2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Internal data-structures for the sbv library
{- # LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving # -}
{- # LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances # -}
{- # LANGUAGE TypeOperators # -}
{- # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # -}
{- # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # -}
{- # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # -}
{- # LANGUAGE PatternGuards # -}
{- # LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures # -}
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{- # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # -}
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module Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
( SBool , SWord8 , SWord16 , SWord32 , SWord64
, SInt8 , SInt16 , SInt32 , SInt64 , SInteger , SReal , SFloat , SDouble
, nan , infinity , sNaN , sInfinity , RoundingMode ( .. ) , smtLibSquareRoot , smtLibFusedMA
, SymWord ( .. )
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, CW ( .. ) , CWVal ( .. ) , AlgReal ( .. ) , cwSameType , cwIsBit , cwToBool
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, mkConstCW , liftCW2 , mapCW , mapCW2
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, SW ( .. ) , trueSW , falseSW , trueCW , falseCW , normCW
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, SBV ( .. ) , NodeId ( .. ) , mkSymSBV , mkSymSBVWithRandom
, ArrayContext ( .. ) , ArrayInfo , SymArray ( .. ) , SFunArray ( .. ) , mkSFunArray , SArray ( .. ) , arrayUIKind
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, sbvToSW , sbvToSymSW , forceSWArg
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, SBVExpr ( .. ) , newExpr
, cache , Cached , uncache , uncacheAI , HasKind ( .. )
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, Op ( .. ) , NamedSymVar , UnintKind ( .. ) , getTableIndex , SBVPgm ( .. ) , Symbolic , runSymbolic , runSymbolic' , State , getPathCondition , extendPathCondition
, inProofMode , SBVRunMode ( .. ) , Kind ( .. ) , Outputtable ( .. ) , Result ( .. )
, Logic ( .. ) , SMTLibLogic ( .. )
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, getTraceInfo , getConstraints , addConstraint
, SBVType ( .. ) , newUninterpreted , unintFnUIKind , addAxiom
, Quantifier ( .. ) , needsExistentials
, SMTLibPgm ( .. ) , SMTLibVersion ( .. )
, SolverCapabilities ( .. )
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, extractSymbolicSimulationState , getResult
, SMTScript ( .. ) , Solver ( .. ) , SMTSolver ( .. ) , SMTResult ( .. ) , SMTModel ( .. ) , SMTConfig ( .. ) , getSBranchRunConfig
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) where
import Control.DeepSeq ( NFData ( .. ) )
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import Control.Applicative ( Applicative )
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import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Monad.Fix ( MonadFix )
import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadReader , ReaderT , ask , runReaderT )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadIO , liftIO )
import Data.Char ( isAlpha , isAlphaNum )
import Data.Generics ( Data ( .. ) , dataTypeName , dataTypeOf , tyconUQname )
import Data.Int ( Int8 , Int16 , Int32 , Int64 )
import Data.Word ( Word8 , Word16 , Word32 , Word64 )
import Data.IORef ( IORef , newIORef , modifyIORef , readIORef , writeIORef )
import Data.List ( intercalate , sortBy )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust , fromJust )
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap ( IntMap , empty , size , toAscList , lookup , insert , insertWith )
import qualified Data.Map as Map ( Map , empty , toList , size , insert , lookup )
import qualified Data.Set as Set ( Set , empty , toList , insert )
import qualified Data.Foldable as F ( toList )
import qualified Data.Sequence as S ( Seq , empty , ( |> ) )
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import System.Exit ( ExitCode ( .. ) )
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import System.Mem.StableName
import System.Random
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib
-- | A constant value
data CWVal = CWAlgReal AlgReal -- ^ algebraic real
| CWInteger Integer -- ^ bit-vector/unbounded integer
| CWFloat Float -- ^ float
| CWDouble Double -- ^ double
| CWUninterpreted String -- ^ value of an uninterpreted kind
-- We cannot simply derive Eq/Ord for CWVal, since CWAlgReal doesn't have proper
-- instances for these when values are infinitely precise reals. However, we do
-- need a structural eq/ord for Map indexes; so define custom ones here:
instance Eq CWVal where
CWAlgReal a == CWAlgReal b = a ` algRealStructuralEqual ` b
CWInteger a == CWInteger b = a == b
CWUninterpreted a == CWUninterpreted b = a == b
CWFloat a == CWFloat b = a == b
CWDouble a == CWDouble b = a == b
_ == _ = False
instance Ord CWVal where
CWAlgReal a ` compare ` CWAlgReal b = a ` algRealStructuralCompare ` b
CWAlgReal _ ` compare ` CWInteger _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ ` compare ` CWFloat _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ ` compare ` CWDouble _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ ` compare ` CWUninterpreted _ = LT
CWInteger _ ` compare ` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWInteger a ` compare ` CWInteger b = a ` compare ` b
CWInteger _ ` compare ` CWFloat _ = LT
CWInteger _ ` compare ` CWDouble _ = LT
CWInteger _ ` compare ` CWUninterpreted _ = LT
CWFloat _ ` compare ` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWFloat _ ` compare ` CWInteger _ = GT
CWFloat a ` compare ` CWFloat b = a ` compare ` b
CWFloat _ ` compare ` CWDouble _ = LT
CWFloat _ ` compare ` CWUninterpreted _ = LT
CWDouble _ ` compare ` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWDouble _ ` compare ` CWInteger _ = GT
CWDouble _ ` compare ` CWFloat _ = GT
CWDouble a ` compare ` CWDouble b = a ` compare ` b
CWDouble _ ` compare ` CWUninterpreted _ = LT
CWUninterpreted _ ` compare ` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWUninterpreted _ ` compare ` CWInteger _ = GT
CWUninterpreted _ ` compare ` CWFloat _ = GT
CWUninterpreted _ ` compare ` CWDouble _ = GT
CWUninterpreted a ` compare ` CWUninterpreted b = a ` compare ` b
-- | 'CW' represents a concrete word of a fixed size:
-- Endianness is mostly irrelevant (see the 'FromBits' class).
-- For signed words, the most significant digit is considered to be the sign.
data CW = CW { cwKind :: ! Kind
, cwVal :: ! CWVal
deriving ( Eq , Ord )
-- | Are two CW's of the same type?
cwSameType :: CW -> CW -> Bool
cwSameType x y = cwKind x == cwKind y
-- | Is this a bit?
cwIsBit :: CW -> Bool
cwIsBit x = case cwKind x of
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KBool -> True
_ -> False
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-- | Convert a CW to a Haskell boolean (NB. Assumes input is well-kinded)
cwToBool :: CW -> Bool
cwToBool x = cwVal x /= CWInteger 0
-- | Normalize a CW. Essentially performs modular arithmetic to make sure the
-- value can fit in the given bit-size. Note that this is rather tricky for
-- negative values, due to asymmetry. (i.e., an 8-bit negative number represents
-- values in the range -128 to 127; thus we have to be careful on the negative side.)
normCW :: CW -> CW
normCW c @ ( CW ( KBounded signed sz ) ( CWInteger v ) ) = c { cwVal = CWInteger norm }
where norm | sz == 0 = 0
| signed = let rg = 2 ^ ( sz - 1 )
in case divMod v rg of
( a , b ) | even a -> b
( _ , b ) -> b - rg
| True = v ` mod ` ( 2 ^ sz )
normCW c = c
-- | Kind of symbolic value
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data Kind = KBool
| KBounded Bool Int
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| KUnbounded
| KReal
| KUninterpreted String
| KFloat
| KDouble
deriving ( Eq , Ord )
instance Show Kind where
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show KBool = " SBool "
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show ( KBounded False n ) = " SWord " ++ show n
show ( KBounded True n ) = " SInt " ++ show n
show KUnbounded = " SInteger "
show KReal = " SReal "
show ( KUninterpreted s ) = s
show KFloat = " SFloat "
show KDouble = " SDouble "
-- | A symbolic node id
newtype NodeId = NodeId Int deriving ( Eq , Ord )
-- | A symbolic word, tracking it's signedness and size.
data SW = SW Kind NodeId deriving ( Eq , Ord )
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-- | Forcing an argument; this is a necessary evil to make sure all the arguments
-- to an uninterpreted function and sBranch test conditions are evaluated before called;
-- the semantics of uinterpreted functions is necessarily strict; deviating from Haskell's
forceSWArg :: SW -> IO ()
forceSWArg ( SW k n ) = k ` seq ` n ` seq ` return ()
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-- | Quantifiers: forall or exists. Note that we allow
-- arbitrary nestings.
data Quantifier = ALL | EX deriving Eq
-- | Are there any existential quantifiers?
needsExistentials :: [ Quantifier ] -> Bool
needsExistentials = ( EX ` elem ` )
-- | Constant False as a SW. Note that this value always occupies slot -2.
falseSW :: SW
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falseSW = SW KBool $ NodeId ( - 2 )
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-- | Constant False as a SW. Note that this value always occupies slot -1.
trueSW :: SW
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trueSW = SW KBool $ NodeId ( - 1 )
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-- | Constant False as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 0.
falseCW :: CW
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falseCW = CW KBool ( CWInteger 0 )
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-- | Constant True as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 1.
trueCW :: CW
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trueCW = CW KBool ( CWInteger 1 )
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-- | A simple type for SBV computations, used mainly for uninterpreted constants.
