Handle contexts correctly for disabled key bindings

This commit is contained in:
Max Brunsfeld 2024-01-05 12:07:20 -08:00
parent a86f401a7c
commit 8a96562adf
5 changed files with 128 additions and 385 deletions

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@ -188,15 +188,13 @@ impl DispatchTree {
action: &dyn Action,
context_stack: &Vec<KeyContext>,
) -> Vec<KeyBinding> {
.filter(|candidate| {
if !candidate.action.partial_eq(action) {
return false;
let keymap = self.keymap.lock();
.filter(|binding| {
for i in 1..context_stack.len() {
if candidate.matches_context(&context_stack[0..=i]) {
let context = &context_stack[0..i];
if keymap.binding_enabled(binding, context) {
return true;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::{Action, KeyBindingContextPredicate, KeyContext, KeyMatch, Keystroke};
use crate::{Action, KeyBindingContextPredicate, KeyMatch, Keystroke};
use anyhow::Result;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
@ -42,21 +42,8 @@ impl KeyBinding {
pub fn matches_context(&self, contexts: &[KeyContext]) -> bool {
.map(|predicate| predicate.eval(contexts))
pub fn match_keystrokes(
pending_keystrokes: &[Keystroke],
contexts: &[KeyContext],
) -> KeyMatch {
if self.keystrokes.as_ref().starts_with(pending_keystrokes)
&& self.matches_context(contexts)
pub fn match_keystrokes(&self, pending_keystrokes: &[Keystroke]) -> KeyMatch {
if self.keystrokes.as_ref().starts_with(pending_keystrokes) {
// If the binding is completed, push it onto the matches list
if self.keystrokes.as_ref().len() == pending_keystrokes.len() {
@ -68,18 +55,6 @@ impl KeyBinding {
pub fn keystrokes_for_action(
action: &dyn Action,
contexts: &[KeyContext],
) -> Option<SmallVec<[Keystroke; 2]>> {
if self.action.partial_eq(action) && self.matches_context(contexts) {
} else {
pub fn keystrokes(&self) -> &[Keystroke] {
@ -88,3 +63,13 @@ impl KeyBinding {
impl std::fmt::Debug for KeyBinding {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("keystrokes", &self.keystrokes)
.field("context_predicate", &self.context_predicate)
.field("action", &self.action.name())

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::{KeyBinding, KeyBindingContextPredicate, Keystroke, NoAction};
use crate::{Action, KeyBinding, KeyBindingContextPredicate, KeyContext, Keystroke, NoAction};
use collections::HashSet;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::{
@ -29,54 +29,22 @@ impl Keymap {
pub fn bindings_for_action(&self, action_id: TypeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'_ KeyBinding> {
.map(|ix| &self.bindings[*ix])
.filter(|binding| !self.binding_disabled(binding))
pub fn add_bindings<T: IntoIterator<Item = KeyBinding>>(&mut self, bindings: T) {
let no_action_id = &(NoAction {}).type_id();
let mut new_bindings = Vec::new();
let mut has_new_disabled_keystrokes = false;
let no_action_id = (NoAction {}).type_id();
for binding in bindings {
if binding.action.type_id() == *no_action_id {
has_new_disabled_keystrokes |= self
let action_id = binding.action().as_any().type_id();
if action_id == no_action_id {
} else {
if has_new_disabled_keystrokes {
self.binding_indices_by_action_id.retain(|_, indices| {
indices.retain(|ix| {
let binding = &self.bindings[*ix];
match self.disabled_keystrokes.get(&binding.keystrokes) {
Some(disabled_predicates) => {
None => true,
for new_binding in new_bindings {
if !self.binding_disabled(&new_binding) {
@ -90,311 +58,113 @@ impl Keymap {
self.version.0 += 1;
pub fn bindings(&self) -> Vec<&KeyBinding> {
.filter(|binding| !self.binding_disabled(binding))
/// Iterate over all bindings, in the order they were added.
pub fn bindings(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &KeyBinding> + DoubleEndedIterator {
fn binding_disabled(&self, binding: &KeyBinding) -> bool {
match self.disabled_keystrokes.get(&binding.keystrokes) {
Some(disabled_predicates) => disabled_predicates.contains(&binding.context_predicate),
None => false,
/// Iterate over all bindings for the given action, in the order they were added.
