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# Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware
<a href="https://ibb.co/5Fgtgmg"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/rsRTRYR/image.png" alt="image" border="0"></a>(https://discord.gg/58D6E8BtTU)
<a href="https://ibb.co/wQ12PVc"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/wQ12PVc/fzCUSTOM.png" alt="fzCUSTOM" border="0"></a>
Welcome to [Flipper Zero](https://flipperzero.one/)'s Custom Firmware repo!
Our goal is to make any features possible in this device without any stupid limitations! Please help us realize emulation for all dynamic (rolling codes) protocols and brute-force app!
# Update firmware
[Get Latest Firmware from Update Server](https://github.com/Eng1n33r/flipperzero-firmware)
Flipper Zero's firmware consists of two components:
- Core2 firmware set - proprietary components by ST: FUS + radio stack. FUS is flashed at factory and you should never update it.
- Core1 Firmware - HAL + OS + Drivers + Applications.
They both must be flashed in order described.
## With STLink
### Core1 Firmware
- Linux / macOS
- Terminal
- [arm-gcc-none-eabi](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads)
- openocd
One liner: `make flash`
### Core2 flashing procedures
- Linux / macOS
- Terminal
- STM32_Programmer_CLI (v2.5.0) added to $PATH
One liner: `make flash_radio`
## With USB DFU
1. Download latest [Firmware](https://update.flipperzero.one)
2. Reboot Flipper to Bootloader
- Press and hold `← Left` + `↩ Back` for reset
- Release `↩ Back` and keep holding `← Left` until blue LED lights up
- Release `← Left`
<!-- ![Switch to DFU sequence](https://habrastorage.org/webt/uu/c3/g2/uuc3g2n36f2sju19rskcvjzjf6w.png) -->
3. Run `dfu-util -D full.dfu -a 0`
# Build with Docker
## Prerequisites
1. Install [Docker Engine and Docker Compose](https://www.docker.com/get-started)
2. Prepare the container:
docker-compose up -d
## Compile everything
docker-compose exec dev make
Check `dist/` for build outputs.
Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device.
# Build on Linux/macOS
## macOS Prerequisites
Make sure you have [brew](https://brew.sh) and install all the dependencies:
brew bundle --verbose
## Linux Prerequisites
### gcc-arm-none-eabi
toolchain_package="$toolchain-$(uname -m)-linux"
wget -P /opt "https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-rm/10.3-2021.10/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2"
tar xjf /opt/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2 -C /opt
rm /opt/$toolchain_package.tar.bz2
for file in /opt/$toolchain/bin/* ; do ln -s "${file}" "/usr/bin/$(basename ${file})" ; done
### Optional dependencies
- openocd (debugging/flashing over SWD)
- heatshrink (compiling image assets)
- clang-format (code formatting)
- dfu-util (flashing over USB DFU)
- protobuf (compiling proto sources)
For example, to install them on Debian, use:
apt update
apt install openocd clang-format-13 dfu-util protobuf-compiler
heatshrink has to be compiled [from sources](https://github.com/atomicobject/heatshrink).
## Compile everything
Check `dist/` for build outputs.
Use **`flipper-z-{target}-full-{suffix}.dfu`** to flash your device.
## Flash everything
Connect your device via ST-Link and run:
make whole
# Links
* Discord: [discord.gg/58D6E8BtTU](https://discord.gg/58D6E8BtTU)
* Website: [flipperzero.one](https://flipperzero.one)
* Kickstarter page: [kickstarter.com](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flipper-devices/flipper-zero-tamagochi-for-hackers)
* Forum: [forum.flipperzero.one](https://forum.flipperzero.one/)
# Project structure
- `applications` - Applications and services used in firmware
- `assets` - Assets used by applications and services
- `core` - Furi Core: os level primitives and helpers
- `debug` - Debug tool: GDB-plugins, SVD-file and etc
- `docker` - Docker image sources (used for firmware build automation)
- `documentation` - Documentation generation system configs and input files
- `firmware` - Firmware source code
- `lib` - Our and 3rd party libraries, drivers and etc...
- `make` - Make helpers
- `scripts` - Supplementary scripts and python libraries home
Also pay attention to `ReadMe.md` files inside of those directories.