mod channel_index; use crate::{channel_buffer::ChannelBuffer, channel_chat::ChannelChat, ChannelMessage}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use channel_index::ChannelIndex; use client::{ ChannelId, Client, ClientSettings, DevServerId, ProjectId, RemoteProjectId, Subscription, User, UserId, UserStore, }; use collections::{hash_map, HashMap, HashSet}; use futures::{channel::mpsc, future::Shared, Future, FutureExt, StreamExt}; use gpui::{ AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Context, EventEmitter, Global, Model, ModelContext, SharedString, Task, WeakModel, }; use language::Capability; use rpc::{ proto::{self, ChannelRole, ChannelVisibility, DevServerStatus}, TypedEnvelope, }; use settings::Settings; use std::{mem, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use util::{maybe, ResultExt}; pub const RECONNECT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); pub fn init(client: &Arc, user_store: Model, cx: &mut AppContext) { let channel_store = cx.new_model(|cx| ChannelStore::new(client.clone(), user_store.clone(), cx)); cx.set_global(GlobalChannelStore(channel_store)); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq)] struct NotesVersion { epoch: u64, version: clock::Global, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct HostedProject { project_id: ProjectId, channel_id: ChannelId, name: SharedString, _visibility: proto::ChannelVisibility, } impl From for HostedProject { fn from(project: proto::HostedProject) -> Self { Self { project_id: ProjectId(project.project_id), channel_id: ChannelId(project.channel_id), _visibility: project.visibility(), name:, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RemoteProject { pub id: RemoteProjectId, pub project_id: Option, pub channel_id: ChannelId, pub name: SharedString, pub path: SharedString, pub dev_server_id: DevServerId, } impl From for RemoteProject { fn from(project: proto::RemoteProject) -> Self { Self { id: RemoteProjectId(, project_id:|id| ProjectId(id)), channel_id: ChannelId(project.channel_id), name:, path: project.path.into(), dev_server_id: DevServerId(project.dev_server_id), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct DevServer { pub id: DevServerId, pub channel_id: ChannelId, pub name: SharedString, pub status: DevServerStatus, } impl From for DevServer { fn from(dev_server: proto::DevServer) -> Self { Self { id: DevServerId(dev_server.dev_server_id), channel_id: ChannelId(dev_server.channel_id), status: dev_server.status(), name:, } } } pub struct ChannelStore { pub channel_index: ChannelIndex, channel_invitations: Vec>, channel_participants: HashMap>>, channel_states: HashMap, hosted_projects: HashMap, remote_projects: HashMap, dev_servers: HashMap, outgoing_invites: HashSet<(ChannelId, UserId)>, update_channels_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, opened_buffers: HashMap>, opened_chats: HashMap>, client: Arc, user_store: Model, _rpc_subscriptions: [Subscription; 2], _watch_connection_status: Task>, disconnect_channel_buffers_task: Option>, _update_channels: Task<()>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Channel { pub id: ChannelId, pub name: SharedString, pub visibility: proto::ChannelVisibility, pub parent_path: Vec, } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct ChannelState { latest_chat_message: Option, latest_notes_version: NotesVersion, observed_notes_version: NotesVersion, observed_chat_message: Option, role: Option, projects: HashSet, dev_servers: HashSet, remote_projects: HashSet, } impl Channel { pub fn link(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> String { format!( "{}/channel/{}-{}", ClientSettings::get_global(cx).server_url, Self::slug(&, ) } pub fn notes_link(&self, heading: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> String { + "/notes" + &heading .map(|h| format!("#{}", Self::slug(&h))) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn is_root_channel(&self) -> bool { self.parent_path.is_empty() } pub fn root_id(&self) -> ChannelId { self.parent_path.first().copied().unwrap_or( } pub fn slug(str: &str) -> String { let slug: String = str .chars() .map(|c| if c.is_alphanumeric() { c } else { '-' }) .collect(); slug.trim_matches(|c| c == '-').to_string() } } pub struct ChannelMembership { pub user: Arc, pub kind: proto::channel_member::Kind, pub role: proto::ChannelRole, } impl ChannelMembership { pub fn sort_key(&self) -> MembershipSortKey { MembershipSortKey { role_order: match self.role { proto::ChannelRole::Admin => 0, proto::ChannelRole::Member => 1, proto::ChannelRole::Banned => 2, proto::ChannelRole::Talker => 3, proto::ChannelRole::Guest => 4, }, kind_order: match self.kind { proto::channel_member::Kind::Member => 0, proto::channel_member::Kind::Invitee => 1, }, username_order: self.user.github_login.as_str(), } } } #[derive(PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct MembershipSortKey<'a> { role_order: u8, kind_order: u8, username_order: &'a str, } pub enum ChannelEvent { ChannelCreated(ChannelId), ChannelRenamed(ChannelId), } impl EventEmitter for ChannelStore {} enum OpenedModelHandle { Open(WeakModel), Loading(Shared, Arc>>>), } struct GlobalChannelStore(Model); impl Global for GlobalChannelStore {} impl ChannelStore { pub fn global(cx: &AppContext) -> Model { } pub fn new( client: Arc, user_store: Model, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Self { let rpc_subscriptions = [ client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_update_channels), client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_update_user_channels), ]; let mut connection_status = client.status(); let (update_channels_tx, mut update_channels_rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let watch_connection_status = cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { while let Some(status) = { let this = this.upgrade()?; match status { client::Status::Connected { .. } => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.handle_connect(cx)) .ok()? .await .log_err()?; } client::Status::SignedOut | client::Status::UpgradeRequired => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.handle_disconnect(false, cx)) .ok(); } _ => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.handle_disconnect(true, cx)) .ok(); } } } Some(()) }); Self { channel_invitations: Vec::default(), channel_index: ChannelIndex::default(), channel_participants: Default::default(), hosted_projects: Default::default(), remote_projects: Default::default(), dev_servers: Default::default(), outgoing_invites: Default::default(), opened_buffers: Default::default(), opened_chats: Default::default(), update_channels_tx, client, user_store, _rpc_subscriptions: rpc_subscriptions, _watch_connection_status: watch_connection_status, disconnect_channel_buffers_task: None, _update_channels: cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { maybe!(async move { while let Some(update_channels) = { if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { let update_task = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.update_channels(update_channels, cx) })?; if let Some(update_task) = update_task { update_task.await.log_err(); } } } anyhow::Ok(()) }) .await .log_err(); }), channel_states: Default::default(), } } pub fn client(&self) -> Arc { self.client.clone() } /// Returns the number of unique channels in the store pub fn channel_count(&self) -> usize { self.channel_index.by_id().len() } /// Returns the index of a channel ID in the list of unique channels pub fn index_of_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option { self.channel_index .by_id() .keys() .position(|id| *id == channel_id) } /// Returns an iterator over all unique channels pub fn channels(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator> { self.channel_index.by_id().values() } /// Iterate over all entries in the channel DAG pub fn ordered_channels(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator)> { self.channel_index .ordered_channels() .iter() .filter_map(move |id| { let channel = self.channel_index.by_id().get(id)?; Some((channel.parent_path.len(), channel)) }) } pub fn channel_at_index(&self, ix: usize) -> Option<&Arc> { let channel_id = self.channel_index.ordered_channels().get(ix)?; self.channel_index.by_id().get(channel_id) } pub fn channel_at(&self, ix: usize) -> Option<&Arc> { self.channel_index.by_id().values().nth(ix) } pub fn has_channel_invitation(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_invitations .iter() .any(|channel| == channel_id) } pub fn channel_invitations(&self) -> &[Arc] { &self.channel_invitations } pub fn channel_for_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option<&Arc> { self.channel_index.by_id().get(&channel_id) } pub fn projects_for_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Vec<(SharedString, ProjectId)> { let mut projects: Vec<(SharedString, ProjectId)> = self .channel_states .get(&channel_id) .map(|state| state.projects.clone()) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .flat_map(|id| Some((self.hosted_projects.get(&id)?.name.clone(), id))) .collect(); projects.sort(); projects } pub fn dev_servers_for_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Vec { let mut dev_servers: Vec = self .channel_states .get(&channel_id) .map(|state| state.dev_servers.clone()) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .flat_map(|id| self.dev_servers.get(&id).cloned()) .collect(); dev_servers.sort_by_key(|s| (,; dev_servers } pub fn find_dev_server_by_id(&self, id: DevServerId) -> Option<&DevServer> { self.dev_servers.get(&id) } pub fn find_remote_project_by_id(&self, id: RemoteProjectId) -> Option<&RemoteProject> { self.remote_projects.get(&id) } pub fn remote_projects_for_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Vec { let mut remote_projects: Vec = self .channel_states .get(&channel_id) .map(|state| state.remote_projects.clone()) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .flat_map(|id| self.remote_projects.get(&id).cloned()) .collect(); remote_projects.sort_by_key(|p| (,; remote_projects } pub fn has_open_channel_buffer(&self, channel_id: ChannelId, _cx: &AppContext) -> bool { if let Some(buffer) = self.opened_buffers.get(&channel_id) { if