Louis Gesbert 38a93424a8 Clerk reports: postprocess diff output
This relies less on specific color flags of GNU diff, and reformats and
colorises the output.
(it may still depend on the specific layout of GNU diff with the `-y` flag
2024-06-21 18:19:09 +02:00

120 lines
3.6 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor:
Denis Merigoux <>, Emile Rolley <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
include Stdlib.String
let to_ascii : string -> string = Ubase.from_utf8
let is_uppercase_ascii = function 'A' .. 'Z' -> true | _ -> false
let begins_with_uppercase (s : string) : bool =
"" <> s && is_uppercase_ascii (get (to_ascii s) 0)
let to_snake_case (s : string) : string =
let out = Buffer.create (2 * length s) in
|> to_ascii
|> iteri (fun i c ->
if is_uppercase_ascii c && 0 <> i then Buffer.add_char out '_';
Buffer.add_char out (Char.lowercase_ascii c));
Buffer.contents out
let to_camel_case (s : string) : string =
let last_was_underscore = ref true in
let out = Buffer.create (length s) in
|> to_ascii
|> iter (function
| '_' -> last_was_underscore := true
| c ->
Buffer.add_char out
(if !last_was_underscore then Char.uppercase_ascii c else c);
last_was_underscore := false);
Buffer.contents out
let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
if starts_with ~prefix s then
let plen = length prefix in
sub s plen (length s - plen)
else s
let trim_end s =
let rec stop n =
if n < 0 then n
match get s n with
| ' ' | '\x0c' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> stop (n - 1)
| _ -> n
let last = length s - 1 in
let i = stop last in
if i = last then s else sub s 0 (i + 1)
(* Note: this should do, but remains incorrect for combined unicode characters
that display as one (e.g. `e` + postfix `'`). We should switch to Uuseg at
some poing *)
let width s =
let len = length s in
let rec aux ncols i =
if i >= len then ncols
else if get s i = '\t' then aux (ncols + 8) (i + 1)
else aux (ncols + 1) (i + Uchar.utf_decode_length (get_utf_8_uchar s i))
aux 0 0
let format ppf s = Format.pp_print_as ppf (width s) s
module Arg = struct
include Stdlib.String
let format = format
let compare s1 s2 =
let len1 = length s1 in
let len2 = length s2 in
let int c = int_of_char c - int_of_char '0' in
let rec readnum acc s i =
if i >= length s then acc, i
match get s i with
| '0' .. '9' as c -> readnum ((acc * 10) + int c) s (i + 1)
| _ -> acc, i
let rec aux i1 i2 =
if i1 >= len1 then if i2 >= len2 then 0 else -1
else if i2 >= len2 then 1
match get s1 i1, get s2 i2 with
| ('0' .. '9' as c1), ('0' .. '9' as c2) -> (
let x1, i1' = readnum (int c1) s1 (i1 + 1) in
let x2, i2' = readnum (int c2) s2 (i2 + 1) in
match x1 x2 with
| 0 -> (
match (i1' - i1) (i2' - i2) with
| 0 -> aux i1' i2'
| n -> n)
| n -> n)
| c1, c2 -> (
match c1 c2 with 0 -> aux (i1 + 1) (i2 + 1) | n -> n)
aux 0 0
let compare =
let hash t = Hash.raw t
module Set = Set.Make (Arg)
module Map = Map.Make (Arg)