Updated macos build instructions, tested with catalina

Matthias Niess 2020-01-17 15:49:58 +01:00
parent e3a491eaa0
commit 4dad5ec8d1

@ -1,68 +1,35 @@
**Notice:** Be aware that there is [no official support](https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/issues/24#issue-17915169) for macOS. You can still try to build Zeal manually, but that is not guaranteed to work.
> **Notice:** Be aware that there is [no official support](https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/issues/24#issue-17915169) for macOS. You can still try to build Zeal manually, but that is not guaranteed to work.
> Please avoid reporting issues you encounter on macOS, unless they are also reproducible on Linux or Windows.
Please avoid reporting issues you encounter on macOS, unless they are also reproducible on Linux or Windows.
## Compiling dependencies
## Installing dependencies
1. Install Xcode from the AppStore. If you installed the Xcode command line tools earlier (e.g. by installing Homebrew), run this:
`sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer`
2. Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) to install/compile the dependencies and Zeal itself.
3. Install/Compile Qt dependencies
brew tap markwu/personal
brew install qt
brew install qt5-webkit
Use one of the following methods, based on which package manager you use.
Compiling qt5-webkit will take a while.
#### Homebrew
brew install qt@5.5 libarchive
## Compiling Zeal
You may choose to link `qt`, as the brew formula is 'keg-only', which avoids writing the full path to the `qmake` executable below. You may do so by:
Compile the latest development version of Zeal:
brew link qt@5.5 --force
brew install --HEAD zeal
#### MacPorts
port install qt5 qt5-qtwebengine qt5-sqlite-plugin libarchive
## Installing Zeal
## Building Zeal
### Source code
To test the most recent version of source code, fetch it from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal.git
### Compiling
#### Homebrew
Replace the full path to `qmake` with just the name of the command, if you linked `qt` as described above.
Zeal is now available to be run. If you want you can move it to your Applications folder (not necessary if you run it through Spotlight or Alfred):
/usr/local/Cellar/qt@5.5/5.5.1_1/bin/qmake INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/local/opt/libarchive/include
make SUBLIBS="-L/usr/local/opt/libarchive/lib -larchive -lsqlite3"
cp -Rp /usr/local/Cellar/zeal/*/Zeal.app ~/Applications/
#### MacPorts
/opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/qmake INCLUDEPATH+=/opt/local/include
make SUBLIBS="-L/opt/local/lib -larchive -lsqlite3"
### Appbundle
Create an application bundle:
cd bin
/opt/local/libexec/qt5/bin/macdeployqt Zeal.app
#### Homebrew
Create an application bundle:
Replace the full path to `macdeployqt` with just the name of the command, if you linked `qt` as described above.
```` bash
cd bin
/usr/local/Cellar/qt@5.5/5.5.1_1/bin/macdeployqt Zeal.app
## Installation
Simply move `Zeal.app` to your `Applications` directory.
Thanks go out to [markwu](https://github.com/markwu/homebrew-personal) for providing the Homebrew formula to build Zeal and qt5-webkit.