-- We keep track of the signedness/size of the arguments. A non-function will
-- have just one entry in the list.
newtype SBVType = SBVType [ Kind ]
deriving ( Eq , Ord )
-- | how many arguments does the type take?
typeArity :: SBVType -> Int
typeArity ( SBVType xs ) = length xs - 1
instance Show SBVType where
show ( SBVType [] ) = error " SBV: internal error, empty SBVType "
show ( SBVType xs ) = intercalate " -> " $ map show xs
-- | Symbolic operations
data Op = Plus | Times | Minus
| Quot | Rem
| Equal | NotEqual
| LessThan | GreaterThan | LessEq | GreaterEq
| Ite
| And | Or | XOr | Not
| Shl Int | Shr Int | Rol Int | Ror Int
| Extract Int Int -- Extract i j: extract bits i to j. Least significant bit is 0 (big-endian)
| Join -- Concat two words to form a bigger one, in the order given
| LkUp ( Int , Kind , Kind , Int ) ! SW ! SW -- (table-index, arg-type, res-type, length of the table) index out-of-bounds-value
| ArrEq Int Int
| ArrRead Int
| Uninterpreted String
deriving ( Eq , Ord )
-- | SMT-Lib's square-root over floats/doubles. We piggy back on to the uninterpreted function mechanism
-- to implement these; which is not a terrible idea; although the use of the constructor 'Uninterpreted'
-- might be confusing. This function will *not* be uninterpreted in reality, as QF_FPA will define it. It's
-- a bit of a shame, but much easier to implement it this way.
smtLibSquareRoot :: Op
smtLibSquareRoot = Uninterpreted " squareRoot "
-- | SMT-Lib's fusedMA over floats/doubles. Similar to the 'smtLibSquareRoot'. Note that we cannot implement
-- this function in Haskell as precision loss would be inevitable. Maybe Haskell will eventually add this op
-- to the Num class.
smtLibFusedMA :: Op
smtLibFusedMA = Uninterpreted " fusedMA "
-- | A symbolic expression
data SBVExpr = SBVApp ! Op ! [ SW ]
deriving ( Eq , Ord )
-- | A class for capturing values that have a sign and a size (finite or infinite)
-- minimal complete definition: kindOf. This class can be automatically derived
-- for data-types that have a 'Data' instance; this is useful for creating uninterpreted
-- sorts.
class HasKind a where
kindOf :: a -> Kind
hasSign :: a -> Bool
intSizeOf :: a -> Int
isBoolean :: a -> Bool
isBounded :: a -> Bool
isReal :: a -> Bool
isFloat :: a -> Bool
isDouble :: a -> Bool
isInteger :: a -> Bool
isUninterpreted :: a -> Bool
showType :: a -> String
-- defaults
hasSign x = case kindOf x of
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KBool -> False
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KBounded b _ -> b
KUnbounded -> True
KReal -> True
KFloat -> True
KDouble -> True
KUninterpreted { } -> False
intSizeOf x = case kindOf x of
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KBool -> error " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Bool) "
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KBounded _ s -> s
KUnbounded -> error " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Integer) "
KReal -> error " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Real) "
KFloat -> error " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Float) "
KDouble -> error " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Double) "
KUninterpreted s -> error $ " SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf: Uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
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isBoolean x | KBool { } <- kindOf x = True
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| True = False
isBounded x | KBounded { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isReal x | KReal { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isFloat x | KFloat { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isDouble x | KDouble { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isInteger x | KUnbounded { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isUninterpreted x | KUninterpreted { } <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
showType = show . kindOf
-- default signature for uninterpreted kinds
default kindOf :: Data a => a -> Kind
kindOf = KUninterpreted . tyconUQname . dataTypeName . dataTypeOf
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instance HasKind Bool where kindOf _ = KBool
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instance HasKind Int8 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 8
instance HasKind Word8 where kindOf _ = KBounded False 8
instance HasKind Int16 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 16
instance HasKind Word16 where kindOf _ = KBounded False 16
instance HasKind Int32 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 32
instance HasKind Word32 where kindOf _ = KBounded False 32
instance HasKind Int64 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 64
instance HasKind Word64 where kindOf _ = KBounded False 64
instance HasKind Integer where kindOf _ = KUnbounded
instance HasKind AlgReal where kindOf _ = KReal
instance HasKind Float where kindOf _ = KFloat
instance HasKind Double where kindOf _ = KDouble
-- | Lift a unary function thruough a CW
liftCW :: ( AlgReal -> b ) -> ( Integer -> b ) -> ( Float -> b ) -> ( Double -> b ) -> ( String -> b ) -> CW -> b
liftCW f _ _ _ _ ( CW _ ( CWAlgReal v ) ) = f v
liftCW _ f _ _ _ ( CW _ ( CWInteger v ) ) = f v
liftCW _ _ f _ _ ( CW _ ( CWFloat v ) ) = f v
liftCW _ _ _ f _ ( CW _ ( CWDouble v ) ) = f v
liftCW _ _ _ _ f ( CW _ ( CWUninterpreted v ) ) = f v
-- | Lift a binary function through a CW
liftCW2 :: ( AlgReal -> AlgReal -> b ) -> ( Integer -> Integer -> b ) -> ( Float -> Float -> b ) -> ( Double -> Double -> b ) -> ( String -> String -> b ) -> CW -> CW -> b
liftCW2 r i f d u x y = case ( cwVal x , cwVal y ) of
( CWAlgReal a , CWAlgReal b ) -> r a b
( CWInteger a , CWInteger b ) -> i a b
( CWFloat a , CWFloat b ) -> f a b
( CWDouble a , CWDouble b ) -> d a b
( CWUninterpreted a , CWUninterpreted b ) -> u a b
_ -> error $ " SBV.liftCW2: impossible, incompatible args received: " ++ show ( x , y )
-- | Map a unary function through a CW
mapCW :: ( AlgReal -> AlgReal ) -> ( Integer -> Integer ) -> ( Float -> Float ) -> ( Double -> Double ) -> ( String -> String ) -> CW -> CW
mapCW r i f d u x = normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) $ case cwVal x of
CWAlgReal a -> CWAlgReal ( r a )
CWInteger a -> CWInteger ( i a )
CWFloat a -> CWFloat ( f a )
CWDouble a -> CWDouble ( d a )
CWUninterpreted a -> CWUninterpreted ( u a )
-- | Map a binary function through a CW
mapCW2 :: ( AlgReal -> AlgReal -> AlgReal ) -> ( Integer -> Integer -> Integer ) -> ( Float -> Float -> Float ) -> ( Double -> Double -> Double ) -> ( String -> String -> String ) -> CW -> CW -> CW
mapCW2 r i f d u x y = case ( cwSameType x y , cwVal x , cwVal y ) of
( True , CWAlgReal a , CWAlgReal b ) -> normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) ( CWAlgReal ( r a b ) )
( True , CWInteger a , CWInteger b ) -> normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) ( CWInteger ( i a b ) )
( True , CWFloat a , CWFloat b ) -> normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) ( CWFloat ( f a b ) )
( True , CWDouble a , CWDouble b ) -> normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) ( CWDouble ( d a b ) )
( True , CWUninterpreted a , CWUninterpreted b ) -> normCW $ CW ( cwKind x ) ( CWUninterpreted ( u a b ) )
_ -> error $ " SBV.mapCW2: impossible, incompatible args received: " ++ show ( x , y )
instance HasKind CW where
kindOf = cwKind
instance HasKind SW where
kindOf ( SW k _ ) = k
instance Show CW where
show w | cwIsBit w = show ( cwToBool w )
show w = liftCW show show show show id w ++ " :: " ++ showType w
instance Show SW where
show ( SW _ ( NodeId n ) )
| n < 0 = " s_ " ++ show ( abs n )
| True = 's' : show n
instance Show Op where
show ( Shl i ) = " << " ++ show i
show ( Shr i ) = " >> " ++ show i
show ( Rol i ) = " <<< " ++ show i
show ( Ror i ) = " >>> " ++ show i
show ( Extract i j ) = " choose [ " ++ show i ++ " : " ++ show j ++ " ] "
show ( LkUp ( ti , at , rt , l ) i e )
= " lookup( " ++ tinfo ++ " , " ++ show i ++ " , " ++ show e ++ " ) "
where tinfo = " table " ++ show ti ++ " ( " ++ show at ++ " -> " ++ show rt ++ " , " ++ show l ++ " ) "
show ( ArrEq i j ) = " array_ " ++ show i ++ " == array_ " ++ show j
show ( ArrRead i ) = " select array_ " ++ show i
show ( Uninterpreted i ) = " [uninterpreted] " ++ i
show op
| Just s <- op ` lookup ` syms = s
| True = error " impossible happened; can't find op! "
where syms = [ ( Plus , " + " ) , ( Times , " * " ) , ( Minus , " - " )
, ( Quot , " quot " )
, ( Rem , " rem " )
, ( Equal , " == " ) , ( NotEqual , " /= " )
, ( LessThan , " < " ) , ( GreaterThan , " > " ) , ( LessEq , " < " ) , ( GreaterEq , " > " )
, ( Ite , " if_then_else " )
, ( And , " & " ) , ( Or , " | " ) , ( XOr , " ^ " ) , ( Not , " ~ " )
, ( Join , " # " )
-- | To improve hash-consing, take advantage of commutative operators by
-- reordering their arguments.
