Delete commented out code for editor element

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2023-12-01 11:52:31 +01:00
parent 21d3ae603d
commit 8c59a2d2c0

View File

@ -2700,604 +2700,6 @@ impl IntoElement for EditorElement {
// impl EditorElement {
// type LayoutState = LayoutState;
// type PaintState = ();
// fn layout(
// &mut self,
// constraint: SizeConstraint,
// editor: &mut Editor,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) -> (gpui::Point<Pixels>, Self::LayoutState) {
// let mut size = constraint.max;
// if size.x.is_infinite() {
// unimplemented!("we don't yet handle an infinite width constraint on buffer elements");
// }
// let snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx);
// let style =;
// let line_height = (style.text.font_size * style.line_height_scalar).round();
// let gutter_padding;
// let gutter_width;
// let gutter_margin;
// if snapshot.show_gutter {
// let em_width = style.text.em_width(cx.font_cache());
// gutter_padding = (em_width * style.gutter_padding_factor).round();
// gutter_width = self.max_line_number_width(&snapshot, cx) + gutter_padding * 2.0;
// gutter_margin = -style.text.descent(cx.font_cache());
// } else {
// gutter_padding = 0.0;
// gutter_width = 0.0;
// gutter_margin = 0.0;
// };
// let text_width = size.x - gutter_width;
// let em_width = style.text.em_width(cx.font_cache());
// let em_advance = style.text.em_advance(cx.font_cache());
// let overscroll = point(em_width, 0.);
// let snapshot = {
// editor.set_visible_line_count(size.y / line_height, cx);
// let editor_width = text_width - gutter_margin - overscroll.x - em_width;
// let wrap_width = match editor.soft_wrap_mode(cx) {
// SoftWrap::None => (MAX_LINE_LEN / 2) as f32 * em_advance,
// SoftWrap::EditorWidth => editor_width,
// SoftWrap::Column(column) => editor_width.min(column as f32 * em_advance),
// };
// if editor.set_wrap_width(Some(wrap_width), cx) {
// editor.snapshot(cx)
// } else {
// snapshot
// }
// };
// let wrap_guides = editor
// .wrap_guides(cx)
// .iter()
// .map(|(guide, active)| (self.column_pixels(*guide, cx), *active))
// .collect();
// let scroll_height = (snapshot.max_point().row() + 1) as f32 * line_height;
// if let EditorMode::AutoHeight { max_lines } = snapshot.mode {
// size.set_y(
// scroll_height
// .min(constraint.max_along(Axis::Vertical))
// .max(constraint.min_along(Axis::Vertical))
// .max(line_height)
// .min(line_height * max_lines as f32),
// )
// } else if let EditorMode::SingleLine = snapshot.mode {
// size.set_y(line_height.max(constraint.min_along(Axis::Vertical)))
// } else if size.y.is_infinite() {
// size.set_y(scroll_height);
// }
// let gutter_size = point(gutter_width, size.y);
// let text_size = point(text_width, size.y);
// let autoscroll_horizontally = editor.autoscroll_vertically(size.y, line_height, cx);
// let mut snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx);
// let scroll_position = snapshot.scroll_position();
// // The scroll position is a fractional point, the whole number of which represents
// // the top of the window in terms of display rows.
