2021-09-27 14:25:35 -07:00

18 KiB

Leo RFC 012: Improved Record and Transaction Model


The Aleo Team.




This RFC describes an improved model for how Leo programs interact with the Aleo blockchain. The description is oriented to the Leo developer: it does not describe the zero-knowledge details, as the whole purpose of Leo is to enable developers to write applications with only a very high-level understanding of zero-knowledge.


While Leo can be described as a regular programming language (albeit with certain non-standard restrictions motivated by its compilation to zero-knowledge circuits), its purpose is to build applications for the Aleo blockchain. It is thus important to describe precisely how Leo programs operate in the Aleo blockchain.



The Aleo blockchain follows the Zexe model, with some variations. It is thus useful to briefly review some aspects of Zexe first.

In Zexe, there are records that contain application-specific data, and transactions that consume n old records and produce m new records. The computation of the new records from the old records is arbitrary and unknown to the blockchain; the blockchain only enforces that the old records satisfy known death predicates and that the new records satisfy known birth predicates. See the Zexe paper for details.

Aleo Blockchain

In the Aleo blockchain, a transaction always consumes 2 old records and produces 2 new records. That is, n = 2 and m = 2 with respect to the Zexe model. Other choices are possible, and may be supported in the future; the current choice of 2 old and 2 new records is motivated by being the minimum to represent certain computations of interest, such as token exchanges, which may involve records owned by different parties (and therefore need to consume more than one record, since each record has a unique owner).

One or both of the old records may be dummy, if only one old actual record is desired, or if new records are created "from nothing". One or both of the new records may be dummy, if only one new actual record is desired, or if old records just have to be consumed.

Aleo records and transactions have a well-defined structure. They are ordered collections of typed slots. Of particular interest is the payload slot, which contains a fixed number of bytes (currently 128) to store application-specific data. (Note that the developer documentation is out of date at the time of this writing.)

In the Aleo blockchain, unlike Zexe, there is no separation among computation of new records from old records, death predicates, and birth predicates. Instead, a Leo program plays the role of all three, as described below.

Current Leo Program Execution Model

A Leo program is a collection of files, with file as defined in the ABNF grammar, i.e. as a sequence of declarations. A Leo program has one main file, which may contain import declarations, which resolve to other files, which may in turn contain import declarations, and so on until a closed set of files is obtained: that (linked) set of files is the program.

In order to be used in the Aleo blockchain, a Leo program must include a function called main, in its aforementioned main file. The processing of a transaction corresponds to an invocation of this main function. The word 'corresponds' in the preceding sentence is important: unlike other blockchains like Ethereum, the processing of the transaction does not involve executing the Leo code; rather, it involves checking a zero-knowledge proof of the execution of the Leo program, which was prepared when the Leo program was compiled. This is what 'corresponds' means, in that sentence. However, for the high-level purpose of this RFC, these are zero-knowledge details.

In general, the main function takes some const and some non-const inputs (declared as parameters), and returns an output (declared as a return type), which may be a tuple to represent "multiple" outputs. The const inputs are compiled into the zero-knowledge circuit, so they can be ignored for our purpose here, leaving only the non-const inputs and the output for consideration.

The execution of main can be described as a mathematical function

main : Record x Record x Inputs -> Record x Record x Output

where x is cartesian product, Record is the set of possible records, Inputs is the set of possible inputs to main, and Output is the set of possible outputs from main. (These sets can be thought as "types", but mathematically we talk about sets.) That is, this mathematical function takes three inputs (the two old records and the main inputs) and returns three outputs (the two new records and the main output). While Record is fixed, i.e. it is the same for all Leo programs, both Inputs and Output differ based on the Leo input and output types of main.

In the Leo code, in main or in functions called by main, the values in Inputs are accessed via the main parameters, while the old records are accessed via the special input variable, which provides access to the two old records and their slots, including the payloads that contain application-specific data. The picture for new records and values in Output is less clear from the documentation: experimentation suggests that the new records are obtained by serializing the output value in Output (which, recall, may be a tuple).

It is important to note that the values in Inputs do not come from the two old records. Rather, they are private inputs, supplied by the developer when they compile the Leo program and generate the zero-knowledge proof. Indeed, as mentioned above, the processing of the transaction in the blockchain does not execute the Leo code, and thus does not need to know the values in Inputs. Rather, the blockchain has to verify a zero-knowledge proof asserting that there exist values in Input, known to the creator of the transaction, such that the execution of the Leo program's main on those values and on the old records yields the new records, along with some value in Output; this is, roughly speaking, the assertion proved in zero-knowledge.

