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2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Code generation utilities
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen where
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
import Data.List (nub, isPrefixOf, intercalate, (\\))
import System.Directory (createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, vcat)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as P (render)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
-- | Abstract over code generation for different languages
class CgTarget a where
targetName :: a -> String
translate :: a -> CgConfig -> String -> CgState -> Result -> CgPgmBundle
-- | Options for code-generation.
data CgConfig = CgConfig {
cgRTC :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', perform run-time-checks for index-out-of-bounds or shifting-by-large values etc.
, cgInteger :: Maybe Int -- ^ Bit-size to use for representing SInteger (if any)
, cgReal :: Maybe CgSRealType -- ^ Type to use for representing SReal (if any)
, cgDriverVals :: [Integer] -- ^ Values to use for the driver program generated, useful for generating non-random drivers.
, cgGenDriver :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', will generate a driver program
, cgGenMakefile :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', will generate a makefile
-- | Default options for code generation. The run-time checks are turned-off, and the driver values are completely random.
defaultCgConfig :: CgConfig
defaultCgConfig = CgConfig { cgRTC = False, cgInteger = Nothing, cgReal = Nothing, cgDriverVals = [], cgGenDriver = True, cgGenMakefile = True }
-- | Abstraction of target language values
data CgVal = CgAtomic SW
| CgArray [SW]
-- | Code-generation state
data CgState = CgState {
cgInputs :: [(String, CgVal)]
, cgOutputs :: [(String, CgVal)]
, cgReturns :: [CgVal]
, cgPrototypes :: [String] -- extra stuff that goes into the header
, cgDecls :: [String] -- extra stuff that goes into the top of the file
, cgLDFlags :: [String] -- extra options that go to the linker
, cgFinalConfig :: CgConfig
-- | Initial configuration for code-generation
initCgState :: CgState
initCgState = CgState {
cgInputs = []
, cgOutputs = []
, cgReturns = []
, cgPrototypes = []
, cgDecls = []
, cgLDFlags = []
, cgFinalConfig = defaultCgConfig
-- | The code-generation monad. Allows for precise layout of input values
-- reference parameters (for returning composite values in languages such as C),
-- and return values.
newtype SBVCodeGen a = SBVCodeGen (StateT CgState Symbolic a)
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState CgState)
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | Reach into symbolic monad from code-generation
liftSymbolic :: Symbolic a -> SBVCodeGen a
liftSymbolic = SBVCodeGen . lift
-- | Reach into symbolic monad and output a value. Returns the corresponding SW
cgSBVToSW :: SBV a -> SBVCodeGen SW
cgSBVToSW = liftSymbolic . sbvToSymSW
-- | Sets RTC (run-time-checks) for index-out-of-bounds, shift-with-large value etc. on/off. Default: 'False'.
cgPerformRTCs :: Bool -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgPerformRTCs b = modify (\s -> s { cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgRTC = b } })
-- | Sets number of bits to be used for representing the 'SInteger' type in the generated C code.
-- The argument must be one of @8@, @16@, @32@, or @64@. Note that this is essentially unsafe as
-- the semantics of unbounded Haskell integers becomes reduced to the corresponding bit size, as
-- typical in most C implementations.
cgIntegerSize :: Int -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgIntegerSize i
| i `notElem` [8, 16, 32, 64]
= error $ "SBV.cgIntegerSize: Argument must be one of 8, 16, 32, or 64. Received: " ++ show i
| True
= modify (\s -> s { cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgInteger = Just i }})
-- | Possible mappings for the 'SReal' type when translated to C. Used in conjunction
-- with the function 'cgSRealType'. Note that the particular characteristics of the
-- mapped types depend on the platform and the compiler used for compiling the generated
-- C program. See <> for details.
data CgSRealType = CgFloat -- ^ @float@
| CgDouble -- ^ @double@
| CgLongDouble -- ^ @long double@
deriving Eq
-- | 'Show' instance for 'cgSRealType' displays values as they would be used in a C program
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
instance Show CgSRealType where
show CgFloat = "float"
show CgDouble = "double"
show CgLongDouble = "long double"
-- | Sets the C type to be used for representing the 'SReal' type in the generated C code.