// let start_row = scroll_position.y as u32;
// let height_in_lines = size.y / line_height;
// let max_row = snapshot.max_point().row();
// // Add 1 to ensure selections bleed off screen
// let end_row = 1 + cmp::min(
// (scroll_position.y + height_in_lines).ceil() as u32,
// max_row,
// );
// let start_anchor = if start_row == 0 {
// Anchor::min()
// } else {
// snapshot
// .buffer_snapshot
// .anchor_before(DisplayPoint::new(start_row, 0).to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Left))
// };
// let end_anchor = if end_row > max_row {
// Anchor::max
// } else {
// snapshot
// .buffer_snapshot
// .anchor_before(DisplayPoint::new(end_row, 0).to_offset(&snapshot, Bias::Right))
// };
// let mut selections: Vec<(SelectionStyle, Vec<SelectionLayout>)> = Vec::new();
// let mut active_rows = BTreeMap::new();
// let mut fold_ranges = Vec::new();
// let is_singleton = editor.is_singleton(cx);
// let highlighted_rows = editor.highlighted_rows();
// let theme = theme::current(cx);
// let highlighted_ranges = editor.background_highlights_in_range(
// start_anchor..end_anchor,
// &snapshot.display_snapshot,
// theme.as_ref(),
// );
// fold_ranges.extend(
// snapshot
// .folds_in_range(start_anchor..end_anchor)
// .map(|anchor| {
// let start = anchor.start.to_point(&snapshot.buffer_snapshot);
// (
// start.row,
// start.to_display_point(&snapshot.display_snapshot)
// ..anchor.end.to_display_point(&snapshot),
// )
// }),
// );
// let mut newest_selection_head = None;
// if editor.show_local_selections {
// let mut local_selections: Vec<Selection<Point>> = editor
// .selections
// .disjoint_in_range(start_anchor..end_anchor, cx);
// local_selections.extend(editor.selections.pending(cx));
// let mut layouts = Vec::new();
// let newest = editor.selections.newest(cx);
// for selection in local_selections.drain(..) {
// let is_empty = selection.start == selection.end;
// let is_newest = selection == newest;
// let layout = SelectionLayout::new(
// selection,
// editor.selections.line_mode,
// editor.cursor_shape,
// &snapshot.display_snapshot,
// is_newest,
// true,
// );
// if is_newest {
// newest_selection_head = Some(layout.head);
// }
// for row in cmp::max(layout.active_rows.start, start_row)
// ..=cmp::min(layout.active_rows.end, end_row)
// {
// let contains_non_empty_selection = active_rows.entry(row).or_insert(!is_empty);
// *contains_non_empty_selection |= !is_empty;
// }
// layouts.push(layout);
// }
// selections.push((style.selection, layouts));
// }
// if let Some(collaboration_hub) = &editor.collaboration_hub {
// // When following someone, render the local selections in their color.
// if let Some(leader_id) = editor.leader_peer_id {
// if let Some(collaborator) = collaboration_hub.collaborators(cx).get(&leader_id) {
// if let Some(participant_index) = collaboration_hub
// .user_participant_indices(cx)
// .get(&collaborator.user_id)
// {
// if let Some((local_selection_style, _)) = selections.first_mut() {
// *local_selection_style =
// style.selection_style_for_room_participant(participant_index.0);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// let mut remote_selections = HashMap::default();
// for selection in snapshot.remote_selections_in_range(
// &(start_anchor..end_anchor),
// collaboration_hub.as_ref(),
// cx,
// ) {
// let selection_style = if let Some(participant_index) = selection.participant_index {
// style.selection_style_for_room_participant(participant_index.0)
// } else {
// style.absent_selection
// };
// // Don't re-render the leader's selections, since the local selections
// // match theirs.
// if Some(selection.peer_id) == editor.leader_peer_id {
// continue;
// }
// remote_selections
// .entry(selection.replica_id)
// .or_insert((selection_style, Vec::new()))
// .1
// .push(SelectionLayout::new(
// selection.selection,
// selection.line_mode,
// selection.cursor_shape,
// &snapshot.display_snapshot,
// false,
// false,
// ));
// }
// selections.extend(remote_selections.into_values());
// }
// let scrollbar_settings = &settings::get::<EditorSettings>(cx).scrollbar;
// let show_scrollbars = match {
// ShowScrollbar::Auto => {
// // Git
// (is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.git_diff && snapshot.buffer_snapshot.has_git_diffs())
// ||
// // Selections
// (is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.selections && !highlighted_ranges.is_empty)
// // Scrollmanager
// || editor.scroll_manager.scrollbars_visible()
// }
// ShowScrollbar::System => editor.scroll_manager.scrollbars_visible(),
// ShowScrollbar::Always => true,
// ShowScrollbar::Never => false,
