Louis Gesbert b9156bb60e Implement safe renaming of idents for backend printing
Previously we had some heuristics in the backends trying to achieve this with a
lot of holes ; this should be much more solid, relying on `Bindlib` to do the
correct renamings.

**Note1**: it's not plugged into the backends other than OCaml at the moment.

**Note2**: the related, obsolete heuristics haven't been cleaned out yet

**Note3**: we conservatively suppose a single namespace at the moment. This is
required for e.g. Python, but it forces vars named like struct fields to be
renamed, which is more verbose in e.g. OCaml. The renaming engine could be
improved to support different namespaces, with a way to select how to route the
different kinds of identifiers into them.

Similarly, customisation for what needs to be uppercase or lowercase is not
available yet.

**Note4**: besides excluding keywords, we should also be careful to exclude (or
- the idents used in the runtime (e.g. `o_add_int_int`)
- the dynamically generated idents (e.g. `embed_*`)

**Note5**: module names themselves aren't handled yet. The reason is that they
must be discoverable by the user, and even need to match the filenames, etc. In
other words, imagine that `Mod` is a keyword in the target language. You can't
rename a module called `Mod` to `Mod1` without knowing the whole module context,
because that would destroy the mapping for a module already called `Mod1`.

A reliable solution would be to translate all module names to e.g.
`CatalaModule_*`, which we can assume will never conflict with any built-in, and
forbid idents starting with that prefix. We may also want to restrict their
names to ASCII ? Currently we use a projection, but what if I have two modules
called `Là` and `La` ?
2024-08-28 17:18:26 +02:00

