Making slow progress

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-02-21 00:36:06 +01:00
parent e926adf6f0
commit 68c36b26a1
2 changed files with 44 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -790,13 +790,13 @@ and subst_by_identity_is_identity_list (l: list exp) : Lemma (subst_list identit
subst_by_identity_is_identity_list tl
let typing_empty_can_be_extended (e: exp) (tau: ty) (tau': ty)
let typing_empty_can_be_extended (e: exp) (tau: ty) (g: env)
: Lemma
(requires (typing empty e tau))
(ensures (typing (extend empty tau') e tau))
(ensures (typing g e tau))
subst_by_identity_is_identity e;
let s_lemma : subst_typing identity_var_to_exp empty (extend empty tau') = fun x -> () in
substitution_preserves_typing empty e tau identity_var_to_exp (extend empty tau') s_lemma
let s_lemma : subst_typing identity_var_to_exp empty g = fun x -> () in
substitution_preserves_typing empty e tau identity_var_to_exp g s_lemma
let is_error (e: exp) : bool = match e with ELit (LError _) -> true | _ -> false

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@ -548,7 +548,9 @@ let exceptions_head_lift'
fun (hd: typed_l_exp tau) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.TOption tau);
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
(process_exceptions_f tau)
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ let exceptions_head_lift'
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
@ -661,10 +663,10 @@ let process_exceptions_applied
: Tot (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau L.TUnit;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau (L.extend L.empty L.TUnit);
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2"
@ -674,20 +676,19 @@ let process_exceptions_applied_stepped
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Tot (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.TOption tau);
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau (L.EVar 0) (L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau L.ENone (L.EAbs tau
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau acc (L.EAbs tau
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone) (L.TOption tau)
#push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 70"
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50"
let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(tau: L.ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau){L.is_value acc /\ not (L.is_error acc)})
@ -727,8 +728,25 @@ let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(L.TOption tau)
assume(L.step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1);
assert(L.step e1 == Some e2);
assume(forall (s: L.var_to_exp). {:pattern (L.subst s acc) } L.subst s acc == acc);
assume(forall (s: L.var_to_exp). {:pattern (L.subst s (L.EThunk hd)) } L.subst s (L.EThunk hd) == (L.EThunk hd));
assert_norm(L.step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1);
assume(L.step e1 == Some e2);
let e3 =
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
assert_norm(L.step e2 == Some e3);
// Mostly proven?
@ -756,9 +774,12 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
let init_stepped = L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
let init_stepped : typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau) = L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau (L.EVar 0) (L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau L.ENone (L.EAbs tau
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau acc (L.EAbs tau
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
@ -768,14 +789,13 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (L.TOption tau))
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin
compute ()
compute ();
tadmit ()
let default_translation: typed_l_exp tau =
build_default_translation ((L.EAbs L.TUnit hd)::tl) acc just cons tau
build_default_translation ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau
let default_translation_stepped = L.EMatchOption
@ -789,9 +809,10 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 1 == Some default_translation_stepped);
assert(default_translation_stepped == exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons
(L.EApp (L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) L.ENone (L.TOption tau))
(L.EAbs L.TUnit hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)));
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)));
lift_multiple_l_steps (L.TOption tau) tau init init_stepped 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation_stepped 3 ==