This reverts commit 8a1e8e37bb (PR #17435)
because it creates a panic when joining a collab project.
Stack trace of the panic:
Thread "main" panicked with "ProjectLspAdapterDelegate cannot be constructedd on an ssh-remote yet" at crates/project/src/
0: backtrace::backtrace::libunwind::trace
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
1: backtrace::backtrace::trace::<<backtrace::capture::Backtrace>::create::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
2: <backtrace::capture::Backtrace>::create
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
3: <backtrace::capture::Backtrace>::new
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
4: zed::reliability::init_panic_hook::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/zed/src/
5: <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::Fn<Args>>::call
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/alloc/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
6: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
7: std::sys::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/sys/
8: rust_begin_unwind
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
9: core::panicking::panic_fmt
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/core/src/
10: <project::lsp_store::ProjectLspAdapterDelegate>::new
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/project/src/
11: assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/assistant/src/
12: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model::<project::lsp_store::LspStore, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}>::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
13: <gpui::app::AppContext>::update::<core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model<project::lsp_store::LspStore, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
14: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model::<project::lsp_store::LspStore, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
15: <gpui::app::model_context::ModelContext<project::Project> as gpui::Context>::update_model::<project::lsp_store::LspStore, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
16: <gpui::app::entity_map::Model<project::lsp_store::LspStore>>::update::<gpui::app::model_context::ModelContext<project::Project>, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}::{closure#1}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
17: assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/assistant/src/
18: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model::<project::Project, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
19: <gpui::app::AppContext>::update::<core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model<project::Project, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
20: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_model::<project::Project, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
21: <gpui::app::entity_map::Model<project::Project>>::update::<gpui::app::AppContext, core::result::Result<alloc::sync::Arc<dyn language::LspAdapterDelegate>, anyhow::Error>, assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
22: assistant::assistant_panel::make_lsp_adapter_delegate
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/assistant/src/
23: <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/assistant/src/
24: <gpui:🪟:WindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view::<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
25: <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view::<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
26: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_window::<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
27: <gpui::app::AppContext>::update::<core::result::Result<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_window<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
28: <gpui::app::AppContext as gpui::Context>::update_window::<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
29: <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncAppContext as gpui::Context>::update_window::<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
30: <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::Context>::update_window::<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
31: <gpui:🪟:AnyWindowHandle>::update::<gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
32: <gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext as gpui::VisualContext>::update_view::<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/app/
33: <gpui::view::View<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>>::update::<gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
34: <gpui::view::WeakView<assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>>::update::<gpui::app::async_context::AsyncWindowContext, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}::{closure#0}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
35: <assistant::assistant_panel::AssistantPanel>::new_context::{closure#1}::{closure#0}
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/assistant/src/
36: <core::pin::Pin<alloc::boxed::Box<dyn core::future::future::Future<Output = core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>>>> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/core/src/future/
37: <<async_task::runnable::Builder<_>>::spawn_local::Checked<core::pin::Pin<alloc::boxed::Box<dyn core::future::future::Future<Output = core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>>>>> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
38: <async_task::raw::RawTask<<async_task::runnable::Builder<_>>::spawn_local::Checked<core::pin::Pin<alloc::boxed::Box<dyn core::future::future::Future<Output = core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>>>>>, core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>, <gpui::executor::ForegroundExecutor>::spawn::inner<core::result::Result<(), anyhow::Error>>::{closure#0}, ()>>::run
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
39: <async_task::runnable::Runnable>::run
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
40: gpui::platform::mac::dispatcher::trampoline
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/platform/mac/
41: <unknown>
42: <unknown>
43: <unknown>
44: <unknown>
45: <unknown>
46: <unknown>
47: <unknown>
48: <unknown>
49: <unknown>
50: <unknown>
51: <unknown>
52: <unknown>
53: <() as objc::message::MessageArguments>::invoke::<()>
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
54: objc::message::platform::send_unverified::<objc::runtime::Object, (), ()>
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
55: objc::message::send_message::<objc::runtime::Object, (), ()>
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
<*mut objc::runtime::Object as cocoa::appkit::NSApplication>::run
at /Users/thorstenball/.cargo/registry/src/
56: <gpui::platform::mac::platform::MacPlatform as gpui::platform::Platform>::run
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/platform/mac/
57: <gpui::app::App>::run::<zed::main::{closure#3}>
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/gpui/src/
58: zed::main
at /Users/thorstenball/work/zed/crates/zed/src/
59: <fn() as core::ops::function::FnOnce<()>>::call_once
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/core/src/ops/
60: std::sys::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::<fn(), ()>
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/sys/
61: std::rt::lang_start::<()>::{closure#0}
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
62: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/core/src/ops/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
63: std::rt::lang_start::<()>
at /rustc/eeb90cda1969383f56a2637cbd3037bdf598841c/library/std/src/
64: _main
Closes #ISSUE
Release Notes:
- Added/Fixed/Improved ...
