2023-06-14 12:34:59 +02:00

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A simple notification daemon with a GTK gui for notifications and the control center
*Note: SwayNotificationCenter only supports Desktops / Window Managers that
support `wlr_layer_shell_unstable_v1` like Sway or anything wlroots based*
*Note 2: SwayNotificationCenter does not support third-party GTK3 themes and is
only tested with the default GTK **Adwaita** theme. Usage of any third-party
theme might require extra tweaks to the default CSS style file*
Table of Contents
* [Screenshots](#screenshots)
* [Want to show off your sick config?](#want-to-show-off-your-sick-config)
* [Features](#features)
* [Available Widgets](#available-widgets)
* [Planned Features](#planned-features)
* [Install](#install)
* [Arch](#arch)
* [Fedora](#fedora)
* [Fedora Silverblue (and other rpm-ostree variants)](#fedora-silverblue-and-other-rpm-ostree-variants)
* [Gentoo](#gentoo)
* [OpenSUSE Tumbleweed](#opensuse-tumbleweed)
* [Ubuntu](#ubuntu)
* [Debian](#debian)
* [Other](#other)
* [Sway Usage](#sway-usage)
* [Run](#run)
* [Control Center Shortcuts](#control-center-shortcuts)
* [Configuring](#configuring)
* [Notification Inhibition](#notification-inhibition)
* [Scripting](#scripting)
* [Disable scripting](#disable-scripting)
* [i3status-rs Example](#i3status-rs-example)
* [Waybar Example](#waybar-example)
## Screenshots
![Screenshot of desktop notification](./assets/desktop.png)
![Screenshot of panel](./assets/panel.png)
## Want to show off your sick config?
Post your setup here: [Config flex 💪](https://github.com/ErikReider/SwayNotificationCenter/discussions/183)
## Features
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Notification body markup with image support
- Inline replies
- A panel to view previous notifications
- Show album art for notifications like Spotify
- Do not disturb
- Inhibiting notifications through DBUS or client
- Restores previous Do not disturb value after restart
- Click notification to execute default action
- Show alternative notification actions
- Copy detected 2FA codes to clipboard
- Customization through a CSS file
- Trackpad/mouse gesture to close notification
- The same features as any other basic notification daemon
- Basic configuration through a JSON config file
- Hot-reload config through `swaync-client`
- Customizable widgets
## Available Widgets
These widgets can be customized, added, removed and even reordered
- Title
- Do Not Disturb
- Notifications (Will always be visible)
- Label
- Mpris (Media player controls for Spotify, Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
- Menubar with dropdown and buttons
- Button grid
- Volume slider using PulseAudio
- Backlight slider
## Planned Features
- Slick animations 😎
- Other build scripts than a PKGBUILD (debian and/or RHEL systems)
## Install
### Arch
The package is available on the AUR:
- [swaync](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/swaync/)
- [swaync-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/swaync-git/)
### Fedora
The package is available on COPR:
dnf copr enable erikreider/SwayNotificationCenter
dnf install SwayNotificationCenter
### Fedora Silverblue (and other rpm-ostree variants)
The package can be layered over the base image after adding the Copr repo as an ostree repo:
ostree remote add SwayNotificationCenter https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/erikreider/SwayNotificationCenter/fedora-$releasever-$basearch/
rpm-ostree install SwayNotificationCenter
### Gentoo
An **unofficial** ebuild is available in [GURU](https://github.com/gentoo/guru)
eselect repository enable guru
emaint sync -r guru
emerge --ask gui-apps/swaync
### OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
sudo zypper install SwayNotificationCenter
### Ubuntu
Lunar and later:
sudo apt install sway-notification-center
### Debian
Bookworm and later:
sudo apt install sway-notification-center
### Other
meson build
ninja -C build
meson install -C build
## Sway Usage
# Notification Daemon
exec swaync
# Toggle control center
bindsym $mod+Shift+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
## Run
To start the daemon (remember to kill any other notification daemon before running)
To toggle the panel
./build/src/swaync-client -t
To reload the config
./build/src/swaync-client -R
To reload css after changes
./build/src/swaync-client -rs
## Control Center Shortcuts
- Up/Down: Navigate notifications
- Home: Navigate to the latest notification
- End: Navigate to the oldest notification
- Escape/Caps_Lock: Close notification panel
- Return: Execute default action or close notification if none
- Delete/BackSpace: Close notification
- Shift+C: Close all notifications
- Shift+D: Toggle Do Not Disturb
- Buttons 1-9: Execute alternative actions
- Left click button / actions: Activate notification action
- Right click notification: Close notification
## Configuring
The main config file is located in `/etc/xdg/swaync/config.json`. Copy it over
to your `.config/swaync/` folder to customize without needing root access.
