#!/usr/bin/env node --redirect-warnings=/dev/null const { execFileSync } = require("child_process"); const { GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN } = process.env; const PR_REGEX = /#\d+/ // Ex: matches on #4241 const FIXES_REGEX = /(fixes|closes|completes) (.+[/#]\d+.*)$/im; main(); async function main() { // Get the last two preview tags const [newTag, oldTag] = execFileSync( "git", ["tag", "--sort", "-committerdate"], { encoding: "utf8" } ) .split("\n") .filter((t) => t.startsWith("v") && t.endsWith("-pre")); // Print the previous release console.log(`Changes from ${oldTag} to ${newTag}\n`); let hasProtocolChanges = false; try { execFileSync("git", ["diff", oldTag, newTag, "--exit-code", "--", "crates/rpc"]).status != 0; } catch (error) { hasProtocolChanges = true; } if (hasProtocolChanges) { console.warn("\033[31;1;4mRPC protocol changes, server should be re-deployed\033[0m\n"); } else { console.log("No RPC protocol changes\n"); } // Get the PRs merged between those two tags. const pullRequestNumbers = getPullRequestNumbers(oldTag, newTag); // Get the PRs that were cherry-picked between main and the old tag. const existingPullRequestNumbers = new Set(getPullRequestNumbers("main", oldTag)); // Filter out those existing PRs from the set of new PRs. const newPullRequestNumbers = pullRequestNumbers.filter(number => !existingPullRequestNumbers.has(number)); // Fetch the pull requests from the GitHub API. console.log("Merged Pull requests:"); for (const pullRequestNumber of newPullRequestNumbers) { const webURL = `https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/${pullRequestNumber}`; const apiURL = `https://api.github.com/repos/zed-industries/zed/pulls/${pullRequestNumber}`; const response = await fetch(apiURL, { headers: { Authorization: `token ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}`, }, }); // Print the pull request title and URL. const pullRequest = await response.json(); console.log("*", pullRequest.title); console.log(" PR URL: ", webURL); // If the pull request contains a 'closes' line, print the closed issue. const fixesMatch = (pullRequest.body || "").match(FIXES_REGEX); if (fixesMatch) { const fixedIssueURL = fixesMatch[2]; console.log(" Issue URL: ", fixedIssueURL); } let releaseNotes = (pullRequest.body || "").split("Release Notes:")[1]; if (releaseNotes) { releaseNotes = releaseNotes.trim(); console.log(" Release Notes:"); console.log(` ${releaseNotes}`); } console.log() } } function getPullRequestNumbers(oldTag, newTag) { const pullRequestNumbers = execFileSync( "git", [ "log", `${oldTag}..${newTag}`, "--oneline" ], { encoding: "utf8" } ) .split("\n") .filter(line => line.length > 0) .map(line => { const match = line.match(/#(\d+)/); return match ? match[1] : null; }) .filter(line => line); return pullRequestNumbers; }