Optionally, include screenshots / media showcasing your addition that
can be included in the release notes.
### Or...
Closes #ISSUE
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Bennet <>
This PR moves the local, remote, and ssh components of the LSP store
into their own types.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Conrad Irwin <>
Co-authored-by: Conrad <>
Currently, had done the function for support included and excluded
history navigate, but the code is more duplicate, I will dive into find
better method to decrease the duplicate code.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Piotr Osiewicz <>
This is a refactor to prepare for adding LSP support in SSH remote
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Mikayla <>
Co-authored-by: Conrad <>
This PR reverts #17173, as it introduced a segfault when opening any
Gleam project and the language server starts up.
This reverts commit a850731b0e.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Up to this PR:
- We were not watching paths outside of a worktree when language server
requested it.
- We expected GlobPattern used for file watching to be always rooted at
the worktree root.
'1 mattered for observing global files (e.g. global RA config) and both
points had impact on "monorepos".
Let's picture the following scenario:
You're working on a Rust project that has two crates: bin and lib crate:
Up to this PR, making changes like changing field visibility in
lib-crate **was not reflected** in bin-crate until RA was restarted. RA
for bin-crate asked us to watch lib-crate. Now, depending on if you had
this project open as:
- a project with one worktree rooted at my-rust-project:
- due to '2, we never noticed that we have to notify RA instance for
bin-crate about changes in lib-crate.
- a project with two worktrees (bin-crate and lib-crate):
- due to '1 (as lib-crate is not within bin-crate's worktree), we once
again missed the fact that we have to watch for changes in lib-crate.
This PR solves this by introducing a side-channel - we just store fs
watchers for abs paths at the Project level. Worktree changes handling
is left relatively untouched - as it's used for other changes besides
LSP change notifying, I've figured to better leave it as is, as right
now we have 1 worktree change watcher; if we were to change it, we'd
have `(language server) + 1` watchers per worktree, which seems.. pretty
What's the end effect? At the very least fasterthanlime should be a tad
happier; in reality though, I expect it to have some impact on LS
reliability in monorepo setups.
- [x] Wire through FileChangeType into `fs::watch` interface.
Release Notes:
- Improved language server reliability in multi-worktree projects and
monorepo. We now notify the language server more reliably about which
files have changed.
For ssh remoting lsps we'll need to have language server support
factored out of project.
Thus that begins
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Max Brunsfeld <>
Co-authored-by: Mikayla <>
Co-Authored-By: Mikayla <>
Co-Authored-By: Nate <>
Release Notes:
- Fixes `-` being considered a word character for selections in some
Co-authored-by: Mikayla <>
Co-authored-by: Nate <>
This changes the Zed CLI `zed` to pass along the environment to the Zed
project that it opens (if it opens a new one).
In projects, this CLI environment will now take precedence over any
environment that's acquired by running a login shell in a projects
The result is that `zed my/folder` now always behaves as if one would
run `zed --foreground` without any previous Zed version running.
Related issues:
- It fixes the issue described in here:
Release Notes:
- Improved the Zed CLI `zed` to pass along the environment as it was on
the CLI to the opened Zed project. That environment is then used when
opening new terminals, spawning tasks, or language servers.
- If Zed was started via `zed my-folder`, a terminal spawned with
`workspace: new terminal` will inherit these environment variables that
existed on the CLI
- Specific language servers that allow looking up the language server
binary in the environments `$PATH` (such as `gopls`, `zls`,
`rust-analyzer` if configured, ...) will look up the language server
binary in the CLI environment too and use that environment when starting
the process.