-- The setting can be one of C's @"float"@, @"double"@, or @"long double"@, types, depending
-- on the precision needed. Note that this is essentially unsafe as the semantics of
-- infinite precision SReal values becomes reduced to the corresponding floating point type in
-- C, and hence it is subject to rounding errors.
cgSRealType :: CgSRealType -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgSRealType rt = modify (\s -> s {cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgReal = Just rt }})
-- | Should we generate a driver program? Default: 'True'. When a library is generated, it will have
-- a driver if any of the contituent functions has a driver. (See 'compileToCLib'.)
cgGenerateDriver :: Bool -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgGenerateDriver b = modify (\s -> s { cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgGenDriver = b } })
-- | Should we generate a Makefile? Default: 'True'.
cgGenerateMakefile :: Bool -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgGenerateMakefile b = modify (\s -> s { cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgGenMakefile = b } })
-- | Sets driver program run time values, useful for generating programs with fixed drivers for testing. Default: None, i.e., use random values.
cgSetDriverValues :: [Integer] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgSetDriverValues vs = modify (\s -> s { cgFinalConfig = (cgFinalConfig s) { cgDriverVals = vs } })
-- | Adds the given lines to the header file generated, useful for generating programs with uninterpreted functions.
cgAddPrototype :: [String] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgAddPrototype ss = modify (\s -> let old = cgPrototypes s
new = if null old then ss else old ++ [""] ++ ss
in s { cgPrototypes = new })
-- | Adds the given lines to the program file generated, useful for generating programs with uninterpreted functions.
cgAddDecl :: [String] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgAddDecl ss = modify (\s -> let old = cgDecls s
new = if null old then ss else old ++ [""] ++ ss
in s { cgDecls = new })
-- | Adds the given words to the compiler options in the generated Makefile, useful for linking extra stuff in.
cgAddLDFlags :: [String] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgAddLDFlags ss = modify (\s -> s { cgLDFlags = cgLDFlags s ++ ss })
-- | Creates an atomic input in the generated code.
cgInput :: SymWord a => String -> SBVCodeGen (SBV a)
cgInput nm = do r <- liftSymbolic forall_
sw <- cgSBVToSW r
modify (\s -> s { cgInputs = (nm, CgAtomic sw) : cgInputs s })
return r
-- | Creates an array input in the generated code.
cgInputArr :: SymWord a => Int -> String -> SBVCodeGen [SBV a]
cgInputArr sz nm
| sz < 1 = error $ "SBV.cgInputArr: Array inputs must have at least one element, given " ++ show sz ++ " for " ++ show nm
| True = do rs <- liftSymbolic $ mapM (const forall_) []
sws <- mapM cgSBVToSW rs
modify (\s -> s { cgInputs = (nm, CgArray sws) : cgInputs s })
return rs
-- | Creates an atomic output in the generated code.
cgOutput :: SymWord a => String -> SBV a -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgOutput nm v = do _ <- liftSymbolic (output v)
sw <- cgSBVToSW v
modify (\s -> s { cgOutputs = (nm, CgAtomic sw) : cgOutputs s })
-- | Creates an array output in the generated code.
cgOutputArr :: SymWord a => String -> [SBV a] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgOutputArr nm vs
| sz < 1 = error $ "SBV.cgOutputArr: Array outputs must have at least one element, received " ++ show sz ++ " for " ++ show nm
| True = do _ <- liftSymbolic (mapM output vs)
sws <- mapM cgSBVToSW vs
modify (\s -> s { cgOutputs = (nm, CgArray sws) : cgOutputs s })
where sz = length vs
-- | Creates a returned (unnamed) value in the generated code.
cgReturn :: SymWord a => SBV a -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgReturn v = do _ <- liftSymbolic (output v)
sw <- cgSBVToSW v
modify (\s -> s { cgReturns = CgAtomic sw : cgReturns s })
-- | Creates a returned (unnamed) array value in the generated code.
