Remove stray files

This commit is contained in:
Max Brunsfeld 2024-01-03 13:25:04 -08:00
parent fcacb46f4e
commit 202db11987
2 changed files with 0 additions and 541 deletions

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
authors = ["Nathan Sobo <>"]
default-run = "collab"
edition = "2021"
name = "collab"
version = "0.28.0"
publish = false
name = "collab"
name = "seed"
required-features = ["seed-support"]
clock = { path = "../clock" }
collections = { path = "../collections" }
live_kit_server = { path = "../live_kit_server" }
text = { path = "../text" }
rpc = { path = "../rpc" }
util = { path = "../util" }
anyhow.workspace = true
async-tungstenite = "0.16"
axum = { version = "0.5", features = ["json", "headers", "ws"] }
axum-extra = { version = "0.3", features = ["erased-json"] }
base64 = "0.13"
clap = { version = "3.1", features = ["derive"], optional = true }
dashmap = "5.4"
envy = "0.4.2"
futures.workspace = true
hyper = "0.14"
lazy_static.workspace = true
lipsum = { version = "0.8", optional = true }
log.workspace = true
nanoid = "0.4"
parking_lot.workspace = true
prometheus = "0.13"
prost.workspace = true
rand.workspace = true
reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"], optional = true }
scrypt = "0.7"
smallvec.workspace = true
sea-orm = { version = "0.12.x", features = ["sqlx-postgres", "postgres-array", "runtime-tokio-rustls", "with-uuid"] }
serde.workspace = true
serde_derive.workspace = true
serde_json.workspace = true
sha-1 = "0.9"
sqlx = { version = "0.7", features = ["runtime-tokio-rustls", "postgres", "json", "time", "uuid", "any"] }
time.workspace = true
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
tokio-tungstenite = "0.17"
tonic = "0.6"
tower = "0.4"
toml.workspace = true
tracing = "0.1.34"
tracing-log = "0.1.3"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.11", features = ["env-filter", "json"] }
uuid.workspace = true
audio = { path = "../audio" }
collections = { path = "../collections", features = ["test-support"] }
gpui = { path = "../gpui", features = ["test-support"] }
call = { path = "../call", features = ["test-support"] }
client = { path = "../client", features = ["test-support"] }
channel = { path = "../channel" }
editor = { path = "../editor", features = ["test-support"] }
language = { path = "../language", features = ["test-support"] }
fs = { path = "../fs", features = ["test-support"] }
git = { path = "../git", features = ["test-support"] }
live_kit_client = { path = "../live_kit_client", features = ["test-support"] }
lsp = { path = "../lsp", features = ["test-support"] }
node_runtime = { path = "../node_runtime" }
notifications = { path = "../notifications", features = ["test-support"] }
project = { path = "../project", features = ["test-support"] }
rpc = { path = "../rpc", features = ["test-support"] }
settings = { path = "../settings", features = ["test-support"] }
theme = { path = "../theme" }
workspace = { path = "../workspace", features = ["test-support"] }
collab_ui = { path = "../collab_ui", features = ["test-support"] }
async-trait.workspace = true
pretty_assertions.workspace = true
ctor.workspace = true
env_logger.workspace = true
indoc.workspace = true
util = { path = "../util" }
lazy_static.workspace = true
sea-orm = { version = "0.12.x", features = ["sqlx-sqlite"] }
serde_json.workspace = true
sqlx = { version = "0.7", features = ["sqlite"] }
unindent.workspace = true
seed-support = ["clap", "lipsum", "reqwest"]

View File

@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
use gpui::{
div, img, prelude::*, px, rems, DismissEvent, Div, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FocusableView,
SharedString, Stateful, View, ViewContext, WindowContext,
use theme::ActiveFabricTheme;
use ui::{
popover_menu, Button, ButtonCommon, ButtonStyle, Clickable, Color, LabelSize, PopoverMenu,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct PeerId(pub u32);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ProjectId(u64);
pub trait TitlebarDelegate: 'static + Sized {
fn toggle_following(&mut self, peer_index: PeerId, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>);
impl TitlebarDelegate for () {
fn toggle_following(&mut self, peer: PeerId, _cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) {
log::info!("toggle following {:?}", peer);
pub struct Titlebar<D: TitlebarDelegate = ()> {
pub delegate: View<D>,
pub full_screen: bool,
pub project_host: Option<ProjectHost<D>>,
pub projects: Projects<D>,
pub branches: Option<Branches>,
pub collaborators: Vec<FacePile>,
pub struct ProjectHost<D: TitlebarDelegate> {
pub delegate: View<D>,
pub id: PeerId,
pub login: SharedString,
pub peer_index: u32,
pub struct Projects<D: TitlebarDelegate> {
pub delegate: View<D>,
pub current: SharedString,
pub recent: Vec<Project>,
pub struct Project {
pub name: SharedString,
pub id: ProjectId,
pub struct ProjectsMenu<D> {
delegate: View<D>,
focus: FocusHandle,
recent: Vec<Project>,
pub struct Branches {
pub current: SharedString,
#[derive(IntoElement, Default)]
pub struct FacePile {
pub faces: Vec<Avatar>,
pub struct Avatar {
pub image_uri: SharedString,
pub audio_status: AudioStatus,
pub available: Option<bool>,
pub shape: AvatarShape,
pub enum AvatarShape {
impl<D: TitlebarDelegate> RenderOnce for Titlebar<D> {
type Output = Stateful<Div>;
fn render(self, cx: &mut ui::prelude::WindowContext) -> Self::Output {
// Set a non-scaling min-height here to ensure the titlebar is
// always at least the height of the traffic lights.