- Language servers that are _not_ found in the CLI environment (or
configured to not be found in there), will be spawned with the CLI
environment in case that's set. That means users can do something like
`RA_LOG=info zed .` and it will be picked up the rust-analyzer that was
As part of allowing LSPs to run remotely, we need to move LSP stuff
out of project. To do that we'd like to simplify the concurrency story
on project syncing.
Co-Authored-By: Max <>
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: Max <>
Ensures we sort paths in search the same as we do in panels.
Ideally we'd store things like this in the worktree, but the sort order
on file vs directory, and callers generally don't know which they're
asking for.
Release Notes:
- N/A
This is a prototype change to improve latency of local project searches.
It refactors the matcher to keep paths "in-order" so that we don't need
to wait for all matching files to display the first result.
On a test (searching for `<` in it changes the time until first
result from about 2s to about 50ms. The tail latency seems to increase
slightly (from 5s to 7s) so we may want to do more tuning before hitting
Release Notes:
- reduces latency for first project search result
Co-authored-by: Thorsten Ball <>
Co-authored-by: Antonio <>
Co-authored-by: Thorsten <>
It looks like this unwrap was introduced in
I think a worktree's `root_entry` can be null if it represents a
non-existent file that has not yet been saved. I hit a panic due to the
`unwrap` a couple of times on nightly.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Release Notes:
- Fixed the issue related to the project wide search being stuck when
project contains .fifo files
- Might potentially solve the following issue
Allows language server logs to be published prior to the completion of
the initialize request. OmniSharp is one example of an LSP that
publishes (many) messages prior to the initialization response, and this
completely floods the Zed logs.
Also adds level filtering as demonstrated below. Again, this is due to
my experience with the massive amount of log messages that OmniSharp
Release Notes:
- Added level filtering to language server logs
![Log Level
Co-authored-by: Thorsten Ball <>
Release Notes:
- vim: Added `gf` command to open files under the cursor.
- Filenames can now be `cmd`/`ctrl`-clicked, which opens them.
- [x] `main_test.go` <-- works
- [x] `./my-pkg/my_pkg.go` <-- works
- [x] `../go.mod` <-- works
- [x] `my-pkg/my_pkg.go` <-- works
- [x] `my-pkg/subpkg/subpkg_test.go` <-- works
- [x] `file\ with\ space\ in\ it.txt` <-- works
- [x] `"file\ with\ space\ in\ it.txt"` <-- works
- [x] `"main_test.go"` <-- works
- [x] `/Users/thorstenball/.vimrc` <-- works, but only locally
- [x] `~/.vimrc` <--works, but only locally
- [x] Get it working over collab
- [x] Get hover links working
Collab demo:
Release Notes:
- Added switch source/header action for clangd language server (fixes
Note: I'm new to both rust and this codebase. I started my
implementation by copying how rust analyzer's "expand macro" LSP
extension is implemented. I don't yet understand some of the code I
copied (mostly the way to get the `server_to_query` in ``
and the whole proto implementation).
Co-authored-by: Kirill Bulatov <>
- [x] an issue where directories would only match by prefix, causing
both a directory and a file to be matched if in the same directory
- [x] An issue where you could not continue a file completion when
selecting a directory, as `tab` on a file would always run the command.
This effectively disabled directory sub queries.
- [x] Inconsistent rendering of files and directories in the slash
Release Notes:
- N/A
Co-authored-by: max <>
This PR:
- Makes slash commands easier to compose by adding a concept,
`CompletionIntent`. When using `tab` on a completion in the assistant
panel, that completion item will be expanded but the associated command
will not be run. Using `enter` will still either run the completion item
or continue command composition as before.
- Fixes a bug where running `/diagnostics` on a project with no
diagnostics will delete the entire command, rather than rendering an
empty header.
- Improves the autocomplete rendering for files, showing when
directories are selected and re-arranging the results to have the file
name or trailing directory show first.
<img width="642" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 8 12 43 PM"
Release Notes:
- N/A
Adds support for [Goto
LSP command.
