
-- * Types
-- * Engine
(w, h) = windowDimensions
rendererConfig = Video.RendererConfig Video.AcceleratedVSyncRenderer False
windowConfig = Video.defaultWindow {
windowInitialSize = V2 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h),
windowMode = if windowIsFullscreen then Video.Fullscreen else Video.Windowed,
windowResizable = windowIsResizable
prepare :: GameConfig m a -> IO (Game m a)
prepare config = do
smp <- start $ signalGen $ subscriptionsFn config
queue <- newTQueueIO
return Game {
gameConfig = config,
gameModel = fst $ initialFn config,
actionSmp = smp,
actionQueue = queue
signalGen (Sub gen) = gen
dequeueCmds :: Game m a -> IO [a]
dequeueCmds game = atomically dequeue
dequeue = do
x <- tryReadTQueue (actionQueue game)
case x of
Nothing -> return []
Just action -> do
xs <- dequeue
return $ action : xs
queueCmd :: Engine -> Game m a -> Cmd a -> IO ()
queueCmd engine game (Cmd monad) = void $ forkIO $ do
actions <- evalStateT monad engine
atomically $ forM_ actions (writeTQueue $ actionQueue game)
run :: Engine -> GameConfig m a -> IO ()
run engine config = do
game <- prepare config
queueCmd engine game $ snd $ initialFn config
tick engine game `finally` Init.quit
tick :: Engine -> Game m a -> IO ()
tick engine game = do
actions <- (++) <$> actionSmp game engine <*> dequeueCmds game
stepped <- foldM (step engine game) (gameModel game) actions
render engine game stepped
tick engine $ game { gameModel = stepped }
step :: Engine -> Game m a -> m -> a -> IO m
step engine game model action = do
queueCmd engine game $ snd result
return $ fst result
result = (updateFn $ gameConfig game) model action
render :: Engine -> Game m a -> m -> IO ()
render engine game model = evalStateT monad engine >> return ()
Game { gameConfig = GameConfig { viewFn } } = game
Render monad = viewFn model
import Helm.Engine (Cmd(..), Sub(..), GameConfig(..), Engine(run, loadImage, loadSound))
import Helm.Graphics

src/Helm/.#Engine.hs Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

src/Helm/Asset.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{-| Contains the types for loading game assets, e.g. images, audio, etc. -}
module Helm.Asset (
-- * Types
) where
newtype Image = Image ()
newtype Sound = Sound ()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-| Contains the command type and related utilities. -}
{-| Contains the command related utilities. -}
module Helm.Cmd (
-- * Types
@ -9,22 +9,19 @@ module Helm.Cmd (
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT)
import Helm.Engine (Engine)
import Helm.Engine (Engine, Cmd(..))
data Cmd a = Cmd (StateT Engine IO [a])
batch :: [Cmd a] -> Cmd a
batch :: Engine e => [Cmd e a] -> Cmd e a
batch cmds = Cmd $ do
lists <- sequence $ map (\(Cmd monad) -> monad) cmds
lists <- mapM (\(Cmd m) -> m) cmds
return $ concat lists
none :: Cmd a
none :: Engine e => Cmd e a
none = Cmd $ return []
execute :: IO a -> (a -> b) -> Cmd b
execute :: Engine e => IO a -> (a -> b) -> Cmd e b
execute monad f = Cmd $ do
result <- f <$> lift monad

