mirror of
synced 2024-11-07 20:39:04 +03:00
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ pub use element::{
use futures::FutureExt;
use fuzzy::{StringMatch, StringMatchCandidate};
use gpui::{
div, px, AnyElement, AppContext, BackgroundExecutor, Context, Div, Element, EventEmitter,
FocusHandle, FontStyle, FontWeight, Hsla, Model, Pixels, Render, Styled, Subscription, Task,
TextStyle, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext,
div, px, AnyElement, AppContext, BackgroundExecutor, Context, Div, Element, Entity,
EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FontStyle, FontWeight, Hsla, Model, Pixels, Render, Styled,
Subscription, Task, TextStyle, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext,
use highlight_matching_bracket::refresh_matching_bracket_highlights;
use hover_popover::{hide_hover, HoverState};
@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ use anyhow::Result;
use collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use gpui::{
black, hsla, point, px, relative, size, transparent_black, AnyElement, BorrowWindow, Bounds,
ContentMask, Corners, Edges, Element, Hsla, Line, Pixels, ShapedGlyph, Size, Style, TextRun,
TextStyle, TextSystem, ViewContext, WindowContext,
ContentMask, Corners, DispatchPhase, Edges, Element, ElementId, Hsla, Line, Pixels,
ScrollWheelEvent, ShapedGlyph, Size, StatefulInteraction, Style, TextRun, TextStyle,
TextSystem, ViewContext, WindowContext,
use itertools::Itertools;
use language::language_settings::ShowWhitespaceSetting;
@ -464,39 +465,41 @@ impl EditorElement {
// true
// }
// fn scroll(
// editor: &mut Editor,
// position: gpui::Point<Pixels>,
// mut delta: gpui::Point<Pixels>,
// precise: bool,
// position_map: &PositionMap,
// bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) -> bool {
// if !bounds.contains_point(position) {
// return false;
// }
fn scroll(
editor: &mut Editor,
event: &ScrollWheelEvent,
position_map: &PositionMap,
bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
) -> bool {
if !bounds.contains_point(&event.position) {
return false;
// let line_height = position_map.line_height;
// let max_glyph_width = position_map.em_width;
let line_height = position_map.line_height;
let max_glyph_width = position_map.em_width;
let (delta, axis) = match event.delta {
gpui::ScrollDelta::Pixels(mut pixels) => {
let axis = position_map.snapshot.ongoing_scroll.filter(&mut pixels);
(pixels, axis)
// let axis = if precise {
// //Trackpad
// position_map.snapshot.ongoing_scroll.filter(&mut delta)
// } else {
// //Not trackpad
// delta *= point(max_glyph_width, line_height);
// None //Resets ongoing scroll
// };
gpui::ScrollDelta::Lines(lines) => {
//Not trackpad
let pixels = point(lines.x * max_glyph_width, lines.y * line_height);
(pixels, None)
// let scroll_position = position_map.snapshot.scroll_position();
// let x = (scroll_position.x * max_glyph_width - delta.x) / max_glyph_width;
// let y = (scroll_position.y * line_height - delta.y) / line_height;
// let scroll_position = point(x, y).clamp(gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(), position_map.scroll_max);
// editor.scroll(scroll_position, axis, cx);
let scroll_position = position_map.snapshot.scroll_position();
let x = f32::from((scroll_position.x * max_glyph_width - delta.x) / max_glyph_width);
let y = f32::from((scroll_position.y * line_height - delta.y) / line_height);
let scroll_position = point(x, y).clamp(&point(0., 0.), &position_map.scroll_max);
editor.scroll(scroll_position, axis, cx);
// true
// }
fn paint_background(
@ -774,91 +777,72 @@ impl EditorElement {
let line_end_overshoot = 0.15 * layout.position_map.line_height;
let whitespace_setting = editor.buffer.read(cx).settings_at(0, cx).show_whitespaces;
// todo!("cursor region")
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds,
// style: if !editor.link_go_to_definition_state.definitions.is_empty {
// CursorStyle::PointingHand
// } else {
// CursorStyle::IBeam
// },
// });
cx.with_content_mask(ContentMask { bounds }, |cx| {
// todo!("cursor region")
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds,
// style: if !editor.link_go_to_definition_state.definitions.is_empty {
// CursorStyle::PointingHand
// } else {
// CursorStyle::IBeam
// },
// });
// todo!("fold ranges")
// let fold_corner_radius =
// self.style.folds.ellipses.corner_radius_factor * layout.position_map.line_height;
// for (id, range, color) in layout.fold_ranges.iter() {
// self.paint_highlighted_range(