reorder :: SBVExpr -> SBVExpr
reorder s = case s of
SBVApp op [ a , b ] | isCommutative op && a > b -> SBVApp op [ b , a ]
_ -> s
where isCommutative :: Op -> Bool
isCommutative o = o ` elem ` [ Plus , Times , Equal , NotEqual , And , Or , XOr ]
instance Show SBVExpr where
show ( SBVApp Ite [ t , a , b ] ) = unwords [ " if " , show t , " then " , show a , " else " , show b ]
show ( SBVApp ( Shl i ) [ a ] ) = unwords [ show a , " << " , show i ]
show ( SBVApp ( Shr i ) [ a ] ) = unwords [ show a , " >> " , show i ]
show ( SBVApp ( Rol i ) [ a ] ) = unwords [ show a , " <<< " , show i ]
show ( SBVApp ( Ror i ) [ a ] ) = unwords [ show a , " >>> " , show i ]
show ( SBVApp op [ a , b ] ) = unwords [ show a , show op , show b ]
show ( SBVApp op args ) = unwords ( show op : map show args )
-- | A program is a sequence of assignments
newtype SBVPgm = SBVPgm { pgmAssignments :: ( S . Seq ( SW , SBVExpr ) ) }
-- | 'NamedSymVar' pairs symbolic words and user given/automatically generated names
type NamedSymVar = ( SW , String )
-- | 'UnintKind' pairs array names and uninterpreted constants with their "kinds"
-- used mainly for printing counterexamples
data UnintKind = UFun Int String | UArr Int String -- in each case, arity and the aliasing name
deriving Show
-- | Result of running a symbolic computation
data Result = Result ( Set . Set Kind ) -- kinds used in the program
[ ( String , CW ) ] -- quick-check counter-example information (if any)
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[ ( String , [ String ] ) ] -- uninterpeted code segments
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[ ( Quantifier , NamedSymVar ) ] -- inputs (possibly existential)
[ ( SW , CW ) ] -- constants
[ ( ( Int , Kind , Kind ) , [ SW ] ) ] -- tables (automatically constructed) (tableno, index-type, result-type) elts
[ ( Int , ArrayInfo ) ] -- arrays (user specified)
[ ( String , SBVType ) ] -- uninterpreted constants
[ ( String , [ String ] ) ] -- axioms
SBVPgm -- assignments
[ SW ] -- additional constraints (boolean)
[ SW ] -- outputs
-- | Extract the constraints from a result
getConstraints :: Result -> [ SW ]
getConstraints ( Result _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cstrs _ ) = cstrs
-- | Extract the traced-values from a result (quick-check)
getTraceInfo :: Result -> [ ( String , CW ) ]
getTraceInfo ( Result _ tvals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = tvals
instance Show Result where
show ( Result _ _ _ _ cs _ _ [] [] _ [] [ r ] )
| Just c <- r ` lookup ` cs
= show c
show ( Result kinds _ cgs is cs ts as uis axs xs cstrs os ) = intercalate " \ n " $
( if null usorts then [] else " SORTS " : map ( " " ++ ) usorts )
++ [ " INPUTS " ]
++ map shn is
++ [ " CONSTANTS " ]
++ map shc cs
++ [ " TABLES " ]
++ map sht ts
++ [ " ARRAYS " ]
++ map sha as
++ map shui uis
++ concatMap shcg cgs
++ [ " AXIOMS " ]
++ map shax axs
++ [ " DEFINE " ]
++ map ( \ ( s , e ) -> " " ++ shs s ++ " = " ++ show e ) ( F . toList ( pgmAssignments xs ) )
++ [ " CONSTRAINTS " ]
++ map ( ( " " ++ ) . show ) cstrs
++ [ " OUTPUTS " ]
++ map ( ( " " ++ ) . show ) os
where usorts = [ s | KUninterpreted s <- Set . toList kinds ]
shs sw = show sw ++ " :: " ++ showType sw
sht ( ( i , at , rt ) , es ) = " Table " ++ show i ++ " : " ++ show at ++ " -> " ++ show rt ++ " = " ++ show es
shc ( sw , cw ) = " " ++ show sw ++ " = " ++ show cw
shcg ( s , ss ) = ( " Variable: " ++ s ) : map ( " " ++ ) ss
shn ( q , ( sw , nm ) ) = " " ++ ni ++ " :: " ++ showType sw ++ ex ++ alias
where ni = show sw
ex | q == ALL = " "
| True = " , existential "
alias | ni == nm = " "
| True = " , aliasing " ++ show nm
sha ( i , ( nm , ( ai , bi ) , ctx ) ) = " " ++ ni ++ " :: " ++ show ai ++ " -> " ++ show bi ++ alias
++ " \ n Context: " ++ show ctx
where ni = " array_ " ++ show i
alias | ni == nm = " "
| True = " , aliasing " ++ show nm
shui ( nm , t ) = " [uninterpreted] " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ show t
shax ( nm , ss ) = " -- user defined axiom: " ++ nm ++ " \ n " ++ intercalate " \ n " ss
-- | The context of a symbolic array as created
data ArrayContext = ArrayFree ( Maybe SW ) -- ^ A new array, with potential initializer for each cell
| ArrayReset Int SW -- ^ An array created from another array by fixing each element to another value
| ArrayMutate Int SW SW -- ^ An array created by mutating another array at a given cell
| ArrayMerge SW Int Int -- ^ An array created by symbolically merging two other arrays
instance Show ArrayContext where
show ( ArrayFree Nothing ) = " initialized with random elements "
show ( ArrayFree ( Just s ) ) = " initialized with " ++ show s ++ " :: " ++ showType s
show ( ArrayReset i s ) = " reset array_ " ++ show i ++ " with " ++ show s ++ " :: " ++ showType s
show ( ArrayMutate i a b ) = " cloned from array_ " ++ show i ++ " with " ++ show a ++ " :: " ++ showType a ++ " |-> " ++ show b ++ " :: " ++ showType b
show ( ArrayMerge s i j ) = " merged arrays " ++ show i ++ " and " ++ show j ++ " on condition " ++ show s
-- | Expression map, used for hash-consing
type ExprMap = Map . Map SBVExpr SW
-- | Constants are stored in a map, for hash-consing
type CnstMap = Map . Map CW SW
-- | Kinds used in the program; used for determining the final SMT-Lib logic to pick
type KindSet = Set . Set Kind
-- | Tables generated during a symbolic run
type TableMap = Map . Map [ SW ] ( Int , Kind , Kind )
-- | Representation for symbolic arrays
type ArrayInfo = ( String , ( Kind , Kind ) , ArrayContext )
-- | Arrays generated during a symbolic run
type ArrayMap = IMap . IntMap ArrayInfo
-- | Uninterpreted-constants generated during a symbolic run
type UIMap = Map . Map String SBVType
-- | Code-segments for Uninterpreted-constants, as given by the user
type CgMap = Map . Map String [ String ]
-- | Cached values, implementing sharing
type Cache a = IMap . IntMap [ ( StableName ( State -> IO a ) , a ) ]
-- | Convert an SBV-type to the kind-of uninterpreted value it represents
unintFnUIKind :: ( String , SBVType ) -> ( String , UnintKind )
unintFnUIKind ( s , t ) = ( s , UFun ( typeArity t ) s )
-- | Convert an array value type to the kind-of uninterpreted value it represents
arrayUIKind :: ( Int , ArrayInfo ) -> Maybe ( String , UnintKind )
arrayUIKind ( i , ( nm , _ , ctx ) )
| external ctx = Just ( " array_ " ++ show i , UArr 1 nm ) -- arrays are always 1-dimensional in the SMT-land. (Unless encoded explicitly)
| True = Nothing
where external ( ArrayFree { } ) = True
external ( ArrayReset { } ) = False
external ( ArrayMutate { } ) = False
external ( ArrayMerge { } ) = False
-- | Different means of running a symbolic piece of code
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data SBVRunMode = Proof ( Bool , Maybe SMTConfig ) -- ^ Symbolic simulation mode, for proof purposes. Bool is True if it's a sat instance. SMTConfig is used for 'sBranch' calls.