View File

@ -1,36 +1,296 @@
{-| Contains the core engine types and typeclasses. -}
module Helm.Engine (
-- * Types
-- * Typeclasses
-- * Setup
-- * Types
) where
import qualified SDL.Video as Video
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT)
import FRP.Elerea.Param (SignalGen, Signal)
import Linear.V2 (V2)
{-| A data structure describing how to run the engine. -}
data EngineConfig = EngineConfig {
windowDimensions :: (Int, Int),
windowIsFullscreen :: Bool,
windowIsResizable :: Bool,
windowTitle :: String,
windowQuitOnClose :: Bool
import Helm.Asset
import Helm.Graphics (Graphics)
class Engine e where
loadImage :: e -> IO Image
loadSound :: e -> IO Sound
run :: e -> GameConfig e m a -> IO ()
windowSize :: e -> IO (V2 Int)
mouseMoveSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [V2 Int])
mouseDownSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
mouseUpSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
mouseClickSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
keyboardDownSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [Key])
keyboardUpSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [Key])
keyboardPressSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [Key])
windowResizeSignal :: e -> SignalGen e (Signal [V2 Int])
data Cmd e a = Cmd (StateT e IO [a])
data Sub e a = Sub (SignalGen e (Signal [a]))
{-| A data structure describing how to run a game. -}
data GameConfig e m a = GameConfig {
initialFn :: (m, Cmd e a),
updateFn :: m -> a -> (m, Cmd e a),
subscriptionsFn :: Sub e a,
viewFn :: m -> Graphics
{-| A data structure describing the game engine's state. -}
data Engine = Engine {
window :: Video.Window,
renderer :: Video.Renderer,
engineConfig :: EngineConfig
-- Mostly matches the SDL structure, except we don't care about extra buttons (for now).
data MouseButton
= LeftButton
| MiddleButton
| RightButton
| X1Button
| X2Button
| UnknownButton
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
{-| Creates the default configuration for the engine. You should change the
values where necessary. -}
defaultConfig :: EngineConfig
defaultConfig = EngineConfig {
windowDimensions = (800, 600),
windowIsFullscreen = False,
windowIsResizable = True,
windowTitle = "",
windowQuitOnClose = True
-- Matches the SDL structure, but with clearer constructor names.
data Key
= ReturnKey
| EscapeKey
| BackspaceKey
| TabKey
| SpaceKey
| ExclaimKey
| QuoteDblKey
| HashKey
| PercentKey
| DollarKey
| AmpersandKey
| QuoteKey
| LeftParenKey
| RightParenKey
| AsteriskKey
| PlusKey
| CommaKey
| MinusKey
| PeriodKey
| SlashKey
| Number0Key
| Number1Key
| Number2Key
| Number3Key
| Number4Key
| Number5Key
| Number6Key
| Number7Key
| Number8Key
| Number9Key
| ColonKey
| SemicolonKey
| LessKey
| EqualsKey