// range.clone(),
// *color,
// fold_corner_radius,
// fold_corner_radius * 2.,
// layout,
// content_origin,
// scroll_top,
// scroll_left,
// bounds,
// cx,
// );
// todo!("fold ranges")
// let fold_corner_radius =
// self.style.folds.ellipses.corner_radius_factor * layout.position_map.line_height;
// for (id, range, color) in layout.fold_ranges.iter() {
// self.paint_highlighted_range(
// range.clone(),
// *color,
// fold_corner_radius,
// fold_corner_radius * 2.,
// layout,
// content_origin,
// scroll_top,
// scroll_left,
// bounds,
// cx,
// );
// for bound in range_to_bounds(
// &range,
// content_origin,
// scroll_left,
// scroll_top,
// &layout.visible_display_row_range,
// line_end_overshoot,
// &layout.position_map,
// ) {
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds: bound,
// style: CursorStyle::PointingHand,
// });
// for bound in range_to_bounds(
// &range,
// content_origin,
// scroll_left,
// scroll_top,
// &layout.visible_display_row_range,
// line_end_overshoot,
// &layout.position_map,
// ) {
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds: bound,
// style: CursorStyle::PointingHand,
// });
// let display_row = range.start.row();
// let display_row = range.start.row();
// let buffer_row = DisplayPoint::new(display_row, 0)
// .to_point(&layout.position_map.snapshot.display_snapshot)
// .row;
// let buffer_row = DisplayPoint::new(display_row, 0)
// .to_point(&layout.position_map.snapshot.display_snapshot)
// .row;
// let view_id = cx.view_id();
// cx.scene().push_mouse_region(
// MouseRegion::new::<FoldMarkers>(view_id, *id as usize, bound)
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// editor.unfold_at(&UnfoldAt { buffer_row }, cx)
// })
// .with_notify_on_hover(true)
// .with_notify_on_click(true),
// )
// }
// }
// let view_id = cx.view_id();
// cx.scene().push_mouse_region(
// MouseRegion::new::<FoldMarkers>(view_id, *id as usize, bound)
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |_, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// editor.unfold_at(&UnfoldAt { buffer_row }, cx)
// })
// .with_notify_on_hover(true)
// .with_notify_on_click(true),
// )
// }
// }
for (range, color) in &layout.highlighted_ranges {
let mut cursors = SmallVec::<[Cursor; 32]>::new();
let corner_radius = 0.15 * layout.position_map.line_height;
let mut invisible_display_ranges = SmallVec::<[Range<DisplayPoint>; 32]>::new();
for (selection_style, selections) in &layout.selections {
for selection in selections {
for (range, color) in &layout.highlighted_ranges {
corner_radius * 2.,
@ -866,205 +850,226 @@ impl EditorElement {
if selection.is_local && !selection.range.is_empty() {
let mut cursors = SmallVec::<[Cursor; 32]>::new();
let corner_radius = 0.15 * layout.position_map.line_height;
let mut invisible_display_ranges = SmallVec::<[Range<DisplayPoint>; 32]>::new();
if !selection.is_local || editor.show_local_cursors(cx) {
let cursor_position = selection.head;
if layout
let cursor_row_layout = &layout.position_map.line_layouts
[(cursor_position.row() - start_row) as usize]
let cursor_column = cursor_position.column() as usize;
for (selection_style, selections) in &layout.selections {
for selection in selections {
corner_radius * 2.,
let cursor_character_x = cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(cursor_column);
let mut block_width =
cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(cursor_column + 1) - cursor_character_x;
if block_width == Pixels::ZERO {
block_width = layout.position_map.em_width;
if selection.is_local && !selection.range.is_empty() {
if !selection.is_local || editor.show_local_cursors(cx) {
let cursor_position = selection.head;
if layout
let cursor_row_layout = &layout.position_map.line_layouts
[(cursor_position.row() - start_row) as usize]
let cursor_column = cursor_position.column() as usize;
let cursor_character_x = cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(cursor_column);
let mut block_width = cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(cursor_column + 1)
- cursor_character_x;
if block_width == Pixels::ZERO {
block_width = layout.position_map.em_width;
let block_text = if let CursorShape::Block = selection.cursor_shape {
.and_then(|(character, _)| {
let text = character.to_string();
&[TextRun {
len: text.len(),
font: self.style.text.font(),
color: self.style.background,
underline: None,
} else {
let x = cursor_character_x - scroll_left;
