Update sidebar toggle icons

This commit is contained in:
Max Brunsfeld 2022-04-27 10:03:46 -07:00
parent 7f63ed3835
commit 68a7f99c14
5 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M5.2 7C6.52563 7 7.6 5.92544 7.6 4.6C7.6 3.27456 6.52563 2.2 5.2 2.2C3.87438 2.2 2.8 3.27456 2.8 4.6C2.8 5.92544 3.87438 7 5.2 7ZM6.15063 7.9H4.24938C2.45444 7.9 1 9.355 1 11.1494C1 11.5094 1.291 11.8 1.64988 11.8H8.74938C9.10938 11.8 9.4 11.5094 9.4 11.1494C9.4 9.355 7.945 7.9 6.15063 7.9ZM9.98313 8.2H8.59844C9.46 8.90688 10 9.96438 10 11.1494C10 11.3894 9.92875 11.6106 9.8125 11.8H12.4C12.7319 11.8 13 11.53 13 11.1831C13 9.5425 11.6575 8.2 9.98313 8.2ZM9.1 7C10.2606 7 11.2 6.06063 11.2 4.9C11.2 3.73938 10.2606 2.8 9.1 2.8C8.62919 2.8 8.19925 2.96041 7.849 3.22206C8.065 3.63681 8.2 4.10125 8.2 4.6C8.2 5.266 7.97631 5.87763 7.60769 6.37581C7.98813 6.76 8.515 7 9.1 7Z" fill="white"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 804 B

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M14.2222 9.55561H11.8889L10.8156 8.89377C10.6931 8.81672 10.5302 8.77783 10.4062 8.77783H8.77778C8.3483 8.77783 8 9.12613 8 9.55561V13.4445C8 13.874 8.3483 14.2223 8.77778 14.2223H14.2222C14.6517 14.2223 15 13.874 15 13.4445V10.3334C15 9.90318 14.6524 9.55561 14.2222 9.55561ZM13.8333 13.0556H9.16667V9.9445H10.2969L11.2764 10.5487C11.4611 10.6615 11.6726 10.7223 11.8889 10.7223H13.8333V13.0556ZM6.63889 5.66672C6.96215 5.66672 7.22222 5.40665 7.22222 5.08339C7.22222 4.76012 6.96215 4.50005 6.63889 4.50005H2.16667V2.36117C2.16667 2.03887 1.90538 1.77783 1.58333 1.77783C1.26128 1.77783 1 2.03887 1 2.36117V11.3056C1 12.0567 1.60934 12.6667 2.36111 12.6667H6.63889C6.96215 12.6667 7.22222 12.4067 7.22222 12.0834C7.22222 11.7611 6.96094 11.5001 6.63889 11.5001H2.36111C2.25417 11.5001 2.16667 11.4125 2.16667 11.3056V5.66672H6.63889ZM14.2222 2.55561H11.8889L10.8156 1.89377C10.6931 1.81789 10.5302 1.77783 10.4062 1.77783H8.77778C8.3483 1.77783 8 2.12613 8 2.55561V6.4445C8 6.87398 8.3483 7.22228 8.77778 7.22228H14.2222C14.6517 7.22228 15 6.87398 15 6.4445V3.33339C15 2.90391 14.6524 2.55561 14.2222 2.55561ZM13.8333 6.05561H9.16667V2.9445H10.2969L11.2764 3.54873C11.4611 3.66224 11.6726 3.72228 11.8889 3.72228H13.8333V6.05561Z" fill="#7E7E83"/>


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View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M12.3333 2.33333H10L9.33333 1.66666H7.66667C7.29958 1.66666 7 1.96625 7 2.33333V5.66666C7 6.03375 7.29958 6.33333 7.66667 6.33333H12.3333C12.7004 6.33333 13 6.03375 13 5.66666V3C13 2.63291 12.7 2.33333 12.3333 2.33333ZM12.3333 8.33333H10L9.33333 7.66666H7.66667C7.29958 7.66666 7 7.96625 7 8.33333V11.6667C7 12.0337 7.29958 12.3333 7.66667 12.3333H12.3333C12.7004 12.3333 13 12.0337 13 11.6667V9C13 8.63333 12.7 8.33333 12.3333 8.33333ZM2.33333 2C2.33333 1.8151 2.185 1.66666 2 1.66666H1.33333C1.14844 1.66666 1 1.815 1 2V10.3333C1 10.7004 1.29958 11 1.66667 11H6.33333V9.66666H2.33333V5H6.33333V3.66666H2.33333V2Z" fill="white"/>


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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M9.3125 9.3125H6.6875C4.02969 9.3125 1.875 11.4672 1.875 14.125C1.875 14.6082 2.26684 15 2.75 15H13.25C13.7332 15 14.125 14.6082 14.125 14.125C14.125 11.4672 11.9703 9.3125 9.3125 9.3125ZM3.21457 13.6875C3.43059 11.9621 4.90469 10.625 6.6875 10.625H9.3125C11.0942 10.625 12.5691 11.9635 12.7852 13.6875H3.21457ZM8 8C9.93293 8 11.5 6.43293 11.5 4.5C11.5 2.56707 9.93293 1 8 1C6.06707 1 4.5 2.56707 4.5 4.5C4.5 6.4332 6.0668 8 8 8ZM8 2.3125C9.20613 2.3125 10.1875 3.29387 10.1875 4.5C10.1875 5.70613 9.20613 6.6875 8 6.6875C6.79387 6.6875 5.8125 5.70586 5.8125 4.5C5.8125 3.29387 6.79414 2.3125 8 2.3125Z" fill="#9BA8BE"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 733 B

View File

@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ pub fn build_workspace(
let contact_panel = cx.add_view(|cx| ContactsPanel::new(app_state.clone(), cx)); let contact_panel = cx.add_view(|cx| ContactsPanel::new(app_state.clone(), cx));
workspace.left_sidebar().update(cx, |sidebar, cx| { workspace.left_sidebar().update(cx, |sidebar, cx| {
sidebar.add_item("icons/folder-tree-16.svg", project_panel.into(), cx) sidebar.add_item("icons/folder-tree-solid-14.svg", project_panel.into(), cx)
}); });
workspace.right_sidebar().update(cx, |sidebar, cx| { workspace.right_sidebar().update(cx, |sidebar, cx| {
sidebar.add_item("icons/user-16.svg", contact_panel.into(), cx) sidebar.add_item("icons/contacts-solid-14.svg", contact_panel.into(), cx)
}); });
let diagnostic_message = cx.add_view(|_| editor::items::DiagnosticMessage::new()); let diagnostic_message = cx.add_view(|_| editor::items::DiagnosticMessage::new());