| CodeGen -- ^ Code generation mode
| Concrete StdGen -- ^ Concrete simulation mode. The StdGen is for the pConstrain acceptance in cross runs
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | Is this a concrete run? (i.e., quick-check or test-generation like)
isConcreteMode :: SBVRunMode -> Bool
isConcreteMode ( Concrete _ ) = True
isConcreteMode ( Proof { } ) = False
isConcreteMode CodeGen = False
-- | The state of the symbolic interpreter
data State = State { runMode :: SBVRunMode
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
, pathCond :: SBool
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
, rStdGen :: IORef StdGen
, rCInfo :: IORef [ ( String , CW ) ]
, rctr :: IORef Int
, rUsedKinds :: IORef KindSet
, rinps :: IORef [ ( Quantifier , NamedSymVar ) ]
, rConstraints :: IORef [ SW ]
, routs :: IORef [ SW ]
, rtblMap :: IORef TableMap
, spgm :: IORef SBVPgm
, rconstMap :: IORef CnstMap
, rexprMap :: IORef ExprMap
, rArrayMap :: IORef ArrayMap
, rUIMap :: IORef UIMap
, rCgMap :: IORef CgMap
, raxioms :: IORef [ ( String , [ String ] ) ]
, rSWCache :: IORef ( Cache SW )
, rAICache :: IORef ( Cache Int )
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
-- | Get the current path condition
getPathCondition :: State -> SBool
getPathCondition = pathCond
-- | Extend the path condition with the given test value.
extendPathCondition :: State -> ( SBool -> SBool ) -> State
extendPathCondition st f = st { pathCond = f ( pathCond st ) }
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | Are we running in proof mode?
inProofMode :: State -> Bool
inProofMode s = case runMode s of
Proof { } -> True
CodeGen -> False
Concrete { } -> False
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
-- | If in proof mode, get the underlying configuration (used for 'sBranch')
getSBranchRunConfig :: State -> Maybe SMTConfig
getSBranchRunConfig st = case runMode st of
Proof ( _ , s ) -> s
_ -> Nothing
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | The "Symbolic" value. Either a constant (@Left@) or a symbolic
-- value (@Right Cached@). Note that caching is essential for making
-- sure sharing is preserved. The parameter 'a' is phantom, but is
-- extremely important in keeping the user interface strongly typed.
data SBV a = SBV ! Kind ! ( Either CW ( Cached SW ) )
-- | A symbolic boolean/bit
type SBool = SBV Bool
-- | 8-bit unsigned symbolic value
type SWord8 = SBV Word8
-- | 16-bit unsigned symbolic value
type SWord16 = SBV Word16
-- | 32-bit unsigned symbolic value
type SWord32 = SBV Word32
-- | 64-bit unsigned symbolic value
type SWord64 = SBV Word64
-- | 8-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
type SInt8 = SBV Int8
-- | 16-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
type SInt16 = SBV Int16
-- | 32-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
type SInt32 = SBV Int32
-- | 64-bit signed symbolic value, 2's complement representation
type SInt64 = SBV Int64
-- | Infinite precision signed symbolic value
type SInteger = SBV Integer
-- | Infinite precision symbolic algebraic real value
type SReal = SBV AlgReal
-- | IEEE-754 single-precision floating point numbers
type SFloat = SBV Float
-- | IEEE-754 double-precision floating point numbers
type SDouble = SBV Double
-- | Not-A-Number for 'Double' and 'Float'. Surprisingly, Haskell
-- Prelude doesn't have this value defined, so we provide it here.
nan :: Floating a => a
nan = 0 / 0
-- | Infinity for 'Double' and 'Float'. Surprisingly, Haskell
-- Prelude doesn't have this value defined, so we provide it here.
infinity :: Floating a => a
infinity = 1 / 0
-- | Symbolic variant of Not-A-Number. This value will inhabit both
-- 'SDouble' and 'SFloat'.
sNaN :: ( Floating a , SymWord a ) => SBV a
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sNaN = literal nan
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | Symbolic variant of infinity. This value will inhabit both
-- 'SDouble' and 'SFloat'.
sInfinity :: ( Floating a , SymWord a ) => SBV a
sInfinity = literal infinity
-- | Rounding mode to be used for the IEEE floating-point operations.
-- Note that Haskell's default is 'RoundNearestTiesToEven'. If you use
-- a different rounding mode, then the counter-examples you get may not
-- match what you observe in Haskell.
data RoundingMode = RoundNearestTiesToEven -- ^ Round to nearest representable floating point value.
-- If precisely at half-way, pick the even number.
-- (In this context, /even/ means the lowest-order bit is zero.)
| RoundNearestTiesToAway -- ^ Round to nearest representable floating point value.
-- If precisely at half-way, pick the number further away from 0.
-- (That is, for positive values, pick the greater; for negative values, pick the smaller.)
| RoundTowardPositive -- ^ Round towards positive infinity. (Also known as rounding-up or ceiling.)
| RoundTowardNegative -- ^ Round towards negative infinity. (Also known as rounding-down or floor.)
| RoundTowardZero -- ^ Round towards zero. (Also known as truncation.)
-- Not particularly "desirable", but will do if needed
instance Show ( SBV a ) where
show ( SBV _ ( Left c ) ) = show c
show ( SBV k ( Right _ ) ) = " <symbolic> :: " ++ show k
-- Equality constraint on SBV values. Not desirable since we can't really compare two
-- symbolic values, but will do.