let y = cursor_position.row() as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height
- scroll_top;
if selection.is_newest {
editor.pixel_position_of_newest_cursor = Some(point(
bounds.origin.x + x + block_width / 2.,
bounds.origin.y + y + layout.position_map.line_height / 2.,
cursors.push(Cursor {
color: selection_style.cursor,
origin: point(x, y),
line_height: layout.position_map.line_height,
shape: selection.cursor_shape,
let block_text = if let CursorShape::Block = selection.cursor_shape {
.and_then(|(character, _)| {
let text = character.to_string();
&[TextRun {
len: text.len(),
font: self.style.text.font(),
color: self.style.background,
underline: None,
} else {
let x = cursor_character_x - scroll_left;
let y = cursor_position.row() as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height
- scroll_top;
if selection.is_newest {
editor.pixel_position_of_newest_cursor = Some(point(
bounds.origin.x + x + block_width / 2.,
bounds.origin.y + y + layout.position_map.line_height / 2.,
cursors.push(Cursor {
color: selection_style.cursor,
origin: point(x, y),
line_height: layout.position_map.line_height,
shape: selection.cursor_shape,
for (ix, line_with_invisibles) in layout.position_map.line_layouts.iter().enumerate() {
let row = start_row + ix as u32;
cx.stack(9999, |cx| {
for cursor in cursors {
cursor.paint(content_origin, cx);
for (ix, line_with_invisibles) in layout.position_map.line_layouts.iter().enumerate() {
let row = start_row + ix as u32;
// cx.scene().push_layer(Some(bounds));
// cx.scene().pop_layer();
cx.stack(0, |cx| {
for cursor in cursors {
cursor.paint(content_origin, cx);
// cx.scene().push_layer(Some(bounds));
// if let Some((position, context_menu)) = layout.context_menu.as_mut() {
// cx.scene().push_stacking_context(None, None);
// let cursor_row_layout =
// &layout.position_map.line_layouts[(position.row() - start_row) as usize].line;
// let x = cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(position.column() as usize) - scroll_left;
// let y = (position.row() + 1) as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height - scroll_top;
// let mut list_origin = content_origin + point(x, y);
// let list_width = context_menu.size().x;
// let list_height = context_menu.size().y;
// cx.scene().pop_layer();
// // Snap the right edge of the list to the right edge of the window if
// // its horizontal bounds overflow.
// if list_origin.x + list_width > cx.window_size().x {
// list_origin.set_x((cx.window_size().x - list_width).max(0.));
// }
// if let Some((position, context_menu)) = layout.context_menu.as_mut() {
// cx.scene().push_stacking_context(None, None);
// let cursor_row_layout =
// &layout.position_map.line_layouts[(position.row() - start_row) as usize].line;
// let x = cursor_row_layout.x_for_index(position.column() as usize) - scroll_left;
// let y = (position.row() + 1) as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height - scroll_top;
// let mut list_origin = content_origin + point(x, y);
// let list_width = context_menu.size().x;
// let list_height = context_menu.size().y;
// if list_origin.y + list_height > bounds.max_y {
// list_origin
// .set_y(list_origin.y - layout.position_map.line_height - list_height);
// }
// // Snap the right edge of the list to the right edge of the window if
// // its horizontal bounds overflow.
// if list_origin.x + list_width > cx.window_size().x {
// list_origin.set_x((cx.window_size().x - list_width).max(0.));
// }
// context_menu.paint(
// list_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// if list_origin.y + list_height > bounds.max_y {
// list_origin
// .set_y(list_origin.y - layout.position_map.line_height - list_height);
// }
// cx.scene().pop_stacking_context();
// }
// context_menu.paint(
// list_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// if let Some((position, hover_popovers)) = layout.hover_popovers.as_mut() {
// cx.scene().push_stacking_context(None, None);
// cx.scene().pop_stacking_context();
// }
// // This is safe because we check on layout whether the required row is available
// let hovered_row_layout =
// &layout.position_map.line_layouts[(position.row() - start_row) as usize].line;
// if let Some((position, hover_popovers)) = layout.hover_popovers.as_mut() {
// cx.scene().push_stacking_context(None, None);
// // Minimum required size: Take the first popover, and add 1.5 times the minimum popover
// // height. This is the size we will use to decide whether to render popovers above or below
// // the hovered line.
