Add more comments to syntax highlighter

This commit is contained in:
Zachary Yedidia 2016-03-28 11:24:46 -04:00
parent a6764a04bc
commit 8094ff70c7
4 changed files with 227 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ func (c *Cursor) GetVisualX() int {
// Display draws the cursor to the screen at the correct position
func (c *Cursor) Display() {
if c.y-c.v.topline < 0 || c.y-c.v.topline > c.v.height-1 {
// Don't draw the cursor if it is out of the viewport or if it has a selection
if (c.y-c.v.topline < 0 || c.y-c.v.topline > c.v.height-1) || c.HasSelection() {
} else {
screen.ShowCursor(c.GetVisualX()+c.v.lineNumOffset, c.y-c.v.topline)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
@ -49,6 +48,178 @@ func JoinRule(rule string) string {
return joined
// LoadSyntaxFile loads the specified syntax file
// A syntax file is a list of syntax rules, explaining how to color certain
// regular expressions
// Example: color comment "//.*"
// This would color all strings that match the regex "//.*" in the comment color defined
// by the colorscheme
func LoadSyntaxFile(filename string) {
text, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
TermMessage("Error loading syntax file " + filename + ": " + err.Error())
lines := strings.Split(string(text), "\n")
// Regex for parsing syntax statements
syntaxParser := regexp.MustCompile(`syntax "(.*?)"\s+"(.*)"+`)
// Regex for parsing header statements
headerParser := regexp.MustCompile(`header "(.*)"`)
// Regex for parsing standard syntax rules
ruleParser := regexp.MustCompile(`color (.*?)\s+(?:\((.*?)\)\s+)?"(.*)"`)
// Regex for parsing syntax rules with start="..." end="..."
ruleStartEndParser := regexp.MustCompile(`color (.*?)\s+(?:\((.*?)\)\s+)?start="(.*)"\s+end="(.*)"`)
var syntaxRegex *regexp.Regexp
var headerRegex *regexp.Regexp
var filetype string
var rules []SyntaxRule
for lineNum, line := range lines {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" ||
strings.TrimSpace(line)[0] == '#' {
// Ignore this line
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "syntax") {
// Syntax statement
syntaxMatches := syntaxParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(syntaxMatches) == 3 {
if syntaxRegex != nil {
// Add the current rules to the syntaxFiles variable
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = FileTypeRules{filetype, rules}
rules = rules[:0]
filetype = string(syntaxMatches[1])
extensions := JoinRule(string(syntaxMatches[2]))
syntaxRegex, err = regexp.Compile(extensions)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Syntax statement is not valid: "+line)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "header") {
// Header statement
headerMatches := headerParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(headerMatches) == 2 {
header := JoinRule(string(headerMatches[1]))
headerRegex, err = regexp.Compile(header)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Regex error: "+err.Error())
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Header statement is not valid: "+line)
} else {
// Syntax rule, but it could be standard or start-end
if ruleParser.MatchString(line) {
// Standard syntax rule
// Parse the line
submatch := ruleParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
var color string
var regexStr string
var flags string
if len(submatch) == 4 {
// If len is 4 then the user specified some additional flags to use
color = string(submatch[1])
flags = string(submatch[2])
regexStr = "(?" + flags + ")" + JoinRule(string(submatch[3]))
} else if len(submatch) == 3 {
// If len is 3, no additional flags were given
color = string(submatch[1])
regexStr = JoinRule(string(submatch[2]))
} else {
// If len is not 3 or 4 there is a problem
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Invalid statement: "+line)
// Compile the regex
regex, err := regexp.Compile(regexStr)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
// Get the style
// The user could give us a "color" that is really a part of the colorscheme
