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-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Parsing of S-expressions (mainly used for parsing SMT-Lib get-value output)
module Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr where
import Data.Char (isDigit, ord)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Numeric (readInt, readDec, readHex, fromRat)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data (nan, infinity)
-- | ADT S-Expression format, suitable for representing get-model output of SMT-Lib
data SExpr = ECon String
| ENum Integer
| EReal AlgReal
| EFloat Float
| EDouble Double
| EApp [SExpr]
deriving Show
-- | Parse a string into an SExpr, potentially failing with an error message
parseSExpr :: String -> Either String SExpr
parseSExpr inp = do (sexp, extras) <- parse inpToks
if null extras
then return sexp
else die "Extra tokens after valid input"
where inpToks = let cln "" sofar = sofar
cln ('(':r) sofar = cln r (" ( " ++ sofar)
cln (')':r) sofar = cln r (" ) " ++ sofar)
cln (':':':':r) sofar = cln r (" :: " ++ sofar)
cln (c:r) sofar = cln r (c:sofar)
in reverse (map reverse (words (cln inp "")))
die w = fail $ "SBV.Provers.SExpr: Failed to parse S-Expr: " ++ w
++ "\n*** Input : <" ++ inp ++ ">"
parse [] = die "ran out of tokens"
parse ("(":toks) = do (f, r) <- parseApp toks []
f' <- cvt (EApp f)
return (f', r)
parse (")":_) = die "extra tokens after close paren"
parse [tok] = do t <- pTok tok
return (t, [])
parse _ = die "ill-formed s-expr"
parseApp [] _ = die "failed to grab s-expr application"
parseApp (")":toks) sofar = return (reverse sofar, toks)
parseApp ("(":toks) sofar = do (f, r) <- parse ("(":toks)
parseApp r (f : sofar)
parseApp (tok:toks) sofar = do t <- pTok tok
parseApp toks (t : sofar)
pTok "false" = return $ ENum 0
pTok "true" = return $ ENum 1
pTok ('0':'b':r) = mkNum $ readInt 2 (`elem` "01") (\c -> ord c - ord '0') r
pTok ('b':'v':r) = mkNum $ readDec (takeWhile (/= '[') r)
pTok ('#':'b':r) = mkNum $ readInt 2 (`elem` "01") (\c -> ord c - ord '0') r
pTok ('#':'x':r) = mkNum $ readHex r
pTok n
| not (null n) && isDigit (head n)
= if '.' `elem` n then getReal n
else mkNum $ readDec n
pTok n = return $ ECon n
mkNum [(n, "")] = return $ ENum n
mkNum _ = die "cannot read number"
getReal n = return $ EReal $ mkPolyReal (Left (exact, n'))
where exact = not ("?" `isPrefixOf` reverse n)
n' | exact = n
| True = init n
-- simplify numbers and root-obj values
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", EReal a, EReal b]) = return $ EReal (a / b)
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", EReal a, ENum b]) = return $ EReal (a / fromInteger b)
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", ENum a, EReal b]) = return $ EReal (fromInteger a / b)
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", ENum a, ENum b]) = return $ EReal (fromInteger a / fromInteger b)
cvt (EApp [ECon "-", EReal a]) = return $ EReal (-a)
cvt (EApp [ECon "-", ENum a]) = return $ ENum (-a)
-- bit-vector value as CVC4 prints: (_ bv0 16) for instance
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ENum a, ENum _b]) = return $ ENum a
cvt (EApp [ECon "root-obj", EApp (ECon "+":trms), ENum k]) = do ts <- mapM getCoeff trms
return $ EReal $ mkPolyReal (Right (k, ts))
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, EApp [ECon "_", ECon "FP", ENum 11, ENum 53]]) = getDouble n
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, EApp [ECon "_", ECon "FP", ENum 8, ENum 24]]) = getFloat n
cvt x = return x
getCoeff (EApp [ECon "*", ENum k, EApp [ECon "^", ECon "x", ENum p]]) = return (k, p) -- kx^p
getCoeff (EApp [ECon "*", ENum k, ECon "x" ] ) = return (k, 1) -- kx
getCoeff ( EApp [ECon "^", ECon "x", ENum p] ) = return (1, p) -- x^p
getCoeff ( ECon "x" ) = return (1, 1) -- x
getCoeff ( ENum k ) = return (k, 0) -- k
getCoeff x = die $ "Cannot parse a root-obj,\nProcessing term: " ++ show x
getDouble (ECon s) = case (s, rdFP (dropWhile (== '+') s)) of
("plusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EDouble infinity
("minusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EDouble (-infinity)
("NaN", _ ) -> return $ EDouble nan
(_, Just v) -> return $ EDouble v
_ -> die $ "Cannot parse a double value from: " ++ s
getDouble (EReal r) = return $ EDouble $ fromRat $ toRational r
getDouble x = die $ "Cannot parse a double value from: " ++ show x
getFloat (ECon s) = case (s, rdFP (dropWhile (== '+') s)) of
("plusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EFloat infinity
("minusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EFloat (-infinity)
("NaN", _ ) -> return $ EFloat nan
(_, Just v) -> return $ EFloat v
_ -> die $ "Cannot parse a float value from: " ++ s
getFloat (EReal r) = return $ EFloat $ fromRat $ toRational r
getFloat x = die $ "Cannot parse a float value from: " ++ show x
-- | Parses the Z3 floating point formatted numbers like so: 1.321p5/1.2123e9 etc.
rdFP :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => String -> Maybe a
rdFP s = case break (`elem` "pe") s of
(m, 'p':e) -> rd m >>= \m' -> rd e >>= \e' -> return $ m' * ( 2 ** e')
(m, 'e':e) -> rd m >>= \m' -> rd e >>= \e' -> return $ m' * (10 ** e')
(m, "") -> rd m
_ -> Nothing
where rd v = case reads v of
[(n, "")] -> Just n
_ -> Nothing