// let first_size = hover_popovers[0].size();
// let height_to_reserve = first_size.y
// + 1.5 * MIN_POPOVER_LINE_HEIGHT as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height;
// // This is safe because we check on layout whether the required row is available
// let hovered_row_layout =
// &layout.position_map.line_layouts[(position.row() - start_row) as usize].line;
// // Compute Hovered Point
// let x = hovered_row_layout.x_for_index(position.column() as usize) - scroll_left;
// let y = position.row() as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height - scroll_top;
// let hovered_point = content_origin + point(x, y);
// // Minimum required size: Take the first popover, and add 1.5 times the minimum popover
// // height. This is the size we will use to decide whether to render popovers above or below
// // the hovered line.
// let first_size = hover_popovers[0].size();
// let height_to_reserve = first_size.y
// + 1.5 * MIN_POPOVER_LINE_HEIGHT as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height;
// if hovered_point.y - height_to_reserve > 0.0 {
// // There is enough space above. Render popovers above the hovered point
// let mut current_y = hovered_point.y;
// for hover_popover in hover_popovers {
// let size = hover_popover.size();
// let mut popover_origin = point(hovered_point.x, current_y - size.y);
// // Compute Hovered Point
// let x = hovered_row_layout.x_for_index(position.column() as usize) - scroll_left;
// let y = position.row() as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height - scroll_top;
// let hovered_point = content_origin + point(x, y);
// let x_out_of_bounds = bounds.max_x - (popover_origin.x + size.x);
// if x_out_of_bounds < 0.0 {
// popover_origin.set_x(popover_origin.x + x_out_of_bounds);
// }
// if hovered_point.y - height_to_reserve > 0.0 {
// // There is enough space above. Render popovers above the hovered point
// let mut current_y = hovered_point.y;
// for hover_popover in hover_popovers {
// let size = hover_popover.size();
// let mut popover_origin = point(hovered_point.x, current_y - size.y);
// hover_popover.paint(
// popover_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// let x_out_of_bounds = bounds.max_x - (popover_origin.x + size.x);
// if x_out_of_bounds < 0.0 {
// popover_origin.set_x(popover_origin.x + x_out_of_bounds);
// }
// current_y = popover_origin.y - HOVER_POPOVER_GAP;
// }
// } else {
// // There is not enough space above. Render popovers below the hovered point
// let mut current_y = hovered_point.y + layout.position_map.line_height;
// for hover_popover in hover_popovers {
// let size = hover_popover.size();
// let mut popover_origin = point(hovered_point.x, current_y);
// hover_popover.paint(
// popover_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// let x_out_of_bounds = bounds.max_x - (popover_origin.x + size.x);
// if x_out_of_bounds < 0.0 {
// popover_origin.set_x(popover_origin.x + x_out_of_bounds);
// }
// current_y = popover_origin.y - HOVER_POPOVER_GAP;
// }
// } else {
// // There is not enough space above. Render popovers below the hovered point
// let mut current_y = hovered_point.y + layout.position_map.line_height;
// for hover_popover in hover_popovers {
// let size = hover_popover.size();
// let mut popover_origin = point(hovered_point.x, current_y);
// hover_popover.paint(
// popover_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// let x_out_of_bounds = bounds.max_x - (popover_origin.x + size.x);
// if x_out_of_bounds < 0.0 {
// popover_origin.set_x(popover_origin.x + x_out_of_bounds);
// }
// current_y = popover_origin.y + size.y + HOVER_POPOVER_GAP;
// }
// }
// hover_popover.paint(
// popover_origin,
// Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(
// gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// point(f32::MAX, f32::MAX),
// ), // Let content bleed outside of editor
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// cx.scene().pop_stacking_context();
// }
// current_y = popover_origin.y + size.y + HOVER_POPOVER_GAP;
// }
// }
// cx.scene().pop_stacking_context();
// }
fn scrollbar_left(&self, bounds: &Bounds<Pixels>) -> Pixels {
@ -2573,6 +2578,20 @@ impl Element<Editor> for EditorElement {
cx: &mut gpui::ViewContext<Editor>,
) {
let layout = self.compute_layout(editor, cx, bounds);
let position_map = layout.position_map.clone();
move |editor, event: &ScrollWheelEvent, phase, cx| {
if phase != DispatchPhase::Bubble {
if Self::scroll(editor, event, &position_map, bounds, cx) {
cx.with_content_mask(ContentMask { bounds }, |cx| {
let gutter_bounds = Bounds {
origin: bounds.origin,
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use gpui::AppContext;