pub fn bindings_for_action<'a>(
&'a self,
action: &'a dyn Action,
) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = &'a KeyBinding> + DoubleEndedIterator {
let action_id = action.type_id();
.map_or(&[] as _, SmallVec::as_slice)
.map(|ix| &self.bindings[*ix])
.filter(move |binding| binding.action().partial_eq(action))
pub fn binding_enabled(&self, binding: &KeyBinding, context: &[KeyContext]) -> bool {
// If binding has a context predicate, it must match the current context,
if let Some(predicate) = &binding.context_predicate {
if !predicate.eval(context) {
return false;
if let Some(disabled_predicates) = self.disabled_keystrokes.get(&binding.keystrokes) {
for disabled_predicate in disabled_predicates {
match disabled_predicate {
// The binding must not be globally disabled.
None => return false,
// The binding must not be disabled in the current context.
Some(predicate) => {
if predicate.eval(context) {
return false;
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use crate::actions;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate as gpui;
use gpui::actions;
// use super::*;
[ActionAlpha, ActionBeta, ActionGamma, ActionDelta,]
// actions!(
// keymap_test,
// [Present1, Present2, Present3, Duplicate, Missing]
// );
fn test_keymap() {
let bindings = [
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-a", ActionAlpha {}, None),
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-a", ActionBeta {}, Some("pane")),
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-a", ActionGamma {}, Some("editor && mode==full")),
// #[test]
// fn regular_keymap() {
// let present_1 = Binding::new("ctrl-q", Present1 {}, None);
// let present_2 = Binding::new("ctrl-w", Present2 {}, Some("pane"));
// let present_3 = Binding::new("ctrl-e", Present3 {}, Some("editor"));
// let keystroke_duplicate_to_1 = Binding::new("ctrl-q", Duplicate {}, None);
// let full_duplicate_to_2 = Binding::new("ctrl-w", Present2 {}, Some("pane"));
// let missing = Binding::new("ctrl-r", Missing {}, None);
// let all_bindings = [
// &present_1,
// &present_2,
// &present_3,
// &keystroke_duplicate_to_1,
// &full_duplicate_to_2,
// &missing,
// ];
let mut keymap = Keymap::default();
// let mut keymap = Keymap::default();
// assert_absent(&keymap, &all_bindings);
// assert!(keymap.bindings().is_empty());
// global bindings are enabled in all contexts
assert!(keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[0], &[]));
assert!(keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[0], &[KeyContext::parse("terminal").unwrap()]));
// keymap.add_bindings([present_1.clone(), present_2.clone(), present_3.clone()]);
// assert_absent(&keymap, &[&keystroke_duplicate_to_1, &missing]);
// assert_present(
// &keymap,
// &[(&present_1, "q"), (&present_2, "w"), (&present_3, "e")],
// );
// contextual bindings are enabled in contexts that match their predicate
assert!(!keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[1], &[KeyContext::parse("barf x=y").unwrap()]));
assert!(keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[1], &[KeyContext::parse("pane x=y").unwrap()]));
// keymap.add_bindings([
// keystroke_duplicate_to_1.clone(),
// full_duplicate_to_2.clone(),
// ]);
// assert_absent(&keymap, &[&missing]);
// assert!(
// !keymap.binding_disabled(&keystroke_duplicate_to_1),
// "Duplicate binding 1 was added and should not be disabled"
// );
// assert!(
// !keymap.binding_disabled(&full_duplicate_to_2),
// "Duplicate binding 2 was added and should not be disabled"
// );
assert!(!keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[2], &[KeyContext::parse("editor").unwrap()]));
&[KeyContext::parse("editor mode=full").unwrap()]
// assert_eq!(
// keymap
// .bindings_for_action(keystroke_duplicate_to_1.action().id())
// .map(|binding| &binding.keystrokes)
// .flatten()
// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
// vec![&Keystroke {
// ctrl: true,
// alt: false,
// shift: false,
// cmd: false,
// function: false,
// key: "q".to_string(),
// ime_key: None,
// }],