let OpenedModelHandle::Open(buffer) = buffer { return buffer.upgrade().is_some(); } } false } pub fn open_channel_buffer( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let client = self.client.clone(); let user_store = self.user_store.clone(); let channel_store = cx.handle(); self.open_channel_resource( channel_id, |this| &mut this.opened_buffers, |channel, cx| ChannelBuffer::new(channel, client, user_store, channel_store, cx), cx, ) } pub fn fetch_channel_messages( &self, message_ids: Vec, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let request = if message_ids.is_empty() { None } else { Some( self.client .request(proto::GetChannelMessagesById { message_ids }), ) }; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if let Some(request) = request { let response = request.await?; let this = this .upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("channel store dropped"))?; let user_store = this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| this.user_store.clone())?; ChannelMessage::from_proto_vec(response.messages, &user_store, &mut cx).await } else { Ok(Vec::new()) } }) } pub fn has_channel_buffer_changed(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_states .get(&channel_id) .is_some_and(|state| state.has_channel_buffer_changed()) } pub fn has_new_messages(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_states .get(&channel_id) .is_some_and(|state| state.has_new_messages()) } pub fn set_acknowledged_message_id(&mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, message_id: Option) { if let Some(state) = self.channel_states.get_mut(&channel_id) { state.latest_chat_message = message_id; } } pub fn last_acknowledge_message_id(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Option { self.channel_states.get(&channel_id).and_then(|state| { if let Some(last_message_id) = state.latest_chat_message { if state .last_acknowledged_message_id() .is_some_and(|id| id < last_message_id) { return state.last_acknowledged_message_id(); } } None }) } pub fn acknowledge_message_id( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, message_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { self.channel_states .entry(channel_id) .or_insert_with(|| Default::default()) .acknowledge_message_id(message_id); cx.notify(); } pub fn update_latest_message_id( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, message_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { self.channel_states .entry(channel_id) .or_insert_with(|| Default::default()) .update_latest_message_id(message_id); cx.notify(); } pub fn acknowledge_notes_version( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, epoch: u64, version: &clock::Global, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { self.channel_states .entry(channel_id) .or_insert_with(|| Default::default()) .acknowledge_notes_version(epoch, version); cx.notify() } pub fn update_latest_notes_version( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, epoch: u64, version: &clock::Global, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { self.channel_states .entry(channel_id) .or_insert_with(|| Default::default()) .update_latest_notes_version(epoch, version); cx.notify() } pub fn open_channel_chat( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let client = self.client.clone(); let user_store = self.user_store.clone(); let this = cx.handle(); self.open_channel_resource( channel_id, |this| &mut this.opened_chats, |channel, cx| ChannelChat::new(channel, this, user_store, client, cx), cx, ) } /// Asynchronously open a given resource associated with a channel. /// /// Make sure that the resource is only opened once, even if this method /// is called multiple times with the same channel id while the first task /// is still running. fn open_channel_resource( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, get_map: fn(&mut Self) -> &mut HashMap>, load: F, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> where F: 'static + FnOnce(Arc, AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: Future>>, T: 'static, { let task = loop { match get_map(self).entry(channel_id) { hash_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => match e.get() { OpenedModelHandle::Open(model) => { if let Some(model) = model.upgrade() { break Task::ready(Ok(model)).shared(); } else { get_map(self).remove(&channel_id); continue; } } OpenedModelHandle::Loading(task) => { break task.clone(); } }, hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { let task = cx .spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let channel = this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.channel_for_id(channel_id).cloned().ok_or_else(|| { Arc::new(anyhow!("no channel for id: {}", channel_id)) }) })??; load(channel, cx).await.map_err(Arc::new) }) .shared(); e.insert(OpenedModelHandle::Loading(task.clone())); cx.spawn({ let task = task.clone(); move |this, mut cx| async move { let result = task.await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| match result { Ok(model) => { get_map(this).insert( channel_id, OpenedModelHandle::Open(model.downgrade()), ); } Err(_) => { get_map(this).remove(&channel_id); } }) .ok(); } }) .detach(); break task; } } }; cx.background_executor() .spawn(async move { task.await.map_err(|error| anyhow!