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synced 2024-12-02 23:25:03 +03:00
* Add docstrings for all prelude functions and fix minor style issues. Fixes #771 * Update `CryptolPrims` documentation * Minor updates to the prelude * Update CHANGES * Updates to the cryptol book and CryptolPrims * Fix several additional docstrings * Specify and document properties of signed bitvector division. Fixes #677 * Fixup test * typos and style * Regenerate PDFs
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Typeclass Heriarchy
/ \
Logic Ring Eq
/ \ / \
Integral Field Cmp SignedCmp
\ /
This diagram describes how the various typeclasses in
Cryptol are related. A type which is an instance of a
subclass is also always a member of all of its superclasses.
For example, any type which is a member of Field
is also
a member of Ring
and Zero
type Literal : # -> * -> Prop
number : {val, rep} Literal val rep => rep
length : {n, a, b} (fin n, Literal n b) => [n]a -> b
// '[a..b]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromTo`{first=a,last=b}'
fromTo : {first, last, a}
(fin last, last >= first,
Literal first a, Literal last a) =>
[1 + (last - first)]a
// '[a,b..c]' is syntactic sugar for 'fromThenTo`{first=a,next=b,last=c}'
fromThenTo : {first, next, last, a, len}
( fin first, fin next, fin last
, Literal first a, Literal next a, Literal last a
, first != next
, lengthFromThenTo first next last == len) =>
type Zero : * -> Prop
zero : {a} (Zero a) => a
Every base and structured type in Cryptol is a member of class Zero
type Logic : * -> Prop
False : Bit
True : Bit
(&&) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
(||) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
(^) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
complement : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a
// The prefix notation '~ x' is syntactic
// sugar for 'complement x'.
(==>) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
(/\) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
(\/) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
instance Logic Bit
instance (Logic a) => Logic ([n]a)
instance (Logic b) => Logic (a -> b)
instance (Logic a, Logic b) => Logic (a, b)
instance (Logic a, Logic b) => Logic { x : a, y : b }
// No instance for `Logic Integer`.
// No instance for `Logic (Z n)`.
// No instance for `Logic Rational`.
type Ring : * -> Prop
fromInteger : {a} (Ring a) => Integer -> a
(+) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
(-) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
(*) : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
negate : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a
// The prefix notation `- x` is syntactic
// sugar for `negate x`.
type Integral : * -> Prop
(/) : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
(%) : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
toInteger : {a} (Integral a) => a -> Integer
infFrom : {a} (Integral a) => a -> [inf]a
// '[x...]' is syntactic sugar for 'infFrom x'
infFromThen : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> [inf]a
// [x,y...]' is syntactic sugar for 'infFromThen x y'
type Field : * -> Prop
(/.) : {a} (Field a) => a -> a -> a
recip : {a} (Field a) => a -> a
type Round : * -> Prop
floor : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
ceiling : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
trunc : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
roundAway : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
roundToEven : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
(^^) : {a, e} (Ring a, Integral e) => a -> e -> a
// No instance for `Bit`.
instance (fin n) => Ring ([n]Bit)
instance (Ring a) => Ring ([n]a)
instance (Ring b) => Ring (a -> b)
instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring (a, b)
instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring { x : a, y : b }
instance Ring Integer
instance (fin n, n>=1) => Ring (Z n)
instance Ring Rational
Note that because there is no instance for Ring Bit
the top two instances do not actually overlap.
instance Integral Integer
instance (fin n) => Integral ([n]Bit)
instance Field Rational
instance Round Rational
Equality Comparisons
type Eq : * -> Prop
(==) : {a} (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bit
(!=) : {a} (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bit
(===) : {a,b} (Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bit
(!==) : {a,b} (Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bit
instance Eq Bit
instance (Eq a, fin n) => Eq [n]a
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b)
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq { x : a, y : b }
instance Eq Integer
instance Eq Rational
instance (fin n, n>=1) => Eq (Z n)
// No instance for functions.