Input and Output Files

Currently the compilation of a Leo program involves:

  1. A .in file, containing const and non-const inputs.
  2. A .state file, containing transaction data.
  3. A .out file, containing results.

The compilation takes the first two files as inputs and returns the third file as output.


Multiple Entry Points

We propose to generalize from one entry point (i.e. the main function) to multiple entry points, in line with the smart contract paradigm.

Instead of implicitly designating main as the only entry point, we need a mechanism to explicitly designate one or more Leo functions as entry points.

A simple approach could be to use an annotation like @entrypoint to designate entry point functions:

function mint(...) -> ... { ... }

function transfer(...) -> ... { ... }

This has a precedent, in the use of @test to designate Leo test functions that are not compiled to circuits.

Another approach is to use a keyword, e.g.

entrypoint function mint(...) -> ... { ... }

entrypoint function transfer(...) -> ... { ... }

Yet another approach is to group entrypoint functions inside a new block construct, e.g.

entrypoint {

    function mint(...) -> ... { ... }

    function transfer(...) -> ... { ... }

In the rest of this design section we assume the annotation approach (i.e. @entrypoint) for concreteness, but that can be replaced as soon as we converge on a choice.

Types for Transaction Inputs and Outputs

We propose to add types for transaction inputs and outputs to the Leo standard library, and possibly include them in the prelude that is implicitly imported by every Leo program.

Given that records have a fixed structure with typed slots, their format could be described by a Leo circuit type, e.g. called Record, whose member variables correspond to the slots. The types of the slots are fairly low-level, i.e. byte arrays (e.g. u8[128] for the payload) and unsigned integers (e.g. u64 for the balance), because they must have a clear correspondence with the serialized form of records. This means that the Leo code may have to do its own deserialization of the payload bytes into higher-level Leo values; standard serialization/deserialization libraries for Leo types may be provided for this, as an independent and more generally useful feature.

Given that a transaction input consists of two records and possibly additional information, it makes sense to also have a circuit type TransactionInput, which includes two Record slots and possibly additional slots.

Additionally, it makes sense to have a circuit type TransactionOutput that describes the output data of a transaction that is produced by the Leo program. This could also include two Record slots for the new records, or possibly "subsets" of records if the values of some record slots are calculated not by the Leo program but instead by the Leo CLI (i.e. build process).

All these types should be documented, as part of the standard library. We will need to flesh out their exact definition, but we note that this is fairly easy to change when it is in the standard library.

Entry Point Input and Output Types

We propose that each entry point function of a Leo program explicitly produce transaction outputs from transaction inputs by taking a TransactionInput input and returning a TransactionOutput output:

function ...(input: TransactionInput, ...) -> TransactionOutput { ... }

This way, the calculation of transaction outputs from transaction inputs is made functional and explicit.

As special cases (both of which may apply to the same entry point):

  1. We could allow the TransactionInput input to be absent, when an entry point does not need access the transaction input data, e.g. when producing new records without consuming old records.
  2. We could allow the function output to be () instead of TransactionOutput, when an entry point does not need to produce transaction outputs, e.g. when consuming old records without producing new records.

Compared to the current Leo program execution model (described earlier in the background section), input is made an explicit input here, instead of being like a built-in global variable. Furthermore, the output type is restricted to be TransactionOutput (or ()), thus eliminating the implicit serialization and the asymmetry with the treatment of transaction inputs. There is still no restriction on the non-TransactionInput inputs of an entry point function; as noted earlier, they are existentially quantified in the zero-knowledge assertion.

Thus, a Leo program entry point can be now described as a mathematical function

entrypoint : Record x Record x Inputs -> Record x Record

where Output is no longer present. (If TransactionInput includes additional data, besides the two old records, that may affect the transaction output, then we would need to add that to this mathematical model; however, the model above is sufficiently accurate for the current discussion.)

We may require the TransactionInput input of an entry point function, if present, to be the first input of the function, for clarity and readability. A question is whether we should extend that requirement to non-entry-point functions that may be passed TransactionInput values. We note that none of these restrictions are necessary, though. A necessary restriction is that each entry point function takes at most one TransactionInput input.