("{}", error)) }) } pub fn is_channel_admin(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_role(channel_id) == proto::ChannelRole::Admin } pub fn is_root_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_index .by_id() .get(&channel_id) .map_or(false, |channel| channel.is_root_channel()) } pub fn is_public_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> bool { self.channel_index .by_id() .get(&channel_id) .map_or(false, |channel| { channel.visibility == ChannelVisibility::Public }) } pub fn channel_capability(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> Capability { match self.channel_role(channel_id) { ChannelRole::Admin | ChannelRole::Member => Capability::ReadWrite, _ => Capability::ReadOnly, } } pub fn channel_role(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> proto::ChannelRole { maybe!({ let mut channel = self.channel_for_id(channel_id)?; if !channel.is_root_channel() { channel = self.channel_for_id(channel.root_id())?; } let root_channel_state = self.channel_states.get(&; root_channel_state?.role }) .unwrap_or(proto::ChannelRole::Guest) } pub fn channel_participants(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> &[Arc] { self.channel_participants .get(&channel_id) .map_or(&[], |v| v.as_slice()) } pub fn create_channel( &self, name: &str, parent_id: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); let name = name.trim_start_matches('#').to_owned(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::CreateChannel { name, parent_id:|cid| cid.0), }) .await?; let channel = response .channel .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing channel in response"))?; let channel_id = ChannelId(; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let task = this.update_channels( proto::UpdateChannels { channels: vec![channel], ..Default::default() }, cx, ); assert!(task.is_none()); // This event is emitted because the collab panel wants to clear the pending edit state // before this frame is rendered. But we can't guarantee that the collab panel's future // will resolve before this flush_effects finishes. Synchronously emitting this event // ensures that the collab panel will observe this creation before the frame completes cx.emit(ChannelEvent::ChannelCreated(channel_id)); })?; Ok(channel_id) }) } pub fn move_channel( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, to: ChannelId, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |_, _| async move { let _ = client .request(proto::MoveChannel { channel_id: channel_id.0, to: to.0, }) .await?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn set_channel_visibility( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, visibility: ChannelVisibility, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |_, _| async move { let _ = client .request(proto::SetChannelVisibility { channel_id: channel_id.0, visibility: visibility.into(), }) .await?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn invite_member( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, user_id: UserId, role: proto::ChannelRole, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if !self.outgoing_invites.insert((channel_id, user_id)) { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("invite request already in progress"))); } cx.notify(); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let result = client .request(proto::InviteChannelMember { channel_id: channel_id.0, user_id, role: role.into(), }) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.outgoing_invites.remove(&(channel_id, user_id)); cx.notify(); })?; result?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn remove_member( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, user_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if !self.outgoing_invites.insert((channel_id, user_id)) { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("invite request already in progress"))); } cx.notify(); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let result = client .request(proto::RemoveChannelMember { channel_id: channel_id.0, user_id, }) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.outgoing_invites.remove(&(channel_id, user_id)); cx.notify(); })?; result?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn set_member_role( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, user_id: UserId, role: proto::ChannelRole, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if !self.outgoing_invites.insert((channel_id, user_id)) { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("member request already in progress"))); } cx.notify(); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let result = client .request(proto::SetChannelMemberRole { channel_id: channel_id.0, user_id, role: role.into(), }) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.outgoing_invites.remove(&(channel_id, user_id)); cx.notify(); })?; result?