use crate::{ self as gpui, hsla, point, px, relative, rems, AbsoluteLength, AlignItems, CursorStyle, DefiniteLength, Fill, FlexDirection, FlexWrap, Font, FontStyle, FontWeight, Hsla, JustifyContent, Length, Position, SharedString, StyleRefinement, Visibility, WhiteSpace, }; use crate::{BoxShadow, TextStyleRefinement}; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; use taffy::style::{AlignContent, Display, Overflow}; /// A trait for elements that can be styled. /// Use this to opt-in to a CSS-like styling API. pub trait Styled: Sized { /// Returns a reference to the style memory of this element. fn style(&mut self) -> &mut StyleRefinement; gpui_macros::style_helpers!(); /// Sets the position of the element to `relative`. /// [Docs]( fn relative(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Position::Relative); self } /// Sets the position of the element to `absolute`. /// [Docs]( fn absolute(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Position::Absolute); self } /// Sets the display type of the element to `block`. /// [Docs]( fn block(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Display::Block); self } /// Sets the display type of the element to `flex`. /// [Docs]( fn flex(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Display::Flex); self } /// Sets the visibility of the element to `visible`. /// [Docs]( fn visible(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Visibility::Visible); self } /// Sets the visibility of the element to `hidden`. /// [Docs]( fn invisible(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Visibility::Hidden); self } /// Sets the behavior of content that overflows the container to be hidden. /// [Docs]( fn overflow_hidden(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Overflow::Hidden); = Some(Overflow::Hidden); self } /// Sets the behavior of content that overflows the container on the X axis to be hidden. /// [Docs]( fn overflow_x_hidden(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Overflow::Hidden); self } /// Sets the behavior of content that overflows the container on the Y axis to be hidden. /// [Docs]( fn overflow_y_hidden(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Overflow::Hidden); self } /// Set the cursor style when hovering over this element fn cursor(mut self, cursor: CursorStyle) -> Self { = Some(cursor); self } /// Sets the cursor style when hovering an element to `default`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_default(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::Arrow); self } /// Sets the cursor style when hovering an element to `pointer`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_pointer(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::PointingHand); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `text`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_text(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::IBeam); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `move`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_move(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ClosedHand); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `not-allowed`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_not_allowed(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::OperationNotAllowed); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `context-menu`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_context_menu(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ContextualMenu); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `crosshair`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_crosshair(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::Crosshair); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `vertical-text`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_vertical_text(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `alias`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_alias(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::DragLink); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `copy`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_copy(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::DragCopy); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `no-drop`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_no_drop(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::OperationNotAllowed); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `grab`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_grab(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::OpenHand); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `grabbing`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_grabbing(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ClosedHand); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `ew-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_ew_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeLeftRight); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `ns-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_ns_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeUpDown); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `col-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_col_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeColumn); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `row-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_row_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeRow); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `n-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_n_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeUp); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `e-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_e_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeRight); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `s-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_s_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeDown); self } /// Sets cursor style when hovering over an element to `w-resize`. /// [Docs]( fn cursor_w_resize(mut self) -> Self { = Some(CursorStyle::ResizeLeft); self } /// Sets the whitespace of the element to `normal`. /// [Docs]( fn whitespace_normal(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .white_space = Some(WhiteSpace::Normal); self } /// Sets the whitespace of the element to `nowrap`. /// [Docs]( fn whitespace_nowrap(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .white_space = Some(WhiteSpace::Nowrap); self } /// Sets the flex direction of the element to `column`. /// [Docs]( fn flex_col(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexDirection::Column); self } /// Sets the flex direction of the element to `column-reverse`. /// [Docs]( fn flex_col_reverse(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexDirection::ColumnReverse); self } /// Sets the flex direction of the element to `row`. /// [Docs]( fn flex_row(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexDirection::Row); self } /// Sets the flex direction of the element to `row-reverse`. /// [Docs]( fn flex_row_reverse(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexDirection::RowReverse); self } /// Sets the element to allow a flex item to grow and shrink as needed, ignoring its initial size. /// [Docs]( fn flex_1(mut self) -> Self { = Some(1.); = Some(1.); = Some(relative(0.).into()); self } /// Sets the element to allow a flex item to grow and shrink, taking into account its initial size. /// [Docs]( fn flex_auto(mut self) -> Self { = Some(1.); = Some(1.); = Some(Length::Auto); self } /// Sets the element to allow a flex item to shrink but not grow, taking into account its initial size. /// [Docs]( fn flex_initial(mut self) -> Self { = Some(0.); = Some(1.); = Some(Length::Auto); self } /// Sets the element to prevent a flex item from growing or shrinking. /// [Docs]( fn flex_none(mut self) -> Self { = Some(0.); = Some(0.); self } /// Sets the initial size of flex items for this element. /// [Docs]( fn flex_basis(mut self, basis: impl Into) -> Self { = Some(basis.into()); self } /// Sets the element to allow a flex item to grow to fill any available space. /// [Docs]( fn flex_grow(mut self) -> Self { = Some(1.); self } /// Sets the element to allow a flex item to shrink if needed. /// [Docs]( fn flex_shrink(mut self) -> Self { = Some(1.); self } /// Sets the element to prevent a flex item from shrinking. /// [Docs]( fn flex_shrink_0(mut self) -> Self { = Some(0.); self } /// Sets the element to allow flex items to wrap. /// [Docs]( fn flex_wrap(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexWrap::Wrap); self } /// Sets the element wrap flex items in the reverse direction. /// [Docs]( fn flex_wrap_reverse(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexWrap::WrapReverse); self } /// Sets the element to prevent flex items from wrapping, causing inflexible items to overflow the container if necessary. /// [Docs]( fn flex_nowrap(mut self) -> Self { = Some(FlexWrap::NoWrap); self } /// Sets the element to align flex items to the start of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn items_start(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignItems::FlexStart); self } /// Sets the element to align flex items to the end of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn items_end(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignItems::FlexEnd); self } /// Sets the element to align flex items along the center of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn items_center(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignItems::Center); self } /// Sets the element to justify flex items along the container's main axis /// such that there is an equal amount of space between each item. /// [Docs]( fn justify_between(mut self) -> Self { = Some(JustifyContent::SpaceBetween); self } /// Sets the element to justify flex items along the center of the container's main axis. /// [Docs]( fn justify_center(mut self) -> Self { = Some(JustifyContent::Center); self } /// Sets the element to justify flex items against the start of the container's main axis. /// [Docs]( fn justify_start(mut self) -> Self { = Some(JustifyContent::Start); self } /// Sets the element to justify flex items against the end of the container's main axis. /// [Docs]( fn justify_end(mut self) -> Self { = Some(JustifyContent::End); self } /// Sets the element to justify items along the container's main axis such /// that there is an equal amount of space on each side of each item. /// [Docs]( fn justify_around(mut self) -> Self { = Some(JustifyContent::SpaceAround); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items in their default position as if no align-content value was set. /// [Docs]( fn content_normal(mut self) -> Self { = None; self } /// Sets the element to pack content items in the center of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn content_center(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::Center); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items against the start of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn content_start(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::FlexStart); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items against the end of the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn content_end(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::FlexEnd); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items along the container's cross axis /// such that there is an equal amount of space between each item. /// [Docs]( fn content_between(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::SpaceBetween); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items along the container's cross axis /// such that there is an equal amount of space on each side of each item. /// [Docs]( fn content_around(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::SpaceAround); self } /// Sets the element to pack content items along the container's cross axis /// such that there is an equal amount of space between each item. /// [Docs]( fn content_evenly(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::SpaceEvenly); self } /// Sets the element to allow content items to fill the available space along the container's cross axis. /// [Docs]( fn content_stretch(mut self) -> Self { = Some(AlignContent::Stretch); self } /// Sets the background color of the element. fn bg(mut self, fill: F) -> Self where F: Into, Self: Sized, { = Some(fill.into()); self } /// Sets the border color of the element. fn border_color(mut self, border_color: C) -> Self where C: Into, Self: Sized, { = Some(border_color.into()); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow(mut self, shadows: SmallVec<[BoxShadow; 2]>) -> Self { = Some(shadows); self } /// Clears the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_none(mut self) -> Self { = Some(Default::default()); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_sm(mut self) -> Self { = Some(smallvec::smallvec![BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.05), offset: point(px(0.), px(1.)), blur_radius: px(2.), spread_radius: px(0.), }]); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_md(mut self) -> Self { = Some(smallvec![ BoxShadow { color: hsla(0.5, 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(4.)), blur_radius: px(6.), spread_radius: px(-1.), }, BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(2.)), blur_radius: px(4.), spread_radius: px(-2.), } ]); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_lg(mut self) -> Self { = Some(smallvec![ BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(10.)), blur_radius: px(15.), spread_radius: px(-3.), }, BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(4.)), blur_radius: px(6.), spread_radius: px(-4.), } ]); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_xl(mut self) -> Self { = Some(smallvec![ BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(20.)), blur_radius: px(25.), spread_radius: px(-5.), }, BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.1), offset: point(px(0.), px(8.)), blur_radius: px(10.), spread_radius: px(-6.), } ]); self } /// Sets the box shadow of the element. /// [Docs]( fn shadow_2xl(mut self) -> Self { = Some(smallvec![BoxShadow { color: hsla(0., 0., 0., 0.25), offset: point(px(0.), px(25.)), blur_radius: px(50.), spread_radius: px(-12.), }]); self } /// Get the text style that has been configured on this element. fn text_style(&mut self) -> &mut Option { let style: &mut StyleRefinement =; &mut style.text } /// Set the text color of this element, this value cascades to its child elements. fn text_color(mut self, color: impl Into) -> Self { self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default).color = Some(color.into()); self } /// Set the font weight of this element, this value cascades to its child elements. fn font_weight(mut self, weight: FontWeight) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_weight = Some(weight); self } /// Set the background color of this element, this value cascades to its child elements. fn text_bg(mut self, bg: impl Into) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .background_color = Some(bg.into()); self } /// Set the text size of this element, this value cascades to its child elements. fn text_size(mut self, size: impl Into) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(size.into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'extra small', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_xs(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(0.75).into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'small', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_sm(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(0.875).into()); self } /// Reset the text styling for this element and its children. fn text_base(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(1.0).into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'large', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_lg(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(1.125).into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'extra large', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_xl(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(1.25).into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'extra-extra large', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_2xl(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(1.5).into()); self } /// Set the text size to 'extra-extra-extra large', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_3xl(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_size = Some(rems(1.875).into()); self } /// Set the font style to 'non-italic', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn non_italic(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_style = Some(FontStyle::Normal); self } /// Set the font style to 'italic', /// see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn italic(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_style = Some(FontStyle::Italic); self } /// Remove the text decoration on this element, this value cascades to its child elements. fn text_decoration_none(mut self) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .underline = None; self } /// Set the color for the underline on this element fn text_decoration_color(mut self, color: impl Into) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.color = Some(color.into()); self } /// Set the underline to a solid line fn text_decoration_solid(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.wavy = false; self } /// Set the underline to a wavy line fn text_decoration_wavy(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.wavy = true; self } /// Set the underline to be 0 thickness, see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_decoration_0(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.thickness = px(0.); self } /// Set the underline to be 1px thick, see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_decoration_1(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.thickness = px(1.); self } /// Set the underline to be 2px thick, see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_decoration_2(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.thickness = px(2.); self } /// Set the underline to be 4px thick, see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_decoration_4(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.thickness = px(4.); self } /// Set the underline to be 8px thick, see the [Tailwind Docs]( fn text_decoration_8(mut self) -> Self { let style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); let underline = style.underline.get_or_insert_with(Default::default); underline.thickness = px(8.); self } /// Change the font family on this element and its children. fn font_family(mut self, family_name: impl Into) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .font_family = Some(family_name.into()); self } /// Change the font of this element and its children. fn font(mut self, font: Font) -> Self { let Font { family, features, weight, style, } = font; let text_style = self.text_style().get_or_insert_with(Default::default); text_style.font_family = Some(family); text_style.font_features = Some(features); text_style.font_weight = Some(weight); text_style.font_style = Some(style); self } /// Set the line height on this element and its children. fn line_height(mut self, line_height: impl Into) -> Self { self.text_style() .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .line_height = Some(line_height.into()); self } /// Draw a debug border around this element. #[cfg(debug_assertions)] fn debug(mut self) -> Self { = Some(true); self } /// Draw a debug border on all conforming elements below this element. #[cfg(debug_assertions)] fn debug_below(mut self) -> Self { = Some(true); self } }