instance Eq ( SBV a ) where
SBV _ ( Left a ) == SBV _ ( Left b ) = a == b
a == b = error $ " Comparing symbolic bit-vectors; Use (.==) instead. Received: " ++ show ( a , b )
SBV _ ( Left a ) /= SBV _ ( Left b ) = a /= b
a /= b = error $ " Comparing symbolic bit-vectors; Use (./=) instead. Received: " ++ show ( a , b )
instance HasKind a => HasKind ( SBV a ) where
kindOf ( SBV k _ ) = k
-- | Increment the variable counter
incCtr :: State -> IO Int
incCtr s = do ctr <- readIORef ( rctr s )
let i = ctr + 1
i ` seq ` writeIORef ( rctr s ) i
return ctr
-- | Generate a random value, for quick-check and test-gen purposes
throwDice :: State -> IO Double
throwDice st = do g <- readIORef ( rStdGen st )
let ( r , g' ) = randomR ( 0 , 1 ) g
writeIORef ( rStdGen st ) g'
return r
-- | Create a new uninterpreted symbol, possibly with user given code
newUninterpreted :: State -> String -> SBVType -> Maybe [ String ] -> IO ()
newUninterpreted st nm t mbCode
| null nm || not ( isAlpha ( head nm ) ) || not ( all validChar ( tail nm ) )
= error $ " Bad uninterpreted constant name: " ++ show nm ++ " . Must be a valid identifier. "
| True = do
uiMap <- readIORef ( rUIMap st )
case nm ` Map . lookup ` uiMap of
Just t' -> if t /= t'
then error $ " Uninterpreted constant " ++ show nm ++ " used at incompatible types \ n "
++ " Current type : " ++ show t ++ " \ n "
++ " Previously used at: " ++ show t'
else return ()
Nothing -> do modifyIORef ( rUIMap st ) ( Map . insert nm t )
when ( isJust mbCode ) $ modifyIORef ( rCgMap st ) ( Map . insert nm ( fromJust mbCode ) )
where validChar x = isAlphaNum x || x ` elem ` " _ "
-- | Create a new SW
newSW :: State -> Kind -> IO ( SW , String )
newSW st k = do ctr <- incCtr st
let sw = SW k ( NodeId ctr )
registerKind st k
return ( sw , 's' : show ctr )
{- # INLINE newSW # -}
registerKind :: State -> Kind -> IO ()
registerKind st k
| KUninterpreted sortName <- k , sortName ` elem ` reserved
= error $ " SBV: " ++ show sortName ++ " is a reserved sort; please use a different name. "
| True
= modifyIORef ( rUsedKinds st ) ( Set . insert k )
where reserved = [ " Int " , " Real " , " List " , " Array " , " Bool " , " NUMERAL " , " DECIMAL " , " STRING " , " FP " ] -- Reserved by SMT-Lib
-- | Create a new constant; hash-cons as necessary
newConst :: State -> CW -> IO SW
newConst st c = do
constMap <- readIORef ( rconstMap st )
case c ` Map . lookup ` constMap of
Just sw -> return sw
Nothing -> do let k = kindOf c
( sw , _ ) <- newSW st k
modifyIORef ( rconstMap st ) ( Map . insert c sw )
return sw
{- # INLINE newConst # -}
-- | Create a new table; hash-cons as necessary
getTableIndex :: State -> Kind -> Kind -> [ SW ] -> IO Int
getTableIndex st at rt elts = do
tblMap <- readIORef ( rtblMap st )
case elts ` Map . lookup ` tblMap of
Just ( i , _ , _ ) -> return i
Nothing -> do let i = Map . size tblMap
modifyIORef ( rtblMap st ) ( Map . insert elts ( i , at , rt ) )
return i
-- | Create a constant word from an integral
mkConstCW :: Integral a => Kind -> a -> CW
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mkConstCW KBool a = normCW $ CW KBool ( CWInteger ( toInteger a ) )
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mkConstCW k @ ( KBounded { } ) a = normCW $ CW k ( CWInteger ( toInteger a ) )
mkConstCW KUnbounded a = normCW $ CW KUnbounded ( CWInteger ( toInteger a ) )
mkConstCW KReal a = normCW $ CW KReal ( CWAlgReal ( fromInteger ( toInteger a ) ) )
mkConstCW KFloat a = normCW $ CW KFloat ( CWFloat ( fromInteger ( toInteger a ) ) )
mkConstCW KDouble a = normCW $ CW KDouble ( CWDouble ( fromInteger ( toInteger a ) ) )
mkConstCW ( KUninterpreted s ) a = error $ " Unexpected call to mkConstCW with uninterpreted kind: " ++ s ++ " with value: " ++ show ( toInteger a )
-- | Create a new expression; hash-cons as necessary
newExpr :: State -> Kind -> SBVExpr -> IO SW
newExpr st k app = do
let e = reorder app
exprMap <- readIORef ( rexprMap st )
case e ` Map . lookup ` exprMap of
Just sw -> return sw
Nothing -> do ( sw , _ ) <- newSW st k
modifyIORef ( spgm st ) ( \ ( SBVPgm xs ) -> SBVPgm ( xs S .|> ( sw , e ) ) )
modifyIORef ( rexprMap st ) ( Map . insert e sw )
return sw
{- # INLINE newExpr # -}
-- | Convert a symbolic value to a symbolic-word
sbvToSW :: State -> SBV a -> IO SW
sbvToSW st ( SBV _ ( Left c ) ) = newConst st c
sbvToSW st ( SBV _ ( Right f ) ) = uncache f st
-- * Symbolic Computations
-- | A Symbolic computation. Represented by a reader monad carrying the
-- state of the computation, layered on top of IO for creating unique
-- references to hold onto intermediate results.
newtype Symbolic a = Symbolic ( ReaderT State IO a )
deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad , MonadFix , MonadIO , MonadReader State )
-- | Create a symbolic value, based on the quantifier we have. If an explicit quantifier is given, we just use that.
-- If not, then we pick existential for SAT calls and universal for everything else.
mkSymSBV :: forall a . ( Random a , SymWord a ) => Maybe Quantifier -> Kind -> Maybe String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
mkSymSBV = mkSymSBVWithRandom randomIO
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mkSymSBVWithRandom :: forall a . SymWord a => IO ( SBV a ) -> Maybe Quantifier -> Kind -> Maybe String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
mkSymSBVWithRandom rand mbQ k mbNm = do
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st <- ask
let q = case ( mbQ , runMode st ) of
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( Just x , _ ) -> x -- user given, just take it
( Nothing , Concrete { } ) -> ALL -- concrete simulation, pick universal
( Nothing , Proof ( True , _ ) ) -> EX -- sat mode, pick existential
( Nothing , Proof ( False , _ ) ) -> ALL -- proof mode, pick universal
( Nothing , CodeGen ) -> ALL -- code generation, pick universal
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case runMode st of
Concrete _ | q == EX -> case mbNm of
Nothing -> error $ " Cannot quick-check in the presence of existential variables, type: " ++ showType ( undefined :: SBV a )
Just nm -> error $ " Cannot quick-check in the presence of existential variable " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ showType ( undefined :: SBV a )
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Concrete _ -> do v @ ( SBV _ ( Left cw ) ) <- liftIO rand
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( rCInfo st ) ( ( maybe " _ " id mbNm , cw ) : )
return v
_ -> do ( sw , internalName ) <- liftIO $ newSW st k
let nm = maybe internalName id mbNm
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( rinps st ) ( ( q , ( sw , nm ) ) : )
return $ SBV k $ Right $ cache ( const ( return sw ) )
-- | Convert a symbolic value to an SW, inside the Symbolic monad
sbvToSymSW :: SBV a -> Symbolic SW
sbvToSymSW sbv = do
st <- ask
liftIO $ sbvToSW st sbv
-- | A class representing what can be returned from a symbolic computation.
class Outputtable a where
-- | Mark an interim result as an output. Useful when constructing Symbolic programs
-- that return multiple values, or when the result is programmatically computed.
output :: a -> Symbolic a
instance Outputtable ( SBV a ) where
output i @ ( SBV _ ( Left c ) ) = do
st <- ask
sw <- liftIO $ newConst st c
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( routs st ) ( sw : )
return i
output i @ ( SBV _ ( Right f ) ) = do
st <- ask
sw <- liftIO $ uncache f st
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( routs st ) ( sw : )
return i
instance Outputtable a => Outputtable [ a ] where
output = mapM output
instance Outputtable () where
output = return
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b ) => Outputtable ( a , b ) where
output = mlift2 ( , ) output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c ) where
output = mlift3 ( , , ) output output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c , Outputtable d ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c , d ) where
output = mlift4 ( , , , ) output output output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c , Outputtable d , Outputtable e ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c , d , e ) where
output = mlift5 ( , , , , ) output output output output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c , Outputtable d , Outputtable e , Outputtable f ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c , d , e , f ) where
output = mlift6 ( , , , , , ) output output output output output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c , Outputtable d , Outputtable e , Outputtable f , Outputtable g ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c , d , e , f , g ) where
output = mlift7 ( , , , , , , ) output output output output output output output
instance ( Outputtable a , Outputtable b , Outputtable c , Outputtable d , Outputtable e , Outputtable f , Outputtable g , Outputtable h ) => Outputtable ( a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h ) where
output = mlift8 ( , , , , , , , ) output output output output output output output output
-- | Add a user specified axiom to the generated SMT-Lib file. The first argument is a mere
-- string, use for commenting purposes. The second argument is intended to hold the multiple-lines
-- of the axiom text as expressed in SMT-Lib notation. Note that we perform no checks on the axiom
-- itself, to see whether it's actually well-formed or is sensical by any means.
-- A separate formalization of SMT-Lib would be very useful here.
addAxiom :: String -> [ String ] -> Symbolic ()
addAxiom nm ax = do
st <- ask
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( raxioms st ) ( ( nm , ax ) : )
-- | Run a symbolic computation in Proof mode and return a 'Result'. The boolean
-- argument indicates if this is a sat instance or not.