// in which case we should look that up in the colorscheme
// They can also just give us a straight up color
st := tcell.StyleDefault
if _, ok := colorscheme[color]; ok {
st = colorscheme[color]
} else {
st = StringToStyle(color)
// Add the regex, flags, and style
// False because this is not start-end
rules = append(rules, SyntaxRule{regex, flags, false, st})
} else if ruleStartEndParser.MatchString(line) {
// Start-end syntax rule
submatch := ruleStartEndParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
var color string
var start string
var end string
// Use m and s flags by default
flags := "ms"
if len(submatch) == 5 {
// If len is 5 the user provided some additional flags
color = string(submatch[1])
flags += string(submatch[2])
start = string(submatch[3])
end = string(submatch[4])
} else if len(submatch) == 4 {
// If len is 4 the user did not provide additional flags
color = string(submatch[1])
start = string(submatch[2])
end = string(submatch[3])
} else {
// If len is not 4 or 5 there is a problem
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Invalid statement: "+line)
// Compile the regex
regex, err := regexp.Compile("(?" + flags + ")" + "(" + start + ").*?(" + end + ")")
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
// Get the style
// The user could give us a "color" that is really a part of the colorscheme
// in which case we should look that up in the colorscheme
// They can also just give us a straight up color
st := tcell.StyleDefault
if _, ok := colorscheme[color]; ok {
st = colorscheme[color]
} else {
st = StringToStyle(color)
// Add the regex, flags, and style
// True because this is start-end
rules = append(rules, SyntaxRule{regex, flags, true, st})
if syntaxRegex != nil {
// Add the current rules to the syntaxFiles variable
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = FileTypeRules{filetype, rules}
// LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir loads the syntax files from a specified directory
// To load the syntax files, we must fill the `syntaxFiles` map
// This involves finding the regex for syntax and if it exists, the regex
@ -60,136 +231,7 @@ func LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir(dir string) {
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
for _, f := range files {
if filepath.Ext(f.Name()) == ".micro" {
text, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dir + "/" + f.Name())
filename := dir + "/" + f.Name()
if err != nil {
TermMessage("Error loading syntax files: " + err.Error())
lines := strings.Split(string(text), "\n")
syntaxParser := regexp.MustCompile(`syntax "(.*?)"\s+"(.*)"+`)
headerParser := regexp.MustCompile(`header "(.*)"`)
ruleParser := regexp.MustCompile(`color (.*?)\s+(?:\((.*?)\)\s+)?"(.*)"`)
ruleStartEndParser := regexp.MustCompile(`color (.*?)\s+(?:\((.*?)\)\s+)?start="(.*)"\s+end="(.*)"`)
var syntaxRegex *regexp.Regexp
var headerRegex *regexp.Regexp
var filetype string
var rules []SyntaxRule
for lineNum, line := range lines {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" ||
strings.TrimSpace(line)[0] == '#' {
// Ignore this line
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "syntax") {
syntaxMatches := syntaxParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(syntaxMatches) == 3 {
if syntaxRegex != nil {
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = FileTypeRules{filetype, rules}
rules = rules[:0]
filetype = string(syntaxMatches[1])
extensions := JoinRule(string(syntaxMatches[2]))
syntaxRegex, err = regexp.Compile(extensions)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Syntax statement is not valid: "+line)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "header") {
headerMatches := headerParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(headerMatches) == 2 {
header := JoinRule(string(headerMatches[1]))
headerRegex, err = regexp.Compile(header)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Regex error: "+err.Error())