207 lines
7.5 KiB

(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax
and social benefits computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Inria,
contributor: Denis Merigoux <>, Alain Delaët-Tixeuil
<>, Louis Gesbert <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Catala_utils
open Definitions
let map_exprs_in_lets :
?typ:(typ -> typ) ->
f:('expr1 -> 'expr2 boxed) ->
varf:('expr1 Var.t -> 'expr2 Var.t) ->
'expr1 scope_body_expr ->
'expr2 scope_body_expr =
fun ?(typ = ~f ~varf scope_body_expr ->
let f e = Expr.Box.lift (f e) in ~last:f
~f:(fun v scope_let ->
( varf v,
(fun scope_let_expr ->
scope_let with
scope_let_typ = typ scope_let.scope_let_typ;
(f scope_let.scope_let_expr) ))
let map_last_item ~varf last =
(function EVar v -> Bindlib.box_var (varf v) | _ -> assert false)
let map_exprs ?(typ = ~f ~varf scopes =
let f v = function
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
let scope_input_var, scope_lets = Bindlib.unbind body.scope_body_expr in
let new_body_expr = map_exprs_in_lets ~typ ~f ~varf scope_lets in
let new_body_expr =
Bindlib.bind_var (varf scope_input_var) new_body_expr
( varf v,
(fun scope_body_expr ->
ScopeDef (name, { body with scope_body_expr }))
new_body_expr )
| Topdef (name, ty, expr) ->
( varf v,
(fun e -> Topdef (name, typ ty, e))
(Expr.Box.lift (f expr)) )
in ~f ~last:(map_last_item ~varf) scopes
let fold_exprs ~f ~init scopes =
let f acc def _ =
match def with
| Topdef (_, typ, e) -> f acc e typ
| ScopeDef (_, scope) ->
let _, body = Bindlib.unbind scope.scope_body_expr in
let acc, last =
BoundList.fold_left body ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc sl _ ->
f acc sl.scope_let_expr sl.scope_let_typ)
f acc last (TStruct scope.scope_body_output_struct, Expr.pos last)
fst @@ BoundList.fold_left ~f ~init scopes
let typ body =
let pos = Mark.get (StructName.get_info body.scope_body_input_struct) in
let input_typ = Mark.add pos (TStruct body.scope_body_input_struct) in
let result_typ = Mark.add pos (TStruct body.scope_body_output_struct) in
Mark.add pos (TArrow ([input_typ], result_typ))
let get_body_mark scope_body =
let m0 =
match Bindlib.unbind scope_body.scope_body_expr with
| _, Last (_, m) | _, Cons ({ scope_let_expr = _, m; _ }, _) -> m
Expr.with_ty m0 (typ scope_body)
let unfold_body_expr (_ctx : decl_ctx) (scope_let : 'e scope_body_expr) =
BoundList.fold_right scope_let ~init:Expr.rebox ~f:(fun sl var acc ->
Expr.make_let_in var sl.scope_let_typ
(Expr.rebox sl.scope_let_expr)
acc sl.scope_let_pos)
let input_type ty io =
match io, ty with
| (Runtime.Reentrant, iopos), (TArrow (args, ret), tpos) ->
TArrow (args, (TDefault ret, iopos)), tpos
| (Runtime.Reentrant, iopos), (ty, tpos) -> TDefault (ty, tpos), iopos
| _, ty -> ty
let to_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (body : 'e scope_body) : 'e boxed =
let var, body_expr = Bindlib.unbind body.scope_body_expr in
let body_expr = unfold_body_expr ctx body_expr in
let pos = Expr.pos body_expr in
Expr.make_abs [| var |] body_expr
[TStruct body.scope_body_input_struct, pos]
let unfold (ctx : decl_ctx) (s : 'e code_item_list) (main_scope : ScopeName.t) :
'e boxed =
BoundList.fold_lr s ~top:None
~down:(fun v item main ->
match main, item with
| None, ScopeDef (name, body) when ScopeName.equal name main_scope ->
Some (Expr.make_var v (get_body_mark body))
| r, _ -> r)
~bottom:(fun _vlist -> function Some v -> v | None -> raise Not_found)
~up:(fun var item next ->
let e, typ =
match item with
| ScopeDef (_, body) -> to_expr ctx body, typ body
| Topdef (_, typ, expr) -> Expr.rebox expr, typ
Expr.make_let_in var typ e next (Expr.pos e))
let free_vars_body_expr scope_lets =
BoundList.fold_right scope_lets ~init:Expr.free_vars ~f:(fun sl v acc ->
Var.Set.union (Var.Set.remove v acc) (Expr.free_vars sl.scope_let_expr))
let free_vars_item = function
| ScopeDef (_, { scope_body_expr; _ }) ->
let v, body = Bindlib.unbind scope_body_expr in
Var.Set.remove v (free_vars_body_expr body)
| Topdef (_, _, expr) -> Expr.free_vars expr
let free_vars scopes =
BoundList.fold_right scopes
~init:(fun _vlist -> Var.Set.empty)
~f:(fun item v acc ->
Var.Set.union (Var.Set.remove v acc) (free_vars_item item))
(** Maps carrying around a naming context, enriched at each [unbind] *)
let rec boundlist_map_ctx ~f ~fname ~last ~ctx = function
| Last l -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun l -> Last l) (last ctx l)
| Cons (item, next_bind) ->
let item = f ctx item in
let var, next, ctx = Expr.Renaming.unbind_in ctx ~fname next_bind in
let next = boundlist_map_ctx ~f ~fname ~last ~ctx next in
let next_bind = Bindlib.bind_var var next in
(fun item next_bind -> Cons (item, next_bind))
item next_bind
let rename_vars_in_lets ctx scope_body_expr =
boundlist_map_ctx scope_body_expr ~ctx ~fname:String.to_snake_case
~last:(fun ctx e -> Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx e))
~f:(fun ctx scope_let ->
(fun scope_let_expr ->
scope_let with
scope_let_typ = Expr.Renaming.typ ctx scope_let.scope_let_typ;
(Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx scope_let.scope_let_expr)))
let rename_ids ctx (scopes : 'e code_item_list) =
let f ctx = function
| ScopeDef (name, body) ->
let name = Expr.Renaming.scope_name ctx name in
let scope_input_var, scope_lets, ctx =
Expr.Renaming.unbind_in ctx ~fname:String.to_snake_case
let scope_lets = rename_vars_in_lets ctx scope_lets in
let scope_body_expr = Bindlib.bind_var scope_input_var scope_lets in
(fun scope_body_expr ->
let body =
scope_body_input_struct =
Expr.Renaming.struct_name ctx body.scope_body_input_struct;
scope_body_output_struct =
Expr.Renaming.struct_name ctx body.scope_body_output_struct;
ScopeDef (name, body))
| Topdef (name, ty, expr) ->
(fun e -> Topdef (name, Expr.Renaming.typ ctx ty, e))
(Expr.Box.lift (Expr.Renaming.expr ctx expr))
@@ boundlist_map_ctx ~ctx ~f ~fname:String.to_snake_case
~last:(fun _ctx ->