.when(self.full_screen, |this| {
// Use pixels here instead of a rem-based size because the macOS traffic
// lights are a static size, and don't scale with the rest of the UI.
.on_click(|event, cx| {
if event.up.click_count == 2 {
// left side
.child(self.projects), // .children(self.render_project_branch(cx))
// .children(self.render_collaborators(cx)),
// right side
// .child(
// div()
// .flex()
// .flex_row()
// .gap_1()
// .pr_1()
// .when_some(room, |this, room| {
// let room =;
// let project =;
// let is_local = project.is_local();
// let is_shared = is_local && project.is_shared();
// let is_muted = room.is_muted(cx);
// let is_deafened = room.is_deafened().unwrap_or(false);
// let is_screen_sharing = room.is_screen_sharing();
// this.when(is_local, |this| {
// this.child(
// Button::new(
// "toggle_sharing",
// if is_shared { "Unshare" } else { "Share" },
// )
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .label_size(LabelSize::Small)
// .on_click(cx.listener(
// move |this, _, cx| {
// if is_shared {
// this.unshare_project(&Default::default(), cx);
// } else {
// this.share_project(&Default::default(), cx);
// }
// },
// )),
// )
// })
// .child(
// IconButton::new("leave-call", ui::Icon::Exit)
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .icon_size(IconSize::Small)
// .on_click(move |_, cx| {
// ActiveCall::global(cx)
// .update(cx, |call, cx| call.hang_up(cx))
// .detach_and_log_err(cx);
// }),
// )
// .child(
// IconButton::new(
// "mute-microphone",
// if is_muted {
// ui::Icon::MicMute
// } else {
// ui::Icon::Mic
// },
// )
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .icon_size(IconSize::Small)
// .selected(is_muted)
// .on_click(move |_, cx| crate::toggle_mute(&Default::default(), cx)),
// )
// .child(
// IconButton::new(
// "mute-sound",
// if is_deafened {
// ui::Icon::AudioOff
// } else {
// ui::Icon::AudioOn
// },
// )
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .icon_size(IconSize::Small)
// .selected(is_deafened)
// .tooltip(move |cx| {
// Tooltip::with_meta("Deafen Audio", None, "Mic will be muted", cx)
// })
// .on_click(move |_, cx| crate::toggle_mute(&Default::default(), cx)),
// )
// .child(
// IconButton::new("screen-share", ui::Icon::Screen)
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .icon_size(IconSize::Small)
// .selected(is_screen_sharing)
// .on_click(move |_, cx| {
// crate::toggle_screen_sharing(&Default::default(), cx)
// }),
// )
// })
// .map(|el| {
// let status = self.client.status();
// let status = &*status.borrow();
// if matches!(status, client::Status::Connected { .. }) {
// el.child(self.render_user_menu_button(cx))
// } else {
// el.children(self.render_connection_status(status, cx))
// .child(self.render_sign_in_button(cx))
// .child(self.render_user_menu_button(cx))
// }
// }),
// )
impl<D: TitlebarDelegate> RenderOnce for ProjectHost<D> {
type Output = Button;
fn render(self, _: &mut WindowContext) -> Self::Output {
let delegate = self.delegate;
Button::new("project-host", self.login)
.tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Toggle following", cx))
.on_click(move |_, cx| {
let host_id =;
delegate.update(cx, |this, cx| this.toggle_following(host_id, cx))
impl<D: 'static> EventEmitter<DismissEvent> for ProjectsMenu<D> {}
impl<D: TitlebarDelegate> Render for ProjectsMenu<D> {
fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> impl Element {
impl<D: TitlebarDelegate> FocusableView for ProjectsMenu<D> {
fn focus_handle(&self, _cx: &gpui::AppContext) -> gpui::FocusHandle {
impl<D: TitlebarDelegate> RenderOnce for Projects<D> {
type Output = PopoverMenu<ProjectsMenu<D>>;
fn render(self, _cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Self::Output {
let delegate = self.delegate;
let recent_projects = self.recent;
