2023-09-11 18:02:20 -04:00

312 lines
14 KiB

from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, Protocol
import pytest
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.pilot import Pilot
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Input
# When tests are run, paint.py is re-evaluated,
# leading to a different class of the same name at runtime.
from textual_paint.paint import PaintApp
class SnapCompareType(Protocol):
"""Type of the function returned by the snap_compare fixture."""
def __call__(
app_path: str | PurePath,
press: Iterable[str] = (),
terminal_size: tuple[int, int] = (80, 24),
run_before: Callable[[Pilot], Awaitable[None] | None] | None = None, # type: ignore
) -> bool:
# These paths are treated as relative to this file.
APPS_DIR = Path("../src/textual_paint")
PAINT = APPS_DIR / "paint.py"
GALLERY = APPS_DIR / "gallery.py"
LARGER = (81, 38)
"""Large enough to show the Textual Paint app's main UI and most dialogs comfortably."""
LARGEST = (107, 42)
"""Large enough to show the Edit Colors dialog, which is a bit oversized."""
# Prevent flaky tests due to timing issues.
Input.cursor_blink = False # type: ignore
# paint.DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME = 20.0 # seconds; ridiculously high; probably ineffective since paint.py is re-evaluated for each test
{"theme": "light", "ascii_only": False},
{"theme": "dark", "ascii_only": False},
{"theme": "light", "ascii_only": True},
{"theme": "dark", "ascii_only": True},
], ids=lambda param: f"{param['theme']}_{'ascii' if param['ascii_only'] else 'unicode'}")
def each_theme(request: pytest.FixtureRequest):
"""Fixture to test each combination of UI styles."""
theme = request.param.get("theme")
ascii_only = request.param.get("ascii_only")
# os.environ["PYTEST_TEXTUAL_PAINT_ARGS"] = f"--theme {theme}" + (" --ascii-only" if ascii_only else "")
from textual_paint.args import args
args.theme = theme
args.ascii_only = ascii_only
# del os.environ["PYTEST_TEXTUAL_PAINT_ARGS"]
args.theme = "light"
args.ascii_only = False
def test_paint_app(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_stretch_skew_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+w"])
def test_paint_flip_rotate_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+r"])
def test_paint_image_attributes_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+e"])
def test_paint_open_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+o"], terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_save_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+s"], terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_help_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["f1"], terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_view_bitmap(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+f"])
def test_paint_invert_and_exit(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
assert snap_compare(PAINT, press=["ctrl+i", "ctrl+q"])
def test_swap_selected_colors(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
async def swap_selected_colors(pilot: Pilot[None]):
await pilot.click("CharInput", control=True)
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=swap_selected_colors)
def test_paint_character_picker_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def open_character_picker(pilot: Pilot[None]):
# app.dark = True caused it to fail to open the dialog in the dark theme,
# due to `self.call_later(self.refresh_css)` in `watch_dark` in `App`
# (verified by replacing `app.dark = args.theme == "dark"` with `app.call_later(app.refresh_css)`)
# Adding a delay works around this.
await pilot.pause(1.0)
await pilot.click("CharInput")
await pilot.click("CharInput")
assert pilot.app.query_one("CharacterSelectorDialogWindow")
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=open_character_picker, terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_edit_colors_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def open_edit_colors(pilot: Pilot[None]):
await pilot.pause(1.0) # see comment in test_paint_character_picker_dialog
pilot.app.query("ColorsBox Button")[0].id = "a_color_button"
await pilot.click("#a_color_button")
await pilot.click("#a_color_button")
assert pilot.app.query_one("EditColorsDialogWindow")
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=open_edit_colors, terminal_size=LARGEST)
def test_paint_expand_canvas_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def paste_large_content(pilot: Pilot[None]):
# Will be a different class at runtime, per test, due to re-evaluating the module.
assert isinstance(pilot.app, PaintApp)
pilot.app.paste("a" * 1000)
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=paste_large_content, terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_paint_error_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def show_error(pilot: Pilot[None]):
# Will be a different class at runtime, per test, due to re-evaluating the module.
assert isinstance(pilot.app, PaintApp)
pilot.app.message_box("EMIT", "Error Message Itself Test", "ok", error=Exception("Error Message Itself Test"))
assert pilot.app.query_one("MessageBox")
await pilot.pause(1.0)
assert pilot.app.query_one("MessageBox .details_button")
# pilot.app.query_one("MessageBox .details_button", Button).press()
await pilot.click("MessageBox .details_button")
await pilot.pause(0.5) # avoid pressed state
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=show_error)
def test_paint_custom_zoom_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def show_custom_zoom(pilot: Pilot[None]):
# Will be a different class at runtime, per test, due to re-evaluating the module.
assert isinstance(pilot.app, PaintApp)
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=show_custom_zoom)
def test_paint_about_paint_dialog(snap_compare: SnapCompareType, each_theme: None):
async def show_about_paint(pilot: Pilot[None]):