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn rename( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, new_name: &str, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); let name = new_name.to_string(); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let channel = client .request(proto::RenameChannel { channel_id: channel_id.0, name, }) .await? .channel .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing channel in response"))?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let task = this.update_channels( proto::UpdateChannels { channels: vec![channel], ..Default::default() }, cx, ); assert!(task.is_none()); // This event is emitted because the collab panel wants to clear the pending edit state // before this frame is rendered. But we can't guarantee that the collab panel's future // will resolve before this flush_effects finishes. Synchronously emitting this event // ensures that the collab panel will observe this creation before the frame complete cx.emit(ChannelEvent::ChannelRenamed(channel_id)) })?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn respond_to_channel_invite( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, accept: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { client .request(proto::RespondToChannelInvite { channel_id: channel_id.0, accept, }) .await?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn create_remote_project( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, dev_server_id: DevServerId, name: String, path: String, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { client .request(proto::CreateRemoteProject { channel_id: channel_id.0, dev_server_id: dev_server_id.0, name, path, }) .await }) } pub fn create_dev_server( &mut self, channel_id: ChannelId, name: String, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { let result = client .request(proto::CreateDevServer { channel_id: channel_id.0, name, }) .await?; Ok(result) }) } pub fn get_channel_member_details( &self, channel_id: ChannelId, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let client = self.client.clone(); let user_store = self.user_store.downgrade(); cx.spawn(move |_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::GetChannelMembers { channel_id: channel_id.0, }) .await?; let user_ids = response.members.iter().map(|m| m.user_id).collect(); let user_store = user_store .upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("user store dropped"))?; let users = user_store .update(&mut cx, |user_store, cx| user_store.get_users(user_ids, cx))? .await?; Ok(users .into_iter() .zip(response.members) .map(|(user, member)| ChannelMembership { user, role: member.role(), kind: member.kind(), }) .collect()) }) } pub fn remove_channel(&self, channel_id: ChannelId) -> impl Future> { let client = self.client.clone(); async move { client .request(proto::DeleteChannel { channel_id: channel_id.0, }) .await?; Ok(()) } } pub fn has_pending_channel_invite_response(&self, _: &Arc) -> bool { false } pub fn has_pending_channel_invite(&self, channel_id: ChannelId, user_id: UserId) -> bool { self.outgoing_invites.contains(&(channel_id, user_id)) } async fn handle_update_channels( this: Model, message: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.update_channels_tx .unbounded_send(message.payload) .unwrap(); })?; Ok(()) } async fn handle_update_user_channels( this: Model, message: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { for buffer_version in message.payload.observed_channel_buffer_version { let version = language::proto::deserialize_version(&buffer_version.version); this.acknowledge_notes_version( ChannelId(buffer_version.channel_id), buffer_version.epoch, &version, cx, ); } for message_id in message.payload.observed_channel_message_id { this.acknowledge_message_id( ChannelId(message_id.channel_id), message_id.message_id, cx, ); } for membership in message.payload.channel_memberships { if let Some(role) = ChannelRole::from_i32(membership.role) { this.channel_states .entry(ChannelId(membership.channel_id)) .or_insert_with(|| ChannelState::default()) .set_role(role) } } }) } fn handle_connect(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { self.channel_index.clear(); self.channel_invitations.clear(); self.channel_participants.clear(); self.channel_index.clear(); self.outgoing_invites.clear(); self.disconnect_channel_buffers_task.take(); for chat in self.opened_chats.values() { if let OpenedModelHandle::Open(chat) = chat { if let Some(chat) = chat.upgrade() { chat.update(cx, |chat, cx| { chat.rejoin(cx); }); } } } let mut buffer_versions = Vec::new(); for buffer in self.opened_buffers.values() { if let OpenedModelHandle::Open(buffer) = buffer { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade() { let channel_buffer =; let buffer = channel_buffer.buffer().read(cx); buffer_versions.push(proto::ChannelBufferVersion { channel_id: channel_buffer.channel_id.0, epoch: channel_buffer.epoch(), version: language::proto::serialize_version(&buffer.version()), }); } } } if buffer_versions.is_empty() { return Task::ready(Ok(())); } let response = self.client.request(proto::RejoinChannelBuffers { buffers: buffer_versions, }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut response = response.