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Header statement is not valid: "+line)
} else {
if ruleParser.MatchString(line) {
submatch := ruleParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
var color string
var regexStr string
var flags string
if len(submatch) == 4 {
color = string(submatch[1])
flags = string(submatch[2])
regexStr = "(?" + flags + ")" + JoinRule(string(submatch[3]))
} else if len(submatch) == 3 {
color = string(submatch[1])
regexStr = JoinRule(string(submatch[2]))
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Invalid statement: "+line)
regex, err := regexp.Compile(regexStr)
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
st := tcell.StyleDefault
if _, ok := colorscheme[color]; ok {
st = colorscheme[color]
} else {
st = StringToStyle(color)
rules = append(rules, SyntaxRule{regex, flags, false, st})
} else if ruleStartEndParser.MatchString(line) {
submatch := ruleStartEndParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
var color string
var start string
var end string
// Use m and s flags by default
flags := "ms"
if len(submatch) == 5 {
color = string(submatch[1])
flags += string(submatch[2])
start = string(submatch[3])
end = string(submatch[4])
} else if len(submatch) == 4 {
color = string(submatch[1])
start = string(submatch[2])
end = string(submatch[3])
} else {
TermError(filename, lineNum, "Invalid statement: "+line)
regex, err := regexp.Compile("(?" + flags + ")" + "(" + start + ").*?(" + end + ")")
if err != nil {
TermError(filename, lineNum, err.Error())
st := tcell.StyleDefault
if _, ok := colorscheme[color]; ok {
st = colorscheme[color]
} else {
st = StringToStyle(color)
rules = append(rules, SyntaxRule{regex, flags, true, st})
if syntaxRegex != nil {
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = FileTypeRules{filetype, rules}
LoadSyntaxFile(dir + "/" + f.Name())
@ -212,6 +254,8 @@ func GetRules(buf *Buffer) ([]SyntaxRule, string) {
type SyntaxMatches [][]tcell.Style
// Match takes a buffer and returns the syntax matches a map specifying how it should be syntax highlighted
// We need to check the start-end regexes for the entire buffer every time Match is called, but for the
// non start-end rules, we only have to update the updateLines provided by the view
func Match(v *View) SyntaxMatches {
buf := v.buf
rules := v.buf.rules
@ -222,13 +266,24 @@ func Match(v *View) SyntaxMatches {
viewEnd = len(buf.lines)
// updateStart := v.updateLines[0]
// updateEnd := v.updateLines[1]
// if updateEnd > len(buf.lines) {
// updateEnd = len(buf.lines)
// }
// if updateStart < 0 {
// updateStart = 0
// }
lines := buf.lines[viewStart:viewEnd]
// updateLines := buf.lines[updateStart:updateEnd]
matches := make(SyntaxMatches, len(lines))
for i, line := range lines {
matches[i] = make([]tcell.Style, len(line))
// We don't actually check the entire buffer, just from synLinesUp to synLinesDown
totalStart := v.topline - synLinesUp
totalEnd := v.topline + v.height + synLinesDown
if totalStart < 0 {
@ -249,17 +304,12 @@ func Match(v *View) SyntaxMatches {
value[0] += startNum
value[1] += startNum
for i := value[0]; i < value[1]; i++ {
colNum, lineNum := GetPos(startNum, totalStart, i, buf)
colNum, lineNum := FromCharPos(i, buf)
if lineNum == -1 || colNum == -1 {
lineNum -= viewStart
if lineNum >= 0 && lineNum < v.height {
if lineNum >= len(matches) {
messenger.Error("Line " + strconv.Itoa(lineNum))
} else if colNum >= len(matches[lineNum]) {
messenger.Error("Line " + strconv.Itoa(lineNum) + " Col " + strconv.Itoa(colNum) + " " + strconv.Itoa(len(matches[lineNum])))
matches[lineNum][colNum] =
@ -271,6 +321,7 @@ func Match(v *View) SyntaxMatches {
indicies := rule.regex.FindAllStringIndex(line, -1)
for _, value := range indicies {
for i := value[0]; i < value[1]; i++ {
// matches[lineN+updateStart][i] =
matches[lineN][i] =
@ -281,20 +332,3 @@ func Match(v *View) SyntaxMatches {
return matches
// GetPos returns an x, y position given a character location in the buffer