I am particularly interested in [this for Rust
to be able to navigate to the place where a trait method is declared,
coming from a trait method implementation.
I noticed this was something I could do in VSCode before, but was
somehow missing is Zed. Thanks to the already existing infrastructure
for Goto Definition, I just followed and copy-paste-adapted it for Goto
As a bonus, I added `ctrl-F12` and `alt-ctrl-F12` as default macOS
keybindings for `GoToDeclaration` and `GoToDeclarationSplit`,
respectively. They are not keybindings from another editor, but I
figured they made sense to be grouped along with the other *F12
### Release Notes:
- Added "Go to declaration" editor action.
- vim: Breaking change to keybindings after introduction of the `Go to
declaration` editor action. The new keybindings are the following (and
can be found [here](, alongside the other key
- `g d` - Go to definition
- `g D` - Go to declaration
- `g y` - Go to type definition
- `g I` - Go to implementation
Co-authored-by: Thorsten Ball <>
This PR removes the primary/secondary distinction for
After #15624 we weren't relying on the `is_primary` field anywhere, so
we can remove it.
Release Notes:
- N/A
This PR updates how we determine the "primary" language server for a
buffer to make it respect the order specified by the `language_servers`
Previously we were relying on the language servers to be registered in
the right order in order to select the primary one effectively.
However, in my testing I observed some cases where a native language
server (e.g., `tailwindcss-language-server`) could end up first in the
list of language servers despite not being first in the
`language_servers` setting.
While this wasn't a problem for the Tailwind or ESLint language servers
on account of them being defined natively with the designation of
"secondary" language servers, this could cause problems with
extension-based language servers.
To remedy this, every time we start up language servers we reorder the
list of language servers for a given language to reflect the order in
the `language_servers` setting. This ordering then allows us to treat
the first language server in the list as the "primary" one.
Related issues:
Release Notes:
- The ordering of language servers will now respect the order in the
`language_servers` setting.
- The first language server in this list will be used as the primary
language server.
We were reporting file count as worktree entry count, which led to us
missing some of the entries in /file command completion.
/cc @bennetbo
The other components that used `PathMatchCandidateSet` are
`/diagnostics` and file finder. File finder is unaffected, as it used
`Candidates::Files` - thus previously reported count was correct for it;
`/diagnostics` were using `::Entries` as well, so it could miss entries
just like `/files`.
Release Notes:
- Fixed /file and /diagnostics slash commands omitting entries in it's
completions menu.
This also rolls back the `TerminalWorkDir` abstraction I added for the
original remoting, and tidies up the terminal creation code to be clear
about whether we're creating a task *or* a terminal. The previous logic
was a little muddy because it assumed we could be doing both at the same
time (which was not true).
Release Notes:
- remoting alpha: Removed the ability to specify `gh cs ssh` or `gcloud
compute ssh` etc. See for
- remoting alpha: Added support for terminal and tasks to new
experimental ssh remoting
This fixes#12125 and addresses what's described in here:
Before the changes in this PR, when running tasks, they inherited the
Zed process environment, but that might not be the process environment
that you'd get if you `cd` into a project directory.
We already ran into that problem with language servers and we fixed it
by loading the shell environment in the context of a projects root
directory and then passing that to the language servers when starting
them (or when looking for their binaries).
What the change here does is to add the behavior for tasks too: we use
the project-environment as the base environment with which to spawn
tasks. Everything else still works the same, except that the base env is
Release Notes:
- Improved the environment-variable detection when running tasks so that
tasks can now access environment variables as if the task had been
spawned in a terminal that `cd`ed into a project directory. That means
environment variables set by `direnv`/`asdf`/`mise` and other tools are
now picked up.
This also refactors the BufferStore + WorktreeStore interfaces to make
them cleaner, more fully encapsulating the RPC aspects of their
Release Notes:
- N/A
This is related to #15023 where we have the running Rubocop LSP that
provides diagnostics and formatting capabilities. Rubocop LSP sends its
back to Zed without support for "textDocument/definition" request, Zed
actually does not check that and sends a request to Rubocop that results
in the server error "Unsupported method: textDocument/definition".
The fix here is related to
Release Notes:
- N/A