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.opened_buffers.retain(|_, buffer| match buffer { OpenedModelHandle::Open(channel_buffer) => { let Some(channel_buffer) = channel_buffer.upgrade() else { return false; }; channel_buffer.update(cx, |channel_buffer, cx| { let channel_id = channel_buffer.channel_id; if let Some(remote_buffer) = response .buffers .iter_mut() .find(|buffer| buffer.channel_id == channel_id.0) { let channel_id = channel_buffer.channel_id; let remote_version = language::proto::deserialize_version(&remote_buffer.version); channel_buffer.replace_collaborators( mem::take(&mut remote_buffer.collaborators), cx, ); let operations = channel_buffer .buffer() .update(cx, |buffer, cx| { let outgoing_operations = buffer.serialize_ops(Some(remote_version), cx); let incoming_operations = mem::take(&mut remote_buffer.operations) .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_operation) .collect::>>()?; buffer.apply_ops(incoming_operations, cx)?; anyhow::Ok(outgoing_operations) }) .log_err(); if let Some(operations) = operations { let client = this.client.clone(); cx.background_executor() .spawn(async move { let operations = operations.await; for chunk in language::proto::split_operations(operations) { client .send(proto::UpdateChannelBuffer { channel_id: channel_id.0, operations: chunk, }) .ok(); } }) .detach(); return true; } } channel_buffer.disconnect(cx); false }) } OpenedModelHandle::Loading(_) => true, }); }) .ok(); anyhow::Ok(()) }) } fn handle_disconnect(&mut self, wait_for_reconnect: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext) { cx.notify(); self.disconnect_channel_buffers_task.get_or_insert_with(|| { cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { if wait_for_reconnect { cx.background_executor().timer(RECONNECT_TIMEOUT).await; } if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { for (_, buffer) in this.opened_buffers.drain() { if let OpenedModelHandle::Open(buffer) = buffer { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade() { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.disconnect(cx)); } } } }) .ok(); } }) }); } pub(crate) fn update_channels( &mut self, payload: proto::UpdateChannels, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option>> { if !payload.remove_channel_invitations.is_empty() { self.channel_invitations .retain(|channel| !payload.remove_channel_invitations.contains(&; } for channel in payload.channel_invitations { match self .channel_invitations .binary_search_by_key(&, |c| { Ok(ix) => { Arc::make_mut(&mut self.channel_invitations[ix]).name = } Err(ix) => self.channel_invitations.insert( ix, Arc::new(Channel { id: ChannelId(, visibility: channel.visibility(), name:, parent_path: channel .parent_path .into_iter() .map(|cid| ChannelId(cid)) .collect(), }), ), } } let channels_changed = !payload.channels.is_empty() || !payload.delete_channels.is_empty() || !payload.latest_channel_message_ids.is_empty() || !payload.latest_channel_buffer_versions.is_empty() || !payload.hosted_projects.is_empty() || !payload.deleted_hosted_projects.is_empty() || !payload.dev_servers.is_empty() || !payload.deleted_dev_servers.is_empty() || !payload.remote_projects.is_empty() || !payload.deleted_remote_projects.is_empty(); if channels_changed { if !payload.delete_channels.is_empty() { let delete_channels: Vec = payload .delete_channels .into_iter() .map(|cid| ChannelId(cid)) .collect(); self.channel_index.delete_channels(&delete_channels); self.channel_participants .retain(|channel_id, _| !delete_channels.contains(&channel_id)); for channel_id in &delete_channels { let channel_id = *channel_id; if payload .channels .iter() .any(|channel| == channel_id.0) { continue; } if let Some(OpenedModelHandle::Open(buffer)) = self.opened_buffers.remove(&channel_id) { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade() { buffer.update(cx, ChannelBuffer::disconnect); } } } } let mut index = self.channel_index.bulk_insert(); for channel in payload.channels { let id = ChannelId(; let channel_changed = index.insert(channel); if channel_changed { if let Some(OpenedModelHandle::Open(buffer)) = self.opened_buffers.get(&id) { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade() { buffer.update(cx, ChannelBuffer::channel_changed); } } } } for latest_buffer_version in payload.latest_channel_buffer_versions { let version = language::proto::deserialize_version(&latest_buffer_version.version); self.channel_states .entry(ChannelId(latest_buffer_version.channel_id)) .or_default() .update_latest_notes_version(latest_buffer_version.epoch, &version) } for latest_channel_message in payload.latest_channel_message_ids { self.channel_states .entry(ChannelId(latest_channel_message.channel_id)) .or_default() .update_latest_message_id(latest_channel_message.message_id); } for hosted_project in payload.hosted_projects { let hosted_project: HostedProject = hosted_project.into(); if let Some(old_project) = self .hosted_projects .insert(hosted_project.project_id, hosted_project.clone()) { self.channel_states .entry(old_project.