2022-08-30 14:46:51 +02:00

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# Copyright © Aïda Ibrahim and Hugo Gimbert -- LaBRI/CNRS/Université de Bordeaux/Université de Nantes
declaration enumeration BenefitingOrganisation :
-- Charitable
-- NonProfit
declaration structure ArtUnion:
data grossProceeds content money
data typeOrg content BenefitingOrganisation
data proceedsToBenefitingOrg content money
data totalValueOfThePrizes content money
data maxAmountMoneyAsSeparatePrize content money
data holdsAuthority content boolean
declaration scope GamingAuthorized:
input artUnion content ArtUnion
internal minimumProceeds content boolean
internal benefitingOrg content boolean
internal valueOfPrizes content boolean
internal separatePrizeMaxValue content boolean
internal authority content boolean
output authorized condition
Art union gaming activities
The awarding of prizes by lot by an art union (an art union gaming activity) is a
permitted gaming activity for the purposes of section 10 of the Act if the following
requirements are complied with—
(a) not less than 30% of the gross proceeds of the gaming activity are paid to the
benefiting organisation,
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition minimumProceeds equals (artUnion.proceedsToBenefitingOrg >=$ artUnion.grossProceeds *$ 30 %)
definition benefitingOrg equals artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.Charitable or
artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.NonProfit or artUnion.typeOrg with pattern BenefitingOrganisation.ObjectOfPublicOrCharitableCharacter
(b) the total value of all the prizes exceeds $30,000,
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition valueOfPrizes equals (artUnion.totalValueOfThePrizes >=$ $30,000)
(c) the maximum amount of money payable as a separate prize does not exceed
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition separatePrizeMaxValue equals (artUnion.maxAmountMoneyAsSeparatePrize <=$ $30,000)
(d) the person conducting the activity holds an authority to do so that is in force
and the activity is conducted in accordance with the authority
scope GamingAuthorized:
definition authority equals artUnion.holdsAuthority
scope GamingAuthorized:
rule authorized
under condition minimumProceeds and benefitingOrg and valueOfPrizes and separatePrizeMaxValue and authority
consequence fulfilled