@mikayla-maki for 👀
[This PR added in the ability to rename a file via
`enter`](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/2784). Previously,
`enter` was used to both open a file and confirm a rename, so this PR
changes the opening of a file to use `space`, which is what VS Code
uses. It also makes a bit more sense because now `enter` is just used to
start a rename and confirm the rename, vs being used for 2 different
N/A on the release notes, as I adjusted the release note in the
previously-tagged PR.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Refactors some of the vim bindings to make the vim.json file less
Release Notes:
- vim: add `;` and `,` to repeat last `{f,F,t,T}`
- vim: add zed-specific shortcuts for common IDE actions:
- - `g A` to find all references
- - `g .` to open the code actions menu.
- - `c d` for rename
This previously enabled things like `d g g` to work, but we can
fix that instead by not clearing out pending vim state on change.
Either way, it is unnecessary and causes some user-confusion
(zed-industries/community#176), so remove this code for now; and use
comments to organize the file a bit instead.
Primarily {h,j,k,l,left,right,up,down} for moving to a pane by
direction; but also {w,W,p} for going forward/back, and {v,s} for
splitting a pane vertically/horizontally, and {c,q} to close a pane.
There are a large number of ctrl-w commands that are not supported, and
which fall into three buckets:
* switch this pane with that one (VScode also has this, and it's a
requested feature)
* move to top/bottom/leftmost/rightmost
* counts on any of these
* jump to "definition/file-under-cursor/etc.etc." in a new pane.
This PR adds the next most requested editor feature.
- [x] Figure out styles and icons for supported file types with
fixes https://github.com/zed-industries/community/issues/206
Release Notes:
- Added file icons