Fixes related to environments and lookups

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-08-31 16:54:45 +02:00
parent 8278bb8c5d
commit 544e18e110
11 changed files with 131 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -62,12 +62,14 @@ let scope ctx env scope =
{ scope with scope_defs; scope_assertions }
let program prg =
(* Caution: this environment building code is very similar to that in
scopelang/ Any edits should probably be reflected. *)
let base_typing_env prg =
let env = Typing.Env.empty prg.program_ctx in
let env =
(fun name (_e, ty) env -> Typing.Env.add_toplevel_var name ty env)
(Typing.Env.empty prg.program_ctx)
prg.program_topdefs env
let env =

View File

@ -524,6 +524,18 @@ let process_enum_decl (ctxt : context) (edecl : Surface.Ast.enum_decl) : context
ctxt edecl.enum_decl_cases
let process_topdef ctxt def =
let uid =
Ident.Map.find (Mark.remove def.Surface.Ast.topdef_name) ctxt.topdefs
ctxt with
topdef_types =
TopdefName.Map.add uid
(process_type ctxt def.Surface.Ast.topdef_type)
(** Process an item declaration *)
let process_item_decl
(scope : ScopeName.t)
@ -698,14 +710,7 @@ let process_name_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) :
"toplevel definition")
(Ident.Map.find_opt name ctxt.topdefs);
let uid = TopdefName.fresh ctxt.path def.topdef_name in
ctxt with
topdefs = Ident.Map.add name uid ctxt.topdefs;
topdef_types =
TopdefName.Map.add uid
(process_type ctxt def.topdef_type)
{ ctxt with topdefs = Ident.Map.add name uid ctxt.topdefs }
(** Process a code item that is a declaration *)
let process_decl_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) :
@ -715,7 +720,7 @@ let process_decl_item (ctxt : context) (item : Surface.Ast.code_item Mark.pos) :
| StructDecl sdecl -> process_struct_decl ctxt sdecl
| EnumDecl edecl -> process_enum_decl ctxt edecl
| ScopeUse _ -> ctxt
| Topdef _ -> ctxt
| Topdef def -> process_topdef ctxt def
(** Process a code block *)
let process_code_block

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@ -70,21 +70,23 @@ let type_rule decl_ctx env = function
Call (sc_name, ssc_name, Typed { pos; ty = Mark.add pos TAny })
let type_program (prg : 'm program) : typed program =
(* Caution: this environment building code is very similar to that in
desugared/ Any edits should probably be reflected. *)
let base_typing_env prg =
let typing_env = Typing.Env.empty prg.program_ctx in
let typing_env =
let env = Typing.Env.empty prg.program_ctx in
let env =
(fun name (_, ty) -> Typing.Env.add_toplevel_var name ty)
prg.program_topdefs typing_env
(fun name ty env -> Typing.Env.add_toplevel_var name ty env)
prg.program_ctx.ctx_topdefs env
let typing_env =
let env =
(fun scope_name scope_decl ->
(fun scope_name scope_decl env ->
let vars = fst (Mark.remove scope_decl).scope_sig in
Typing.Env.add_scope scope_name ~vars)
prg.program_scopes typing_env
Typing.Env.add_scope scope_name ~vars env)
prg.program_scopes env
let rec build_typing_env prg =
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ let type_program (prg : 'm program) : typed program =
Typing.Env.add_module modname ~module_env:(build_typing_env prg))
prg.program_modules (base_typing_env prg)
let typing_env =
let env =
(fun modname prg ->
Typing.Env.add_module modname ~module_env:(build_typing_env prg))
@ -102,22 +104,21 @@ let type_program (prg : 'm program) : typed program =
(fun (expr, typ) ->
( Expr.unbox
(Typing.expr prg.program_ctx ~leave_unresolved:false ~env:typing_env
~typ expr),
(Typing.expr prg.program_ctx ~leave_unresolved:false ~env ~typ expr),
typ ))
let program_scopes =
( (fun scope_decl ->
let typing_env =
let env =
(fun svar (typ, _) env -> Typing.Env.add_scope_var svar typ env)
scope_decl.scope_sig typing_env
scope_decl.scope_sig env
let scope_decl_rules =
(type_rule prg.program_ctx typing_env)
(type_rule prg.program_ctx env)
{ scope_decl with scope_decl_rules }))

View File

@ -83,9 +83,11 @@ let rec expr_used_defs e =
match e with
| ELocation (ToplevelVar { name = v, pos }), _ ->
VMap.singleton (Topdef v) pos
if TopdefName.path v <> [] then VMap.empty
else VMap.singleton (Topdef v) pos
| (EScopeCall { scope; _ }, m) as e ->
VMap.add (Scope scope) (Expr.mark_pos m) (recurse_subterms e)
if ScopeName.path scope <> [] then VMap.empty
else VMap.add (Scope scope) (Expr.mark_pos m) (recurse_subterms e)
| EAbs { binder; _ }, _ ->
let _, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
expr_used_defs body

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@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ let translate_program
(translate_scope_interface ctx)
program_ctx = ModuleName.Map.find modname program_ctx.ctx_modules;
program_modules =
(ModuleName.Map.find modname program_ctx.ctx_modules)