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runSymbolic :: ( Bool , Maybe SMTConfig ) -> Symbolic a -> IO Result
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runSymbolic b c = snd ` fmap ` runSymbolic' ( Proof b ) c
-- | Run a symbolic computation, and return a extra value paired up with the 'Result'
runSymbolic' :: SBVRunMode -> Symbolic a -> IO ( a , Result )
runSymbolic' currentRunMode ( Symbolic c ) = do
ctr <- newIORef ( - 2 ) -- start from -2; False and True will always occupy the first two elements
cInfo <- newIORef []
pgm <- newIORef ( SBVPgm S . empty )
emap <- newIORef Map . empty
cmap <- newIORef Map . empty
inps <- newIORef []
outs <- newIORef []
tables <- newIORef Map . empty
arrays <- newIORef IMap . empty
uis <- newIORef Map . empty
cgs <- newIORef Map . empty
axioms <- newIORef []
swCache <- newIORef IMap . empty
aiCache <- newIORef IMap . empty
usedKinds <- newIORef Set . empty
cstrs <- newIORef []
rGen <- case currentRunMode of
Concrete g -> newIORef g
_ -> newStdGen >>= newIORef
let st = State { runMode = currentRunMode
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, pathCond = SBV KBool ( Left trueCW )
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, rStdGen = rGen
, rCInfo = cInfo
, rctr = ctr
, rUsedKinds = usedKinds
, rinps = inps
, routs = outs
, rtblMap = tables
, spgm = pgm
, rconstMap = cmap
, rArrayMap = arrays
, rexprMap = emap
, rUIMap = uis
, rCgMap = cgs
, raxioms = axioms
, rSWCache = swCache
, rAICache = aiCache
, rConstraints = cstrs
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
_ <- newConst st falseCW -- s(-2) == falseSW
_ <- newConst st trueCW -- s(-1) == trueSW
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r <- runReaderT c st
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res <- extractSymbolicSimulationState st
return ( r , res )
-- | Grab the program from a running symbolic simulation state. This is useful for internal purposes, for
-- instance when implementing 'sBranch'.
extractSymbolicSimulationState :: State -> IO Result
extractSymbolicSimulationState st @ State { spgm = pgm , rinps = inps , routs = outs , rtblMap = tables , rArrayMap = arrays , rUIMap = uis , raxioms = axioms
, rUsedKinds = usedKinds , rCgMap = cgs , rCInfo = cInfo , rConstraints = cstrs } = do
SBVPgm rpgm <- readIORef pgm
inpsO <- reverse ` fmap ` readIORef inps
outsO <- reverse ` fmap ` readIORef outs
let swap ( a , b ) = ( b , a )
cmp ( a , _ ) ( b , _ ) = a ` compare ` b
cnsts <- ( sortBy cmp . map swap . Map . toList ) ` fmap ` readIORef ( rconstMap st )
tbls <- ( sortBy ( \ ( ( x , _ , _ ) , _ ) ( ( y , _ , _ ) , _ ) -> x ` compare ` y ) . map swap . Map . toList ) ` fmap ` readIORef tables
arrs <- IMap . toAscList ` fmap ` readIORef arrays
unint <- Map . toList ` fmap ` readIORef uis
axs <- reverse ` fmap ` readIORef axioms
knds <- readIORef usedKinds
cgMap <- Map . toList ` fmap ` readIORef cgs
traceVals <- reverse ` fmap ` readIORef cInfo
extraCstrs <- reverse ` fmap ` readIORef cstrs
return $ Result knds traceVals cgMap inpsO cnsts tbls arrs unint axs ( SBVPgm rpgm ) extraCstrs outsO
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getResult :: Symbolic Result
getResult = do
st <- ask
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liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- * Symbolic Words
-- | A 'SymWord' is a potential symbolic bitvector that can be created instances of
-- to be fed to a symbolic program. Note that these methods are typically not needed
-- in casual uses with 'prove', 'sat', 'allSat' etc, as default instances automatically
-- provide the necessary bits.
class ( HasKind a , Ord a ) => SymWord a where
-- | Create a user named input (universal)
forall :: String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Create an automatically named input
forall_ :: Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Get a bunch of new words
mkForallVars :: Int -> Symbolic [ SBV a ]
-- | Create an existential variable
exists :: String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Create an automatically named existential variable
exists_ :: Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Create a bunch of existentials
mkExistVars :: Int -> Symbolic [ SBV a ]
-- | Create a free variable, universal in a proof, existential in sat
free :: String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Create an unnamed free variable, universal in proof, existential in sat
free_ :: Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Create a bunch of free vars
mkFreeVars :: Int -> Symbolic [ SBV a ]
-- | Similar to free; Just a more convenient name
symbolic :: String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- | Similar to mkFreeVars; but automatically gives names based on the strings
symbolics :: [ String ] -> Symbolic [ SBV a ]
-- | Turn a literal constant to symbolic
literal :: a -> SBV a
-- | Extract a literal, if the value is concrete
unliteral :: SBV a -> Maybe a
-- | Extract a literal, from a CW representation
fromCW :: CW -> a
-- | Is the symbolic word concrete?
isConcrete :: SBV a -> Bool
-- | Is the symbolic word really symbolic?
isSymbolic :: SBV a -> Bool
-- | Does it concretely satisfy the given predicate?
isConcretely :: SBV a -> ( a -> Bool ) -> Bool
-- | max/minbounds, if available. Note that we don't want
-- to impose "Bounded" on our class as Integer is not Bounded but it is a SymWord
mbMaxBound , mbMinBound :: Maybe a
-- | One stop allocator
mkSymWord :: Maybe Quantifier -> Maybe String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
-- minimal complete definition, Nothing.
-- Giving no instances is ok when defining an uninterpreted sort, but otherwise you really
-- want to define: mbMaxBound, mbMinBound, literal, fromCW, mkSymWord
forall = mkSymWord ( Just ALL ) . Just
forall_ = mkSymWord ( Just ALL ) Nothing
exists = mkSymWord ( Just EX ) . Just
exists_ = mkSymWord ( Just EX ) Nothing
free = mkSymWord Nothing . Just
free_ = mkSymWord Nothing Nothing
mkForallVars n = mapM ( const forall_ ) [ 1 .. n ]
mkExistVars n = mapM ( const exists_ ) [ 1 .. n ]
mkFreeVars n = mapM ( const free_ ) [ 1 .. n ]
symbolic = free
symbolics = mapM symbolic
unliteral ( SBV _ ( Left c ) ) = Just $ fromCW c
unliteral _ = Nothing
isConcrete ( SBV _ ( Left _ ) ) = True
isConcrete _ = False
isSymbolic = not . isConcrete
isConcretely s p
| Just i <- unliteral s = p i
| True = False
-- Followings, you really want to define them unless the instance is for an uninterpreted sort
mbMaxBound = Nothing
mbMinBound = Nothing
literal x = error $ " Cannot create symbolic literals for kind: " ++ show ( kindOf x )
fromCW cw = error $ " Cannot convert CW " ++ show cw ++ " to kind " ++ show ( kindOf ( undefined :: a ) )
default mkSymWord :: Data a => Maybe Quantifier -> Maybe String -> Symbolic ( SBV a )
mkSymWord mbQ mbNm = do
let sortName = tyconUQname . dataTypeName . dataTypeOf $ ( undefined :: a )
st <- ask
let k = KUninterpreted sortName
liftIO $ registerKind st k
let q = case ( mbQ , runMode st ) of
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
( Just x , _ ) -> x
( Nothing , Proof ( True , _ ) ) -> EX
( Nothing , Proof ( False , _ ) ) -> ALL
( Nothing , Concrete { } ) -> error $ " SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in concrete simulation mode. "
( Nothing , CodeGen ) -> error $ " SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in code-generation mode. "
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
ctr <- liftIO $ incCtr st
let sw = SW k ( NodeId ctr )
nm = maybe ( 's' : show ctr ) id mbNm
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( rinps st ) ( ( q , ( sw , nm ) ) : )
return $ SBV k $ Right $ cache ( const ( return sw ) )
instance ( Random a , SymWord a ) => Random ( SBV a ) where
randomR ( l , h ) g = case ( unliteral l , unliteral h ) of
( Just lb , Just hb ) -> let ( v , g' ) = randomR ( lb , hb ) g in ( literal ( v :: a ) , g' )
_ -> error $ " SBV.Random: Cannot generate random values with symbolic bounds "
random g = let ( v , g' ) = random g in ( literal ( v :: a ) , g' )
-- * Symbolic Arrays
-- | Flat arrays of symbolic values
-- An @array a b@ is an array indexed by the type @'SBV' a@, with elements of type @'SBV' b@
-- If an initial value is not provided in 'newArray_' and 'newArray' methods, then the elements
-- are left unspecified, i.e., the solver is free to choose any value. This is the right thing
-- to do if arrays are used as inputs to functions to be verified, typically.
-- While it's certainly possible for user to create instances of 'SymArray', the
-- 'SArray' and 'SFunArray' instances already provided should cover most use cases
-- in practice. (There are some differences between these models, however, see the corresponding
-- declaration.)