// "{keystroke_duplicate_to_1:?} should have the expected keystroke in the keymap"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap
// .bindings_for_action(full_duplicate_to_2.action().id())
// .map(|binding| &binding.keystrokes)
// .flatten()
// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
// vec![
// &Keystroke {
// ctrl: true,
// alt: false,
// shift: false,
// cmd: false,
// function: false,
// key: "w".to_string(),
// ime_key: None,
// },
// &Keystroke {
// ctrl: true,
// alt: false,
// shift: false,
// cmd: false,
// function: false,
// key: "w".to_string(),
// ime_key: None,
// }
// ],
// "{full_duplicate_to_2:?} should have a duplicated keystroke in the keymap"
// );
fn test_keymap_disabled() {
let bindings = [
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-a", ActionAlpha {}, Some("editor")),
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-b", ActionAlpha {}, Some("editor")),
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-a", NoAction {}, Some("editor && mode==full")),
KeyBinding::new("ctrl-b", NoAction {}, None),
// let updated_bindings = keymap.bindings();
// let expected_updated_bindings = vec![
// &present_1,
// &present_2,
// &present_3,
// &keystroke_duplicate_to_1,
// &full_duplicate_to_2,
// ];
// assert_eq!(
// updated_bindings.len(),
// expected_updated_bindings.len(),
// "Unexpected updated keymap bindings {updated_bindings:?}"
// );
// for (i, expected) in expected_updated_bindings.iter().enumerate() {
// let keymap_binding = &updated_bindings[i];
// assert_eq!(
// keymap_binding.context_predicate, expected.context_predicate,
// "Unexpected context predicate for keymap {i} element: {keymap_binding:?}"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap_binding.keystrokes, expected.keystrokes,
// "Unexpected keystrokes for keymap {i} element: {keymap_binding:?}"
// );
// }
let mut keymap = Keymap::default();
// keymap.clear();
// assert_absent(&keymap, &all_bindings);
// assert!(keymap.bindings().is_empty());
// }
// binding is only enabled in a specific context
assert!(!keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[0], &[KeyContext::parse("barf").unwrap()]));
assert!(keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[0], &[KeyContext::parse("editor").unwrap()]));
// #[test]
// fn keymap_with_ignored() {
// let present_1 = Binding::new("ctrl-q", Present1 {}, None);
// let present_2 = Binding::new("ctrl-w", Present2 {}, Some("pane"));
// let present_3 = Binding::new("ctrl-e", Present3 {}, Some("editor"));
// let keystroke_duplicate_to_1 = Binding::new("ctrl-q", Duplicate {}, None);
// let full_duplicate_to_2 = Binding::new("ctrl-w", Present2 {}, Some("pane"));
// let ignored_1 = Binding::new("ctrl-q", NoAction {}, None);
// let ignored_2 = Binding::new("ctrl-w", NoAction {}, Some("pane"));
// let ignored_3_with_other_context =
// Binding::new("ctrl-e", NoAction {}, Some("other_context"));
// binding is disabled in a more specific context
&[KeyContext::parse("editor mode=full").unwrap()]
// let mut keymap = Keymap::default();
// keymap.add_bindings([
// ignored_1.clone(),
// ignored_2.clone(),
// ignored_3_with_other_context.clone(),
// ]);
// assert_absent(&keymap, &[&present_3]);
// assert_disabled(
// &keymap,
// &[
// &present_1,
// &present_2,
// &ignored_1,
// &ignored_2,
// &ignored_3_with_other_context,
// ],
// );
// assert!(keymap.bindings().is_empty());
// keymap.clear();
// keymap.add_bindings([
// present_1.clone(),
// present_2.clone(),
// present_3.clone(),
// ignored_1.clone(),
// ignored_2.clone(),
// ignored_3_with_other_context.clone(),
// ]);
// assert_present(&keymap, &[(&present_3, "e")]);
// assert_disabled(
// &keymap,
// &[
// &present_1,
// &present_2,
// &ignored_1,
// &ignored_2,
// &ignored_3_with_other_context,
// ],
// );
// keymap.clear();
// keymap.add_bindings([
// present_1.clone(),
// present_2.clone(),
// present_3.clone(),
// ignored_1.clone(),
// ]);
// assert_present(&keymap, &[(&present_2, "w"), (&present_3, "e")]);
// assert_disabled(&keymap, &[&present_1, &ignored_1]);
// assert_absent(&keymap, &[&ignored_2, &ignored_3_with_other_context]);