| GreaterKey
| QuestionKey
| AtKey
| LeftBracketKey
| BackslashKey
| RightBracketKey
| CaretKey
| UnderscoreKey
| BackquoteKey
| AKey
| BKey
| CKey
| DKey
| EKey
| FKey
| GKey
| HKey
| IKey
| JKey
| KKey
| LKey
| MKey
| NKey
| OKey
| PKey
| QKey
| RKey
| SKey
| TKey
| UKey
| VKey
| WKey
| XKey
| YKey
| ZKey
| CapsLockKey
| F1Key
| F2Key
| F3Key
| F4Key
| F5Key
| F6Key
| F7Key
| F8Key
| F9Key
| F10Key
| F11Key
| F12Key
| PrintScreenKey
| ScrollLockKey
| PauseKey
| InsertKey
| HomeKey
| PageUpKey
| DeleteKey
| EndKey
| PageDownKey
| RightKey
| LeftKey
| DownKey
| UpKey
| NumLockClearKey
| KeypadDivideKey
| KeypadMultiplyKey
| KeypadMinusKey
| KeypadPlusKey
| KeypadEnterKey
| Keypad1Key
| Keypad2Key
| Keypad3Key
| Keypad4Key
| Keypad5Key
| Keypad6Key
| Keypad7Key
| Keypad8Key
| Keypad9Key
| Keypad0Key
| KeypadPeriodKey
| ApplicationKey
| PowerKey
| KeypadEqualsKey
| F13Key
| F14Key
| F15Key
| F16Key
| F17Key
| F18Key
| F19Key
| F20Key
| F21Key
| F22Key
| F23Key
| F24Key
| ExecuteKey
| HelpKey
| MenuKey
| SelectKey
| StopKey
| AgainKey
| UndoKey
| CutKey
| CopyKey
| PasteKey
| FindKey
| MuteKey
| VolumeUpKey
| VolumeDownKey
| KeypadCommaKey
| KeypadEqualsAS400Key
| AltEraseKey
| SysReqKey
| CancelKey
| ClearKey
| PriorKey
| Return2Key
| SeparatorKey
| OutKey
| OperKey
| ClearAgainKey
| CrSelKey
| ExSelKey
| Keypad00Key
| Keypad000Key
| ThousandsSeparatorKey
| DecimalSeparatorKey
| CurrencyUnitKey
| CurrencySubunitKey
| KeypadLeftParenKey
| KeypadRightParenKey
| KeypadLeftBraceKey
| KeypadRightBraceKey
| KeypadTabKey
| KeypadBackspaceKey
| KeypadAKey
| KeypadBKey
| KeypadCKey
| KeypadDKey
| KeypadEKey
| KeypadFKey
| KeypadXorKey
| KeypadPowerKey
| KeypadPercentKey
| KeypadLessKey
| KeypadGreaterKey
| KeypadAmpersandKey
| KeypadDblAmpersandKey
| KeypadVerticalBarKey
| KeypadDblVerticalBarKey
| KeypadColonKey
| KeypadHashKey
| KeypadSpaceKey
| KeypadAtKey
| KeypadExclamKey
| KeypadMemStoreKey
| KeypadMemRecallKey
| KeypadMemClearKey
| KeypadMemAddKey
| KeypadMemSubtractKey
| KeypadMemMultiplyKey
| KeypadMemDivideKey
| KeypadPlusMinusKey
| KeypadClearKey
| KeypadClearEntryKey
| KeypadBinaryKey
| KeypadOctalKey
| KeypadDecimalKey
| KeypadHexadecimalKey
| LeftCtrlKey
| LeftShiftKey
| LeftAltKey
| LeftGUIKey
| RightCtrlKey
| RightShiftKey
| RightAltKey
| RightGUIKey
| ModeKey
| AudioNextKey
| AudioPrevKey
| AudioStopKey
| AudioPlayKey
| AudioMuteKey
| MediaSelectKey
| WWWKey
| MailKey
| CalculatorKey
| ComputerKey
| ACSearchKey
| ACHomeKey
| ACBackKey
| ACForwardKey
| ACStopKey
| ACRefreshKey
| ACBookmarksKey
| BrightnessDownKey
| BrightnessUpKey
| DisplaySwitchKey
| KeyboardIllumToggleKey
| KeyboardIllumDownKey
| KeyboardIllumUpKey
| EjectKey
| SleepKey
| UnknownKey
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

