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synced 2024-12-02 09:44:14 +03:00
126 lines
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126 lines
4.6 KiB
import sqlite3
import os
from lxml.html import parse
conn = sqlite3.connect('index.sqlite')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('CREATE TABLE things (id integer primary key, type text, name text, path text, parent integer)')
tree = parse('py-modindex.html')
modules = {}
classes = {}
for tbl in tree.xpath('//table[@class="indextable modindextable"]'):
for tr in tbl.findall('tr'):
a = tr.findall('td')[1].find('a')
if a is None: continue
modname = a.find('tt').text
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path) values("module", ?, ?)', (modname, a.attrib['href']))
modules[modname] = (c.lastrowid, a.attrib['href'].split('#')[0])
parsed_files = set()
for modname, (modid, fname) in modules.items():
if '.' in modname: modname = modname.split('.')[0] # modules aren't well-structured
if fname in parsed_files: continue
tree = parse(fname)
# classes/exceptions
for cls in tree.xpath('//dl[@class="class" or @class="exception"]'):
header = cls.find('dt')
url = fname
if 'id' not in header.attrib:
url += '#' + header.attrib['id']
classname = cls.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descname"]/text()')[0]
modname_cls = cls.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descclassname"]/text()')
if modname_cls:
modname_cls = modname_cls[0][:-1]
modname_cls = modname
if modname_cls not in modules:
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path) values("module", ?, ?)', (modname_cls, fname))
modules[modname_cls] = (c.lastrowid, fname)
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path, parent) values(?, ?, ?, ?)',
(cls.attrib['class'], classname, url, modules[modname_cls][0]))
classes[classname] = c.lastrowid
# methods/functions:
for method in tree.xpath('//dl[@class="method" or @class="function"]'):
classname = method.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descclassname"]/text()')
if classname: classname = classname[0][:-1]
methodname = method.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descname"]/text()')[0]
if not classname:
dl = [a for a in method.iterancestors() if a.attrib.get('class') == 'class']
if dl:
classname = dl[0].xpath('dt/tt[@class="descname"]/text()')
if classname: classname = classname[0]
url = fname
if ' ' in methodname:
# ignore some weird cases from deprecated SGI/SunOS modules
assert ' SGI ' in open(fname).read() or ' SunOS ' in open(fname).read()
if method.xpath('dt/@id'):
url += '#'+method.xpath('dt/@id')[0]
# should we update html file to contain id?
# there are only 23 such cases (at time of development), so might be not worth it...
if not classname or classname == modname:
type_ = "function"
parentid = modid
type_ = "member"
if classname not in classes:
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path, parent) values("class", ?, ?, ?)',
(classname, url, modid))
classes[classname] = c.lastrowid
parentid = classes[classname]
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path, parent) values("%s", ?, ?, ?)' % type_,
(methodname, url, parentid))
std_classes = {}
def get_std_class(name, href):
if name not in std_classes:
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path) values("class", ?, ?)',
(name, href))
std_classes[name] = c.lastrowid
return std_classes[name]
tree = parse('library/stdtypes.html')
for method in tree.xpath('//dl[@class="method"]'):
url = 'library/stdtypes.html'
if method.xpath('dt/@id'):
url += '#'+method.xpath('dt/@id')[0]
classname = method.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descclassname"]/text()')
if classname:
classname = classname[0][:-1]
classname = method.getparent().getparent().find('dt').find('tt').text
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path, parent) values("member", ?, ?, ?)',
(method.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descname"]/text()')[0], url,
get_std_class(classname, url)))
tree = parse('library/functions.html')
for method in tree.xpath('//dl[@class="function"]'):
url = 'library/functions.html'
if method.xpath('dt/@id'):
url += '#'+method.xpath('dt/@id')[0]
c.execute('INSERT INTO things(type, name, path) values("function", ?, ?)',
(method.xpath('dt/tt[@class="descname"]/text()')[0], url))