func GetPos(startLoc, startLine, loc int, buf *Buffer) (int, int) {
charNum := startLoc
x, y := 0, startLine
for i, line := range buf.lines {
if charNum+Count(line) > loc {
y = i
x = loc - charNum
return x, y
charNum += Count(line) + 1
return -1, -1

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func NewViewWidthHeight(buf *Buffer, w, h int) *View {
// UpdateLines sets the values for v.updateLines
func (v *View) UpdateLines(start, end int) {
v.updateLines[0] = start
v.updateLines[1] = end
v.updateLines[1] = end + 1
// Resize recalculates the actual width and height of the view from the width and height
@ -352,7 +352,9 @@ func (v *View) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
// Insert a newline, "\n")
v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y-1, v.cursor.y)
// Rehighlight the entire buffer
v.UpdateLines(v.topline, v.topline+v.height)
// v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y-1, v.cursor.y)
case tcell.KeySpace:
// Insert a space, " ")
@ -377,7 +379,9 @@ func (v *View) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
loc := v.cursor.Loc(), loc)
v.cursor.x, v.cursor.y = cx, cy
v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y, v.cursor.y+1)
// Rehighlight the entire buffer
v.UpdateLines(v.topline, v.topline+v.height)
// v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y, v.cursor.y+1)
case tcell.KeyTab:
// Insert a tab
@ -429,10 +433,13 @@ func (v *View) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
if v.cursor.HasSelection() {
// Rehighlight the entire buffer
v.UpdateLines(v.topline, v.topline+v.height)
} else {
v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y, v.cursor.y)
}, string(e.Rune()))
v.UpdateLines(v.cursor.y, v.cursor.y)
case *tcell.EventMouse:
x, y := e.Position()
@ -515,11 +522,15 @@ func (v *View) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
// We don't want to relocate if the user is scrolling
relocate = false
// Rehighlight the entire buffer
v.UpdateLines(v.topline, v.topline+v.height)
case tcell.WheelDown:
// Scroll down two lines
// We don't want to relocate if the user is scrolling
relocate = false
// Rehighlight the entire buffer
v.UpdateLines(v.topline, v.topline+v.height)
@ -532,7 +543,18 @@ func (v *View) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
// DisplayView renders the view to the screen
func (v *View) DisplayView() {
matches := make(SyntaxMatches, len(v.matches))
// matches := make(SyntaxMatches, len(v.buf.lines))
// viewStart := v.topline
// viewEnd := v.topline + v.height
// if viewEnd > len(v.buf.lines) {
// viewEnd = len(v.buf.lines)
// }
// lines := v.buf.lines[viewStart:viewEnd]
// for i, line := range lines {
// matches[i] = make([]tcell.Style, len(line))
// }
// The character number of the character in the top left of the screen
charNum := ToCharPos(0, v.topline, v.buf)
@ -579,7 +601,14 @@ func (v *View) DisplayView() {
for colN, ch := range line {
var lineStyle tcell.Style
// Does the current character need to be syntax highlighted?
// if lineN >= v.updateLines[0] && lineN < v.updateLines[1] {
highlightStyle = v.matches[lineN][colN]
// } else if lineN < len(v.lastMatches) && colN < len(v.lastMatches[lineN]) {
// highlightStyle = v.lastMatches[lineN][colN]
// } else {
// highlightStyle = tcell.StyleDefault
// }
if v.cursor.HasSelection() &&
(charNum >= v.cursor.curSelection[0] && charNum <= v.cursor.curSelection[1] ||
@ -593,6 +622,7 @@ func (v *View) DisplayView() {
} else {
lineStyle = highlightStyle
// matches[lineN][colN] = highlightStyle
if ch == '\t' {
screen.SetContent(x+tabchars, lineN, ' ', nil, lineStyle)
@ -625,8 +655,7 @@ func (v *View) DisplayView() {
v.lastMatches = matches
// v.lastMatches = matches
// Display renders the view, the cursor, and statusline

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
- [x] Syntax highlighting
- [x] Use nano-like syntax files (
- [ ] Optimization
- [x] Undo/redo
- [x] Undo/redo stack