#!/bin/bash set -e build_flag="--release" target_dir="release" open_result=false local_arch=false local_only=false overwrite_local_app=false bundle_name="" # Function for displaying help info help_info() { echo " Usage: ${0##*/} [options] [bundle_name] Build the application bundle. Options: -d Compile in debug mode -l Compile for local architecture and copy bundle to /Applications, implies -d. -o Open the resulting DMG or the app itself in local mode. -f Overwrite the local app bundle if it exists. -h Display this help and exit. " } # If -o option is specified, the folder of the resulting dmg will be opened in finder # If -d is specified, Zed will be compiled in debug mode and the application's path printed # If -od or -do is specified Zed will be bundled in debug and the application will be run. while getopts 'dlfoh' flag do case "${flag}" in o) open_result=true;; d) export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=true export CARGO_BUNDLE_SKIP_BUILD=true build_flag=""; local_arch=true target_dir="debug" ;; l) export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=true export CARGO_BUNDLE_SKIP_BUILD=true build_flag="" local_arch=true local_only=true target_dir="debug" ;; f) overwrite_local_app=true;; h) help_info exit 0 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ "$1" ]; then bundle_name=$1 fi export ZED_BUNDLE=true export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15.7 cargo_bundle_version=$(cargo -q bundle --help 2>&1 | head -n 1 || echo "") if [ "$cargo_bundle_version" != "cargo-bundle v0.6.0-zed" ]; then cargo install cargo-bundle --git https://github.com/zed-industries/cargo-bundle.git --branch zed-deploy fi rustup target add wasm32-wasi # Deal with versions of macOS that don't include libstdc++ headers export CXXFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" version_info=$(rustc --version --verbose) host_line=$(echo "$version_info" | grep host) local_target_triple=${host_line#*: } if [ "$local_arch" = true ]; then echo "Building for local target only." cargo build ${build_flag} --package zed cargo build ${build_flag} --package cli else echo "Compiling zed binary for aarch64-apple-darwin" cargo build ${build_flag} --package zed --target aarch64-apple-darwin echo "Compiling zed binary for x86_64-apple-darwin" cargo build ${build_flag} --package zed --target x86_64-apple-darwin echo "Compiling cli binary for aarch64-apple-darwin" cargo build ${build_flag} --package cli --target aarch64-apple-darwin echo "Compiling cli binary for x86_64-apple-darwin" cargo build ${build_flag} --package cli --target x86_64-apple-darwin fi echo "Creating application bundle" pushd crates/zed channel=$( /tmp/zed-certificate.p12 security import /tmp/zed-certificate.p12 -k zed.keychain -P "$MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD" -T /usr/bin/codesign rm /tmp/zed-certificate.p12 security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k "$MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD" zed.keychain # sequence of codesign commands modeled after this example: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/701514 /usr/bin/codesign --force --timestamp --sign "Zed Industries, Inc." "${app_path}/Contents/Frameworks/WebRTC.framework" -v /usr/bin/codesign --force --timestamp --options runtime --sign "Zed Industries, Inc." "${app_path}/Contents/MacOS/cli" -v /usr/bin/codesign --force --timestamp --options runtime --entitlements crates/zed/resources/zed.entitlements --sign "Zed Industries, Inc." "${app_path}" -v security default-keychain -s login.keychain else echo "One or more of the following variables are missing: MACOS_CERTIFICATE, MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD, APPLE_NOTARIZATION_USERNAME, APPLE_NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD" if [[ "$local_only" = false ]]; then echo "To create a self-signed local build use ./scripts/build.sh -ldf" exit 1 fi echo "====== WARNING ======" echo "This bundle is being signed without all entitlements, some features (e.g. universal links) will not work" echo "====== WARNING ======" # NOTE: if you need to test universal links you have a few paths forward: # - create a PR and tag it with the `run-build-dmg` label, and download the .dmg file from there. # - get a signing key for the MQ55VZLNZQ team from Nathan. # - create your own signing key, and update references to MQ55VZLNZQ to your own team ID # then comment out this line. cat crates/zed/resources/zed.entitlements | sed '/com.apple.developer.associated-domains/,+1d' > "${app_path}/Contents/Resources/zed.entitlements" codesign --force --deep --entitlements "${app_path}/Contents/Resources/zed.entitlements" --sign ${MACOS_SIGNING_KEY:- -} "${app_path}" -v fi if [[ "$target_dir" = "debug" && "$local_only" = false ]]; then if [ "$open_result" = true ]; then open "$app_path" else echo "Created application bundle:" echo "$app_path" fi exit 0 fi if [ "$local_only" = true ]; then # If bundle_name is not set or empty, use the basename of $app_path if [ -z "$bundle_name" ]; then bundle_name=$(basename "$app_path") else # If bundle_name doesn't end in .app, append it if [[ "$bundle_name" != *.app ]]; then bundle_name="$bundle_name.app" fi fi if [ "$overwrite_local_app" = true ]; then rm -rf "/Applications/$bundle_name" fi mv "$app_path" "/Applications/$bundle_name" if [ "$open_result" = true ]; then open "/Applications/$bundle_name" else echo "Installed application bundle:" echo "/Applications/$bundle_name" fi else echo "Creating DMG" dmg_target_directory="target/${target_dir}" dmg_source_directory="${dmg_target_directory}/dmg" dmg_file_path="${dmg_target_directory}/Zed.dmg" rm -rf ${dmg_source_directory} mkdir -p ${dmg_source_directory} mv "${app_path}" "${dmg_source_directory}" ln -s /Applications ${dmg_source_directory} hdiutil create -volname Zed -srcfolder "${dmg_source_directory}" -ov -format UDZO "${dmg_file_path}" # If someone runs this bundle script locally, a symlink will be placed in `dmg_source_directory`. # This symlink causes CPU issues with Zed if the Zed codebase is the project being worked on, so we simply remove it for now. rm ${dmg_source_directory}/Applications echo "Adding license agreement to DMG" npm install --global dmg-license minimist dmg-license script/eula/eula.json "${dmg_file_path}" if [[ -n $MACOS_CERTIFICATE && -n $MACOS_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD && -n $APPLE_NOTARIZATION_USERNAME && -n $APPLE_NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD ]]; then echo "Notarizing DMG with Apple" npm install -g notarize-cli npx notarize-cli --file "${dmg_file_path}" --bundle-id dev.zed.Zed --username "$APPLE_NOTARIZATION_USERNAME" --password "$APPLE_NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD" fi if [ "$open_result" = true ]; then open $dmg_target_directory fi fi