src/Helm/Engine/SDL.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
{-| Contains the SDL implementation of Helm. -}
module Helm.Engine.SDL
-- * Types
-- * Utilities
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (foldM, void)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (evalStateT)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
import FRP.Elerea.Param
import Linear.Affine (Point(P))
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import SDL.Video (WindowConfig(..))
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Event as Event
import qualified SDL.Init as Init
import qualified SDL.Time as Time
import qualified SDL.Video as Video
import qualified SDL.Video.Renderer as Renderer
import Helm.Asset
import Helm.Engine (GameConfig(..), Cmd(..), Sub(..),
Engine(..), Key, MouseButton)
import Helm.Graphics (Graphics(..))
import Helm.Graphics2D (Element)
import Helm.Engine.SDL.Keyboard (mapKey)
import Helm.Engine.SDL.Mouse (mapMouseButton)
import qualified Helm.Engine.SDL.Graphics2D as Graphics2D
{-| A data structure describing how to run the engine. -}
data SDLEngineConfig = SDLEngineConfig
{ windowDimensions :: (Int, Int)
, windowIsFullscreen :: Bool
, windowIsResizable :: Bool
, windowTitle :: String
{-| A data structure describing the game engine's state. -}
data SDLEngine = SDLEngine
{ window :: Video.Window
, renderer :: Video.Renderer
, engineConfig :: SDLEngineConfig
, lastMousePress :: Maybe (Word32, V2 Int32)
, mouseMoveEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [V2 Int])
, mouseMoveEventSink :: V2 Int -> IO ()
, mouseDownEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
, mouseDownEventSink :: (MouseButton, V2 Int) -> IO ()
, mouseUpEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
, mouseUpEventSink :: (MouseButton, V2 Int) -> IO ()
, mouseClickEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [(MouseButton, V2 Int)])
, mouseClickEventSink :: (MouseButton, V2 Int) -> IO ()
, keyboardDownEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [Key])
, keyboardDownEventSink :: Key -> IO ()
, keyboardUpEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [Key])
, keyboardUpEventSink :: Key -> IO ()
, keyboardPressEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [Key])
, keyboardPressEventSink :: Key -> IO ()
, windowResizeEventSignal :: SignalGen SDLEngine (Signal [V2 Int])
, windowResizeEventSink :: V2 Int -> IO ()
{-| A data structure describing a game's state (that is running under an engine). -}
data SDLGame m a = SDLGame
{ gameConfig :: GameConfig SDLEngine m a
, gameModel :: m
, running :: Bool
, actionSmp :: SDLEngine -> IO [a]
instance Engine SDLEngine where
loadImage _ = return $ Image ()
loadSound _ = return $ Sound ()
mouseMoveSignal = mouseMoveEventSignal
mouseDownSignal = mouseDownEventSignal
mouseUpSignal = mouseUpEventSignal
mouseClickSignal = mouseClickEventSignal
keyboardDownSignal = keyboardDownEventSignal
keyboardUpSignal = keyboardUpEventSignal
keyboardPressSignal = keyboardPressEventSignal
windowResizeSignal = windowResizeEventSignal
windowSize SDLEngine { window } =
fmap (fmap fromIntegral) . SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
run engine config =
void $ (prepare engine config >>= step engine) `finally` Init.quit
{-| Creates the default configuration for the engine. You should change the
values where necessary. -}
defaultConfig :: SDLEngineConfig
defaultConfig = SDLEngineConfig
{ windowDimensions = (800, 600)
, windowIsFullscreen = False
, windowIsResizable = True
, windowTitle = "Helm"
{-| Initialises a new engine with default configuration.
The engine can then be run later using 'run'. -}
startup :: IO SDLEngine
startup = startupWith defaultConfig
{-| Initializes a new engine with some configration. -}
startupWith :: SDLEngineConfig -> IO SDLEngine
startupWith config@SDLEngineConfig{..} = do
window <- Video.createWindow (T.pack windowTitle) windowConfig
renderer <- Video.createRenderer window (-1) rendererConfig
mouseMoveEvent <- externalMulti
mouseDownEvent <- externalMulti
mouseUpEvent <- externalMulti
mouseClickEvent <- externalMulti
keyboardDownEvent <- externalMulti
keyboardUpEvent <- externalMulti
keyboardPressEvent <- externalMulti
windowResizeEvent <- externalMulti
Video.showWindow window
return SDLEngine
{ window = window
, renderer = renderer
, engineConfig = config
, lastMousePress = Nothing
, mouseMoveEventSignal = fst mouseMoveEvent
, mouseMoveEventSink = snd mouseMoveEvent
, mouseDownEventSignal = fst mouseDownEvent
, mouseDownEventSink = snd mouseDownEvent
, mouseUpEventSignal = fst mouseUpEvent
, mouseUpEventSink = snd mouseUpEvent
, mouseClickEventSignal = fst mouseClickEvent
, mouseClickEventSink = snd mouseClickEvent