// keymap.clear();
// keymap.add_bindings([
// present_1.clone(),
// present_2.clone(),
// present_3.clone(),
// keystroke_duplicate_to_1.clone(),
// full_duplicate_to_2.clone(),
// ignored_1.clone(),
// ignored_2.clone(),
// ignored_3_with_other_context.clone(),
// ]);
// assert_present(&keymap, &[(&present_3, "e")]);
// assert_disabled(
// &keymap,
// &[
// &present_1,
// &present_2,
// &keystroke_duplicate_to_1,
// &full_duplicate_to_2,
// &ignored_1,
// &ignored_2,
// &ignored_3_with_other_context,
// ],
// );
// keymap.clear();
// }
// #[track_caller]
// fn assert_present(keymap: &Keymap, expected_bindings: &[(&Binding, &str)]) {
// let keymap_bindings = keymap.bindings();
// assert_eq!(
// expected_bindings.len(),
// keymap_bindings.len(),
// "Unexpected keymap bindings {keymap_bindings:?}"
// );
// for (i, (expected, expected_key)) in expected_bindings.iter().enumerate() {
// assert!(
// !keymap.binding_disabled(expected),
// "{expected:?} should not be disabled as it was added into keymap for element {i}"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap
// .bindings_for_action(expected.action().id())
// .map(|binding| &binding.keystrokes)
// .flatten()
// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
// vec![&Keystroke {
// ctrl: true,
// alt: false,
// shift: false,
// cmd: false,
// function: false,
// key: expected_key.to_string(),
// ime_key: None,
// }],
// "{expected:?} should have the expected keystroke with key '{expected_key}' in the keymap for element {i}"
// );
// let keymap_binding = &keymap_bindings[i];
// assert_eq!(
// keymap_binding.context_predicate, expected.context_predicate,
// "Unexpected context predicate for keymap {i} element: {keymap_binding:?}"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap_binding.keystrokes, expected.keystrokes,
// "Unexpected keystrokes for keymap {i} element: {keymap_binding:?}"
// );
// }
// }
// #[track_caller]
// fn assert_absent(keymap: &Keymap, bindings: &[&Binding]) {
// for binding in bindings.iter() {
// assert!(
// !keymap.binding_disabled(binding),
// "{binding:?} should not be disabled in the keymap where was not added"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap.bindings_for_action(binding.action().id()).count(),
// 0,
// "{binding:?} should have no actions in the keymap where was not added"
// );
// }
// }
// #[track_caller]
// fn assert_disabled(keymap: &Keymap, bindings: &[&Binding]) {
// for binding in bindings.iter() {
// assert!(
// keymap.binding_disabled(binding),
// "{binding:?} should be disabled in the keymap"
// );
// assert_eq!(
// keymap.bindings_for_action(binding.action().id()).count(),
// 0,
// "{binding:?} should have no actions in the keymap where it was disabled"
// );
// }
// }
// }
// binding is globally disabled
assert!(!keymap.binding_enabled(&bindings[1], &[KeyContext::parse("barf").unwrap()]));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use crate::{Action, KeyContext, Keymap, KeymapVersion, Keystroke};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub struct KeystrokeMatcher {
@ -51,10 +50,14 @@ impl KeystrokeMatcher {
let mut pending_key = None;
let mut found_actions = Vec::new();
for binding in keymap.bindings().iter().rev() {
for binding in keymap.bindings().rev() {
if !keymap.binding_enabled(binding, context_stack) {
for candidate in keystroke.match_candidates() {
match binding.match_keystrokes(&self.pending_keystrokes, context_stack) {
match binding.match_keystrokes(&self.pending_keystrokes) {
KeyMatch::Some(mut actions) => {
found_actions.append(&mut actions);
@ -82,19 +85,6 @@ impl KeystrokeMatcher {
pub fn keystrokes_for_action(
action: &dyn Action,
contexts: &[KeyContext],
) -> Option<SmallVec<[Keystroke; 2]>> {
.find_map(|binding| binding.keystrokes_for_action(action, contexts))

View File

@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ impl MacPlatform {
} => {
let keystrokes = keymap
.find(|binding| binding.action().partial_eq(action.as_ref()))
.map(|binding| binding.keystrokes());
let selector = match os_action {