# Will be a different class at runtime, per test, due to re-evaluating the module.
assert isinstance(pilot.app, PaintApp)
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=show_about_paint)
def test_paint_polygon_tool(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
async def draw_polygon(pilot: Pilot[None]):
tool_buttons = pilot.app.query("ToolsBox Button")
color_buttons = pilot.app.query("ColorsBox Button")
for button in tool_buttons:
if button.tooltip == "Polygon":
polygon_tool_button = button
raise Exception("Couldn't find Polygon tool button")
async def clickity(button: Widget) -> None:
await pilot.click(".to_click")
await pilot.pause(1.0) # for good luck
await clickity(polygon_tool_button)
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(2, 2))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(2, 20))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(30, 20))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(30, 2))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(2, 2)) # end by clicking on the start point
await clickity(color_buttons[16]) # red
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(10, 5))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(10, 9))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(10, 9))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(1, 5))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(1, 5)) # end by double clicking
await clickity(color_buttons[17]) # yellow
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(10, 13))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(15, 13))
await pilot.click("Canvas", offset=Offset(12, 16)) # don't end, leave as polyline
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=draw_polygon, terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_text_tool_wrapping(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
async def automate_app(pilot: Pilot[None]):
async def click_by_index(selector: str, index: int) -> None:
"""Click on widget, query disambiguated by index."""
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[index]
await pilot.click('.pilot-click-target')
async def drag(selector: str, offsets: list[Offset], shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Drag across the given points."""
from textual.pilot import _get_mouse_message_arguments
from textual.events import MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
target_widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[0]
offset = offsets[0]
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
await pilot.pause(0.1)
for offset in offsets[1:]:
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
await pilot.pause()
await pilot.pause(0.1)
# pilot.app.post_message(Click(**message_arguments))
# await pilot.pause(0.1)
await click_by_index('#tools_box Button', 9)
await drag('#canvas', [Offset(x=5, y=8), Offset(x=24, y=16)])
for key in ('T', 'e', 'x', 't', 'space', 'T', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'space', 'T', 'e', 's', 't', 'space', 'left_parenthesis', 'T', 'T', 'T', 'right_parenthesis', 'n', 'e', 'w', 'space', 'l', 'i', 'n', 'e', 'space', 's', 't', 'a', 'r', 't', 's', 'space', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'n', 'd', 'space', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e', 'space', 'a', 'u', 't', 'o', 'm', 'a', 't', 'i', 'c', 'a', 'l', 'hyphen', 'l', 'y'):
await pilot.press(key)
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=automate_app, terminal_size=LARGER)
def test_text_tool_cursor_keys_and_color(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
async def automate_app(pilot: Pilot[None]):
async def click_by_index(selector: str, index: int) -> None:
"""Click on widget, query disambiguated by index"""
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[index]
await pilot.click('.pilot-click-target')
async def drag(selector: str, offsets: list[Offset], shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Drag across the given points."""
from textual.pilot import _get_mouse_message_arguments
from textual.events import MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
target_widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[0]
offset = offsets[0]
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
await pilot.pause(0.1)
for offset in offsets[1:]:
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
await pilot.pause()
await pilot.pause(0.1)
# pilot.app.post_message(Click(**message_arguments))
# await pilot.pause(0.1)
await click_by_index('#tools_box Button', 9)
await drag('#canvas', [Offset(x=8, y=5), Offset(x=8, y=5), Offset(x=9, y=5), Offset(x=9, y=6), Offset(x=10, y=6), Offset(x=11, y=7), Offset(x=12, y=7), Offset(x=13, y=7), Offset(x=13, y=8), Offset(x=14, y=8), Offset(x=14, y=9), Offset(x=15, y=9), Offset(x=16, y=9), Offset(x=17, y=10), Offset(x=18, y=10), Offset(x=19, y=10), Offset(x=20, y=10), Offset(x=21, y=10), Offset(x=21, y=10)])
await pilot.press('s')
await pilot.press('end')
await pilot.press('pagedown')
await pilot.press('1')
await pilot.press('home')
await pilot.press('2')
await pilot.press('pageup')
await pilot.press('3')
await pilot.press('end')
await pilot.press('4')
await pilot.press('pageup')
await pilot.press('home')
await pilot.press('right')
await pilot.press('right')
await pilot.press('c')
await pilot.press('r')
await pilot.press('e')
await pilot.press('t')
await pilot.press('backspace')
await pilot.press('backspace')
await pilot.press('backspace')
await pilot.press('backspace')
await pilot.press('v')
await pilot.press('3')
await pilot.press('n')
await pilot.click('#canvas', offset=Offset(9, 10))
await pilot.press('e')
await pilot.press('v')
await pilot.press('e')
await pilot.press('n')
await click_by_index('#available_colors Button', 9)
await click_by_index('#available_colors Button', 18)
assert snap_compare(APP_PATH, run_before=automate_app, terminal_size=(123, 56))
def test_gallery_app(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
assert snap_compare(GALLERY)