2019-09-03 10:16:15 -07:00

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2.8.0 (September 4, 2019)

New features

  • Added support for indexing on the left-hand sides of declarations, record field constructors, and record updaters (issue #577). This builds on a new primitive function called generate, where the new syntax x @ i = e is sugar for x = generate (\i -> e).

  • Added support for element type ascriptions on sequence enumerations. The syntax [a,b..c:t] indicates that the elements should be of type t.

  • Added support for wildcards in sequence enumerations. For example, the syntax [1 .. _] : [3][8] yields [0x01, 0x02, 0x03]. It can also be used polymorphically. For example, the most general type of [1 .. _] is {n, a} (n >= 1, Literal n a, fin n) => [n]a

  • Changed the syntax of type signatures to allow multiple constraint arrows in type schemas (issue #599). The following are now equivalent:

      f : {a} (fin a, a >= 1) => [a] -> [a]
      f : {a} (fin a) => (a >= 1) => [a] -> [a]
  • Added a mechanism for user-defined type constraint operators, and use this to define the new type constraint synonyms (<) and (>) (issues #400, #618).

  • Added support for primitive type declarations. The prelude now uses this mechanism to declare all of the basic types.

  • Added support for Haskell-style "block arguments", reducing the need for parentheses in some cases. For example, generate (\i -> i +1) can now be written generate \i -> i + 1.

  • Improved shadowing errors (part of the fix for issue #569).

Bug fixes

  • Closed many issues, including #265, #367, #437, #508, #522, #549, #557, #559, #569, #578, #590, #595, #596, #601, #607, #608, #610, #615, #621, and #636.

2.7.0 (April 30, 2019)

New features

  • Added syntax for record updates (see #399 for details of implemented and planned features).

  • Updated the :browse command to list module parameters (issue #586).

  • Added support for test vector creation (the :dumptests command). This feature computes a list of random inputs and outputs for the given expression of function type and saves it to a file. This is useful for generating tests from a trusted Cryptol specification to apply to an implementation written in another language.

Breaking changes

  • Removed the [x..] construct from the language (issue #574). It was shorthand for [x..2^^n-1] for a bit vector of size n, which was often not what the user intended. Users should instead write either [x..y] or [x...], to construct a smaller range or a lazy sequence, respectively.

  • Renamed the value-level width function to length, and generalized its type (issue #550). It does not behave identically to the type-level width operator, which led to confusion. The name length matches more closely with similar functions in other languages.

Bug fixes

  • Improved type checking performance of decimal literals.

  • Improved type checking of /^ and %^ (issues #581, #582).

  • Improved performance of sequence updates with the update primitive (issue #579).

  • Fixed elapsed time printed by :prove and :sat (issue #572).

  • Fixed SMT-Lib formulas generated for right shifts (issue #566).

  • Fixed crash when importing non-parameterized modules with the backtick prefix (issue #565).

  • Improved performance of symbolic execution for Z n (issue #554).

  • Fixed interpretation of the satNum option so finding multiple solutions doesn't run forever (issue #553).

  • Improved type checking of the length function (issue #548).

  • Improved error message when trying to prove properties in parameterized modules (issue #545).

  • Stopped warning about defaulting at the REPL when warnDefaulting is set to false (issue #543).

  • Fixed builds on non-x86 architectures (issue #542).

  • Made browsing of interactively-bound identifiers work better (issue #538).

  • Fixed a bug that allowed changing the semantics of the _ # _ pattern and the - and ~ operators by creating local definitions of functions that they expand to (issue #568).

  • Closed issues #498, #547, #551, #562, and #563.

Solver versions

Cryptol can interact with a variety of external SMT solvers to support the :prove and :sat commands, and requires Z3 for its type checker. Many versions of these solvers will work correctly, but for Yices and Z3 we recommend the following specific versions.

  • Z3 4.7.1
  • Yices 2.6.1

For Yices, this is the latest version at the time of this writing. For Z3, it is not, and the latest versions (4.8.x) include changes that cause some examples that previously succeeded to time out when type checking.