See `swaync(5)` man page for more information
To reload the config, you'll need to run `swaync-client --reload-config`
The main CSS style file is located in `/etc/xdg/swaync/style.css`. Copy it over
to your `~/.config/swaync/` folder to customize without needing root access.
**Tip**: running swaync with `GTK_DEBUG=interactive swaync` will open a inspector
window that'll allow you to see all of the CSS classes + other information.
## Notification Inhibition
Notifications can be inhibited through the provided `swaync-client` executable
or through the DBus interface `org.erikreider.swaync.cc`.
Here's an example of notification inhibition while screen sharing through
# xdg-desktop-portal-wlr config
exec_before=swaync-client --inhibitor-add "xdg-desktop-portal-wlr"
exec_after=swaync-client --inhibitor-remove "xdg-desktop-portal-wlr"
## Scripting
Scripting rules and logic:
. <b>Only one</b> script can be fired per notification
. Each script requires `exec` and at least one of the other properties
. All listed properties must match the notification for the script to be ran
. If any of the properties doesn't match, the script will be skipped
. If a notification doesn't include one of the properties, that property will
be skipped
· If a script has `run-on` set to `action`, the script will only run when an
action is taken on the notification
More information can be found in the `swaync(5)` man page
Notification information can be printed into a terminal by running
`G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all swaync` (when a notification appears).
Config properties:
"scripts": {
"example-script": {
"exec": "Your shell command or script here...",
"app-name": "Notification app-name Regex",
"summary": "Notification summary Regex",
"body": "Notification body Regex",
"urgency": "Low or Normal or Critical",
"category": "Notification category Regex"
other non scripting properties...
`config.json` example:
"scripts": {
// This script will only run when Spotify sends a notification containing
// that exact summary and body
"example-script": {
"exec": "/path/to/myRickRollScript.sh",
"app-name": "Spotify"
"summary": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"body": "Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody"
other non scripting properties...
### Disable scripting
To completely disable scripting, the project needs to be built like so:
meson build -Dscripting=false
ninja -C build
meson install -C build
## i3status-rs Example
> **Note** Ths requires i3status-rs version 0.30.0+
i3status-rs config
block = "notify"
format = " $icon {($notification_count.eng(1)) |}"
driver = "swaync"
button = "left"
action = "show"
button = "right"
action = "toggle_paused"
## Waybar Example
This example requires `NotoSansMono Nerd Font` to get the icons looking right
Waybar config
"custom/notification": {
"tooltip": false,
"format": "{icon}",
"format-icons": {
"notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"none": "",
"dnd-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"dnd-none": "",
"inhibited-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"inhibited-none": "",
"dnd-inhibited-notification": "<span foreground='red'><sup></sup></span>",
"dnd-inhibited-none": ""
"return-type": "json",
"exec-if": "which swaync-client",
"exec": "swaync-client -swb",
"on-click": "swaync-client -t -sw",
"on-click-right": "swaync-client -d -sw",
"escape": true
Waybar css file
#custom-notification {
font-family: "NotoSansMono Nerd Font";
Alternatively, the number of notifications can be shown by adding `{}` anywhere in the `format` field in the Waybar config
"custom/notification": {
"format": "{} {icon}",