cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.3) # CMake options. set(CMAKE_ERROR_DEPRECATED TRUE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") project(Zeal VERSION 0.6.2) # Set to TRUE for a tagged release. # NOTE: Don't forget to add a new release entry in the AppStream metadata! set(RELEASE_VERSION FALSE) # Project information. if(APPLE) set(PROJECT_OUTPUT_NAME "Zeal") else() set(PROJECT_OUTPUT_NAME "zeal") endif() set(PROJECT_COMPANY_NAME "ZealDocs") set(PROJECT_COPYRIGHT "© 2013-2020 Oleg Shparber and other contributors") set(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION "A simple documentation browser.") set(PROJECT_URL "") # Find available major Qt version. It will be stored in QT_VERSION_MAJOR. find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core) if(QT_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL 6) set(QT_MINIMUM_VERSION 6.2.0) else() set(QT_MINIMUM_VERSION 5.9.5) endif() # Determine version for dev builds. if(NOT RELEASE_VERSION) message(NOTICE "Building unreleased code. Proceed at your own risk!") # TODO: Add support for metadata passed from env, e.g. aur, appimage, etc. include(GetVersionFromGit) if(Zeal_GIT_VERSION_SHA) # Extra check in case we forgot to bump version in project() directive. if(NOT PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH EQUAL Zeal_GIT_VERSION_PATCH_NEXT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Incorrect patch version! Forgot to bump?") endif() set(ZEAL_VERSION_SUFFIX "-dev.${Zeal_GIT_VERSION_AHEAD}+${Zeal_GIT_VERSION_SHA}") else() set(ZEAL_VERSION_SUFFIX "-dev") endif() endif() set(ZEAL_VERSION_FULL "${Zeal_VERSION}${ZEAL_VERSION_SUFFIX}") # For development builds insert an extra release in the AppStream metadata. if(NOT RELEASE_VERSION) string(TIMESTAMP ZEAL_APPSTREAM_DEV_RELEASE "\n ") endif() # A custom target to print the full version. # Usage: cmake --build build --target zeal_version add_custom_target(zeal_version COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Zeal version: ${ZEAL_VERSION_FULL}" VERBATIM ) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.24.0") set(CMAKE_COMPILE_WARNING_AS_ERROR ON) endif() add_subdirectory(assets) add_subdirectory(src)