use super::Axis;
use crate::Editor;
use gpui::{AppContext, Point, ViewContext};
// actions!(
// editor,
@ -42,107 +44,107 @@ pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) {
// });
// impl Editor {
// pub fn next_screen(&mut self, _: &NextScreen, cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>) -> Option<()> {
// if self.take_rename(true, cx).is_some() {
// return None;
// }
impl Editor {
// pub fn next_screen(&mut self, _: &NextScreen, cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>) -> Option<()> {
// if self.take_rename(true, cx).is_some() {
// return None;
// }
// if self.mouse_context_menu.read(cx).visible() {
// return None;
// }
// if self.mouse_context_menu.read(cx).visible() {
// return None;
// }
// if matches!(self.mode, EditorMode::SingleLine) {
// cx.propagate_action();
// return None;
// }
// self.request_autoscroll(Autoscroll::Next, cx);
// Some(())
// }
// if matches!(self.mode, EditorMode::SingleLine) {
// cx.propagate_action();
// return None;
// }
// self.request_autoscroll(Autoscroll::Next, cx);
// Some(())
// }
// pub fn scroll(
// &mut self,
// scroll_position: Vector2F,
// axis: Option<Axis>,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
// ) {
// self.scroll_manager.update_ongoing_scroll(axis);
// self.set_scroll_position(scroll_position, cx);
// }
pub fn scroll(
&mut self,
scroll_position: Point<f32>,
axis: Option<Axis>,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>,
) {
self.set_scroll_position(scroll_position, cx);
// fn scroll_cursor_top(editor: &mut Editor, _: &ScrollCursorTop, cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let scroll_margin_rows = editor.vertical_scroll_margin() as u32;
// fn scroll_cursor_top(editor: &mut Editor, _: &ScrollCursorTop, cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let scroll_margin_rows = editor.vertical_scroll_margin() as u32;
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top.row().saturating_sub(scroll_margin_rows);
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top.row().saturating_sub(scroll_margin_rows);
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
// fn scroll_cursor_center(
// editor: &mut Editor,
// _: &ScrollCursorCenter,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let visible_rows = if let Some(visible_rows) = editor.visible_line_count() {
// visible_rows as u32
// } else {
// return;
// };
// fn scroll_cursor_center(
// editor: &mut Editor,
// _: &ScrollCursorCenter,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let visible_rows = if let Some(visible_rows) = editor.visible_line_count() {
// visible_rows as u32
// } else {
// return;
// };
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top.row().saturating_sub(visible_rows / 2);
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top.row().saturating_sub(visible_rows / 2);
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
// fn scroll_cursor_bottom(
// editor: &mut Editor,
// _: &ScrollCursorBottom,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let scroll_margin_rows = editor.vertical_scroll_margin() as u32;
// let visible_rows = if let Some(visible_rows) = editor.visible_line_count() {
// visible_rows as u32
// } else {
// return;
// };
// fn scroll_cursor_bottom(
// editor: &mut Editor,
// _: &ScrollCursorBottom,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) {
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let scroll_margin_rows = editor.vertical_scroll_margin() as u32;
// let visible_rows = if let Some(visible_rows) = editor.visible_line_count() {
// visible_rows as u32
// } else {
// return;
// };
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top
// .row()
// .saturating_sub(visible_rows.saturating_sub(scroll_margin_rows));
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// let mut new_screen_top = editor.selections.newest_display(cx).head();
// *new_screen_top.row_mut() = new_screen_top
// .row()
// .saturating_sub(visible_rows.saturating_sub(scroll_margin_rows));
// *new_screen_top.column_mut() = 0;
// let new_screen_top = new_screen_top.to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left);
// let new_anchor = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.anchor_before(new_screen_top);
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
// }
// editor.set_scroll_anchor(
// ScrollAnchor {
// anchor: new_anchor,
// offset: Default::default(),
// },
// cx,
// )
// }
@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ where
pub fn clamp(&self, min: &Self, max: &Self) -> Self {
impl<T: Clone + Default + Debug> Clone for Point<T> {
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