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Summary of Changes

Cryptol version 2 Cryptol version 1 Summary
[ False, True, True ] (==3) [ False True True ] (== 6) Big-endian word representation
[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ] [ 1 1 2 3 5 ] Commas separate sequence entries
x = 1 x = 1; Uses layout instead of ;'s and {'s
[ x | x <- [1 .. 10] ] [| x || x <- [ 1 .. 10] |] Cleaner sequence constructor syntax
f : {a,b} a -> b f : {a b} a -> b Commas separate type variables
take`{1} xs take(1, xs) First-class type parameters
x ^^ 2 x ** 2 ^^ for exponentiation
<| x^^2 + 1 |> <| x^2 + 1 |> Polynomial exponentiation now uniform
[0 ..]:[_][8] take(255, [0 ..]:[inf][8]) Both produce [0 .. 255]
[0 ...]:[inf][8] [0 ..]:[inf][8] Both produce [0 .. 255](repeated)
[9, 8 .. 0] [9 -- 0] Step defines decreasing sequences
&&, ||, ^ &, |, ^ Boolean operator syntax
(1,2,3).0 (== 1) project(1,3,(1,2,3)) (==1) Tuple projection syntax (and 0-based)
property foo xs=... theorem foo: {xs}. xs==... Properties replace theorems (see below)