
25 lines
872 B

name: "Check formatting"
description: "Checks code formatting use cargo fmt"
using: "composite"
- name: Install Rust
shell: bash -euxo pipefail {0}
run: |
rustup set profile minimal
rustup update stable
rustup component add clippy
- name: cargo fmt
shell: bash -euxo pipefail {0}
run: cargo fmt --all -- --check
- name: cargo clippy
shell: bash -euxo pipefail {0}
# clippy.toml is not currently supporting specifying allowed lints
# so specify those here, and disable the rest until Zed's workspace
# will have more fixes & suppression for the standard lint set
run: |
cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -A clippy::all -D clippy::dbg_macro -D clippy::todo