We may require the TransactionInput input of an entry point function, if present, to be called input, or some other predefined name. However, this is not a necessary restriction, and we may decide to demote that to a convention rather than a requirement. (Currently input is a keyword and its own kind of Leo expression, which slightly complicates the language.)

Access to Transaction Input and Output Types

Currently the member variables of Leo circuit types are always accessible for both reading and writing. It is thus possible for a Leo program to read from the member variables of TransactionInput and to write to the member variables of TransactionOutput. Therefore, for an initial implementation, it suffices for these two circuit types to provide member variables for the needed slots.

We might want the member variables of TransactionInput to be read-only. This is not necessary for the transaction model to work: so long as TransactionInput is properly initialized before calling the entry point, and that after the call the resulting TransactionOutput is used to create the transaction, there is no harm in the Leo program to modify the copy of TransactionInput passed to the program. Nonetheless, we may want to enforce this restriction to encourage good coding practices (unless we find a use case to the contrary).

There is currently no mechanism in Leo to enforce that. Designating the transaction input as const is not right, as that designation normally means that the value is compiled into the circuit.

We could provide read-only access via member function (e.g. payload(), balance()), but we still have to prohibit assignments to member variables (which is currently allowed on any circuit type). As an orthogonal and more generally useful feature, we could consider adding public/private access designations to Leo circuit members. Another approach is to avoid exposing the member variables, and just make the member functions available via an implicit import declaration. All of this needs to be thought through more carefully, in the broader context of the Leo language design.

If TransactionInput has member functions, it may also be useful for TransactionOutput to have member functions, presumably to create new instances and to set values of member variables.

A somewhat related consideration is whether it should be allowed to make copies of the TransactionInput value passed to an entry point function. There is no harm in doing that: the model still works, as explained above. (Since a TransactionInput is a relatively large structure, there may be harm consisting in creating a relatively large number of R1CS constraints, but that may happen with user-defined types too, and is a separable problem.) Nonetheless, we may want to enforce a discipline of single-threadedness, which could also allow us to treat transaction input as an immutable reference behind the scenes, thus reducing the number of R1CS constraints.

Analogous considerations apply to TransactionOutput, namely whether it should be treated in a single-threaded way, i.e. effectively as a built-in global variable, which could enable compiler optimizations.

Input and Output Files

According to the new model proposed above, we should have just two files involved in the Leo compilation process:

  1. A .in file, from which the TransactionInput value is produced.
  2. A .out file, produced from the TransactionOutput returned by the program.

There seems to be no longer a need for a .state file and for explicit registers.


The 'Design' section above still outlines certain alternatives to consider. Once we make some specific choices, we can move the other options to this section.

Built-in Global Variable for Transaction Input

Instead of having explicit TransactionInput inputs in entry point functions, we could maintain the current approach of viewing input as a built-in global variable, of type TransactionInput. Everything else would be the same, except that input would be implicitly available.

An advantage is that single-threadedness would be immediately guaranteed, if we wanted to enforced that as discussed above.

On the other hand, explicating transaction inputs as entry point inputs makes the code more functional and simplifies certain aspects of the Leo compiler.

Built-in Global Variable for Transaction Output

Instead of having explicit TransactionOutput outputs in entry point functions, we could introduce a built-in output global variable, of type TransactionOutput.

This has similar advantages and disadvantages to the ones discussed above for input as a built-in global variable.

In any case, we may want this output global variable alternative to go hand-in-hand with the input global variable alternative. That is, we either adopt both or none. The current treatment in Leo is asymmetric in this respect.

Implicit Serialization of Output Values

Instead of having an explicit TransactionOutput type whose values describe exactly the output data for a transaction, we could keep something like the current model, in which an entry point function may return values of arbitrary types, which are implicitly serialized into output records.

This may be a bit simpler for the beginning developer, but it also introduces less control on the output data. Futhermore, given that records have payloads of limited size, it is not difficult to write a program that attempts to produce too much data.

In any case, if we were to go this route, there would be an asymmetry with the treatment of transaction inputs, unless we also allow input (by this we mean the value passed to an entry point function with the transaction inputs) to consist of arbitrary Leo types (subject to serialization size limitations). Note that this requires the Leo type of input to potentially vary across different programs (which appears to be the case in current Leo), which is more complicated than having some fixed types in the standard library.

All in all, it seems that having TransactionInput and TransactionOutput types provides more explicit control. Furthermore, in the future the Leo standard library could provide serialization and deserialization tools that will make it easy to map between record slots and higher-level Leo types.