Comparisons and Ordering
type Cmp : * -> Prop
(<) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(>) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(<=) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(>=) : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
min : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
max : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
abs : {a} (Cmp a, Ring a) => a -> a
instance Cmp Bit
instance (Cmp a, fin n) => Cmp [n]a
instance (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp (a, b)
instance (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp { x : a, y : b }
instance Cmp Integer
instance Cmp Rational
// No instance for functions.
Signed Comparisons
type SignedCmp : * -> Prop
(<$) : {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(>$) : {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(<=$) : {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
(>=$) : {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
// No instance for Bit
instance (fin n, n >= 1) => SignedCmp [n]
instance (SignedCmp a, fin n) => SignedCmp [n]a
// (for [n]a, where a is other than Bit)
instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp (a, b)
instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp { x : a, y : b }
// No instance for functions.
(/$) : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
(%$) : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
carry : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
scarry : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
sborrow : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
zext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n) => [n] -> [m]
sext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [m]
lg2 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
// Arithmetic shift only for bitvectors
(>>$) : {n, ix} (fin n, n >= 1, Integral ix) => [n] -> ix -> [n]
ratio : Integer -> Integer -> Rational
fromZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Integer
join : {parts,each,a} (fin each) => [parts][each]a -> [parts * each]a
split : {parts,each,a} (fin each) => [parts * each]a -> [parts][each]a
(#) : {front,back,a} (fin front) => [front]a -> [back]a -> [front + back]a
splitAt : {front,back,a} (fin front) => [from + back] a -> ([front] a, [back] a)
reverse : {n,a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [n]a
transpose : {n,m,a} [n][m]a -> [m][n]a
(@) : {n,a,ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
(@@) : {n,k,ix,a} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
(!) : {n,a,ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
(!!) : {n,k,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
update : {n,a,ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n,a,ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n,k,ix,a} (Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n,k,ix,d} (fin n, Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
take : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back]elem -> [front]elem
drop : {front,back,elem} (fin front) => [front + back]elem -> [back]elem
head : {a, b} [1 + a]b -> b
tail : {a, b} [1 + a]b -> [a]b
last : {a, b} [1 + a]b -> b
// Declarations of the form 'x @ i = e' are syntactic
// sugar for 'x = generate (\i -> e)'.
generate : {n, a} (fin n, n >= 1) => (Integer -> a) -> [n]a
groupBy : {each,parts,elem} (fin each) => [parts * each]elem -> [parts][each]elem
Function groupBy
is the same as split
but with its type arguments
in a different order.
Shift And Rotate
(<<) : {n,ix,a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(>>) : {n,ix,a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(<<<) : {n,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
(>>>) : {n,ix,a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
GF(2) polynomials
pmult : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [1 + u] -> [1 + v] -> [1 + u + v]
pdiv : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [u] -> [v] -> [u]
pmod : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [u] -> [1 + v] -> [v]
Random Values
random : {a} => [256] -> a
Errors and Assertions
undefined : {a} a
error : {a,n} (fin n) => String n -> a
assert : {a,n} (fin n) => Bit -> String n -> a -> a
trace : {n, a, b} (fin n) => String n -> a -> b -> b
traceVal : {n, a} (fin n) => String n -> a -> a
Utility operations
and : {n} (fin n) => [n]Bit -> Bit
or : {n} (fin n) => [n]Bit -> Bit
all : {n, a} (fin n) => (a -> Bit) -> [n]a -> Bit
any : {n, a} (fin n) => (a -> Bit) -> [n]a -> Bit
elem : {n, a} (fin n, Eq a) => a -> [n]a -> Bit
map : {n, a, b} (a -> b) -> [n]a -> [n]b
foldl : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
foldr : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> b
scanl : {n, b, a} (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> [n+1]b
scanr : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> [n+1]b
sum : {n, a} (fin n, Ring a) => [n]a -> a
iterate : {a} (a -> a) -> a -> [inf]a
repeat : {n, a} a -> [n]a
zip : {n, a, b} [n]a -> [n]b -> [n](a, b)
zipWith : {n, a, b, c} (a -> b -> c) -> [n]a -> [n]b -> [n]c
uncurry : {a, b, c} (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
curry : {a, b, c} ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c