mirror of https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby.git synced 2024-10-26 12:43:50 +03:00

4.5 KiB

Some background

Tabby is an Electron app, with the frontend written in Typescript with the help of Angular framework. It's built using Webpack.

Getting started

First of all, clone this repository.

Install Dependencies

First, from within the tabby directory install the dependencies via yarn:

# macOS & Windows:
# Linux (Debian/Ubuntu here as an example)
sudo apt install libfontconfig-dev libsecret-1-dev libarchive-tools libnss3 libatk1.0-0 libatk-bridge2.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm1 cmake

Build Tabby:

yarn run build

Start Tabby

yarn start

Building an installer

To build an installer, first complete a "normal" build as described above and then run:

node scripts/prepackage-plugins.mjs

node scripts/build-windows.mjs
# or
node scripts/build-linux.mjs
# or
node scripts/build-macos.mjs

The artifacts will be produced in the dist folder.

Project layout

├─ app                                  # Electron app, just the bare essentials
|  ├─ src                               # Electron renderer code
|  └─ main.js                           # Electron main entry point
├─ build
├─ clink                                # Clink distributive, for Windows
├─ scripts                              # Maintenance scripts
├─ tabby-community-color-schemes     # Plugin that provides color schemes
├─ tabby-core                        # Plugin that provides base UI and tab management
├─ tabby-electron                    # Plugin that provides Electron-specific functions
├─ tabby-local                       # Plugin that provides local shells and profiles
├─ tabby-plugin-manager              # Plugin that installs other plugins
├─ tabby-settings                    # Plugin that provides the settings tab
├─ tabby-terminal                    # Plugin that provides terminal tabs
└─ tabby-web                         # Plugin that provides web-specific functions

Plugin layout

├─ src                                  # Typescript code
|  ├─ components                        # Angular components
|  |  ├─ foo.component.ts               # Code
|  |  ├─ foo.component.scss             # Styles
|  |  └─ foo.component.pug              # Template
|  ├─ services                          # Angular services
|  |  └─ foo.service.ts
|  ├─ api.ts                            # Publicly exported API
|  └─ index.ts                          # Module entry point
├─ package.json
├─ tsconfig.json
└─ webpack.config.js


The app will load all plugins from the source checkout in the dev mode, from the user's plugins directory at all times (click Open Plugins Directory under Settings > Plugins) and from the directory specified by the TABBY_PLUGINS environment var.

Only modules whose package.json file contains a tabby-plugin keyword will be loaded.

If you're currently in your plugin's directory, start Tabby as TABBY_PLUGINS=$(pwd) tabby --debug

A plugin should only provide a default export, which should be a NgModule class (or a NgModuleWithDependencies where applicable). This module will be injected as a dependency to the app's root module.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'

export default class MyModule {
  constructor () {
    console.log('Angular engaged, cap\'n.')

Plugins provide functionality by exporting singular or multi providers:

import { NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular/core'
import { ToolbarButtonProvider, ToolbarButton } from 'tabby-core'

export class MyButtonProvider extends ToolbarButtonProvider {
    provide (): ToolbarButton[] {
        return [{
            icon: 'star',
            title: 'Foobar',
            weight: 10,
            click: () => {

    providers: [
        { provide: ToolbarButtonProvider, useClass: MyButtonProvider, multi: true },
export default class MyModule { }

See tabby-core/src/api.ts, tabby-settings/src/api.ts, tabby-local/src/api.ts and tabby-terminal/src/api.ts for the available extension points.

Also check out the example plugin.

Publish your plugin on NPM with a tabby-plugin keyword to make it appear in the Plugin Manager.