Luca Berneking 37142fcb37
Close control center when clearing all notifications (#53)
* Close control center when clearing all notifications

* make hide on clear configurable, disabled by default
2022-01-08 15:42:13 +01:00

107 lines
3.1 KiB

# SwayNotificationCenter
A simple notification daemon with a GTK gui for notifications and the control center
## Features
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Notification body markup with image support
- A panel to view previous notifications
- Show album art for notifications like Spotify
- Do not disturb
- Click notification to execute default action
- Show alternative notification actions
- Customization through a CSS file
- Trackpad/mouse gesture to close notification
- The same features as any other basic notification daemon
- Basic configuration through a JSON config file
- Hot-reload config through `swaync-client`
## Planned Features
- Slick animations 😎
- Other build scripts than a PKGBUILD (debian and/or RHEL systems)
## Install
The package is available on the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/swaync-git/)
meson build
ninja -C build
meson install -C build
## Sway Usage
# Notification Daemon
exec swaync
# Toggle control center
bindsym $mod+Shift+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
## Run
To start the daemon (remember to kill any other notification daemon before running)
To toggle the panel
./build/src/swaync-client -t
To reload the config
./build/src/swaync-client -R
## Control Center Shortcuts
- Up/Down: Navigate notifications
- Home: Navigate to the latest notification
- End: Navigate to the oldest notification
- Escape/Caps_Lock: Close notification panel
- Return: Execute default action or close notification if none
- Delete/BackSpace: Close notification
- C: Close all notifications
- D: Toggle Do Not Disturb
- Buttons 1-9: Execute alternative actions
## Configuring
The main config file is located in `/etc/xdg/swaync/config.json`. Copy it over
to your `.config/swaync/` folder to customize without needing root access.
To reload the config, you'll need to run `swaync-client --reload-config`
- `positionX`: `left`, `right` or `center`
- `positionY`: `top` or `bottom`
- `timeout`: uint (Any positive number). The notification timeout for notifications with normal priority
- `timeout-low`: uint (any positive number without decimals). The notification timeout for notifications with low priority
- `timeout-critical`: uint (any positive number without decimals, 0 to disable). The notification timeout for notifications with critical priority
- `keyboard-shortcuts`: `true` or `false`. If control center should use keyboard shortcuts
- `image-visibility`: `always`, `when-available` or `never`. Notification image visiblilty
- `transition-time`: uint (Any positive number, 0 to disable). The notification animation duration
- `notification-window-width`: uint (Any positive number). Width of the notification in pixels
- `hide-on-clear`: bool. Hides the control center after pressing "Clear All"
The main CSS style file is located in `/etc/xdg/swaync/style.css`. Copy it over to your `.config/swaync/` folder to customize without needing root access.
## Screenshots
![Screenshot of desktop notification](./assets/desktop.png)
![Screenshot of panel](./assets/panel.png)
I wonder how this would look with some blur 🤔