Button::new("trigger", self.current)
.tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Recent Projects", cx)),
.menu(move |cx| {
if recent_projects.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(cx.new_view(|cx| ProjectsMenu {
delegate: delegate.clone(),
focus: cx.focus_handle(),
recent: recent_projects.clone(),
impl RenderOnce for FacePile {
type Output = Div;
fn render(self, _: &mut WindowContext) -> Self::Output {
let face_count = self.faces.len();
.children(self.faces.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(ix, avatar)| {
let last_child = ix == face_count - 1;
.z_index((face_count - ix) as u8)
.when(!last_child, |div| div.neg_mr_1())
impl RenderOnce for Avatar {
type Output = Div;
fn render(self, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Self::Output {
.map(|this| match self.shape {
AvatarShape::Square => this.rounded_md(),
AvatarShape::Circle => this.rounded_full(),
.map(|this| match self.audio_status {
AudioStatus::None => this,
AudioStatus::Muted => this.border_color(cx.theme().muted),
AudioStatus::Speaking => this.border_color(cx.theme().speaking),
.size(cx.rem_size() + px(2.))
.children(|is_free| {
// Non-integer sizes result in non-round indicators.
let indicator_size = (cx.rem_size() * 0.4).round();
.bg(if is_free {
} else {
pub enum AudioStatus {
// impl Titlebar {
// pub fn render_project_host(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> Option<impl Element> {
// let host =;
// let host =;
// let participant_index = self
// .user_store
// .read(cx)
// .participant_indices()
// .get(&;
// Some(
// div().border().border_color(gpui::red()).child(
// Button::new("project_owner_trigger", host.github_login.clone())
// .color(Color::Player(participant_index.0))
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .label_size(LabelSize::Small)
// .tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Toggle following", cx)),
// ),
// )
// }
// pub fn render_project_branch(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> Option<impl Element> {
// let entry = {
// let mut names_and_branches =
//|worktree| {
// let worktree =;
// worktree.root_git_entry()
// });
// };
// let workspace = self.workspace.upgrade()?;
// let branch_name = entry
// .as_ref()
// .and_then(RepositoryEntry::branch)
// .map(|branch| util::truncate_and_trailoff(&branch, MAX_BRANCH_NAME_LENGTH))?;
// Some(
// popover_menu("project_branch_trigger")
// .trigger(
// Button::new("project_branch_trigger", branch_name)
// .color(Color::Muted)
// .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle)
// .label_size(LabelSize::Small)
// .tooltip(move |cx| {
// Tooltip::with_meta(
// "Recent Branches",
// Some(&ToggleVcsMenu),
// "Local branches only",
// cx,
// )
// }),
// )
// .menu(move |cx| Self::render_vcs_popover(workspace.clone(), cx)),
// )
// }
// fn render_collaborator(
// &self,
// user: &Arc<User>,
// peer_id: PeerId,
// is_present: bool,
// is_speaking: bool,
// is_muted: bool,
// room: &Room,
// project_id: Option<u64>,
// current_user: &Arc<User>,
// ) -> Option<FacePile> {
// let followers = project_id.map_or(&[] as &[_], |id| room.followers_for(peer_id, id));
// let pile = FacePile::default()
// .child(
// Avatar::new(user.avatar_uri.clone())
// .grayscale(!is_present)
// .border_color(if is_speaking {
// gpui::blue()
// } else if is_muted {
// gpui::red()
// } else {
// Hsla::default()
// }),
// )
// .children(followers.iter().filter_map(|follower_peer_id| {
// let follower = room
// .remote_participants()
// .values()
// .find_map(|p| (p.peer_id == *follower_peer_id).then_some(&p.user))
// .or_else(|| {
// (self.client.peer_id() == Some(*follower_peer_id)).then_some(current_user)
// })?
// .clone();
// Some(Avatar::new(follower.avatar_uri.clone()))
// }));
// Some(pile)
// }
// }