, keyboardDownEventSignal = fst keyboardDownEvent
, keyboardDownEventSink = snd keyboardDownEvent
, keyboardUpEventSignal = fst keyboardUpEvent
, keyboardUpEventSink = snd keyboardUpEvent
, keyboardPressEventSignal = fst keyboardPressEvent
, keyboardPressEventSink = snd keyboardPressEvent
, windowResizeEventSignal = fst windowResizeEvent
, windowResizeEventSink = snd windowResizeEvent
(w,h) = windowDimensions
rendererConfig = Video.RendererConfig Video.AcceleratedVSyncRenderer False
windowConfig = Video.defaultWindow
{ windowInitialSize = V2 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
, windowMode = if windowIsFullscreen
then Video.Fullscreen
else Video.Windowed
, windowResizable = windowIsResizable
step :: SDLEngine -> SDLGame m a -> IO (SDLGame m a)
step engine game@SDLGame{actionSmp,gameModel,gameConfig = GameConfig{viewFn}} = do
sunkGame <- sinkEvents engine game
if running sunkGame
then do
actions <- actionSmp engine
model <- foldM (stepModel engine game) gameModel actions
render engine $ viewFn model
step engine $ sunkGame { gameModel = model }
else return sunkGame
stepModel :: SDLEngine -> SDLGame m a -> m -> a -> IO m
stepModel engine game@SDLGame { gameConfig = GameConfig { updateFn } } model action =
evalStateT monad engine >>= foldM (stepModel engine game) model
(model, Cmd monad) = updateFn model action
prepare :: SDLEngine -> GameConfig SDLEngine m a -> IO (SDLGame m a)
prepare engine config@GameConfig { initialFn, subscriptionsFn = Sub gen } = do
{- The call to 'embed' here is a little bit hacky, but seems necessary
to get this working. This is because 'start' actually computes the signal
gen passed to it, and all of our signal gens try to fetch
the 'input' value within the top layer signal gen (rather than in the
contained signal). But we haven't sampled with the input value yet, so it'll
be undefined unless we 'embed'. -}
smp <- start $ embed (return engine) gen
return SDLGame
{ gameConfig = config
, gameModel = fst initialFn
, running = True
, actionSmp = smp
render :: SDLEngine -> Graphics -> IO ()
render engine (Graphics2D element) = render2d engine element
render2d :: SDLEngine -> Element -> IO ()
render2d SDLEngine{window,renderer} element = do
dims <- SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
texture <- Renderer.createTexture renderer mode access dims
Graphics2D.render texture dims element
Renderer.clear renderer
Renderer.copy renderer texture Nothing Nothing
Renderer.destroyTexture texture
Renderer.present renderer
mode = Renderer.ARGB8888
access = Renderer.TextureAccessStreaming
sinkEvents :: SDLEngine -> SDLGame m a -> IO (SDLGame m a)
sinkEvents engine game = do
mayhaps <- Event.pumpEvents >> Event.pollEvent
case mayhaps of
-- Handle the quit event exclusively first to simplify our code
Just Event.Event { eventPayload = Event.QuitEvent } ->
return game { running = False }
Just Event.Event { .. } ->
sinkEvent engine eventPayload >> sinkEvents engine game
Nothing -> return game
depoint :: Point f a -> (f a)
depoint (P x) = x
sinkEvent :: SDLEngine -> Event.EventPayload -> IO SDLEngine
sinkEvent engine (Event.WindowResizedEvent Event.WindowResizedEventData { .. }) = do
windowResizeEventSink engine $ fromIntegral <$> windowResizedEventSize
return engine
sinkEvent engine (Event.MouseMotionEvent Event.MouseMotionEventData { .. }) = do
mouseMoveEventSink engine $ fromIntegral <$> depoint mouseMotionEventPos
return engine
sinkEvent engine (Event.MouseButtonEvent Event.MouseButtonEventData { .. }) = do
case mouseButtonEventMotion of
Event.Pressed -> do
ticks <- Time.ticks
mouseDownEventSink engine tup
return engine { lastMousePress = Just (ticks, pos) }
Event.Released -> do
mouseUpEventSink engine tup
{- Weirdly enough, SDL provides a value that says how many clicks there
were, but this value is always set to one even if it's just a regular
mouse up event. Note that here we're defining a click as a mouse up
event being in a very close proximity to a previous mouse down event.
We manually calculate whether this was a click or not. -}
case lastMousePress of
Just (lastTicks, (V2 lastX lastY)) -> do
ticks <- Time.ticks
traceShow (ticks - lastTicks) (return ())
if ticks - lastTicks < clickMs && (abs (lastX - x) <= clickRadius && abs (lastY - y) <= clickRadius)
then traceShow "clickeroo" (mouseClickEventSink engine tup)
else return ()
Nothing -> return ()
return engine
SDLEngine { lastMousePress } = engine
clickMs = 500 -- How long between mouse down/up to recognise clicks
clickRadius = 1 -- The pixel radius to be considered a click.
pos@(V2 x y) = depoint mouseButtonEventPos
tup = (mapMouseButton mouseButtonEventButton, fromIntegral <$> pos)
sinkEvent engine _ = return engine