-- Minimal complete definition: All methods are required, no defaults.
class SymArray array where
-- | Create a new array, with an optional initial value
newArray_ :: ( HasKind a , HasKind b ) => Maybe ( SBV b ) -> Symbolic ( array a b )
-- | Create a named new array, with an optional initial value
newArray :: ( HasKind a , HasKind b ) => String -> Maybe ( SBV b ) -> Symbolic ( array a b )
-- | Read the array element at @a@
readArray :: array a b -> SBV a -> SBV b
-- | Reset all the elements of the array to the value @b@
resetArray :: SymWord b => array a b -> SBV b -> array a b
-- | Update the element at @a@ to be @b@
writeArray :: SymWord b => array a b -> SBV a -> SBV b -> array a b
-- | Merge two given arrays on the symbolic condition
-- Intuitively: @mergeArrays cond a b = if cond then a else b@.
-- Merging pushes the if-then-else choice down on to elements
mergeArrays :: SymWord b => SBV Bool -> array a b -> array a b -> array a b
-- | Arrays implemented in terms of SMT-arrays: <http://goedel.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib/theories/ArraysEx.smt2>
-- * Maps directly to SMT-lib arrays
-- * Reading from an unintialized value is OK and yields an uninterpreted result
-- * Can check for equality of these arrays
-- * Cannot quick-check theorems using @SArray@ values
-- * Typically slower as it heavily relies on SMT-solving for the array theory
data SArray a b = SArray ( Kind , Kind ) ( Cached ArrayIndex )
-- | An array index is simple an int value
type ArrayIndex = Int
instance ( HasKind a , HasKind b ) => Show ( SArray a b ) where
show ( SArray { } ) = " SArray< " ++ showType ( undefined :: a ) ++ " : " ++ showType ( undefined :: b ) ++ " > "
instance SymArray SArray where
newArray_ = declNewSArray ( \ t -> " array_ " ++ show t )
newArray n = declNewSArray ( const n )
readArray ( SArray ( _ , bk ) f ) a = SBV bk $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do arr <- uncacheAI f st
i <- sbvToSW st a
newExpr st bk ( SBVApp ( ArrRead arr ) [ i ] )
resetArray ( SArray ainfo f ) b = SArray ainfo $ cache g
where g st = do amap <- readIORef ( rArrayMap st )
val <- sbvToSW st b
i <- uncacheAI f st
let j = IMap . size amap
j ` seq ` modifyIORef ( rArrayMap st ) ( IMap . insert j ( " array_ " ++ show j , ainfo , ArrayReset i val ) )
return j
writeArray ( SArray ainfo f ) a b = SArray ainfo $ cache g
where g st = do arr <- uncacheAI f st
addr <- sbvToSW st a
val <- sbvToSW st b
amap <- readIORef ( rArrayMap st )
let j = IMap . size amap
j ` seq ` modifyIORef ( rArrayMap st ) ( IMap . insert j ( " array_ " ++ show j , ainfo , ArrayMutate arr addr val ) )
return j
mergeArrays t ( SArray ainfo a ) ( SArray _ b ) = SArray ainfo $ cache h
where h st = do ai <- uncacheAI a st
bi <- uncacheAI b st
ts <- sbvToSW st t
amap <- readIORef ( rArrayMap st )
let k = IMap . size amap
k ` seq ` modifyIORef ( rArrayMap st ) ( IMap . insert k ( " array_ " ++ show k , ainfo , ArrayMerge ts ai bi ) )
return k
-- | Declare a new symbolic array, with a potential initial value
declNewSArray :: forall a b . ( HasKind a , HasKind b ) => ( Int -> String ) -> Maybe ( SBV b ) -> Symbolic ( SArray a b )
declNewSArray mkNm mbInit = do
let aknd = kindOf ( undefined :: a )
bknd = kindOf ( undefined :: b )
st <- ask
amap <- liftIO $ readIORef $ rArrayMap st
let i = IMap . size amap
nm = mkNm i
actx <- liftIO $ case mbInit of
Nothing -> return $ ArrayFree Nothing
Just ival -> sbvToSW st ival >>= \ sw -> return $ ArrayFree ( Just sw )
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( rArrayMap st ) ( IMap . insert i ( nm , ( aknd , bknd ) , actx ) )
return $ SArray ( aknd , bknd ) $ cache $ const $ return i
-- | Arrays implemented internally as functions
-- * Internally handled by the library and not mapped to SMT-Lib
-- * Reading an uninitialized value is considered an error (will throw exception)
-- * Cannot check for equality (internally represented as functions)
-- * Can quick-check
-- * Typically faster as it gets compiled away during translation
data SFunArray a b = SFunArray ( SBV a -> SBV b )
instance ( HasKind a , HasKind b ) => Show ( SFunArray a b ) where
show ( SFunArray _ ) = " SFunArray< " ++ showType ( undefined :: a ) ++ " : " ++ showType ( undefined :: b ) ++ " > "
-- | Lift a function to an array. Useful for creating arrays in a pure context. (Otherwise use `newArray`.)
mkSFunArray :: ( SBV a -> SBV b ) -> SFunArray a b
mkSFunArray = SFunArray
-- | Handling constraints
imposeConstraint :: SBool -> Symbolic ()
imposeConstraint c = do st <- ask
case runMode st of
CodeGen -> error " SBV: constraints are not allowed in code-generation "
_ -> do liftIO $ do v <- sbvToSW st c
modifyIORef ( rConstraints st ) ( v : )
-- | Add a constraint with a given probability
addConstraint :: Maybe Double -> SBool -> SBool -> Symbolic ()
addConstraint Nothing c _ = imposeConstraint c
addConstraint ( Just t ) c c'
| t < 0 || t > 1
= error $ " SBV: pConstrain: Invalid probability threshold: " ++ show t ++ " , must be in [0, 1]. "
| True
= do st <- ask
when ( not ( isConcreteMode ( runMode st ) ) ) $ error " SBV: pConstrain only allowed in 'genTest' or 'quickCheck' contexts. "
case () of
() | t > 0 && t < 1 -> liftIO ( throwDice st ) >>= \ d -> imposeConstraint ( if d <= t then c else c' )
| t > 0 -> imposeConstraint c
| True -> imposeConstraint c'
-- * Cached values
-- | We implement a peculiar caching mechanism, applicable to the use case in
-- implementation of SBV's. Whenever we do a state based computation, we do
-- not want to keep on evaluating it in the then-current state. That will
-- produce essentially a semantically equivalent value. Thus, we want to run
-- it only once, and reuse that result, capturing the sharing at the Haskell
-- level. This is similar to the "type-safe observable sharing" work, but also
-- takes into the account of how symbolic simulation executes.
-- See Andy Gill's type-safe obervable sharing trick for the inspiration behind
-- this technique: <http://ittc.ku.edu/~andygill/paper.php?label=DSLExtract09>
-- Note that this is *not* a general memo utility!
newtype Cached a = Cached ( State -> IO a )
-- | Cache a state-based computation
cache :: ( State -> IO a ) -> Cached a
cache = Cached
-- | Uncache a previously cached computation
uncache :: Cached SW -> State -> IO SW
uncache = uncacheGen rSWCache
-- | Uncache, retrieving array indexes
uncacheAI :: Cached ArrayIndex -> State -> IO ArrayIndex
uncacheAI = uncacheGen rAICache
-- | Generic uncaching. Note that this is entirely safe, since we do it in the IO monad.
uncacheGen :: ( State -> IORef ( Cache a ) ) -> Cached a -> State -> IO a
uncacheGen getCache ( Cached f ) st = do
let rCache = getCache st
stored <- readIORef rCache
sn <- f ` seq ` makeStableName f
let h = hashStableName sn
case maybe Nothing ( sn ` lookup ` ) ( h ` IMap . lookup ` stored ) of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do r <- f st
r ` seq ` modifyIORef rCache ( IMap . insertWith ( ++ ) h [ ( sn , r ) ] )
return r
-- | Representation of SMTLib Program versions, currently we only know of versions 1 and 2.
-- (NB. Eventually, we should just drop SMTLib1.)
data SMTLibVersion = SMTLib1
| SMTLib2
deriving Eq
-- | Representation of an SMT-Lib program. In between pre and post goes the refuted models
data SMTLibPgm = SMTLibPgm SMTLibVersion ( [ ( String , SW ) ] -- alias table
, [ String ] -- pre: declarations.