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@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ module Env = struct
modules : 'e t A.ModuleName.Map.t;
let rec empty (decl_ctx : A.decl_ctx) =
let empty (decl_ctx : A.decl_ctx) =
(* We fill the environment initially with the structs and enums
declarations *)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ module Env = struct
scope_vars = A.ScopeVar.Map.empty;
scopes = A.ScopeName.Map.empty;
toplevel_vars = A.TopdefName.Map.empty;
modules = empty decl_ctx.A.ctx_modules;
modules = A.ModuleName.Map.empty;
let get t v = Var.Map.find_opt v t.vars
@ -368,6 +368,26 @@ module Env = struct
(A.ScopeName.Map.find scope_name t.scopes)
{ t with scope_vars }
let rec dump ppf env =
let pp_sep = Format.pp_print_space in
Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
(* Format.fprintf ppf "structs: @[<hov>%a@]@,"
* (A.StructName.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep) env.structs;
* Format.fprintf ppf "enums: @[<hov>%a@]@,"
* (A.EnumName.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep) env.enums;
* Format.fprintf ppf "vars: @[<hov>%a@]@,"
* (Var.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep) env.vars; *)
Format.fprintf ppf "scopes: @[<hov>%a@]@,"
(A.ScopeName.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep)
Format.fprintf ppf "topdefs: @[<hov>%a@]@,"
(A.TopdefName.Map.format_keys ~pp_sep)
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>modules:@ %a@]"
(A.ModuleName.Map.format dump)
Format.pp_close_box ppf ()
let add_pos e ty = Mark.add (Expr.pos e) ty

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@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ module Env : sig
val add_module : ModuleName.t -> module_env:'e t -> 'e t -> 'e t
val module_env : Uid.Path.t -> 'e t -> 'e t
val open_scope : ScopeName.t -> 'e t -> 'e t
val dump : Format.formatter -> 'e t -> unit
(** For debug purposes *)
(** In the following functions, the [~leave_unresolved] labeled parameter

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@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ module Map = struct
let fold f m acc = fold (fun v x acc -> f (get v) x acc) m acc
let keys m = keys m |> get
let values m = values m
let format_keys ?pp_sep m = format_keys ?pp_sep m
(* Add more as needed *)

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@ -76,4 +76,10 @@ module Map : sig
val fold : ('e var -> 'x -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> ('e, 'x) t -> 'acc -> 'acc
val keys : ('e, 'x) t -> 'e var list
val values : ('e, 'x) t -> 'x list
val format_keys :
?pp_sep:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
('e, 'x) t ->

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@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ declaration enumeration Enum1:
declaration scope S:
output sr content money
output e1 content Enum1
declaration half content decimal
depends on x content integer
equals x / 2

View File

@ -7,20 +7,71 @@ declaration scope T2:
output o1 content Mod_def.Enum1
output o2 content Mod_def.Enum1
output o3 content money
output o4 content decimal
scope T2:
definition o1 equals Mod_def.Enum1.No
definition o2 equals t1.e1
definition o3 equals
definition o4 equals Mod_def.half of 10
assertion o1 = Mod_def.Enum1.No
assertion o2 = Mod_def.Enum1.Maybe
assertion o3 = $1000
assertion o4 = 5.0
$ catala interpret -s T2 --disable_warnings --use mod_def.catala_en
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] o1 = No ()
[RESULT] o2 = Maybe ()
[RESULT] o3 = $1,000.00
$ catala interpret -s T2 --disable_warnings --use mod_def.catala_en --debug
[DEBUG] Loading shared modules...
[DEBUG] Collecting rules...
[DEBUG] Reading files...
[DEBUG] Parsing mod_use.catala_en
[DEBUG] Parsing mod_def.catala_en
[DEBUG] Name resolution...
[DEBUG] Desugaring...
[DEBUG] Disambiguating...
[DEBUG] Linting...
[DEBUG] Typechecking...
Reference to Mod_def.half not found
┌─⯈ mod_use.catala_en:16.24-16.36:
16 │ definition o4 equals Mod_def.half of 10
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
└─ Test modules + inclusions 2
Raised at Catala_utils__Message.raise_spanned_error.(fun).continuation in file "compiler/catala_utils/", line 232, characters 4-183
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.typecheck_expr_top_down in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 437, characters 8-97
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.typecheck_expr_top_down in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 810, characters 14-73
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.typecheck_expr_top_down in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 841, characters 16-74
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.wrap_expr.(fun) in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 895, characters 32-37
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.wrap in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 886, characters 6-9
Called from Shared_ast__Typing.expr in file "compiler/shared_ast/", line 926, characters 4-48
Called from Scopelang__Ast.type_rule in file "compiler/scopelang/", line 62, characters 16-75
Called from in file "", line 92, characters 20-23
Called from in file "", line 92, characters 32-39
Called from Scopelang__Ast.type_program.(fun) in file "compiler/scopelang/", line 119, characters 13-118
Called from in file "compiler/catala_utils/", line 25, characters 19-22
Called from in file "", line 304, characters 19-22
Called from Scopelang__Ast.type_program in file "compiler/scopelang/", line 111, characters 4-498
Called from Driver.Passes.dcalc in file "compiler/", line 114, characters 14-44
Called from Driver.Commands.interpret_dcalc in file "compiler/", line 574, characters 6-68
Called from in file "", line 24, characters 19-24
Called from Cmdliner_eval.run_parser in file "", line 34, characters 37-44
Called from Cmdliner_eval.eval_value in file "", line 202, characters 14-39
Called from Driver.main in file "compiler/", line 890, characters 8-49
#return code 123#
$ catala ocaml --disable_warnings --use mod_def.catala_en
Reference to Mod_def.half not found
┌─⯈ mod_use.catala_en:16.24-16.36:
16 │ definition o4 equals Mod_def.half of 10
│ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
└─ Test modules + inclusions 2
#return code 123#