cgReturnArr :: SymWord a => [SBV a] -> SBVCodeGen ()
cgReturnArr vs
| sz < 1 = error $ "SBV.cgReturnArr: Array returns must have at least one element, received " ++ show sz
| True = do _ <- liftSymbolic (mapM output vs)
sws <- mapM cgSBVToSW vs
modify (\s -> s { cgReturns = CgArray sws : cgReturns s })
where sz = length vs
-- | Representation of a collection of generated programs.
data CgPgmBundle = CgPgmBundle (Maybe Int, Maybe CgSRealType) [(FilePath, (CgPgmKind, [Doc]))]
-- | Different kinds of "files" we can produce. Currently this is quite "C" specific.
data CgPgmKind = CgMakefile [String]
| CgHeader [Doc]
| CgSource
| CgDriver
-- | Is this a driver program?
isCgDriver :: CgPgmKind -> Bool
isCgDriver CgDriver = True
isCgDriver _ = False
-- | Is this a make file?
isCgMakefile :: CgPgmKind -> Bool
isCgMakefile CgMakefile{} = True
isCgMakefile _ = False
-- | A simple way to print bundles, mostly for debugging purposes.
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
instance Show CgPgmBundle where
show (CgPgmBundle _ fs) = intercalate "\n" $ map showFile fs
where showFile :: (FilePath, (CgPgmKind, [Doc])) -> String
showFile (f, (_, ds)) = "== BEGIN: " ++ show f ++ " ================\n"
++ render' (vcat ds)
++ "== END: " ++ show f ++ " =================="
-- | Generate code for a symbolic program, returning a Code-gen bundle, i.e., collection
-- of makefiles, source code, headers, etc.
codeGen :: CgTarget l => l -> CgConfig -> String -> SBVCodeGen () -> IO CgPgmBundle
codeGen l cgConfig nm (SBVCodeGen comp) = do
(((), st'), res) <- runSymbolic' CodeGen $ runStateT comp initCgState { cgFinalConfig = cgConfig }
let st = st' { cgInputs = reverse (cgInputs st')
, cgOutputs = reverse (cgOutputs st')
allNamedVars = map fst (cgInputs st ++ cgOutputs st)
dupNames = allNamedVars \\ nub allNamedVars
unless (null dupNames) $
error $ "SBV.codeGen: " ++ show nm ++ " has following argument names duplicated: " ++ unwords dupNames
return $ translate l (cgFinalConfig st) nm st res
-- | Render a code-gen bundle to a directory or to stdout
renderCgPgmBundle :: Maybe FilePath -> CgPgmBundle -> IO ()
renderCgPgmBundle Nothing bundle = print bundle
renderCgPgmBundle (Just dirName) (CgPgmBundle _ files) = do
b <- doesDirectoryExist dirName
unless b $ do putStrLn $ "Creating directory " ++ show dirName ++ ".."
createDirectory dirName
dups <- filterM (\fn -> doesFileExist (dirName </> fn)) (map fst files)
goOn <- case dups of
[] -> return True
_ -> do putStrLn $ "Code generation would override the following " ++ (if length dups == 1 then "file:" else "files:")
mapM_ (\fn -> putStrLn ('\t' : fn)) dups
putStr "Continue? [yn] "
resp <- getLine
return $ map toLower resp `isPrefixOf` "yes"
if goOn then do mapM_ renderFile files
putStrLn "Done."
else putStrLn "Aborting."
where renderFile (f, (_, ds)) = do let fn = dirName </> f
putStrLn $ "Generating: " ++ show fn ++ ".."
writeFile fn (render' (vcat ds))
-- | An alternative to Pretty's 'render', which might have "leading" white-space in empty lines. This version
-- eliminates such whitespace.
render' :: Doc -> String
render' = unlines . map clean . lines . P.render
where clean x | all isSpace x = ""
| True = x