, [ String ] ) -- post: formula
instance NFData SMTLibVersion
instance NFData SMTLibPgm
instance Show SMTLibPgm where
show ( SMTLibPgm _ ( _ , pre , post ) ) = intercalate " \ n " $ pre ++ post
-- Other Technicalities..
instance NFData CW where
rnf ( CW x y ) = x ` seq ` y ` seq ` ()
instance NFData Result where
rnf ( Result kindInfo qcInfo cgs inps consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstr outs )
= rnf kindInfo ` seq ` rnf qcInfo ` seq ` rnf cgs ` seq ` rnf inps
` seq ` rnf consts ` seq ` rnf tbls ` seq ` rnf arrs
` seq ` rnf uis ` seq ` rnf axs ` seq ` rnf pgm
` seq ` rnf cstr ` seq ` rnf outs
instance NFData Kind
instance NFData ArrayContext
instance NFData SW
instance NFData SBVExpr
instance NFData Quantifier
instance NFData SBVType
instance NFData UnintKind
instance NFData a => NFData ( Cached a ) where
rnf ( Cached f ) = f ` seq ` ()
instance NFData a => NFData ( SBV a ) where
rnf ( SBV x y ) = rnf x ` seq ` rnf y ` seq ` ()
instance NFData SBVPgm
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
instance NFData SMTResult where
rnf ( Unsatisfiable _ ) = ()
rnf ( Satisfiable _ xs ) = rnf xs ` seq ` ()
rnf ( Unknown _ xs ) = rnf xs ` seq ` ()
rnf ( ProofError _ xs ) = rnf xs ` seq ` ()
rnf ( TimeOut _ ) = ()
instance NFData SMTModel where
rnf ( SMTModel assocs unints uarrs ) = rnf assocs ` seq ` rnf unints ` seq ` rnf uarrs ` seq ` ()
-- | SMT-Lib logics. If left unspecified SBV will pick the logic based on what it determines is needed. However, the
-- user can override this choice using the 'useLogic' parameter to the configuration. This is especially handy if
-- one is experimenting with custom logics that might be supported on new solvers.
data SMTLibLogic
= AUFLIA -- ^ Formulas over the theory of linear integer arithmetic and arrays extended with free sort and function symbols but restricted to arrays with integer indices and values
| AUFLIRA -- ^ Linear formulas with free sort and function symbols over one- and two-dimentional arrays of integer index and real value
| AUFNIRA -- ^ Formulas with free function and predicate symbols over a theory of arrays of arrays of integer index and real value
| LRA -- ^ Linear formulas in linear real arithmetic
| UFLRA -- ^ Linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| UFNIA -- ^ Non-linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_ABV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays
| QF_AUFBV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays extended with free sort and function symbols
| QF_AUFLIA -- ^ Quantifier-free linear formulas over the theory of integer arrays extended with free sort and function symbols
| QF_AX -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of arrays with extensionality
| QF_BV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of fixed-size bitvectors
| QF_IDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers. Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are integer variables and b is an integer constant
| QF_LIA -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over integer variables
| QF_LRA -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over real variables.
| QF_NIA -- ^ Quantifier-free integer arithmetic.
| QF_NRA -- ^ Quantifier-free real arithmetic.
| QF_RDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the reals. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are real variables and b is a rational constant.
| QF_UF -- ^ Unquantified formulas built over a signature of uninterpreted (i.e., free) sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFBV -- ^ Unquantified formulas over bitvectors with uninterpreted sort function and symbols.
| QF_UFIDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers (in essence) but with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFLIA -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFLRA -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFNRA -- ^ Unquantified non-linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_FPABV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers, arrays, and bit-vectors
| QF_FPA -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers
deriving Show
-- | Chosen logic for the solver
data Logic = PredefinedLogic SMTLibLogic -- ^ Use one of the logics as defined by the standard
| CustomLogic String -- ^ Use this name for the logic
instance Show Logic where
show ( PredefinedLogic l ) = show l
show ( CustomLogic s ) = s
2014-04-18 02:34:25 +04:00
-- | Translation tricks needed for specific capabilities afforded by each solver
data SolverCapabilities = SolverCapabilities {
capSolverName :: String -- ^ Name of the solver
, mbDefaultLogic :: Maybe String -- ^ set-logic string to use in case not automatically determined (if any)
, supportsMacros :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver understand SMT-Lib2 macros?
, supportsProduceModels :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver understand produce-models option setting
, supportsQuantifiers :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver understand SMT-Lib2 style quantifiers?
, supportsUninterpretedSorts :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver understand SMT-Lib2 style uninterpreted-sorts
, supportsUnboundedInts :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support unbounded integers?
, supportsReals :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support reals?
, supportsFloats :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support single-precision floating point numbers?
, supportsDoubles :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support double-precision floating point numbers?
2014-07-22 02:23:34 +04:00
-- | Solver configuration. See also 'z3', 'yices', 'cvc4', 'boolector', 'mathSAT', etc. which are instantiations of this type for those solvers, with
-- reasonable defaults. In particular, custom configuration can be created by varying those values. (Such as @z3{verbose=True}@.)
-- Most fields are self explanatory. The notion of precision for printing algebraic reals stems from the fact that such values does
-- not necessarily have finite decimal representations, and hence we have to stop printing at some depth. It is important to
-- emphasize that such values always have infinite precision internally. The issue is merely with how we print such an infinite
-- precision value on the screen. The field 'printRealPrec' controls the printing precision, by specifying the number of digits after
-- the decimal point. The default value is 16, but it can be set to any positive integer.
-- When printing, SBV will add the suffix @...@ at the and of a real-value, if the given bound is not sufficient to represent the real-value
-- exactly. Otherwise, the number will be written out in standard decimal notation. Note that SBV will always print the whole value if it
-- is precise (i.e., if it fits in a finite number of digits), regardless of the precision limit. The limit only applies if the representation
-- of the real value is not finite, i.e., if it is not rational.
data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
verbose :: Bool -- ^ Debug mode
, timing :: Bool -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
, sBranchTimeOut :: Maybe Int -- ^ How much time to give to the solver for each call of 'sBranch' check. (In seconds. Default: No limit.)
, timeOut :: Maybe Int -- ^ How much time to give to the solver. (In seconds. Default: No limit.)
, printBase :: Int -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 8, and 10, and 16 are supported.)
, printRealPrec :: Int -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
, solverTweaks :: [ String ] -- ^ Additional lines of script to give to the solver (user specified)
, satCmd :: String -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
, smtFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the generated SMT script will be put in this file (for debugging purposes mostly)
, useSMTLib2 :: Bool -- ^ If True, we'll treat the solver as using SMTLib2 input format. Otherwise, SMTLib1
, solver :: SMTSolver -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
, roundingMode :: RoundingMode -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
, useLogic :: Maybe Logic -- ^ If Nothing, pick automatically. Otherwise, either use the given one, or use the custom string.
instance Show SMTConfig where
show = show . solver
-- | A model, as returned by a solver
data SMTModel = SMTModel {
modelAssocs :: [ ( String , CW ) ] -- ^ Mapping of symbolic values to constants.
, modelArrays :: [ ( String , [ String ] ) ] -- ^ Arrays, very crude; only works with Yices.
, modelUninterps :: [ ( String , [ String ] ) ] -- ^ Uninterpreted funcs; very crude; only works with Yices.
deriving Show
-- | The result of an SMT solver call. Each constructor is tagged with
-- the 'SMTConfig' that created it so that further tools can inspect it
-- and build layers of results, if needed. For ordinary uses of the library,
-- this type should not be needed, instead use the accessor functions on
-- it. (Custom Show instances and model extractors.)
data SMTResult = Unsatisfiable SMTConfig -- ^ Unsatisfiable
| Satisfiable SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Satisfiable with model
| Unknown SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Prover returned unknown, with a potential (possibly bogus) model
| ProofError SMTConfig [ String ] -- ^ Prover errored out
| TimeOut SMTConfig -- ^ Computation timed out (see the 'timeout' combinator)
-- | A script, to be passed to the solver.
data SMTScript = SMTScript {
scriptBody :: String -- ^ Initial feed
, scriptModel :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional continuation script, if the result is sat
-- | An SMT engine
type SMTEngine = SMTConfig -> Bool -> [ ( Quantifier , NamedSymVar ) ] -> [ ( String , UnintKind ) ] -> [ Either SW ( SW , [ SW ] ) ] -> String -> IO SMTResult
-- | Solvers that SBV is aware of
data Solver = Z3
| Yices
| Boolector
| CVC4
| MathSAT
deriving ( Show , Enum , Bounded )
-- | An SMT solver
data SMTSolver = SMTSolver {
name :: Solver -- ^ The solver in use
, executable :: String -- ^ The path to its executable
, options :: [ String ] -- ^ Options to provide to the solver
, engine :: SMTEngine -- ^ The solver engine, responsible for interpreting solver output
, xformExitCode :: ExitCode -> ExitCode -- ^ Should we re-interpret exit codes. Most solvers behave rationally, i.e., id will do. Some (like CVC4) don't.
, capabilities :: SolverCapabilities -- ^ Various capabilities of the solver
instance Show SMTSolver where
show = show . name