View File

@ -1,53 +1,35 @@
module Helm.Render.Cairo (
-- * Rendering
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (get)
{-| Contains the SDL implementation 2D graphics rendering implementation (uses Cairo). -}
module Helm.Engine.SDL.Graphics2D (render) where
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import Linear.V3 (V3(V3))
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Helm.Engine (Engine(..))
import Helm.Render (Render(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix (Matrix(..))
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import Linear.V3 (V3(V3))
import Helm.Color (Color(..), Gradient(..))
import Helm.Graphics2D
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix (Matrix(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Pango as Pango
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Video as Video
import qualified SDL.Video.Renderer as Renderer
render :: Element -> Render ()
render element = Render $ do
Engine { window, renderer } <- get
render :: Renderer.Texture -> V2 CInt -> Element -> IO ()
render texture (V2 w h) element = do
(pixels, pitch) <- Renderer.lockTexture texture Nothing
lift $ do
dims@(V2 w h) <- SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
Cairo.withImageSurfaceForData (castPtr pixels) Cairo.FormatARGB32 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) (fromIntegral pitch) $ \surface ->
Cairo.renderWith surface $ do
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 0 0
Cairo.rectangle 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
texture <- Renderer.createTexture renderer Renderer.ARGB8888 Renderer.TextureAccessStreaming dims
(pixels, pitch) <- Renderer.lockTexture texture Nothing
renderElement element
Cairo.withImageSurfaceForData (castPtr pixels) Cairo.FormatARGB32 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) (fromIntegral pitch) $ \surface ->
Cairo.renderWith surface $ do
Cairo.setSourceRGB 0 0 0
Cairo.rectangle 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
renderElement element
Renderer.unlockTexture texture
Renderer.clear renderer
Renderer.copy renderer texture Nothing Nothing
Renderer.destroyTexture texture
Renderer.present renderer
Renderer.unlockTexture texture
renderElement :: Element -> Cairo.Render ()
renderElement (CollageElement w h center forms) = do
@ -60,10 +42,9 @@ renderElement (CollageElement w h center forms) = do
renderElement (ImageElement (sx, sy) sw sh src stretch) = do
return ()
renderElement (ImageElement (sx, sy) sw sh src stretch) = return ()
renderElement (TextElement (Text { textColor = (Color r g b a), .. })) = do
renderElement (TextElement Text { textColor = (Color r g b a), .. }) = do
layout <- Pango.createLayout textUTF8
@ -75,7 +56,7 @@ renderElement (TextElement (Text { textColor = (Color r g b a), .. })) = do
, Pango.AttrSize { paStart = i, paEnd = j, paSize = textHeight }
Pango.PangoRectangle x y w h <- fmap snd $ Cairo.liftIO $ Pango.layoutGetExtents layout
Pango.PangoRectangle x y w h <- fmap snd . Cairo.liftIO $ Pango.layoutGetExtents layout
Cairo.translate ((-w / 2) -x) ((-h / 2) - y)
Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a
@ -129,7 +110,7 @@ setLineJoin join = case join of
to render with a line style and then strokes afterwards. Assumes
that all drawing paths have already been setup before being called. -}
setLineStyle :: LineStyle -> Cairo.Render ()
setLineStyle (LineStyle { lineColor = Color r g b a, .. }) = do
setLineStyle LineStyle { lineColor = Color r g b a, .. } = do
Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a
setLineCap lineCap
setLineJoin lineJoin
@ -145,22 +126,21 @@ setFillStyle (Solid (Color r g b a)) = do
Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b a
setFillStyle (Texture src) = do
return ()
setFillStyle (Texture src) = return ()
setFillStyle (Gradient (Linear (sx, sy) (ex, ey) points)) =
Cairo.withLinearPattern sx sy ex ey $ \pattern ->
setGradientFill pattern points
Cairo.withLinearPattern sx sy ex ey $ \ptn ->
setGradientFill ptn points
setFillStyle (Gradient (Radial (sx, sy) sr (ex, ey) er points)) =
Cairo.withRadialPattern sx sy sr ex ey er $ \pattern ->
setGradientFill pattern points
Cairo.withRadialPattern sx sy sr ex ey er $ \ptn ->
setGradientFill ptn points
{-| A utility function that adds color stops to a pattern and then fills it. -}
setGradientFill :: Cairo.Pattern -> [(Double, Color)] -> Cairo.Render ()
setGradientFill pattern points = do
Cairo.setSource pattern
mapM_ (\(o, Color r g b a) -> Cairo.patternAddColorStopRGBA pattern o r g b a) points
setGradientFill ptn points = do
Cairo.setSource ptn
mapM_ (\(o, Color r g b a) -> Cairo.patternAddColorStopRGBA ptn o r g b a) points
{-| A utility that renders a form. -}

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{-| Contains the SDL keyboard mappings. -}
module Helm.Engine.SDL.Keyboard
import qualified SDL.Input.Keyboard.Codes as Codes
import Helm.Engine (Key(..))
mapKey :: Codes.Keycode -> Key
mapKey Codes.KeycodeReturn = ReturnKey
mapKey _ = UnknownKey