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_hosted_project(old_project.project_id); } self.channel_states .entry(hosted_project.channel_id) .or_default() .add_hosted_project(hosted_project.project_id); } for hosted_project_id in payload.deleted_hosted_projects { let hosted_project_id = ProjectId(hosted_project_id); if let Some(old_project) = self.hosted_projects.remove(&hosted_project_id) { self.channel_states .entry(old_project.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_hosted_project(old_project.project_id); } } for remote_project in payload.remote_projects { let remote_project: RemoteProject = remote_project.into(); if let Some(old_remote_project) = self .remote_projects .insert(, remote_project.clone()) { self.channel_states .entry(old_remote_project.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_remote_project(; } self.channel_states .entry(remote_project.channel_id) .or_default() .add_remote_project(; } for remote_project_id in payload.deleted_remote_projects { let remote_project_id = RemoteProjectId(remote_project_id); if let Some(old_project) = self.remote_projects.remove(&remote_project_id) { self.channel_states .entry(old_project.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_remote_project(; } } for dev_server in payload.dev_servers { let dev_server: DevServer = dev_server.into(); if let Some(old_server) = self.dev_servers.insert(, dev_server.clone()) { self.channel_states .entry(old_server.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_dev_server(; } self.channel_states .entry(dev_server.channel_id) .or_default() .add_dev_server(; } for dev_server_id in payload.deleted_dev_servers { let dev_server_id = DevServerId(dev_server_id); if let Some(old_server) = self.dev_servers.remove(&dev_server_id) { self.channel_states .entry(old_server.channel_id) .or_default() .remove_dev_server(; } } } cx.notify(); if payload.channel_participants.is_empty() { return None; } let mut all_user_ids = Vec::new(); let channel_participants = payload.channel_participants; for entry in &channel_participants { for user_id in entry.participant_user_ids.iter() { if let Err(ix) = all_user_ids.binary_search(user_id) { all_user_ids.insert(ix, *user_id); } } } let users = self .user_store .update(cx, |user_store, cx| user_store.get_users(all_user_ids, cx)); Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let users = users.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { for entry in &channel_participants { let mut participants: Vec<_> = entry .participant_user_ids .iter() .filter_map(|user_id| { users .binary_search_by_key(&user_id, |user| & .ok() .map(|ix| users[ix].clone()) }) .collect(); participants.sort_by_key(|u|; this.channel_participants .insert(ChannelId(entry.channel_id), participants); } cx.notify(); }) })) } } impl ChannelState { fn set_role(&mut self, role: ChannelRole) { self.role = Some(role); } fn has_channel_buffer_changed(&self) -> bool { self.latest_notes_version.epoch > self.observed_notes_version.epoch || (self.latest_notes_version.epoch == self.observed_notes_version.epoch && self .latest_notes_version .version .changed_since(&self.observed_notes_version.version)) } fn has_new_messages(&self) -> bool { let latest_message_id = self.latest_chat_message; let observed_message_id = self.observed_chat_message; latest_message_id.is_some_and(|latest_message_id| { latest_message_id > observed_message_id.unwrap_or_default() }) } fn last_acknowledged_message_id(&self) -> Option { self.observed_chat_message } fn acknowledge_message_id(&mut self, message_id: u64) { let observed = self.observed_chat_message.get_or_insert(message_id); *observed = (*observed).max(message_id); } fn update_latest_message_id(&mut self, message_id: u64) { self.latest_chat_message = Some(message_id.max(self.latest_chat_message.unwrap_or_default())); } fn acknowledge_notes_version(&mut self, epoch: u64, version: &clock::Global) { if self.observed_notes_version.epoch == epoch { self.observed_notes_version.version.join(version); } else { self.observed_notes_version = NotesVersion { epoch, version: version.clone(), }; } } fn update_latest_notes_version(&mut self, epoch: u64, version: &clock::Global) { if self.latest_notes_version.epoch == epoch { self.latest_notes_version.version.join(version); } else { self.latest_notes_version = NotesVersion { epoch, version: version.clone(), }; } } fn add_hosted_project(&mut self, project_id: ProjectId) { self.projects.insert(project_id); } fn remove_hosted_project(&mut self, project_id: ProjectId) { self.projects.remove(&project_id); } fn add_remote_project(&mut self, remote_project_id: RemoteProjectId) { self.remote_projects.insert(remote_project_id); } fn remove_remote_project(&mut self, remote_project_id: RemoteProjectId) { self.remote_projects.remove(&remote_project_id); } fn add_dev_server(&mut self, dev_server_id: DevServerId) { self.dev_servers.insert(dev_server_id); } fn remove_dev_server(&mut self, dev_server_id: DevServerId) { self.dev_servers.remove(&dev_server_id); } }