// };
// let fold_ranges: Vec<(BufferRow, Range<DisplayPoint>, Color)> = fold_ranges
// .into_iter()
// .map(|(id, fold)| {
// let color = self
// .style
// .folds
// .ellipses
// .background
// .style_for(&mut cx.mouse_state::<FoldMarkers>(id as usize))
// .color;
// (id, fold, color)
// })
// .collect();
// let head_for_relative = newest_selection_head.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// let newest = editor.selections.newest::<Point>(cx);
// SelectionLayout::new(
// newest,
// editor.selections.line_mode,
// editor.cursor_shape,
// &snapshot.display_snapshot,
// true,
// true,
// )
// .head
// });
// let (line_number_layouts, fold_statuses) = self.layout_line_numbers(
// start_row..end_row,
// &active_rows,
// head_for_relative,
// is_singleton,
// &snapshot,
// cx,
// );
// let display_hunks = self.layout_git_gutters(start_row..end_row, &snapshot);
// let scrollbar_row_range = scroll_position.y..(scroll_position.y + height_in_lines);
// let mut max_visible_line_width = 0.0;
// let line_layouts =
// self.layout_lines(start_row..end_row, &line_number_layouts, &snapshot, cx);
// for line_with_invisibles in &line_layouts {
// if line_with_invisibles.line.width() > max_visible_line_width {
// max_visible_line_width = line_with_invisibles.line.width();
// }
// }
// let style =;
// let longest_line_width = layout_line(
// snapshot.longest_row(),
// &snapshot,
// &style,
// cx.text_layout_cache(),
// )
// .width();
// let scroll_width = longest_line_width.max(max_visible_line_width) + overscroll.x;
// let em_width = style.text.em_width(cx.font_cache());
// let (scroll_width, blocks) = self.layout_blocks(
// start_row..end_row,
// &snapshot,
// size.x,
// scroll_width,
// gutter_padding,
// gutter_width,
// em_width,
// gutter_width + gutter_margin,
// line_height,
// &style,
// &line_layouts,
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// let scroll_max = point(
// ((scroll_width - text_size.x) / em_width).max(0.0),
// max_row as f32,
// );
// let clamped = editor.scroll_manager.clamp_scroll_left(scroll_max.x);
// let autoscrolled = if autoscroll_horizontally {
// editor.autoscroll_horizontally(
// start_row,
// text_size.x,
// scroll_width,
// em_width,
// &line_layouts,
// cx,
// )
// } else {
// false
// };
// if clamped || autoscrolled {
// snapshot = editor.snapshot(cx);
// }
// let style =;
// let mut context_menu = None;
// let mut code_actions_indicator = None;
// if let Some(newest_selection_head) = newest_selection_head {
// if (start_row..end_row).contains(&newest_selection_head.row()) {
// if editor.context_menu_visible() {
// context_menu =
// editor.render_context_menu(newest_selection_head, style.clone(), cx);
// }
// let active = matches!(
// Some(crate::ContextMenu::CodeActions(_))
// );
// code_actions_indicator = editor
// .render_code_actions_indicator(&style, active, cx)
// .map(|indicator| (newest_selection_head.row(), indicator));
// }
// }
// let visible_rows = start_row..start_row + line_layouts.len() as u32;
// let mut hover = editor.hover_state.render(
// &snapshot,
// &style,
// visible_rows,
// editor.workspace.as_ref().map(|(w, _)| w.clone()),
// cx,
// );
// let mode = editor.mode;
// let mut fold_indicators = editor.render_fold_indicators(
// fold_statuses,
// &style,
// editor.gutter_hovered,
// line_height,
// gutter_margin,
// cx,
// );
// if let Some((_, context_menu)) = context_menu.as_mut() {
// context_menu.layout(
// SizeConstraint {
// min: gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// max: point(
// cx.window_size().x * 0.7,
// (12. * line_height).min((size.y - line_height) / 2.),
// ),
// },
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// }
// if let Some((_, indicator)) = code_actions_indicator.as_mut() {
// indicator.layout(
// SizeConstraint::strict_along(
// Axis::Vertical,
// line_height * style.code_actions.vertical_scale,
// ),
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// }
// for fold_indicator in fold_indicators.iter_mut() {
// if let Some(indicator) = fold_indicator.as_mut() {
// indicator.layout(
// SizeConstraint::strict_along(
// Axis::Vertical,
// line_height * style.code_actions.vertical_scale,
// ),
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// }
// }
// if let Some((_, hover_popovers)) = hover.as_mut() {
// for hover_popover in hover_popovers.iter_mut() {
// hover_popover.layout(
// SizeConstraint {
// min: gpui::Point::<Pixels>::zero(),
// max: point(
// (120. * em_width) // Default size
// .min(size.x / 2.) // Shrink to half of the editor width