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{-| Contains the SDL mouse button mappings. -}
module Helm.Engine.SDL.Mouse (mapMouseButton) where
import qualified SDL.Event as Event
import Helm.Engine (MouseButton(..))
mapMouseButton :: Event.MouseButton -> MouseButton
mapMouseButton Event.ButtonLeft = LeftButton
mapMouseButton Event.ButtonMiddle = MiddleButton
mapMouseButton Event.ButtonRight = RightButton
mapMouseButton Event.ButtonX1 = X1Button
mapMouseButton Event.ButtonX2 = X2Button
mapMouseButton _ = UnknownButton

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
module Helm.Game (
-- * Types
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TQueue)
import Helm.Cmd (Cmd)
import Helm.Engine (Engine)
import Helm.Render (Render)
import Helm.Sub (Sub)
{-| Describes how to run a game. -}
data GameConfig m a = GameConfig {
initialFn :: (m, Cmd a),
updateFn :: m -> a -> (m, Cmd a),
subscriptionsFn :: Sub a,
viewFn :: m -> Render ()
{-| Describes a game's state. -}
data Game m a = Game {
gameConfig :: GameConfig m a,
gameModel :: m,
actionSmp :: Engine -> IO [a],
actionQueue :: TQueue a

src/Helm/Graphics.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{-| Contains the graphics type. -}
module Helm.Graphics (
-- * Types
) where
import Helm.Graphics2D (Element)
data Graphics = Graphics2D Element

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@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ data Path = Path [(Double, Double)] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read)
{-| Creates a path for a collection of points. -}
path :: [(Double, Double)] -> Path
path points = Path points
path = Path
{-| Creates a path from a line segment, i.e. a start and end point. -}
segment :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Path

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ instance Num Transform where
fromInteger n = Transform $ V3 (V3 (fromInteger n) 0 0) (V3 (fromInteger n) 0 0) (V3 0 0 1)
identity :: Transform
identity = Transform $ Matrix.identity
identity = Transform Matrix.identity
matrix :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Transform
matrix a b c d x y = Transform $ V3 (V3 a b x) (V3 c d y) (V3 0 0 1)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
{-| Contains subscriptions to events from the keyboard. -}
module Helm.Keyboard (
-- * Subscriptions
) where
module Helm.Keyboard
-- * Types
-- * Subscriptions
, presses
, downs
, ups
) where
import SDL.Input.Keyboard.Codes (Keycode)
import Helm (Sub(..))
import FRP.Elerea.Param (input, snapshot)
presses :: (Keycode -> a) -> Sub a
presses _ = Sub $ return $ return []
import Helm.Engine (Engine(..), Sub(..), Key(..))
downs :: (Keycode -> a) -> Sub a
presses :: Engine e => (Key -> a) -> Sub e a
presses f = Sub $ do
engine <- input >>= snapshot
fmap (fmap f) <$> keyboardPressSignal engine
downs :: Engine e => (Key -> a) -> Sub e a
downs _ = Sub $ return $ return []
ups :: (Keycode -> a) -> Sub a
ups :: Engine e => (Key -> a) -> Sub e a
ups _ = Sub $ return $ return []

View File

@ -1,37 +1,43 @@
{-| Contains subscriptions to events from the mouse. -}
module Helm.Mouse
-- * Subscriptions
) where
-- * Types
-- * Subscriptions
, moves
, clicks
, downs
, ups
, buttonClicks
, buttonDowns
, buttonUps
) where
import FRP.Elerea.Param (input, snapshot)
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import Helm (Sub(..))
import SDL.Input.Mouse (MouseButton(ButtonLeft))
moves :: (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
moves _ = Sub $ return $ return []
import Helm.Engine (Sub(..), Engine(..), MouseButton(..))
buttonClicks :: MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
moves :: Engine e => (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
moves f = Sub $ do
engine <- input >>= snapshot
fmap (fmap f) <$> mouseMoveSignal engine
buttonClicks :: Engine e => MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
buttonClicks _ _ = Sub $ return $ return []
buttonDowns :: MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
buttonDowns :: Engine e => MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
buttonDowns _ _ = Sub $ return $ return []
buttonUps :: MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
buttonUps :: Engine e => MouseButton -> (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
buttonUps _ _ = Sub $ return $ return []
clicks :: (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
clicks = buttonClicks ButtonLeft
clicks :: Engine e => (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
clicks = buttonClicks LeftButton
downs :: (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
downs = buttonDowns ButtonLeft
downs :: Engine e => (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
downs = buttonDowns LeftButton
ups :: (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
ups = buttonUps ButtonLeft
ups :: Engine e => (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
ups = buttonUps LeftButton