// .max(MIN_POPOVER_CHARACTER_WIDTH * em_width), // Apply minimum width of 20 characters
// (16. * line_height) // Default size
// .min(size.y / 2.) // Shrink to half of the editor height
// .max(MIN_POPOVER_LINE_HEIGHT * line_height), // Apply minimum height of 4 lines
// ),
// },
// editor,
// cx,
// );
// }
// }
// let invisible_symbol_font_size = / 2.0;
// let invisible_symbol_style = RunStyle {
// color:,
// font_id:,
// underline: Default::default(),
// };
// (
// size,
// LayoutState {
// mode,
// position_map: Arc::new(PositionMap {
// size,
// scroll_max,
// line_layouts,
// line_height,
// em_width,
// em_advance,
// snapshot,
// }),
// visible_display_row_range: start_row..end_row,
// wrap_guides,
// gutter_size,
// gutter_padding,
// text_size,
// scrollbar_row_range,
// show_scrollbars,
// is_singleton,
// max_row,
// gutter_margin,
// active_rows,
// highlighted_rows,
// highlighted_ranges,
// fold_ranges,
// line_number_layouts,
// display_hunks,
// blocks,
// selections,
// context_menu,
// code_actions_indicator,
// fold_indicators,
// tab_invisible: cx.text_layout_cache().layout_str(
// "→",
// invisible_symbol_font_size,
// &[("→".len(), invisible_symbol_style)],
// ),
// space_invisible: cx.text_layout_cache().layout_str(
// "•",
// invisible_symbol_font_size,
// &[("•".len(), invisible_symbol_style)],
// ),
// hover_popovers: hover,
// },
// )
// }
// fn paint(
// &mut self,
// bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// visible_bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// layout: &mut Self::LayoutState,
// editor: &mut Editor,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) -> Self::PaintState {
// let visible_bounds = bounds.intersection(visible_bounds).unwrap_or_default();
// cx.scene().push_layer(Some(visible_bounds));
// let gutter_bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::new(bounds.origin, layout.gutter_size);
// let text_bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::new(
// bounds.origin + point(layout.gutter_size.x, 0.0),
// layout.text_size,
// );
// Self::attach_mouse_handlers(
// &layout.position_map,
// layout.hover_popovers.is_some(),
// visible_bounds,
// text_bounds,
// gutter_bounds,
// bounds,
// cx,
// );
// self.paint_background(gutter_bounds, text_bounds, layout, cx);
// if layout.gutter_size.x > 0. {
// self.paint_gutter(gutter_bounds, visible_bounds, layout, editor, cx);
// }
// self.paint_text(text_bounds, visible_bounds, layout, editor, cx);
// cx.scene().push_layer(Some(bounds));
// if !layout.blocks.is_empty {
// self.paint_blocks(bounds, visible_bounds, layout, editor, cx);
// }
// self.paint_scrollbar(bounds, layout, &editor, cx);
// cx.scene().pop_layer();
// cx.scene().pop_layer();
// }
// fn rect_for_text_range(
// &self,
// range_utf16: Range<usize>,
// bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// _: Bounds<Pixels>,
// layout: &Self::LayoutState,
// _: &Self::PaintState,
// _: &Editor,
// _: &ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) -> Option<Bounds<Pixels>> {
// let text_bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::new(
// bounds.origin + point(layout.gutter_size.x, 0.0),
// layout.text_size,
// );
// let content_origin = text_bounds.origin + point(layout.gutter_margin, 0.);
// let scroll_position = layout.position_map.snapshot.scroll_position();
// let start_row = scroll_position.y as u32;
// let scroll_top = scroll_position.y * layout.position_map.line_height;
// let scroll_left = scroll_position.x * layout.position_map.em_width;
// let range_start = OffsetUtf16(range_utf16.start)
// .to_display_point(&layout.position_map.snapshot.display_snapshot);
// if range_start.row() < start_row {
// return None;
// }
// let line = &layout
// .position_map
// .line_layouts
// .get((range_start.row() - start_row) as usize)?
// .line;
// let range_start_x = line.x_for_index(range_start.column() as usize);
// let range_start_y = range_start.row() as f32 * layout.position_map.line_height;
// Some(Bounds::<Pixels>::new(
// content_origin
// + point(
// range_start_x,
// range_start_y + layout.position_map.line_height,
// )
// - point(scroll_left, scroll_top),
// point(
// layout.position_map.em_width,
// layout.position_map.line_height,
// ),
// ))
// }
// fn debug(
// &self,
// bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// _: &Self::LayoutState,
// _: &Self::PaintState,
// _: &Editor,
// _: &ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) -> json::Value {
// json!({
// "type": "BufferElement",
// "bounds": bounds.to_json()
// })
// }
// }
type BufferRow = u32;
pub struct LayoutState {