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
module Helm.Render (
-- * Types
-- * Utilities
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT)
import Helm.Engine (Engine)
data Render a = Render (StateT Engine IO a)
{-| Render nothing to the screen. -}
none :: Render ()
none = Render $ return ()

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@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
{-| Contains the subscription type and related utilities. -}
module Helm.Sub (
-- * Types
-- * Utilities
) where
{-| Contains the subscription related utilities. -}
module Helm.Sub
-- * Types
-- * Utilities
, batch
, none
) where
import FRP.Elerea.Param (SignalGen, Signal)
import Helm.Engine (Engine, Sub(..))
import Helm.Engine (Engine)
data Sub a = Sub (SignalGen Engine (Signal [a]))
batch :: [Sub a] -> Sub a
batch :: Engine e => [Sub e a] -> Sub e a
batch subs = Sub $ do
signals <- sequence $ map (\(Sub gen) -> gen) subs
signals <- mapM (\(Sub gen) -> gen) subs
return $ do
lists <- sequence signals
return $ concat lists
none :: Sub a
none = Sub $ return $ return []
none :: Engine e => Sub e a
none = Sub . return $ return []

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@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
{-| Contains functions for composing units of time and
subscriptions to events from the game clock. -}
module Helm.Time (
-- * Types
-- * Units
-- * Commands
-- * Subscriptions
) where
module Helm.Time
-- * Types
-- * Units
, millisecond
, second
, minute
, hour
, inMilliseconds
, inSeconds
, inMinutes
, inHours
-- * Commands
, now
-- * Subscriptions
, every
) where
import Helm (Cmd(..), Sub(..))
import Helm.Engine (Cmd(..), Sub(..), Engine(..))
{-| A type describing an amount of time in an arbitary unit. Use the time
composing/converting functions to manipulate time values. -}
@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ inMinutes n = n / minute
inHours :: Time -> Double
inHours n = n / hour
now :: Cmd Time
now :: Engine e => Cmd e Time
now = Cmd $ return []
every :: Time -> (Time -> a) -> Sub a
every :: Engine e => Time -> (Time -> a) -> Sub e a
every _ _ = Sub $ return $ return []

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@ -1,42 +1,45 @@
{-| Contains signals that sample input from the game window. -}
module Helm.Window (
-- * Commands
-- * Subscriptions
) where
module Helm.Window
-- * Commands
, width
, height
-- * Subscriptions
, resizes
) where
import Control.Monad.State (get)
import Helm.Cmd (Cmd(..))
import Helm.Engine (Engine(..))
import Helm.Sub (Sub(..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import FRP.Elerea.Param (input, snapshot)
import Linear.V2 (V2(V2))
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Video as Video
import Helm.Engine (Engine(..), Cmd(..), Sub(..))
size :: Cmd (V2 Int)
size :: Engine e => Cmd e (V2 Int)
size = Cmd $ do
Engine { window } <- get
V2 x y <- SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
engine <- get
V2 x y <- liftIO $ windowSize engine
return [V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)]
width :: Cmd Int
width :: Engine e => Cmd e Int
width = Cmd $ do
Engine { window } <- get
V2 x _ <- SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
engine <- get
V2 x _ <- liftIO $ windowSize engine
return [fromIntegral x]
height :: Cmd Int
height :: Engine e => Cmd e Int
height = Cmd $ do
Engine { window } <- get
V2 _ y <- SDL.get $ Video.windowSize window
engine <- get
V2 _ y <- liftIO $ windowSize engine
return [fromIntegral y]
resizes :: (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub a
resizes _ = Sub $ return $ return []
resizes :: Engine e => (V2 Int -> a) -> Sub e a
resizes f = Sub $ do
engine <- input >>= snapshot
fmap (fmap f) <$> windowResizeSignal engine